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Chapter 136 Candidates

It was almost morning when Zhang San arrived home. Mrs. Song had prepared meals in advance. Young sister and Xiaoyu were very happy when they saw the money and silk given by the emperor.

"There is another good news for you." Zhang San took a few mouthfuls of rice and said to Xiaoyu and Xiaomei.

"What's the good news? Third brother, have you been promoted to a noble rank again?" the younger sister asked quickly.

"No, I'm already a county uncle at my age. If I join the nobility, I won't be able to become a marquis. Then how can you live with others?" Zhang San said with a smile.

Xiaoyu also smiled. Zhang San didn't say anything, and she didn't realize it yet. At this time, Zhang San was only one step away from becoming a marquis and becoming a prime minister.

"Then why are you so happy?" The little girl suddenly lost interest after hearing this.

"The emperor granted me a marriage today." Zhang Sanda said breathlessly.

When Xiaoyu heard this, her heart tightened, and then she relaxed, thinking to herself: The young master is so outstanding and has reached the marriageable age. It is time for him to get married and have children. But he doesn't know which girl can be so lucky.

"Marriage grant? Third brother is getting a wife? Whose wife is it?" The younger sister was very happy when she heard this. She had long wanted to ask third brother to get a wife as soon as possible.

Before my mother left, her biggest regret was not being able to see Zhang San get married and have children, and continue the Zhang family's legacy.

"You guys know Ke Ying." Zhang San smiled.

"It turns out to be Sister Keying. Great, I'm going to have a sister-in-law." The younger sister said happily.

"Why are you so excited when I get a wife? Calm down and see how steady Xiaoyu is."

"Xiaoyu is also happy for the young master. The lovers finally got married." Although Xiaoyu felt a little bitter in her heart, she really felt that the two of them were a perfect match. Zhang Sannian was very promising and talented, and Fang Keying was a perfect match both in family background and appearance.


"When Xiaoyu comes back, you and my little sister can help me think about what to prepare. Although the marriage is granted by the emperor, our family cannot lack the etiquette and rules."

"No problem, leave this to me and Sister Xiaoyu. We will discuss it with Sister-in-law Li when we get back." After the younger sister said that, she took Xiaoyu and went to find Sister-in-law Li.

Seeing the two people in a hurry, Zhang San thought that he was even more anxious than me, the groom, and took another sip of soup. Zhang San was going to invite someone with weight to take him to the house to propose marriage.

That night, Zhang San, Li's sister-in-law, Xiaoyu and her younger sister gathered together to discuss the matter of preparing a betrothal gift for Zhang San.

Only then did Zhang San realize that it turned out that getting married in ancient times was more troublesome than in modern times. It could be said that it was like passing five hurdles and slaying six generals.

There are six rites to go through in the early stage: accepting the gift, asking for the name, accepting the gift, accepting the levy, asking for a date and welcoming the bride. According to Mrs. Li, there is also a "wagon car" on the wedding day, that is, the bride's family stops the road to ask the groom for money.

They like money, and when they welcome the bride, they will be greeted with sticks and sticks by the bride’s relatives and friends, mainly women, which makes Zhang San feel like she is on a battlefield.

"Sire, it only lasts for a long time, just bite the bullet and get over it." Sister-in-law Li saw the corner of Zhang San's mouth twitching and said with a smile.

"The due etiquette is indispensable. Please help me prepare these. I will ask an elder to accompany me to the house." Zhang San thought to himself, it is not easy to marry a wife anytime.

With Zhang San's current financial resources, the house payment is no problem. The only difficult thing is who to invite to the house. The villagers from Zhangjiacun went there for fear of being looked down upon. Besides, Sister-in-law Li also said just now that the village chief is not here, and the others probably

When we arrived at the house, it was difficult to talk to him, so it was better not to cause trouble to the lord.

"Among the people I know, Cheng Yaojin is probably the only one who can help me with this. I'm not familiar with the others. Kong Yingda is Fang Keying's wife, so he's from the woman's side, so it's not suitable; but Cheng Yaojin has always been

In the military camp, you can't invite people over for this matter, right?"

"I don’t know if Master Miaoying is back. If not, please ask Master to go. Sun Simiao was also a famous person in the Tang Dynasty in history. Although he is not famous now for some reason, Zhang San believes that gold will always shine. Sooner or later, Sun Simiao will

It will become famous in the Tang Dynasty."

Zhang San was lying on the bed feeling worried.

"The village chief is not here, and Cheng Yaojin is in the military camp. It seems that we should go see if Master Miaoying is back tomorrow. If he is here, we will ask him to go to the house to propose marriage and employment as our elder."

Having made up his mind, Zhang San prepared to go to Xuande Watch early tomorrow morning.

"Third brother, you are going to Xuande Temple. Let me go with you. I haven't seen the real person for a long time. I don't know if he is back." My little sister heard from Zhang San early in the morning that she went to Xuande Temple to visit the real person Miaoying.

I thought about going to see it together.

"Okay, let's go together. You ask Mrs. Li to prepare gifts, and I'll ask Zhang Fu to drive." Zhang San replied.

When the three brothers and sisters arrived at Xuande Temple by car, they saw several old men coming out of the temple and said, "As expected of Master Miaoying, just take two doses of medicine and you'll be fine."

After hearing what the old man said, Zhang San was very happy. It seemed that Sun Simiao was back.

The younger sister couldn't wait to run in and shouted: "Zhenren, the third brother and I are here to see you!"

Hearing the little sister's voice, Sun Simiao walked out of the temple and was very happy to see Zhang San and his little sister arriving: "The old Taoist came back the day before yesterday and I heard from the Taoist boy that the little sister came to the temple to look for me twice.

I wanted to visit you at my house tomorrow when I have free time, but I didn’t expect you to come today.”

"Master, why did you go so long this time? Third brother also went to Henan Road some time ago. Have you heard about the drought in Xuzhou? It was third brother who went to solve it." The younger sister said to Sun Simiao.

"The old Taoist heard about Xiao San's good deeds in Xuzhou and was very happy. Sure enough, the old Taoist was right. Xiao San is now a pillar of the country." Sun Simiao praised.

Zhang San smiled and said: "Master, that's ridiculous. I'm just following orders and doing my best."

Zhang San and Zhang Fu handed the gifts they brought to the Taoist boy and followed the real person to the temple.

"Did Zhenren go to Henan this time and find the medicine you need?" Zhang San asked.

"I found it. I also took a trip to Qingzhou to visit an old friend of mine and discuss some pharmacological knowledge with him." Sun Simiao replied.

Zhang San didn't ask any more questions about this matter, and explained the purpose of coming here.

"Oh, this is a good thing. It is a great honor to be granted marriage by the emperor. But isn't it inappropriate to be an old Taoist?" Sun Simiao said.

"I think it's very appropriate. Third brother and I have always regarded you as our most respected elder. You have to help my third brother with this matter!" the younger sister said coquettishly.

"Yes, Master. Without your selfless help in the past, and our brothers and sisters wouldn't be where we are now, it would be more appropriate for you to be my elder." Zhang San also agreed.

"Well, I'll just go there, but don't let the bride's family despise you because of me." Sun Simiao stopped refusing and said with a smile.

"No, I still trust the prime minister's character and will not look down upon us." Zhang San said happily when Sun Simiao agreed.

This chapter has been completed!
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