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Chapter 5 Stand-in Scarecrow

I stared at this scene dumbfounded, and Huo Qiansuan was also looking at me in surprise...

It took him a long time to utter a word,

"Who the hell are you?!"

I was stunned, not understanding what he meant.

"Who am I? My name is Lin Yu. I just graduated from college and haven't found a job yet..."


Huo Qiansuan waved his hand and said helplessly:

"Asking is in vain. Let's not talk about it for now. I can help you, but you have to agree to one condition!"

"You can tell me whatever the conditions are, and I will definitely agree!" I replied without hesitation.

"Don't worry, just come with me first."

After saying that, Huo Qiansuan turned around and walked into a shop behind him. When I saw this, I hurriedly prepared to follow. Before entering, I raised my head and glanced at the plaque hanging on the lintel. There were three big characters written in regular script on it, "Yinhuntang."

When I saw the name, I thought Huo Qiansuan also ran a funeral business, but when I walked into the store, I realized that I was wrong.

This is not a shop at all, but an ordinary house with all the furniture and supplies. I can't help but sigh that this little old man is really not an ordinary person, and he actually set up his home in the funeral street.

"Uncle Huo, what were those transparent beads just now, and why were they corroded by my blood?"

In order to get closer to him, I simply changed my name to him as uncle, which made him appear closer. Fortunately, he did not show any objection.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Uncle Huo said perfunctorily while rummaging through the boxes and cabinets to find something.

"Then why is the entire Old Coffin Street closed for business, and you are the only one setting up a stall and telling fortunes?" I couldn't help but ask.

Uncle Huo looked back at me and said meaningfully:

"Day and night are different, just like people and ghosts have different paths. I do my business during the day and they do theirs at night. No one is delayed."

While he was talking, he took out a small figure made of straw from an old wooden box and placed it on the table. Then he walked up to me with a serious look and a brush in his hand. I unconsciously took two steps back.

"do not move!"

Uncle Huo shouted softly, raised his hand and lightly touched the blue-black mark on my neck with a white pen tip...

I only felt a burning sting on my neck, as if my skin was being torn slightly, but I gritted my teeth and persisted.

When he took away the pen, I was surprised to find that the original white pen tip had turned black. Then he used this pen to quickly draw black eyes and mouth on the scarecrow's face.

With just a few strokes, a toy-like dummy turned into something weird...

Perhaps seeing the doubts in my mind, Uncle Huo explained unhurriedly:

"You have the ghost mark left by the old ghost on your neck. It can find you at any time. Your blood hurt her last night, so she couldn't kill you, but she will definitely come to kill you tonight!


"I will attach the mark of ghost energy in your body to the scarecrow, and the scarecrow will become your substitute. It is said that people cannot see ghosts and gods, and ghosts cannot recognize magic weapons. With the confusion of the scarecrow, the old ghost will not be able to easily distinguish between real people and magic weapons.

Stand-in, this way we have a chance to control her."

I was surprised and asked:

"Can't you just accept her? Why do you want to control her?"

"On the night of the Ghost Festival, she can wear a red shroud and seduce ghosts on the street. This means that she died suddenly and had deep resentment and obsession. It is difficult to save such a ghost..."

"And if I'm not wrong, something must have happened to her body, so we need to find her body through her first, and then find a way to resolve her grievances, and finally save her."

Uncle Huo's words gave me a confused feeling. I had only seen these words on TV or in novels, such as seduction, resentment, and salvation. I never expected that it would happen to me now...

And he said that the old lady was injured by my blood, which really made me a little confused, but I didn't ask any more questions, because he probably wouldn't tell me the reason, so I'd better ask again when I have the chance.

Seeing me in a daze, Uncle Huo grinned and asked:

"Haha...what? Are you scared?"

I scratched my head and smiled:

"It's a lie to say I'm not afraid, but I don't know why, but I'm quite interested in these..."

He looked at me meaningfully, then turned around and went out. He placed a wooden sign on the table of the fortune-telling booth. On the wooden sign, in different fonts, the words "Closed Doors and Thank You" were written.

I looked around and asked puzzledly:

"There's no one on the street, so is there any need to write this sign?"

"Did I say this was for people to see?"

I choked on one sentence and didn't know what to say for a long time. Of course, the main reason was that I felt a little scared. It seemed that this old man didn't usually deal with people very much...

A few minutes later, Uncle Ho drove out a dilapidated Jinbei van from the backyard of Yinhun Hall and asked me to get in.

"Where are we going?"

After getting in the car, I looked at him suspiciously.

"Go to the cemetery..."

"Cemetery?" I asked in surprise.

"You can hear three gongs every time before the old ghost appears, which means there must be gongs where she is buried. The corpse can hear the gongs every day and night, so her ghost will subconsciously make gongs.

, looking at the entire Jiangcheng, there is only one cemetery where the sound of gongs can be heard..."

I nodded suddenly. I didn't expect that there are so many ways to catch ghosts.

As I was thinking about it, I accidentally glanced at the rearview mirror above my head, and was surprised to find a coffin placed behind the seat. I quickly looked back, and sure enough, there was a dark red coffin with no lid lying on it.


Without waiting for me to ask questions, Uncle Huo said directly:

"Don't be surprised, this coffin is prepared for you!"

"I...we?! What do you mean?" I looked at him in disbelief.

Uncle Huo grinned and squeezed out the wrinkles on his face,

"We'll know when the time comes."

After passing through the lively old city, the car drove all the way to the southern suburbs. It was bumpy for an unknown amount of time, and finally stopped in a flat wasteland.

After getting off the car, I couldn't wait to look around. Except for a few lonely big trees in front of me, there were countless graves scattered in the distance. On the north side of the cemetery, there were mountains stretching as far as the eye could see...

"I never imagined that in this day and age, we could still see so many graves in the wild..."

I couldn't help but sigh.

"As long as there are many poor people, there will be no shortage of graves like this. Okay, no need to sigh, let's get down to business!"

Under Uncle Huo's command, the two of us lifted the coffin from the car and temporarily placed it under the shade of a tree. Then he looked at the sky and said:

"It's still early. You are the protagonist tonight, so you have to recuperate your energy and spirit. Take advantage of this time to have a good sleep."

I responded and prepared to go back to the car and take a nap.

As a result, before I could take a step forward, I was stopped by Uncle Huo. He stared at me, pointed at the coffin and said:

"You have to sleep in a coffin!"

This chapter has been completed!
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