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Chapter 51 The Three Character Classic

The head of the Zheng family, Zheng Xuan, was listening to the report of his servants. Zheng Xuan's face was gloomy. He slammed the tea cup on the ground and pointed at the servants who were kneeling there shivering and said: "You said Cheng Chumo, Qin Huaiyu and the others are also there.

Are you still responsible for maintaining order there?"

"Back to my lord, that's right. When I came back, I saw Kong Jijiu also going there. So I didn't let those gangsters make trouble, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble." The man said cautiously.

"Kong Yingda is also here? Why does Zhang San have such a big reputation?" Zheng Xuan said with a gloomy face.

"I don't know." The man put his face to the ground, not daring to raise his head, and replied carefully.

"Go down. You did the right thing this time. Let those gangsters disperse. It's better not to cause trouble at the moment." Zheng Xuan waved his servants to leave.

After hearing this, the man felt like he was being pardoned and left the room with his head lowered.

Kong Jijiu sat alone in the reading room and read a book. The noisy sounds outside did not affect Kong Yingda's enthusiasm for reading at all.

Zhang San was very happy when he saw the lively atmosphere. If this first step is taken well, future development will be much easier.

"I won the special prize!" At this time, an old man shouted excitedly.

Everyone also looked over there.

"Congratulations to this uncle, you won the special prize of a copy of the Three Character Classic." The clerk in the store picked up a book and handed it to the old man.

"What? The third prize is only for this book, and it's so thin? Are you lying to me?" the old man said angrily, holding a booklet with only more than ten pages.

"How could it be so? Our Sanwei Bookstore is so young and innocent. Although this Three-Character Classic has only a dozen pages, it is a good book for enlightenment teaching. It is perfect to take it back and show it to your children. Do you know that this is our Zhang Jue?"

Textbooks written by me myself.”

The waiter explained patiently, but he was also complaining in his heart that this thing was not as good as the first prize toffee. Of course, he did not dare to say nonsense.

"I don't want this, can you exchange it for that toffee? I'm illiterate, so it's useless to take it back. Can I exchange it for this one?" The old man obviously didn't believe it, and he shouted to change the prize.

"This, this is against the rules, you can't make the decision." The waiter said awkwardly. Because no one told him in advance that the gift could be exchanged, he said awkwardly.

"What's against the rules? Do you think I'm illiterate and easy to bully? I don't care. If you don't change it for me, I won't leave." The farmer said angrily.

Just when the clerk was in a dilemma, Zhang San came here and said: "Uncle, please think carefully. This book is a limited edition, with only fifty copies. There will never be a painted version like this in the future."

When the old man saw that Zhang San was dressed unusually, his tone became much more polite, and he replied: "Old man, I am not sincerely making trouble, but I am illiterate, so it is useless!"

"Hello, Sir!" The waiter saluted quickly when he saw Zhang San coming.

The old man was a little frightened when he heard that the person was a lord. Since ancient times, he has never fought with officials. The old man was afraid that his actions just now would bring him trouble.

"Uncle, let's do this. Just hold this book, and I'll ask the guy to get you some toffee to eat. You'll know if this book is valuable in the future." Zhang San looked at the old man and said with a smile.

"Really, is there such a good thing?" The old man obviously couldn't believe what he heard and asked subconsciously.

"This is the first time our bookshop has opened. Of course we won't lie. The "Three Character Classic" in your hand is indeed a good thing. Just keep it. You will know it later. Xiao Sun went to get some toffee for the uncle to take with him.


After Zhang San finished speaking, he pointed at Shopkeeper Sun’s nephew Xiao Sun.

"Thank you Sir, thank you Sir." The old man said to Zhang San gratefully while holding the toffee and book.

"Uncle, you can go and visit there. There is tea in the reading room, and you can also go there to rest." Zhang San said politely.

"Okay, okay." The noble Sir Zhang San treated the old man so politely, which obviously made the old man feel at a loss for a moment. He then walked to the reading room where Zhang San mentioned in a daze.

"Xiaosan, it seems that no one will come today except Kong Jijiu." Fang Yiai said with some embarrassment as she hadn't seen her father coming or anyone else until now.

"It's okay. I think today's publicity effect is very good. It doesn't matter whether people come or not. They are not our target customers." Zhang San said disapprovingly.

"Xiao San, how are you? Brothers, I have maintained good security for you today, right?" Cheng Chumo came to Zhang San and said, staring at a very naughty red scarf.

