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Chapter 305 Black dog blood in the ashes

"The soul is flying away..."

I murmured in my mouth.

"Actually, she is quite pitiful..."

Ye Qing whispered in my ear, his tone full of sadness.

I sighed,

"No matter how pitiful she is, it is not an excuse for her to kill innocent people. As the saying goes, every injustice has its own owner. Since she has killed Liu Shifu, her bond in this life is over, and she should not take the lives of other people, such as

Chen Qiang’s wife and children, it’s a pity that she was blinded by her obsession and harmed others as well as herself..."


Yunfei continued:

"If everyone in this world can use the lives of innocent people to vent their personal anger, wouldn't it be chaos? How can there be any distinction between good and evil?"

Ye Qing pursed his lips and said nothing more.

I suddenly thought of something,

"By the way, what did she mean by what she said before she left? Why does that girl like me? What kind of person has a different path? How come I was so confused?"

Yun Fei curled his lips and said meaningfully:

"Think about it for yourself..."

After simply cleaning up the scene, we arrived at the rouge shop. The pictures of the warlords on the wooden grids had disappeared. I opened one of the wooden grids out of curiosity, and found that there was some dark red powder inside, and the powder had already formed into a ball.

It looks a little disgusting.

I picked up a handful and put it to my nose and smelled it, and my brows immediately wrinkled.

"What is it?" Yunfei saw that my expression was wrong, so he came over and asked.

"It's ashes, and ashes mixed with black dog's blood..."

When Yun Fei heard this, his expression suddenly changed, he shook his head and said:

"This boss lady is also cruel enough. It seems that her suicide is really a pleasure for herself. Otherwise, if she goes down, she will really be tortured for hundreds of years!"

Ye Qing looked at me doubtfully, and I explained:

"These warlords all died at the hands of the boss lady. She didn't know what means she used to make these beasts die in the fire, and then mixed their ashes with black dog blood, because these warlords had their own evil spirits, and their souls were lost for a short time after death.

Don’t want to leave the body…”

"And the physical body has been turned into ashes, so the soul is all curled up in the ashes. In this case, if you mix it with black dog blood, think about it, what will be the result?"

Ye Qing's expression was startled and he murmured:

"According to the time, they were all newly deceased souls with almost no cultivation. If they were corroded by the black dog's blood, it would be equivalent to their souls being burned. The result would naturally be...their souls would be scattered..."

I took a deep breath and nodded heavily,

My mood suddenly became a little complicated. Just like Yunfei said, the boss lady's suicide is indeed a way of self-liberation...

Just when I was stunned, Yunfei seemed to have thought of something and suddenly said:

"Xiao Yu, there is one thing we have overlooked!"

I looked at him suspiciously, waiting for him to continue.

"The warlord's violent death was indeed the fault of the boss's wife, but have you ever thought that although she was a ghost at that time, she was still an evil thing. How could she obtain something like black dog blood to exorcise evil spirits, let alone kill it herself?

Mixed into the ashes.”

As soon as I heard this, my head immediately buzzed. Yes, evil creatures are naturally afraid of black dog blood. Even if they are highly cultivated, they cannot touch them. This is the principle of mutual restraint engraved deep in the soul.

, is the great road of heaven and earth, so there is only one explanation!

"This boss lady has a helper, and her helper is probably a mage!"

Yun Fei nodded in agreement and sighed:

"In the final analysis, the landlady is just a weak woman. I don't believe she could have come up with such a thorough plan on her own. It's just that a hundred years have passed and the accomplice is probably dead long ago. It's meaningless to say anything now."

I nodded, but a knot formed in my heart. Death is like a lamp going out. This was my understanding before I became a Yin Yang ghost. But now that I think about it, death is not the same as the end. The accomplice may still be there.

, maybe he is nearby observing everything happening here...

After coming out of Rouge Shop Street, the night sky had already turned white in the east. Seeing that I was feeling gloomy, Yunfei adjusted his glasses and asked:

"What? Are you still worried about the Rouge Shop?"

I shook my head, suddenly thought of something, and said:

"Can you do me a favor?"

"What's the deal?"

"There should be a lot of antiquities there in Wan Chen. I want a hairpin."

Yunfei was stunned,

"Why do you want hairpins?"

I hesitated for a moment and then told Gu Han about asking him to investigate the owner of the human bones. Yunfei nodded suddenly and said:

"There are indeed a lot of ancient hairpins in Wan Chen's place. I don't need to come forward to do this kind of thing. As long as you say a word, he will definitely help you, but..."

"Just what?"

"He has encountered some troubles recently and is looking for you all over the world. Your appearance is undoubtedly causing trouble for yourself again."

My head hurt when I heard it, so I asked:

"Looking for me? Did you encounter something dirty again?"

Yunfei smiled meaningfully,

"Wouldn't you know if you went and asked for yourself?"

The two of us had some breakfast on the street. It was old tofu fried dough sticks that I had not eaten for a long time. Although it was not very clean, to be honest, it was delicious!

Halfway through eating, I suddenly thought of something, so I stuffed the fried dough sticks into my mouth and said:

"You can analyze this sentence for me and see what it means."

Yunfei wiped the corners of his mouth with paper,

"Tell me and listen."

"All conditioned dharmas are like wind, rain, dew, lightning, snow, frost. Without them, it would be calamity! What does this sentence mean?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yunfei's expression froze, and then immediately returned to normal.

"What nonsense, where did you hear it?"

I was about to tell him, but at this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly. Yunfei answered the phone and said a few words, then hung up the phone and said to me:

"It's Wan Chen, let's go find him now."

I hurriedly put down my bowls and chopsticks, paid the bill, and then took Yunfei's car and went straight to Wanyun Building.

Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of Wanyun Building. I looked up and before I had time to express my feelings, I was dragged into the building by Yun Fei and went directly to the top floor.

As soon as I stepped out of the elevator door, I saw Wan Chen in a crisp suit approaching with a smile.

"Oh... Brother Lin Yu, I've been waiting for you to come. Do you know that I worked hard to find you? If you don't show up, I will have to find your master."

As he spoke, he enthusiastically held my shoulders and walked towards the office. I felt uncomfortable all over. To be honest, he and I were not that familiar with each other, and we were even a bit rude. I had to admire these businessmen. They were indeed monkeys.

The monkey spirit.

As soon as I came to the door of his office, I frowned. I saw this Bagua mirror hanging on the door of his office, and the mirror was facing inward...

This chapter has been completed!
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