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Chapter 124 Shigu's Revenge

Shi Gu suddenly turned back, grinned and blew out a burst of black energy, and held my palm, but she only blocked it for a moment, and the black energy was dispersed by me.

But the power of the seal was basically drained, and when it fell on her, it had no strength.

"Haha, that's all you have?"

Shigu sneered, and gently placed her pale hands on her red clothes...

With a "stab" sound, she suddenly pulled off the red dress on her body. My eyes widened and I subconsciously turned my head away from looking at her. But with just such a glance, she seized the opportunity and waited for me to react.

By that time, the red coat had flown over and been draped over me.

I suddenly felt that my whole body was cold, sore and numb, and I had no strength. A wave of cold air penetrated into my body along the pores of my body. My body went limp and I knelt on one knee on the ground.

When I looked up in shock, I saw Shigu's whole body surrounded by a layer of faint black energy, which just covered her naked body. She stared at me with her yin and yang eyes, and said with a ferocious smile:

"Haha... Archmage, I want to kill all the villagers in Dongsha Village one by one in front of you!"

After saying that, Shi Gu turned around and walked towards the guardian circle.

At this time, Lao San, who had already killed a ghost, rushed over and stood in front of her. He picked up the withered willow branch and pointed it at Shi Gu, and said in a trembling voice:

"Don't...don't come over..."

"Lao San! Use San animal dung!" I shouted with difficulty.

Hearing this, the third child hurriedly picked up the dung bucket from his feet and threw it at Shi Gu without hesitation. Shi Gu made a look on his face and took a few steps back, but was still splashed by the dung water.

Streams of black smoke immediately erupted from the place where Shi Gu's ghost body was splashed, and an expression of gnashing teeth suddenly appeared on her face. Then she became angry and rushed towards Lao San.

"No! Hide in the circle of protectors!"

Although I reminded him in time, it was still too late. Shi Gu stretched out his hand and pinched Lao San's neck. The chicken blood on his neck was okay against the four ghosts, but for a Taoist ghost like Shi Gu, it was too late.

No harm can come!

Shi Gu slowly lifted the third child up from the ground. Her sharp nails dug deeply into the skin on his neck, and blood came out from between her fingers.

The third child grimaced in pain, but there was nothing he could do!

This scene horrified the villagers in the guardian circle to the extreme. Some people could no longer suppress the fear in their hearts and began to cry loudly. A middle-aged man even cried directly to Shi Gu and knelt down to beg for mercy.

"Shigu... I... I was wrong. Please spare my life. I will set up a memorial tablet for you and your husband and worship you from generation to generation. Please spare my life! Please..."

As he spoke, he knocked his head so loudly that a lot of blood oozed from his forehead.

Shi Gu turned her face slightly to look at him and sneered:

"Haha... I remember you. You used to go to my house every night to humiliate me. Now that you can take the initiative to stand up, I am very happy... You will be next!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man who was kowtowing stood up and rushed out of the circle of guardians and ran towards the courtyard door!

But as soon as he took a step, Shigu grabbed his neck from behind and twisted it gently. With a "click", the man's neck tilted and he fell to the ground, twitched a few times and became motionless.


Silence...the scene fell into deathly silence!

The man's death did not cause the remaining villagers to scream, but even the previous crying stopped abruptly...

"Who's next? Haha..."

This scene deeply stimulated me. I twisted my body again and tried to break free from the red clothes wrapped around me, but it was useless. In desperation, I bit the tip of my tongue and squirted a mouthful of blood on the red clothes, but the strange thing was

Hongyi didn't even react at all.

"Holy shit!"

I cursed loudly, even the tip of my tongue was bleeding? What the hell is this!


Just when I was surprised, Shigu not far away let out a shrill scream!

I quickly looked up and saw that she had let go of the third child at some point, and the third child was struggling to climb into the circle of guardians. However, she dropped her hands and twitched all over as if struck by lightning, and her head kept shaking back and forth.

It looks like crazy!

The black energy surrounding him was obviously a little lighter than before, and it felt like it was about to dissipate.

I suddenly realized something. It turned out that the red dress was connected to her ghost body. Although the blood from the tip of the tongue did not hurt the red dress, it directly affected her body.

I was so happy that I wanted to take another sip while there was still some blood foam in my mouth, but at this moment, the red clothes on my body suddenly loosened, flew away with a "swish", and was put on Shi Gu's body again.

She stared with a blood-red eye and gritted her teeth:

"You...your blood..."

I slowly stood up from the ground, moved my soft neck bones a little, and uttered three words:

"Soul-eating blood!"

Shi Gu was shocked when she heard this.

"Your blood is soul-eating blood?!"

I didn't answer her, but took out a large amount of money from my backpack and approached her step by step.

"Making a lot of money?!" Shigu's expression changed again.

I don't know if she was afraid of the soul-devouring blood or the mother's huge money, but she slowly backed away...

I looked sideways slightly and saw that the remaining three ghosts who came with her had been destroyed by the boss, the second, and the fourth with excrement water, and they had completely lost their fighting power.

I took a deep breath and suddenly shouted to everyone in the circle of guardians:


As soon as the words fell, everyone ran towards the outside of the protective circle. Within a few seconds, everyone retreated to both sides of the protective circle. Shi Gu looked at this scene in surprise and had no reaction for a moment!

"Boss, second, fourth!"

I shouted again, and the three of them immediately poured the remaining excrement water at Shigu!

Shi Gu was suddenly startled and subconsciously took a few steps back, but she directly entered the circle of protectors.

Seeing that the time had come, I rushed over and hit her at the ghost gate with a big coin in my hand. Shigu raised her hand desperately to resist, but she never thought that I was feinting.

While she raised her hand, I withdrew the big money from the mother-in-law, pulled out the willow branches I had prepared earlier from my waist, quickly tied them around her waist to form a double-headed knot, and smeared the tip of my tongue on the knot.

Blood, and then quickly retreated from the circle of protectors.

"What do you want to do?!" Shigu said in shock.

"it's all over!"

I gave a light drink, then formed seals with my hands, and read aloud:

"I invite the three souls, the clear light turns into dust, the upper purity is the upper purity, the upper purity is the upper purity, the purity is as pure as pure dust! Break!"

This chapter has been completed!
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