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Chapter 206: Commune Dividends

Just when the two of them were confused and infatuated, there was another knock on the door, "Miss, Miss, Madam is looking for you!"

Xiaoyan's hurried shouting brought the two of them back to reality again. When Fang Keying heard that her mother was looking for her, she quickly said: "I'm leaving first, you..."

Zhang San pulled Fang Ke's small hand and hugged him.

Fang Keying lightly hit Zhang San on the chest and quickly broke away from Zhang San's arms, "Be careful when you go back."

After speaking, Zhang San ran out without waiting for a reply.

When Zhang San saw Fang Keying's retreating figure, his heart was filled with sweetness.

Since Fang Xuanling and the others were not there, Zhang San went back first.

Yesterday, I got drunk and stayed overnight in my house. Erwazi had already told my family, so no one was too worried about it.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, Zhang San followed the habit of his previous life and designated today as the day to start work.

Zhangjiacun Industrial Park, which had been dormant for a week, became busy again.

On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, Zhang San, Xiaoyu and Muramasa arrived hand in hand, because today was the first time the Zhangjiacun Commune distributed dividends.

In the commune meeting room, representatives from every household in Zhangjia Village have already arrived, and everyone is looking forward to the next dividends.

"Everyone, in the past year, under the leadership of Your Majesty, we Zhangjiacun people have created a new era in Zhangjiacun. Our village has become the richest village within dozens of miles and even the entire Tang Dynasty. All of this is due to our Majesty.

It’s all thanks to you!” Muramasa took the lead in speaking at the meeting.

All the villagers in Zhangjiacun also applauded and agreed with what Muramasa said.

Zhang San, who was sitting at the table, was not used to hearing Muramasa praising himself from time to time, but he could not interrupt at this time. This move also helped Zhang San gain prestige and popularity.

After Muramasa finished his speech, Xiaoyu continued to speak. Xiaoyu's speech was mainly about the financial situation of the commune last year.

"Through everyone's efforts, our commune has a total balance of 7,000 guan, excluding the expenses set aside for this year's operations."

After everyone heard this number, they all gasped, and then they started talking among themselves.

"My dear mother, why are there so many?"

"That's right, I've never seen so much money in my dreams."

"It's all under the leadership of Sir Alex!"

"Are you all surprised by this number?" Xiaoyu asked with a smile without stopping everyone from talking.

"Yes, Manager Yu, this is too much money."

"The surprise is yet to come. Our Lord has said that five thousand gu will be used as dividends this time." After Xiaoyu finished speaking, everyone burst into cheers again.

According to everyone's thinking, if you can pay out a small half of the dividend, it will be a big deal. But I didn't expect that happiness came so suddenly, and Sir Alex actually gave out more than half of it as a dividend.

"Genzi, help me calculate, how much can I share?" Erwazi asked Genzi beside him, because Genzi's calculations were the best among the escorts.

"What the hell, Sir, I can still get away from you, just wait and get the money." Genzi said angrily.

"That's not what I meant. It's just that my mother has found a marriage for me. Isn't it enough for me to calculate the gift?" Erwazi said sheepishly.

"Okay, your mother-in-law can't afford to spend so much money to marry her home." Genzi curled his lips and said with amusement.

"That's good, that's good!" Erwazi replied excitedly.

"According to the dividend rules of our commune, we have calculated the amount of dividends everyone deserves this time, and will post it in the conference room afterwards. If you have any doubts about the amount of income, you can check it." Xiaoyu held a copy.

Announcements are posted on the bulletin board in the conference room.

"Master, please say a few words!" Xiaoyu said to Zhang San after finishing speaking.

Zhang San moistened his throat, stood up, and immediately received a wave of applause.

"Everyone, just now Muramasa and Xiaodama praised me for taking the lead in doing all this. In fact, all this is the result of everyone's joint efforts."

Zhang San's eyes swept over everyone one by one, and he felt a sense of accomplishment when he saw everyone's faces filled with different expressions such as excitement, excitement, and anticipation.

"In the past year, our commune has grown from scratch, from weak to strong, and our products have been sold to farther places. Hu businessmen even came to do business with us. All this tells us that our commune has already

Things are different now.”

