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Chapter 368 The First Free Clinic of the Medical College

There was a bit too much rain this summer, and lightning and thunder started again at night. Xiaoyu was awakened by the thunder and huddled in Zhang San's arms for a long time without falling asleep.

After telling the story last night, Zhang San felt exhausted. He didn't expect that talking would be so tiring.

Although there was fragrant nephrite in his arms at this time, Zhang San was very honest.

Gently patting Xiaoyu's back, Xiaoyu seemed to feel a sense of security and slowly fell asleep.

It rained continuously for three days, and the water level of the Wei River rose a lot. Zhang San was worried that if it continued like this, floods would occur.

It can be said that natural disasters occurred frequently during the Zhenguan period in history, but fortunately they were only small-scale and did not shake the country's foundation.

On the contrary, the Tang Dynasty flourished under the governance of Li Shimin, and the grand rule of Zhenguan appeared, which laid a solid foundation for the subsequent prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

It has been raining for several days, and many villagers near Zhangjiacun have developed symptoms of diarrhea. This is the symptom most people who come to the medical school for consultation in the past few days.

Sun Simiao was worried that if this continued, it would cause malaria, which was basically unsolvable at this time, and mosquitoes breed in summer, making it easy for infection to occur.

So Sun Simiao decided to launch a large-scale free clinic and disinfect some areas to avoid the occurrence of epidemics.

Although Zhang San rarely went to medical school, many of Zhang San's theoretical knowledge were often discussed with Sun Simiao and others.

I am especially concerned about the bacteria that Zhang San mentioned, which are small bugs.

In addition, Zhang San also made a microscope that was not successful, allowing them to see microorganisms invisible to the naked eye for the first time.

Now the medical school has also quoted some Western medicine treatment methods from Zhang San's previous life. For example, in the event of cardiac arrest, artificial respiration and chest compressions can be performed, as well as some simple surgical operations, and wound disinfection for trauma patients.


In fact, current Chinese medicine also has some simple surgical operations, but it has not formed a theory.

Zhang San repeated the theoretical knowledge he knew to them.

This made a few people seem to have opened the door to a new world, and they would get together to discuss it every day when they had nothing to do.

This is the reason why we are preparing to disinfect Zhangjia Village and some nearby villages.

Destroy viruses that are invisible to the naked eye before they enter the human body.

At the same time, we will also go to villages to conduct medical propaganda, mainly to call on everyone not to drink raw water, especially water from rivers or wells after rain, which must be boiled before drinking.

This can minimize the possibility of getting sick.

As for the promotion of medical knowledge, it was naturally done by students in the medical school. Zhang San also asked the printing shop at the paper factory to cooperate in printing some promotional leaflets.

Distribute it to the village leaders in each village. It's not that Zhang San doesn't want to give each family one copy, it's just because there are too many illiterates in the countryside at this time.

They don't have literacy classes like Zhangjiacun where they can go and study. Besides, even if there were, they wouldn't go. They leave early and come back late every day, just to have enough to eat, so they don't have time to study.

Sun Simiao and others were divided into four teams, and under the escort of the escort team, they went to various villages to conduct free clinics.

Originally, Sun Simiao and others wanted to charge a nominal fee for consultation, but they were afraid that Zhang San would not be able to get through. After all, all the money was sponsored by Zhang San.

However, Zhang San directly asked them for a free clinic, and he was not short of money now. Besides, most people just had a stomachache, and this kind of herbal medicine didn't cost much.

At the same time, free free clinics can also increase the reputation of the medical school. Once the reputation becomes famous, more people will come here.

Zhang San does not expect the medical school to earn him any money. The purpose of establishing the medical school is to fulfill his dream that he could not complete in his previous life, and to accumulate prestige for himself.

As the Zhangjiacun Commune grows and develops, it is inevitable that some people will be jealous and secretly give Zhang San troubles, or give the emperor eye drops.

To borrow a sentence from a previous life: “Always stand on the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, do practical things for them, and do good deeds! Only in this way can their hearts be with you.

If someone is really disadvantageous to Zhang San, believe it or not, I will give you a Wanmin Book in a minute?

Therefore, Zhang San feels that this kind of free clinic activity should be held more frequently, at least once or twice a year.

In this era of very backward medical and health care, if malaria did occur, it would be an unforeseen disaster.

You may say that one or two people who have stomach problems are fine, but if there are more than ten or twenty people who have stomach problems in one day, it is no small matter.

People at this time did not have the habit of drinking boiled water. After all, firewood was needed to boil water. Some people saved as much as they could, and the firewood they saved might be able to be exchanged for a few copper coins.

What kind of boiled water should I drink in this summer?

In addition, many people do not pay attention to hygiene, and viruses can easily breed in this summer.

So Zhang San asked the escort team to bring a lot of lime, and first buried the small puddles near Zhangjiacun to avoid breeding mosquitoes.

At the same time, they were asked to assist Sun Simiao and others in carrying out disinfection work in various nearby villages.

All medicinal materials and disinfectants are allocated from the commune.

After the news of the free medical clinic at the medical school spread, it once again aroused unanimous praise from everyone.

Many people from other villages are so grateful to Zhangjiacun!

Every time Sun Simiao and his friends went to a village, they received warm reception from the villagers. When they left, many people gave them eggs and other things that they were reluctant to eat.

This moved everyone's hearts very much.

Of course, they don't need it life and death. Eggs are no longer considered rare items in Zhangjiacun, but in these villages, they are good things that can be exchanged for money to subsidize the family.

Didn’t you see those children swallowing unconsciously when they stared at the eggs?

"Liu Cunzheng, you must talk to the big guys more. Don't drink raw water. Be sure to boil it before drinking it. You have the most people with diarrhea in your village. I have put some water in your well for you."

Potion to prevent epidemics, please read this leaflet carefully, and then tell everyone about the dangers of drinking raw water..."

Sun Simiao went to a village called Liuzhuang today. Because this village is far away from Zhangjiacun, many people are upset, but they grit their teeth and endure it. It turns out that this is how it used to be, with a group of people facing the loess and back to the sky.

How can lower-class people be so delicate?

I have to take medicine when I have diarrhea.

"Okay Master, thank you for your hard work. I will definitely convey it to them. Thank you for your hard work. This is a little bit of the villagers' wishes. I hope you will accept it." Liu Cunzheng was holding a basket of eggs and two chickens in his hand.

The eggs were cobbled together by the villagers, and the chickens were raised by Liu Cunzheng himself.

Sun Simiao and his party not only treated the people in their village for free, but also left a lot of medicinal materials and told them that if any epidemic occurs, they must come to Zhangjiacun Medical College. Even if they have no money, it will be okay, the medical school will accept patients, which makes

The villagers in Liuzhuang were very moved.

Sun Simiao also told them that these were all given by Zhang County Marquis, and Zhang San's reputation was also highly praised by everyone along the way.

This chapter has been completed!
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