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Chapter 10 Saving People

"Apprentice?! When did I say I wanted to be your apprentice?"

I looked at Uncle Huo in confusion.

"Your consent is not needed. This is your fate and no one can change it."

When I heard this, I turned around quickly and looked at Aunt Liu. Unexpectedly, she nodded at me and said:

"Uncle Huo is right. This is your destiny. It has been more than twenty years. We originally thought you would stay away from this circle, but now it seems that we were wrong."

"You guys? Could it be that..."

"Hey...yes, not only me, this is also a reality that your mother has to accept."

Aunt Liu sighed softly and said.

Her words confused me. What do you mean by "I originally thought I would stay away from this circle?"

Could it be that I originally belonged to this circle? So what does this circle refer to?

For a moment I couldn't understand it at all, and Aunt Liu and Uncle Huo seemed unwilling to say more, so I changed the subject and asked seriously:

"Uncle Huo, I have a question to ask you. You must tell me the truth. If I can accept the answer, I will be your apprentice willingly."

Uncle Huo and Aunt Liu looked at each other and said solemnly:

"It's a matter of great importance, so you have to think carefully. If you have any questions, feel free to ask."

I took a deep breath and summoned up the courage to ask:

"Being your apprentice...will I get paid? My rent is due soon."

As soon as the question came out, Uncle Huo and Aunt Liu were stunned. They looked at me like I was a fool, and they didn't answer me in a tacit understanding, so I became Huo Qiansuan's closed disciple.

Seeing that I was fine, Aunt Liu didn't want to stay any longer and was about to leave for her hometown. Before leaving, she left me a wooden box and told me that the contents in the wooden box were some magic books, so I should read them when I have time.

You need to study more and practice more.

Of course I wholeheartedly agreed.

After sending Aunt Liu out of the house, Uncle Huo insisted on driving Aunt Liu to the station in his broken gold cup. I couldn't be a light bulb, so I didn't go with him.

However, Uncle Ho specifically asked me to go to the Coffin Old Street to lead the souls to wait for him. He said that a distinguished guest was coming today and he asked me to go and receive him first. Since I have become his apprentice, I naturally have to respect my master's orders.


After seeing the two of them off, I immediately took a taxi to Yinghun Hall...

It's still the same old coffin street. Even though the whole street is lifeless like last time, I no longer have the depressing feeling in my heart.

Not long after walking along the street, I was surprised to see a woman sitting in front of Uncle Huo's fortune-telling stall. Because her back was to me, I couldn't see her face.

My heart skipped a beat, and I immediately thought of the woman holding the umbrella.

"It won't happen again..."

I muttered, walked slowly over, walked around the woman, and looked at her carefully...

"It's you?!"

The moment I saw her face clearly, I was stunned.

She is the dazed young girl I met on the street the last time I came here. She has a white T-shirt, denim shorts, a high ponytail, and a pretty face. That’s right, it’s her!

The girl slowly raised her head, glanced at me dully, then lowered her head and continued to be in a daze without saying a word.

Although she didn't speak, I could feel that she was different from the woman holding the umbrella. She must be alive, but I felt that something was wrong with her...

Thinking of this, I sat directly opposite her and was about to ask something when suddenly a voice like a bell came from behind me,

"Isn't this where you should sit?"

I looked back and saw an impressive middle-aged man standing behind me. He was staring at me with an unhappy expression.

I suddenly thought of something, stood up hurriedly, and said:

"Are you here to see my master?"

"Who is your master?" The man looked at me suspiciously.

"My master is Huo Qiansuan."


The man was stunned for a moment, then looked me up and down and said with a smile:

"That's nonsense. How could Mr. Huo accept a disciple? Besides, I think you are just ordinary and don't have the bearing of a mage. You still dare to say that you are Mr. Huo's disciple. What a shameless statement!"

"I just started today, so..."

"Okay! No need to say any more!"

The man interrupted me directly, waved his hand and said:

"We have something important to do with Mr. Huo. He doesn't like to be disturbed by strangers. People who are not relevant should leave as soon as possible!"

Seeing his domineering look, I felt very unhappy, but I didn't know how to prove my identity. At this moment, the girl next to me suddenly let out a shrill scream!

I was startled and turned around quickly to see her looking frightened, grabbing her hair frantically, and mumbling something vaguely, as if she had seen something terrifying.

"Yiyi! Yiyi! Don't be afraid, daddy is here!"

The man ran over and hugged the girl tightly to stop her from moving, but she was still screaming and struggling desperately, and the man couldn't control her at all.

"Yiyi! Please bear with me any longer! Mr. Huo will be back soon!"

Looking at the two people's looks, I seemed to have thought of something. The master is not here now, and the girl looks so painful. Maybe it will be really dangerous if this continues!

Thinking of this, I quickly stepped forward and grabbed the girl's head hard.

"What are you doing?! Let her go!"

The man stopped him loudly.

I ignored him, bit my finger and dripped all the blood on the girl's forehead.

The moment she came into contact with my blood, the girl's whole body twitched like an electric shock, as if she was going crazy, and then wisps of black gas emerged from her forehead...

After a few seconds, her manic mood finally calmed down, and she actually glanced at me, then slowly closed her eyes and collapsed in her father's arms.

I stared at this scene blankly, my heart pounding. I didn't know whether what I did was right or wrong. But at that moment, I only had one thought in my mind, and that was to save her!

"You...what did you do to Yiyi?" The man looked at me with wide eyes, his tone full of anger.

Before I could answer, a familiar voice came from behind me,

"He's saving your daughter!"

This chapter has been completed!
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