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Chapter 277 Artifact! Heavenly Immortal Examination and Summoning Seal


I felt like my head had been struck by lightning, and I was completely numb. I could only stare at the square stone seal with my mouth open. It took me a long time to recover. I looked at the equally excited Lao Yutou beside me.


"The Immortal Testing Seal?!"

Lao Yu took the stone seal and looked at it over and over for a long time before he couldn't hide his excitement and said:

"It seems to be true. I didn't expect that the legendary Immortal Kao Zhao Seal is actually in such a place where birds don't poop, and it is at the bottom of a well. I think the Immortal spent several years and worked hard to create it.

I wanted to find this square stone seal, but I didn’t expect it... I really didn’t expect it!”

Master once told me after dinner that the Immortal Examination and Immortal Examination is a test of the authority of the Great Luo Immortal, which is used to examine ghosts and gods and help the world and save people.

It is not difficult to understand that it is necessary to help the world and save people, but the so-called kaozhao is a kind of torture ritual against ghosts and gods.

To put it bluntly, although the mages in the underworld can catch ghosts and exorcise evil spirits, they do not have the right to deal with ghosts and demons at will, unless they are some evil ghosts and monsters that cause harm to the underworld, then everyone can kill them.

But for ordinary ghosts and demons, the mage can only save or send them to the underworld, and has no right to condemn them, because that is the divine right that the underworld only has.

But if you hold the Celestial Immortal Examination Seal, you will have the privilege of summoning ghosts and gods, because this authority is given by the Daluo Celestial Immortal. Of course, I have always listened to this as a fairy tale, and never took it seriously.

Unexpectedly, I actually saw the Celestial Immortal Kao Zhao Seal today, but I don’t know if the so-called privilege is real.

"Xiao Yu, this is no ordinary chance. Tell me the truth. What happened to you at the bottom of the well before? How could you encounter this stone shrine?!"

Lao Yutou calmed down and looked at me steadily.


Just when I was about to talk about my experience in the fantasy world at the bottom of the well, a burst of wanton laughter suddenly sounded from behind me...

My heart sank, and I subconsciously put away the stone seal and turned around to look. I saw an old lady with gray hair and chicken skin standing outside the fence yard. She was wearing a national costume, and her wrinkled face was filled with a disgusting and evil smile.

As soon as I saw her inviting appearance, I immediately frowned. I stared at her and said in a deep voice:


"Haha...Young man, you have a pretty good memory. You gave me a good meal when we said goodbye that day!"

Corpse Woman gritted her back teeth and said, it felt like she wanted to eat me in one bite. I was also surprised that after just a few days of not seeing her, her hostility towards me seemed to have increased a lot.

I looked around cautiously and found that she was alone. I couldn't help but murmur in my heart, so I asked tentatively:

"Where's Yu Xian? Why are you alone?"


Corpse Woman snorted coldly and did not answer my question. Instead, she stretched out her wrinkled hand.

"Where is the thing? Hand it over!"

I looked at her suspiciously and asked:


"Don't pretend to be like me, old lady. Of course it's the Immortal Examination for the Zhao Seal. Hand it over quickly!!"

Lao Yutou and I looked at each other and our expressions darkened. This old guy really came here for the stone seal, so everything that happened in this town was logical.

"The old Taoist priest and the dead man who turned into a zombie are both your masterpieces?"

"Haha, of course, in the village where the three-skinned corpse is located, you should have had some experience, right? I have said before that even Huo Tiansuan cannot easily detect my corpse-raising technique, haha..."

Corpse Woman said with some pride.

"The Red and White Devil is also your fault?" I asked.

But Corpse Woman shook her head,

"The old woman only deals with corpses. Things like red and white evil spirits have nothing to do with me."

It didn't look like she was lying, but if it wasn't her, who could it be? Could it be that besides the Three Evils of Yinshan, there are other powerful people hiding in this town?

Thinking of this, I changed the topic and asked:

"The Celestial Immortal Testing Seal is used to test ghosts and gods. What is the use of your Yinshan lineage?"

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Hand it over quickly before I do it myself!"

Corpse Woman said impatiently, and at the same time she put her hand into the thick cuff. When she took it out again, there was something in her hand. I glanced at the thing, and my expression immediately froze on my face.

It was actually a black lotus flower...it was Yu Xian's magic weapon!

It's just that the lotus seems to be in bud in her hands, the petals are gathered together, without any life...

I suddenly remembered the scene where we were surrounded by a bunch of paper figures in the couple's home. Those paper figures were all possessed by ghosts. At that time, Lao Yutou and I judged that we could control so many ghosts at the same time, except for three

Apart from the soul magic bell, the only thing that can do it is the black lotus in Yu Xian's hand.

Logically speaking, the black lotus should be her personal magic weapon, but how could it be in the hands of the corpse?

Seeing the confused look on my face, Corpse Woman chuckled a few times, and then babbled something I couldn't understand. A few seconds later, four livid-faced people appeared behind her.


The four people carried a blood-red coffin on their shoulders. They walked stiffly and slowly to the corpse. After placing the coffin on the ground, the four people fell down and turned into four corpses in the blink of an eye.

Rotting corpse.

The Corpse Woman stroked the coffin, looked at me sideways and said:

"You must be wondering why this thing is in my hands? Haha..."

As she said that, she started to read some words that I couldn't understand. Just when I was wondering what she wanted to do, there was a sudden "bang" in the coffin. The three of us were startled, and our eyes were immediately attracted to the coffin.


I saw that the lid of the coffin was shaken to a crack.


There was another muffled sound, and the coffin lid was completely pushed open from the inside, falling to the ground with a thud. Then, a slender hand slowly came out of the coffin, and a body sat up straight!

I originally thought it was another horrifying dead body, but when I saw it, it turned out to be a woman with a rosy face and an exquisite face!


I lost my voice.

"Holy shit, this girl is dead?!" Old Yutou was also completely stupid.

Yu Xian's expression was dull and her eyes were very cloudy. The most important thing was that her hair was wet and her face was covered with water stains, as if she had just been fished out of the water...

When I saw her dripping wet look, I suddenly thought of something!

This chapter has been completed!
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