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Chapter 250 Leading the way! Fluttering back

I stood up slowly holding on to the tree, rubbed my eyes to keep myself awake, and looked again. Sure enough, there was a person standing in the forest in front of me, a woman...

She was wearing a gorgeous ethnic minority dress and stood with her back to me. The hem of her long coat was hanging on the ground, and her legs could not be seen. Her hair was also very long, reaching her waist. She stood there.

He was motionless, as if he was waiting for someone.

But I don’t know why, even though her back is turned to me, I always feel like she is looking at me.

A gust of wind blew through the forest, but the woman's hair and clothes remained motionless. I frowned and staggered a few steps closer...

But as soon as I got closer, the woman actually moved a few steps further away. Because her clothes covered her legs and feet, I didn't see her move at all, let alone her clothes.

The hem has swing.

I just feel like she is floating...

I tried to take a few steps closer, and the woman floated into the distance again, and so on. She walked away when I walked, and stopped when I stopped. She always kept a certain distance from me.

I murmured in my heart, what on earth did this woman want to do? Maybe I stopped a little longer this time, and the woman actually drifted closer to me, but when I walked forward again, she came again.

Float away into the distance.

At this moment I realized that this woman wanted me to follow her, she was leading the way for me!

Thinking of this, I took out the remaining half bottle of water from my backpack, took a small sip, and then followed the woman in an unknown direction...

Since I didn't have a mobile phone or a watch, I didn't know how long I followed her. It wasn't until I was so thirsty that I drank all the water and was exhausted, then I finally fell to the ground and gave up completely.

"I won't go... I won't go. I won't be able to walk until I die. I... I want to sleep..."

I lay forward on the ground and kept repeating this sentence in my mind.

"Come on, someone! Someone has fainted here!!!"

A young man's voice suddenly penetrated my ears. Immediately afterwards, I felt like I was being carried on someone's back. In a daze, I saw a group of people surrounding me. Through the figure, I saw the woman who was leading the way for me.

Stand on the outside of the crowd.

At this time, she no longer turned her back to me, but stood facing me. But I was so weak that I didn't even have the strength to open my eyes. The moment I closed my eyes, I seemed to see the woman's long face.

With a pale face under her hair, she was crying to me...

Then my head sank and my eyes closed, and I knew nothing.

When I closed my eyes, it was dark for a while. In a daze, I felt something put into my mouth. Although it was terribly painful, I still swallowed reflexively.

My eyes slowly opened, and I found myself lying in a house made of bluestone. Then a dark-skinned face appeared in front of me. She was a girl, very thin, and looked younger...

"Are you awake?" The girl spoke Mandarin that was not very fluent.

I sat up with difficulty, feeling that I still had no strength, but I still said gratefully:

"Thank you for saving me."

The girl smiled slightly,

"You have a fever. You have had it for several days. It only got better last night."

"How many days? How long have I been asleep?" I was a little surprised.

The girl rolled her eyes and thought for a moment,

"It's been four or five days..."

"Four or five days?!"

I quickly opened the quilt and prepared to get out of bed.

The girl stopped me and said:

"You haven't recovered yet. It's dangerous to leave now."

"No, my friend is still waiting for me..."

"Your friend? You were the only one when we found you."

I paused and suddenly thought that Ye Qing is a ghost and cannot be easily discovered by them. Besides, with the ghost mark around, she should be able to sense my position. If not, I can summon her through the ghost mark when no one is around.


Thinking of this, I breathed a sigh of relief, sat down on the bed again, and asked:

"Where is this? What's your name?"

"This is Quzhai, my name is Aguo."

"My name is Lin Yu. I remember that when I fainted, I seemed to be discovered by a man. Why..."

Aguo smiled, but I found that her smile was very forced.

"It was brothers from another family who found you. It was... they sent you to me..."

"Sent to you? What do you mean?"

I looked around subconsciously and found that she seemed to be the only one in the whole house, which made me feel a little strange.

Aguo didn't answer me, he just lowered his head and kept grabbing his clothes with both hands, looking like he had something to say that he couldn't say. Just when I was confused, the door was suddenly banged.

It rang.

It's said to be knocking on the door, but it's actually smashing the door!

Aguo was startled. She was stunned for a moment, then her expression became tense. After a moment of hesitation, she turned around and opened the door.


The door was opened, and I sat on the bed and looked out the door. I saw an old man with a wrinkled face standing at the door. He was holding a cane, and behind him were several burly men, all of whom looked...

Fierce and evil.

"Clan leader..."

Aguo bowed slightly and called, his tone very timid.

The old man who was called the patriarch ignored Aguo, pushed her away with his crutch, and walked straight in front of me.

I stood up slowly and looked at the clan leader expressionlessly. His action of pushing Aguo just now made me instantly disgusted with him!

The patriarch walked around me on crutches, his squinted eyes gradually widened, and he murmured from time to time:

"Hmm...thin skin and tender meat...not bad, not bad..."

Then he turned to Aguo and said coldly:

"The clan specially selected such a high-quality product for you. Now you should be satisfied. Just tonight, hurry up and get things done. Otherwise, you should know clearly what the consequences will be..."

Aguo lowered his head and said nothing. The clan leader snorted coldly, then slammed the door and left...

I didn't know why. After the old guy left, I was about to ask A Guo about the whole story, but I found that she was already slumped on the chair with tears in her eyes...

"What's going on?" I asked cautiously.

Aguo shook her head and didn't say a word. I asked her several times and she didn't say anything. I was so anxious that I could only pace back and forth in the room. When I passed by the window of the room, I glanced at it inadvertently.

Glancing out the window...

I found a person standing outside the window. I took a closer look and saw that it was the woman who was leading the way for me...

This chapter has been completed!
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