Zhang San's sonorous and powerful voice echoed in the conference room, making everyone feel excited and proud to be from Zhangjiacun.

"Follow the lord, and you will have meat to eat!" Someone shouted, and suddenly everyone shouted like this as if they had been given a shot of blood.

A black line flashed across Zhang San's forehead. What he said was so kind!

"Everyone, be quiet!" Zhang San pressed his hands in the air, and everyone immediately stopped shouting and waited for Zhang San to continue.

"This year is a year full of opportunities and challenges for our commune. We created the brand Xingsheng Commercial Bank two years ago, and this year we will work hard to make this brand famous! At the same time, in the face of competition from some peers with ill intentions,

We must also work hard and not let outsiders take advantage of us."

"Don't worry, Sir, we will work hard and not give opportunities to those evil-minded and unscrupulous businessmen." Zhang Sun said loudly.

Last year, the secrets of her sugar factory were leaked, causing the commune to suffer a lot of losses. This hit Zhang Sun very hard. Fortunately, although Zhang San punished her, she did not fire or demote her.


"Finally, I wish our commune will get better and better, and everyone's income will get higher and higher. Let's join hands to create a prosperous Zhangjiacun and create a new situation for our future generations."

After Zhang San finished speaking, everyone burst into warm applause again.

"Okay, let's start distributing the money." After Zhang San sat down, someone brought boxes of copper coins and began to distribute the dividends to everyone.

Zhangjiacun originally had a total of 60 households, with a total population of 135 people.

The commune adheres to the principles of fairness, justice, openness, and more reward for more work. First, in accordance with the commune dividend rules and regulations, each household will be divided into 30 yuan according to the proportion. This part of the money will be used regardless of whether you participate in the commune's production activities.

Every member of the commune will receive a dividend.

Based on current purchasing power, this amount of money is enough to cover the expenses of a family of four for a year.

Of course, the premise is that you are not extravagant and wasteful, but just meet the needs of life.

After this amount of money is distributed, some families who participate in the common production and operation activities of the commune, and there are thirty households in this group, can receive an additional forty guan.

After two rounds, there were still two thousand strings left.

"Zhang Shun, Zhang Jingfeng... each of your families has fifty guan," the village chief said, reading the list.

Zhang Shun rubbed his hands excitedly, grinned and stepped forward to sign his name on the list with his own name on it. The money would be delivered to his home by the escort later.

"Zhang Fugui, Zhang Jin, Zhang Huan, Zhang Dazhuang... seventy guan for each of your families." These are the senior managers of the commune, as well as the originally elected leaders of each group, as well as the leaders of the later caravans.

Naturally, everyone had no objections to the commune's distribution method.

The original villagers in Zhangjia Village had finished their dividends and were left with 800 guan.

Muramasa, Xiaoyu, and Suxin each received a reward of one hundred guan, and the last 500 guan was left to the masters at the school.

Although those people did not join the commune at the beginning, they are now gradually integrated into it. Zhang San gave the money to Ban Zizai and asked him to distribute it to the masters after he returned, as a reward for them.

After the meeting, everyone in Zhangjia Village had smiles on their faces, which made many workers from other villages puzzled. However, after a while, well-informed people answered their questions.

"Zhangjiacun Commune is giving out money. I heard that the least one has is 30 guan!"

"Thirty strings? Tsk! No wonder they are so happy."

"How great it would be if I were also from Zhangjiacun!"

"You are beautiful, you have no chance, but I have a chance!"

"Look at you, don't you just have a good daughter!" The man said with some amusement.

"That's it, Erwazi's mother has already made a marriage agreement with us. From now on, my girl will also be from Zhangjiacun." The man showed off happily.

"Who was the one who called your girl a dead girl and a loser every day?" These two people were from the same village, and they said sarcastically at this time.

"Who said that? I didn't. Go and do your job!" the man retorted guiltily.

Zhang San didn't know that this dividend would indirectly bring spring to the bachelors in Zhangjiacun. Afterwards, many people from other villages asked matchmakers to come to Zhangjiacun to talk about matchmaking.

This chapter has been completed!
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