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Chapter 122 The situation improves

"Uncle Zhang County, please accept my obeisance." Qian Tong came to the inn in high spirits. When he found Zhang San, he knelt down to him.

"No way, Governor Qian! Please get up quickly." Zhang San quickly grabbed Qian Tong.

"What a great move you made. Now we not only have food, but also money. The entire disaster relief situation is now very good, thanks to you!" Qian Tong has never been as comfortable as today since the drought began.

Zhang San used a merit monument to win over the hearts of local wealthy businessmen and gentry, and they all rushed to contribute money and efforts, allowing Qian Tong to raise a large amount of money in a short period of time. With the aid of the imperial court, he finally ate all the food in one go.

It can be said that he has food at home and is not panicking. Now Qian Tong feels refreshed and his previous decadence has been wiped away, and his fighting spirit is high.

"Haha, thank you for the reward, Governor Qian. Your grain store also had a great assist, otherwise it would not have been possible to obtain these grains so smoothly."

It turns out that the damn grain store that the grain merchant was talking about was opened by Qian Tong.

"Haha, thanks to County Uncle Zhang's suggestion, now it's all right. I will go to the court to ask for credit for County Uncle Zhang and others." Qian Tong said with a smile on his face.

"There is no need to ask for credit. The top priority is to do a good job in resettling the victims." Zhang San said with a smile.

"What makes you so happy today!" Xu Changliang asked happily when he walked into the house and saw Zhang San and Qian Tong both smiling.

"Prince Qian wants to take credit for us!" Zhang San replied with a smile.

"Haha, Governor Qian is very thoughtful. I am able to raise so much grain at once thanks to County Uncle Zhang." Xu Changliang also had to admire Zhang San. In the past two days, he saw the grain merchants rushing to transport grain to the granary.

, Xu Changliang was very happy.

"Without your help, we wouldn't be in this situation now." Zhang San waved his hand and smiled.

Yu Mingsheng did not come back today, so he probably lives in Si County. In the past two days, he has been taking people out to explore the water system terrain and guide various places to carry out self-rescue work.

The three of them chatted for a while, then dispersed and went back to the house to rest.

"Fang Qing, this boy Zhang San is quite capable. Since he arrived there, a series of measures have made great progress, and he really did not disappoint me!" In the Zichen Palace, the emperor happily said to Fang Xuanling


"Yes, I didn't expect Zhang San to be able to do this. He is indeed young and promising. However, many people in the court did not think so. I have not published many memorials to impeach him. It seems that Zhang San's move

It made a lot of people sleepless." Fang Xuanling said with a smile.

"Haha, this is the effect we want. Don't pay attention to a group of guys who are just eating corpses. I heard that your little girl has a secret crush on Zhang San?"

Li Shimin laughed, he was in a good mood today and couldn't help but tease Fang Xuanling.

"It made the emperor laugh. My daughter is indeed in love with Zhang San. It's just that there are no elders in Zhang San's family, and no one is worried about this matter for him. The boy has only spoken directly to his beloved wife, probably because he is afraid of our objections, and has never formally visited her.

Talk about it."

Fang Xuanling also smiled and said, after seeing the memorial handed over by Qian Tong today, he greatly praised Zhang San's actions there. Fang Xuanling also became more and more fond of this child, so for the first time, he told Li Shimin more about his daily life.


"That kid didn't realize it. He's still just a pimple. When he comes back from Xuzhou, I'll personally marry him."

When Fang Xuanling heard this, he was very surprised. Li Shimin actually wanted to marry the two of them.

Gossiping aside, after all, Zhang San and the Fang family can be said to be incompatible with each other, but now if the emperor acts as a matchmaker, it will be the honor of shining on the family lintel.

"I would like to express my gratitude to the Emperor for my daughter and Zhang San." Fang Xuanling bowed and saluted.

Little did Zhang San know that the great thing he had dreamed of was about to happen.

At this time, Zhang Sanzheng and Wang Sima got on the carriage and went to the market together. In Songzhuang, not far from Xuzhou City, today Song Yuanwai, the same Mr. Song from last time, opened a market in Songzhuang, and it was officially put into trial operation today.

Zhang San was invited to visit and provide guidance and attend the opening ceremony.

At the entrance of the market, a high platform was decorated very festively. Song Yuanwai and a group of village elders were waiting for Zhang San and Wang Sima at the intersection.

When he saw Zhang San getting off the carriage, Mr. Song quickly led his people to greet him.

"Uncle Zhang County, it is a great honor for us to have Wang Sima come here!" Mr. Song stepped forward and welcomed him with his arms raised.

"You're welcome, Mr. Song. You opened a market here to facilitate the people and benefit the village. On behalf of the government and the people of Xuzhou, I would like to thank Mr. Song for your kind deed!" Zhang San said with a cupped hand in thanks.

"Yes, Mr. Song, you are indeed a good man of Song!" Wang Sima also smiled and expressed his closeness to Mr. Song.

Seeing that Uncle Zhang and Wang Sima were so polite and respectful to me, Mr. Song was very excited. Being recognized by the officials, especially now that he was confirmed to be at the top of the Merit Monument, made Mr. Song determined to be here.

Made achievements in disaster relief.

"Uncle Zhang County, Wang Sima has given you such compliments, come and invite us inside!" Mr. Song, with a happy face, invited Zhang San and Wang Lijian to the high platform.

"Let us welcome Mr. Zhang and Wang Sima with warm applause to attend this opening ceremony! Mr. Zhang has been busy working on the drought in Xuzhou to save the people from the fire..." Although Mr. Song is already old

He was over sixty, but he was still very energetic and strong. When he spoke, his voice was loud and loud. He even praised Zhang San as if he was alive, making Zhang San feel a little embarrassed.

This routine was also influenced by Wang Sima's temple fair held in Xuzhou, which attracted everyone's applause.

Under Mr. Song's warm praise, Zhang San had no choice but to stand up and say: "I am honored to be here today to participate in the opening ceremony of our Songzhuang Market. I wish our Songzhuang Market everything will last forever and benefit the township. I announce that Songzhuang Market

The market officially opens." Zhang San said loudly.

With the sound of gongs and drums, Songzhuang Market officially opened, and many small merchants and vendors set up stalls to sell goods according to the predetermined positions.

The troupe that originally performed in Xuzhou City has also come here and will start another three-day performance.

"Uncle Zhang County, Wang Sima, I have prepared some wine, please go ahead and show your respects!" Mr. Song said to the two of them.

"Thank you Mr. Song for your kind invitation. We have to rush back to Xuzhou later. The disaster situation is still severe at the moment. When the disaster is over, we will have a drink and have a good time." Zhang San apologized.

"You two have come all the way here, how can you not have something to eat? Don't worry, we are not extravagant and wasteful. They are all home-produced farm food. Don't dislike it!" Mr. Song warned.

The people next to me also agreed and were very polite, insisting that the two of them stay for some food before going back.

Zhang San and Wang Sima looked at each other and couldn't stand it, so they had to go to the banquet with everyone. However, Zhang San also declared that he would just go and have a few bites. He was really busy with official duties and couldn't get away.

After the two arrived, they drank a few glasses of wine with everyone, ate a few bites of food, chatted about Songzhuang Market, praised Mr. Song and others for their good deeds, and then excused themselves and left.

When Zhang and San returned to Xuzhou City, Qian Tong hurriedly called them to tell them some bad news: the victims of the disaster in Xiao County were rioting.

This chapter has been completed!
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