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Chapter 134

"Have you finished talking? Aren't there a few more charges? Why don't you name them together?" Zhang San said to the officials who impeached him.

"You..." Seeing that Zhang San was so confident, Zheng Qing pointed at Zhang San and wanted to scold him.

"What are you, you, let me ask you, have you ever been to Xuzhou? Which of you has been to Xuzhou to see the victims?" Zhang San asked coldly.

"Why don't you answer? I'll ask you again, do any of you know Guanyin Tu?"

Several people were asked by Zhang San and didn't know how to answer for a while. Li Shimin also looked at Zhang San with interest and said nothing.

"You don't know when I look at you. You don't know anything and you are still here making noises. Am I ashamed of you?" Zhang San said sarcastically.

"Zhang San, don't try to use your words. We don't know what to do, but what you did is the truth. Don't deny it." Zhao Yuan, a doctor in the Ministry of Punishment, scolded.

"Haha, I don't know how you got to this position. Shouldn't the Ministry of Justice deal with evidence?" Zhang San said with a smile.

"You don't know, I can give you some popular science. Guanyin soil can temporarily relieve hunger. Do you want to try it?" Zhang San said to Zhao Yuan provocatively.

"You..." Zhao Yuan knew as soon as he heard Zhang San's tone that this Guanyin soil was not a good thing, so naturally he did not dare to agree casually.

"I don't think so. Even if you are a bit smart, this Guanyin soil is actually a kind of mineral soil containing metal elements. It cannot be digested if eaten. Do you know what will happen to the victims after eating these things? Zheng Yushi, I want to

Do not want to know?"

Zhang Sanyue became more and more sad and angry as he spoke. Seeing that these people did not answer, he shouted: "You don't know anything. You are just spitting shit here. Let me tell you that those victims will eventually be swollen to death by Guanyin soil. How can you

Do you feel that way?"

Zhang San recalled that on the way to Xuzhou, he saw two children who bloated to death from eating Guanyin soil, and burst into tears.

"They were only so tall, and their bellies were so swollen. When Messenger Yu and I rushed over, those two people were already dead, and their eyes were wide open!"

Although everyone has not seen it with their own eyes, they can imagine how painful it must be for people who were swollen to death by Guanyin soil.

Kong Yingda, Yu Shinan and the others even cried out in sorrow and burst into tears.

"This cannot be a reason for you to change the relief grain into bran without authorization. Please don't trust Zhang San to confuse the public and fool all the officials." Cui Dian also stood up at this time and spoke to Li Shimin.

"Zhang San, what did you say?" Li Shimin felt a little regretful after hearing Zhang San's narration. He should not have asked Zhang San to come back from Xuzhou so early.

"Haha, I don't know what to say. I would like to ask Lord Changsun, how much grain has been allocated by the Ministry of Revenue to support Xuzhou?" Zhang San sneered at Cui Dian's words and turned to ask Changsun Wuji, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue.

Changsun Wuji felt dizzy when he heard Zhang San asking him, but when he saw Li Shimin looking at him, he could only bite the bullet and said: "A total of three hundred and twenty shi of food."

Three hundred and twenty shi of grain is more than 30,000 kilograms, which may sound like a lot at first, but for Xuzhou disaster victims, this amount of food is a drop in the bucket.

"Three hundred and twenty stones, but there are more than 30,000 disaster victims in Xuzhou. How long do you think this food will be enough? Besides, it took nearly seven or eight days for me to arrive in Xuzhou to deliver this food. You said, give it to those victims

What to eat?”

Zhang San looked at Cui Dian with a mocking look on his face.

"But you used the emperor's name without authorization and privately promised to build a monument of merit for the wealthy gentry and landlords in Xuzhou. You are deceiving the emperor and disregarding the emperor's reputation." Cui Dian was not entangled in this matter and quickly changed the charge.

"This is my permission. Before I left, I asked Sun Xi to pass on my instructions. Zhang San can act cheaply in Xuzhou. What Zhang San did was also for the victims of Xuzhou disaster. I won't hold him accountable. Why are you so worried?" Li Shimin took it.

Cui Dian said.

"Your Majesty, what you are doing is against the rules of etiquette. How can you ignore the majesty of the royal family and be cowardly with those merchants?" Huang Xiaoyi, a doctor in the Ministry of Rites, saw that the emperor wanted to excuse Zhang San and said quickly.

