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Chapter 92: The Air-Dried Corpse

The mountain road was rugged and difficult to walk, and the visibility was not good at night, so after walking a short distance, the master said he was unwilling to go any further. I took a look and found that it was not too far from Tongjia Village, so

Let the tractor leave first.

I was walking alone on a quiet and dark mountain road with a flashlight. To be honest, I was still a little nervous. People are born with a fear of darkness. In fact, what they are afraid of is not the darkness, but all the unknown hidden in the darkness.

s things…

Just when I was thinking wildly, my ears twitched slightly, as if I heard something moving behind me...

I stopped and looked back. Wherever the flashlight shined, there was nothing but rugged mountain roads and bare rocks...

I shook my head and continued walking forward, but after walking for a while, I still heard the strange movement behind me intentionally or unintentionally. It sounded like a "rustling" sound, and it felt like something was crawling on the ground.


I looked back several times, but there was still nothing, but I always felt that I might have been targeted by something, so I kept an eye on it and quietly took out the cast mother as I walked forward.

Big money wears the red thread.

Strangely enough, that strange voice behind me disappeared for some unknown reason!

Just when I was wondering, the mountain road in front of me suddenly narrowed. I shined my flashlight and saw an arched stone bridge not far away...

"Is this the bridge where Tong Qian slipped and fell?"

I was confused, so I walked up to the bridge and looked down, but because the light was too dark, I could hardly see anything. Even under the flashlight, I could only vaguely see the outline of a trench.

I guessed that there was originally a river under the stone bridge. Now that the river has dried up, a trench that is neither deep nor shallow has been formed. The riverside is not too steep, so it should not be difficult to get down.

I moved my hands and feet, stepped on the gravel along the river, leaned forward and slowly made my way down to the bottom of the river bed. As soon as my feet landed, I smelled a pungent smell, it was corpse odor!

I hurriedly covered my mouth and nose with my hands. With such a strong corpse smell, it seemed that Tong Qian's body should be nearby.

I took out my flashlight to illuminate it, and at a glance I saw a person huddled directly under the bridge not far ahead.

I quickened my steps and walked to the man's side. The stench of the body became even stronger. I suppressed the urge to retching and squatted beside him to take a closer look. It was indeed Tong Qian's body, because the body was wearing the large white dress.


What surprised me was that the flesh and blood of the corpse seemed to have been sucked dry, turning it completely into a mummy!

Although Tong Qian died a month ago, she was not dried to this extent. My eyes moved down to her lower abdomen, and my eyes widened in an instant.

Her abdomen was unusually shriveled, and she didn't look like she was six months pregnant at all. Even though she had become a mummy, it shouldn't look like this...

Unless...the child in her belly was taken away!

I took a deep breath. I must not be a forensic doctor. I couldn't determine if there were any other wounds on the body. The top priority was to go to Tongjia Village to find out!

Thinking of this, I slowly lifted up Tong Qian's body and prepared to carry her on my back. At this moment, I suddenly saw something next to the body. I bent down and took a closer look. It was a copper gourd the size of my palm.

"What is this..." I muttered to myself.

"The copper gourd is used to ward off evil spirits. It's okay to deal with some passing ghosts. But it's useless when it comes to things that are a little bit virtuous..."

A hoarse voice sounded in my ears.

I was startled by the sound, turned around quickly and saw a turtle curled up on my shoulder...

I froze for a moment,

"Lao Yutou?!"

Halfway through my words, I suddenly remembered that when I was in the hotel before, I touched something slippery and hard in my backpack. Now that I think about it, it turned out to be the turtle shell of this old man.

"Why are you following me?"

My tone was a little excited. To be honest, if I had Old Yutou to help me come to Tongjia Village this time, I would feel more at ease.

Lao Yu stretched out his thick and short neck,

"Your master didn't ask me to come..."


\"When you left the Yinhun Hall that day, Huo Qian divined something and predicted that you would be in trouble during your trip, so he asked me to help you.\"

"Did the master take other things into account?" I asked cautiously.

This time something happened to Aunt Liu. I didn't tell him because I was worried about Master's health. If he figured it out, all my hard work would be in vain.

"He didn't tell me anything else. He just told me to take good care of you."

I feel warm in my heart. Although Master is always harsh on me, I know that he still loves me in his heart.

"When we were in the hotel before, I also heard the conversation between you and the girl. The girl died in a strange way, and the pregnant women who died in Tongjia Village were also very strange. Liu Lanlan's disappearance must have something to do with it!


"Do you know me, Aunt Liu?" I looked at Old Yu in surprise.

"That's natural. Well, now is not the time to talk about this. Hurry up and hurry up, but I have to remind you..."

Lao Yu lowered his voice and continued:,

"There's something following you, so be careful!"

I nodded and subconsciously glanced back at the dark mountain road behind me. I knew that Old Yu was talking about the strange noise I heard before. I squeezed the big coin that I had been holding tightly in my hand and turned towards Shiqiao.

Walk in the direction.

After being pressed by me on the way, Lao Yutou told me that he had actually hid in my backpack before I left Jiangcheng. She also heard the content of my phone call with my mother, so he knew that Aunt Liu was missing.


After crossing the stone bridge and walking along the mountain road for less than twenty minutes, dots of lights appeared in front of our eyes. Tongjia Village was finally here!

When I was in school, I followed Aunt Liu to Tongjia Village several times, so I still have some impressions of the place. Even though it has been many years, it is a rural area after all, and it will not change much.

Although the village chief said that his family had built a new house, I decided to visit his old house first...

Based on my memory, I walked through the quiet village road to the door of the village chief's old house. To my surprise, there was a faint light coming from the window of the house.

"There are really people living there..." I muttered quietly.

When I was about to knock on the door, I accidentally saw something hanging on the mottled iron door...

If you look closely, you will see that it is actually a large bunch of gourds.

This chapter has been completed!
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