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Chapter 163 Sadness! Midnight Singing

"That was a poor baby. His parents died not long after he was born. The villagers looked at him and raised him from house to house. But then something happened to the baby..."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Lu Daqian and Chen Laoliu had complicated expressions on their faces at the same time.

"I remember that the baby started talking nonsense less than six months old. When he was more than one year old, he could name almost everyone in the village. At that time, everyone thought the baby was a genius and called him Tianwa. But later on

But it’s getting more and more wrong…”

"I remember that when Tianwa was three years old, he had already grown into the size of an ordinary baby of seven or eight years old. I don't know where he learned the ability to tell fortunes and read fortunes. At the age of four, he could tell people's fortunes. He said it every time.

Very accurate…”

"Everyone is very happy, thinking that this is a lucky star sent by God to Guying Village, so everyone likes this child very much, but the good times don't last long..."

Having said this, Lu Daqian lit a cigarette and took a deep puff.

"When Tianwa was nine years old, one day he suddenly ran to the then village chief's house in a panic and said that there was going to be a big disaster in Guying Village. He said it in a very precise manner and asked the village chief to organize all the villagers to move out, otherwise

A disaster is imminent. The village chief knows his abilities and believes in his words, but it is not that easy to let the villagers leave their homeland..."

"At that stall, a big evil spirit really broke out in the village, and dozens of people died. The village chief had no choice but to invite an expert from outside. The expert also spent a lot of effort to calm it down.

After that disaster, it was later claimed that Tianwa was the source of the evil invasion..."

"From then on, no one cared about Tianwa in the village. He was about to die, so I gave him a sum of money to leave and find another way to make a living. Before leaving, Tianwa used his own blood in the village

A monument was erected in front of me, and I was told that every fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, I must re-write the words with human blood to ensure the safety of Guying Village."

After hearing this, I realized that this is where the blood words on the stone tablet at the entrance of the village came from.

Lu Daqian took another puff of cigarette and continued:

"Before Tianwa left, he also said that there will be a disaster in the village when he is twenty-seven, which will be more terrible than the previous one, and he will come back then. He is exactly twenty-seven this year, and something happened again in the village.

, that’s Qing Yi!”

"Hey, there has always been a stage in the village, and Qing Yi often appears there. Anyone who sees him, that is, the chosen one, will set up on the stage to sing like a ghost on the fifteenth day of each lunar calendar. After singing a song, he will

He died tragically on the spot, and always left a set of Tsing Yi after his death... Today happens to be the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, and it is the turn of the girl from the Liu family..."

"Why don't you guys leave? Are you all waiting to die here?" I asked in confusion.

"Everyone who can leave has left. Most of the people left in the village now are old people who have lived here all their lives. They are very stubborn and want to die in Guying Village... Old Liu's daughter is also coming back during the summer vacation.

One trip and the result was..."

Chen Laoliu beside him finally couldn't help but burst into tears again. Seeing an old man crying like this made me feel bad. I basically already knew something about Tianwa, and I could almost conclude that he was the one I was looking for.

A man who can reach heaven and earth.

But he hasn't appeared so far, so I naturally can't leave. Besides, I've also seen Qing Yi. So there is no rule for Qing Yi to choose people. It's probably a random selection, otherwise he wouldn't have appeared in front of me.

In front of this outsider.

Thinking of this, I stood up and said:

"Village Chief, you two stay here with the gavel and don't go anywhere. After all, you have also seen Qing Yi. I will go to the stage to have a look myself..."

"Xiao Lin..."

Lu Daqian grabbed me and

"Can you...can do it?"

"Try it, how will you know if you don't try it."

After saying these words, I opened the door and walked out of Lu Daqian's house.

The village was still dark and deathly silent. I could only hear the sound of my walking. I looked for the way I came and walked towards the stage...

Not long after, the shadow of the stage appeared in front of my sight. I stopped and listened attentively. I found that Qiaoer had no longer raised her voice. It seemed that her song was about to begin.

I couldn't help but quicken my pace and came to the stage. At this time, the white curtains on both sides of the stage had been lowered. Through the holes in the curtains, I could vaguely see a figure in plain clothes playing back and forth on the stage.


I glanced at the shabby wooden chairs neatly arranged around me and sat generously on the right side of the front row. I had a hunch that there would be many "people" watching the show when the song started!

As soon as my butt touched the chair, I immediately shivered, as if I was sitting on a piece of ice. If I stood up slightly, the feeling would disappear immediately. I frowned. It seemed that something had indeed sat on this chair...

I carefully took out a handful of red saltpeter powder from my backpack and sprinkled it on the chair, and then I felt more comfortable...

But just when my butt was firmly seated, the curtains on the stage moved to both sides with a "crash", and with a "pop" sound, two groups of turquoise candles lit up at the same time, instantly reflecting the entire stage.

The green look...

I looked up and saw a woman in plain clothes with her back to me, swinging her arms lightly and walking on tiptoes in a series of strange steps...

I was completely attracted as if I had lost my soul. I stared at the woman on the stage with my eyes wide open.

The woman twisted around on the stage, and at the same time, a cold and plaintive chant sounded from her mouth:

"I suddenly felt cold all over my body, and there was a pungent smell in my nostrils for no reason. It was not like a man in the grass was sitting there waiting for hunger, and there was still a green cloth scarf left..."

The sad lyrics floated far away along the stage, as if they could be heard in the night sky throughout the village.

I shuddered involuntarily. The temperature around me suddenly dropped several degrees as if to match Qiaoer's singing. I suddenly felt that my whole body was tight and cool...

I suddenly realized something. I lowered my head slightly and looked at the wooden chair next to me with the corner of my eye. Just this sight made me take a breath!

I don’t know when this row of wooden chairs that were originally empty started to fill up with "people"...

This chapter has been completed!
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