"Are you coming to teach me how to do things? The majesty of the royal family is based on peace in the world and the people living and working in peace and contentment. If the people live in dire straits, how can they have the majesty of the royal family?" Li Shimin yelled.

Zhang San felt better about Li Shimin after hearing what he said.

When Huang Xiaoyi heard Li Shimin's scolding, he quickly shouted that he didn't dare and begged Li Shimin to suffer.

Cui Dian saw that the emperor was obviously protecting Zhang San, but he didn't want to miss this opportunity, so he continued: "Then Zhang San spends all day eating, drinking and having fun in Xuzhou, not thinking about the victims, and passively resisting the disaster. Is this always right?"

"Haha, Minister Cui, this is inconsistent with the memorial I received." Cui Dian saw Fang Xuanling standing up with a smile and secretly said something was wrong.

"The governor of Xuzhou regularly reports to me the progress of disaster relief in Xuzhou. I think the disaster relief in Xuzhou has not fallen behind, but has achieved great results. At the same time, the officials and people of Xuzhou have greatly praised Zhang Xianbo, Yu Shi and Xu Yushi.

, I wonder where you got what you said?"

Fang Xuanling was in charge of the Shangshu Province, and many memorials were handled by him. When he asked, Cui Dian was speechless and could not possibly say that he was just hearing about it.

"Everyone knows about this, and County Uncle Zhang also sent people to establish a workshop in Xiao County, Xuzhou, taking the opportunity to seek personal gain for himself, which made the people complain." Cui Dian did not answer directly, but instead said.

"Haha, everyone knows it, why don't I know it? When did the Minister of Civil Affairs also have the power to report things?" Wei Zheng also stood up and said sarcastically.

When Cui Dian saw these two men standing up to support Zhang San, he knew that his plan to bring down Zhang San had completely failed. However, being able to recall Zhang San from Xuzhou was considered to have achieved his original goal.

No one expected that Zhang San, a man with muddy legs, could brilliantly curb the drought in Xuzhou in a very short period of time. The small character who was originally looked down upon by the aristocratic family has now become a fishbone stuck in the throat of the aristocratic family, which is beyond everyone's expectations.

In order to curb Zhang San's rising momentum, Zheng Xuan had to make concessions again and spent a lot of money to persuade Li Shimin to call Zhang San back from Xuzhou. Otherwise, Zhang San would be promoted again by Li Shimin because of his contribution to the disaster relief.

Make Zhang San a benchmark for poor people.

This time it can be said that you shot yourself in the foot. You can only experience it yourself.


Zhang San was very happy when he saw Cui Dian and others with constipated expressions on their faces. Before he came back, he was still guessing how Li Shimin would deal with this matter. Li Shimin's previous words made Zhang San see Li Shimin's attitude.

Zhang San had also long expected that today's so-called accountability was nothing more than one of the products of the power exchange that he didn't know about.

If he surrendered, he might really be taken down by these people, and Li Shimin wouldn't need a weakling by his side.

Seeing Zhang San openly laughing loudly in the court, Huang Xiaoyi, a doctor in the Ministry of Rites, immediately took a bite and said: "Young man with a yellow mouth, you ignore the rules of the court and behave weirdly in the court. This is a great disrespect to the emperor!"

Li Xiaogong, the Minister of Rites, turned around and glanced at Huang Xiaoyi, secretly cursing this guy. Couldn't he see that today's drama has come to an end with Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng stepping forward one after another?

Huang Xiaoyi trembled when he saw Li Xiaogong's eyes. When he saw Li Shimin sitting on the dragon chair looking at him with a half-smile, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He lowered his head and did not dare to say anything nonsense.

"Zhang San, what were you laughing at just now?" Li Shimin ignored Huang Xiaoyi and was very curious about why Zhang San was laughing.

"Going back to the emperor, I felt funny when I saw the faces of these people today. I suddenly thought of the victims of the disaster in Xuzhou. These officials with their salary from the court would only stand here shouting and shouting. It is really shameful. So I

I want to send a message in return to them."

Zhang San glanced at these people's faces and sneered.

"You..." Cui Diangang was about to retort angrily.

"What words?" Li Shimin asked next.

Cui Dian saw that although Li Shimin was questioning Zhang San, his eyes were staring at him, and he swallowed back what he was about to say.

"The wine and meat in the Zhumen stinks, and there are people dying of hunger on the road. The prosperity and decline are so close, and it is difficult to describe the melancholy." Zhang San said sonorously and forcefully.

After saying this, the whole hall fell silent!

This chapter has been completed!
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