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Chapter 63 Old Customs Passing Ghosts

Tongjiang Town is a small town under Jiangcheng, only a few dozen kilometers away from Jiangcheng...

So we drove to the border of Tongjiang in less than an hour, but we did not go to the town because this time our destination, Lao Lao Cave, was at the foot of a mountain on the outskirts of the town.

I only found this after searching online for a long time.

Because it was midnight and we were in the suburbs, Yan Shiting didn't drive very fast. The car turned left and right along the muddy road. In the end, there was really no way to go, so we stopped at the foot of a loess mountain that was not too high.

After getting off the car, I turned on the flashlight and looked around, and found that not only was it extremely quiet, but it was also very remote...the flashlight's light couldn't shine at all...

Yan Shiting walked up to me, maybe a little scared, so she directly took my arm and murmured:

"It should be this mountain, but the man with glasses was talking about the Old Man's Cave. There seems to be no cave here except the mountain..."

I pointed to the other side of the mountain and said:

"It's too dark. Even if there is a hole in my door, I can't see it. Let's go over there and look for it first..."

After saying that, I pulled her and walked towards the west side of the mountain. Because it was at the foot of the mountain, there were many rocks and ravines, and the terrain was complicated. It was also in the middle of the night, so the road was not easy to walk. We walked for half an hour.

Only then did we arrive at the west end of the mountain.

I don’t know why, but as soon as I came to the west end of the mountain, I immediately felt that the temperature around me had dropped a lot. There were bursts of wind in the originally quiet night... Yan Shiting grabbed my hand and unconsciously added a few words.

Partial force.

My heart sank. It seemed that the Old Man's Cave was nearby...

Thinking of this, I picked up the flashlight and shined it on the mountain. As a result, the two of us were immediately surprised by this photo!

I saw that this small mountain was densely packed with dozens of caves, large and small, like honeycombs, and these caves were not big, and it seemed that they could only accommodate one person at most...

Under the illumination of flashlights, these holes are like ghost eyes growing on the mountain, staring at us eerily!

"Xiaoyu...is this...the old man's cave?" Yan Shiting asked in a trembling voice.


"But with so many holes, how are we going to find them?"

"We definitely can't find it ourselves. We have to find a way to get someone else to help us find it." I said.

"Don't... what is that other thing?" Yan Shiting seemed to realize something, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

I temporarily let go of her hand, took out three incense candles and some paper money from my backpack, put them on the ground, and asked:

"Do you know what Old Man's Cave is?"

Yan Shiting shook her head.

"For thousands of years, there has been a custom in some rural areas. When the elderly in the village lose the ability to take care of themselves, such as paralysis or Alzheimer's disease, and their children are no longer able to support them, they will dig a hole in the mountain.

Put the old people in the hole and let them fend for themselves..."

"Some children would send some meals when they started to have a hard time with their consciences. But later, when their consciences found some comfort, they stopped caring about them. These old people lived alone in caves because they had no ability to take care of themselves, so they would eventually be killed.

Starving to death or freezing to death, or even worse, being killed by wild beasts..."

"Stop talking..." Yan Shiting covered her ears and couldn't listen anymore.

I can understand her mood, because when I first heard about this kind of thing, I couldn't bear it psychologically...

"Could it be that the woman in the flower coat is also..." Yan Shiting murmured.

"Probably so. I couldn't figure it out before, why both her corpse and her ghost were all in a squirming posture, never using her limbs. Now I understand, she should have been a paralyzed person before she was alive, and was finally put into the

It's a pity that she was treated like this even though she is not very old..."

"Isn't this just murder?!" Yan Shiting said angrily.

I shrugged helplessly, who can say clearly about this kind of thing...

While I was talking, I had already inserted three incense candles on the ground. Since there was no brazier, I used stones to make a groove for placing paper money. After preparing all this, I looked up at the dark night and said to Yan Shiting


"Stand behind me, don't speak, don't make a sound no matter what you see, you should be experienced..."

Yan Shiting nodded slightly, and then stood behind me obediently.

I squatted on the ground, put the prepared paper money at my feet, and pressed it with real 100 yuan. After a few minutes, I collected the 100 yuan, then lit a piece of paper money and placed it on the pile of stones.

next to the groove.

A faint fire suddenly ignited in the dark night...

When I saw this, I said unhurriedly:

"I have no relatives today, so I will give money at midnight..."

"Everyone, please help...help..."

While chanting in my mouth, I lit the pieces of paper money on fire, but they were all scattered outside the groove. At the same time, I carefully observed the changes in the paper money. After a few minutes, the surroundings were still calm, and I couldn't help but sigh in my heart:

"These poor people seemed to have been frightened before they were alive, so they didn't dare to come out to meet strangers..."

As soon as I finished speaking, a gust of wind blew past the ground. I shivered all over and hurriedly looked at the paper money scattered around. I saw that the scattered paper money was picked up by the wind and all fell into the hollow I built with stones.

in the trough.

I was startled, and quickly took out the paper money and put it in again. This time it was no longer one piece of paper money, but a handful, because these paper money were now claimed by someone!

I lowered my head, turned my eyes slightly to the side, and stared closely at the three incense candles. Suddenly, I found that the green smoke that was rising vertically started to turn and drift in one direction...

At the same time, a pair of feet wearing cloth shoes suddenly appeared on the gravel ground in front of me...

"The money collector is here!"

I slowly raised my head and saw an old man wearing a black sweatshirt with a bloodless face, bending over and staring at me with wide eyes...

His pale face was close to mine, his eyes were slack and hollow, and I could clearly see the ravine-like wrinkles on his face and the blood-red corners of his eyes...

"Young man...are you looking for me..."

The corners of the old man's chapped mouth trembled slightly, and he made a hoarse and old voice.

I suddenly felt a little nervous. Although I am a Yin-Yang ghost, people's fear of ghosts is innate, and it is not so easy to overcome...


The old man moved his face away, went to the incense candle and took a big sip, with a satisfied expression on his pale face.

"It's been a long time since I enjoyed the incense..."

Then he suddenly looked sideways at me, the corners of his mouth twitching,

"Tell me...what do you want from me..."

I calmed down and said:

"I want you to help me find a place."


"A place where a woman wearing a floral cotton-padded jacket stayed..."

I waited expectantly for the old man's answer, but I didn't expect that as soon as I said my words, the old man's face suddenly showed a look of horror. He took a few steps back, then turned around and ran away...

This chapter has been completed!
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