"Yes, thank you for your hard work. I'll treat you to a big dinner at Qujiang Tower tonight." Zhang Sanqiang said while holding back his smile.

"This leaflet of yours is really good. Now that it has been distributed, what should we do next?" Changsun Chong asked.

"There's nothing else to do next. Kong Jijiu is inside, why don't you go and see me?" Zhang San asked.

"Forget it, I'm scared when I see Kong Jijiu, let's just watch here." Yuchi Baolin said with a shrinking head.

"Haha, look at how you look like a bear. Wasn't it because you were taught a lesson by Kong Jijiu last time? You're still filming it now!" Qin Huaiyu said with a smile.

"If you have the guts, go ahead!" Yuchi Baolin said angrily.

"Hey, I like it outside too, the air is good." Qin Huaiyu took a deep breath and said.

Zhang San was also speechless towards these people. He didn't expect that these people, who were usually fearless, were actually afraid of Kong Jijiu. He must have been tortured in school!

"Okay, it's really wonderful. It's concise, concise and insightful!" I saw Kong Yingda holding the Three Character Classic written by Zhang San and running out happily, still mumbling something.

"I've seen Kong Jijiu."

Several people quickly saluted Kong Jijiu.

"Well, you guys are very good. From now on, you and Zhang San will run this bookstore well and stop looking for flowers." Kong Yingda said to several people in a rare polite manner.

This scene surprised Cheng Chumo and others, thinking that the sun had risen from the west today. Usually, Kong Yingda saw several people who were polite to Fang Yiai, but hated everyone else, with a look on his face.

Disappointed expression.

Of course, the reason why Kong Yingda was like this was because this Sanwei Bookstore allowed Kong Yingda to see another side of these people that was unknown to the public. Although he was not as uneducated as Zheng Shide on weekdays, he was not much better.

"Come on, come on, mistress, come in and tell me about the Three-Character Sutra." Kong Yingda pulled Zhang San and walked inside.

When we came to the reading room, the old man was still sitting there. He stood up nervously when he saw Kong Yingda and Zhang San coming in. When I came here just now, I met an old man sitting there reading. The old man was curious and thought he was here to visit like himself.

, and chatted for a few words.

Then, he showed Kong Yingda the Three-Character Classic that he had won. Unexpectedly, after Kong Yingda read it, he exclaimed that it was wonderful. After asking about the purpose of the book, Kong Yingda hurried out to find Zhang San.

Zhang San greeted the old man cordially and exchanged a few polite words with him. Kong Yingda also returned the book to the old man and told him that the book was very precious and must be kept well. After thanking the old man profusely, he said goodbye to the two of them.

"Xiao San, did you write this book yourself?" Kong Yingda asked.

"Yes, I feel that the current enlightenment reading materials are a bit obscure and difficult to understand, so I borrowed some classics from the Taoist temple, combined with my own understanding, and re-wrote a book, thinking of putting it on the market to see the feedback." Zhang San looked puzzled.

Red Heart said without beating.

"This book is perfect for children's enlightenment teaching. Zhang San, you really impressed me. I'm going to promote this book in Hongwen Museum. What do you think?" Kong Yingda asked tentatively. Academics all have their own skills.

At first sight, Kong Yingda was afraid that Zhang San would not allow it, so he was still a little uneasy.

"That's great. This book is just for people to read. Of course, the more people learn from it, the better." Zhang San said happily.

"That's great. Do you still have that book? Can you give me a copy? I'll take it back and study it again." Kong Yingda said sheepishly.

"I'm going to take a look. I made the first batch of fifty readers with illustrations, and I also wanted to give them out as today's prizes. I'll go look for them and see if they are available." After Zhang San finished speaking, he went.

Going to the prize collection area, Kong Yingda also went with anxiety in his heart.

"Fortunately, there is only one left for you." Zhang San took the last Three Character Classic and handed it to Kong Yingda and said.

Kong Yingda took it with both hands, wiped the cover of the book, and took it away very preciously.

In the Zichen Hall, there was a copy of "The Three Character Classic" on Li Shimin's desk. When he saw this book for the first time, Li Shimin was also shocked.

Although Li Shimin conquered the country on horseback, he was also good at civil and martial arts, so he naturally knew the value of this book. I didn't expect that guy Zhang San had such ability and could write a book about it.

Li Shimin originally didn't want to go to Sanwei Bookstore today, but after seeing this book, Li Shimin decided to go and have a look. Especially the on-site information sent back by Baiqisi made Li Shimin full of interest in it.

This chapter has been completed!
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