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Chapter 80

Zhang San saw a lot of areas that needed improvement in the reading room this time. For example, the reading room was too small. Zhang San planned to set aside a space in the backyard as a reading room.

There is also the problem of lunch. Many students come from surrounding counties and eat some dry food that they bring with them, and some do not eat at all. Zhang San thought about allocating a special amount of money to solve this problem and make a

What is "one-penny fast food"? The food can be simple, but it can fill you up. The main reason for charging this penny is to consider the students' face. They may not be embarrassed to eat free meals.

Of course, this one-penny fast food cannot be supplied in unlimited quantities every day. Please come back and discuss the specific details with Shopkeeper Sun.

After lunch, Mr. Sun Xin, a lecturer invited by the bookstore, walked in with a book.

"Master Sun, you are here. Thank you for your hard work. Let's drink a glass of water to relieve the heat." Shopkeeper Sun greeted Sun Xin quickly when he saw him.

"You're welcome, Shopkeeper Sun. Don't make the students wait impatiently. I'd better teach the class first. If I finish today's class early, the students who are far away can go home early." Sun Xin said with cupped hands.

"Okay, I've got you here now, please come in!"

Shopkeeper Sun invited Lecturer Sun to the reading room and then left.

This was the first time Zhang San saw Sun Xin. He looked to be in his late fifties, wearing a Confucian shirt, walking calmly and elegantly, and looking like an old scholar.

"Hello, Master Sun!" When the students saw Sun Xin coming in, they quickly stood up and saluted to say hello.

"Hello students, please find your seats and sit down. I will start the lecture." Sun Xin also returned the courtesy and said.

"Today, I am going to talk about "The Analects of Confucius: Xianwen"." Sun Xin said while standing in front of the lectern.

"Zilu asked the gentleman.

The Master said: 'Cultivate yourself to respect yourself.'

He said: 'Is that all?'

Said: ‘Cultivation of oneself to bring peace to others’

He said: 'Is that all?'

Said: "Cultivation of oneself to bring peace to the people. Cultivation of oneself to bring peace to the people. How could Yao and Shun have harmed others?"

“I had a lot of feelings when I saw this place yesterday, so I’d like to share it with you today.” Sun Xin explained his insights.

"What Confucius said is actually telling students that a gentleman should cultivate himself, and the most important thing is to govern the country and bring peace to the people. I also hope that you can examine yourself three times every day and become a person who is useful to the country and the people."

"Students must obey the Master's teachings."

Everyone saluted Sun Xin in front and replied.

"Gentlemen, let me ask you why we study?" Sun Xin put down the book and asked.

"Master, study is for the purpose of cultivating one's character, managing the family, governing the country, and bringing peace to the world." A student replied quoting a sentence from "Book of Rites: University".

"Yes, why do other gentlemen think they study?" Sun Xin praised and asked again.

The students below stood up and answered one after another. Some said it was to become an official, some said it was to change their destiny, and some said it was because they were eager to learn. In short, there were different opinions.

Sun Xin always agrees with students' opinions and encourages students to study hard and move toward their goals.

"Everyone is right. As long as you are dedicated to learning and doing good, that is the purpose of learning." Sun Xin commented.

"Mr. Sir, why do you think people need to study?" Sun Xin pointed at Ma Zhou and asked.

"Master, I study for the purpose of 'learning well and being an official' so that I can govern the country and bring peace to the people and show my ambition." Ma Zhou replied.

"What Lang Jun said is reasonable, but if you want to govern the country and secure the people and express your ambitions, you do not have to become an official. The value of a person is reflected in all aspects. Even if you cannot enter an official career, you can still realize your own value through other methods." Sun Xin said.

"Thank you, Master, for your teaching!" Ma Zhou thanked him.

"This gentleman, where are you?" Sun Xin asked Zhang San.

Zhang San didn't expect that he would be called by the teacher when he came to listen, and he felt funny in his heart. However, the teacher had already called him, so he couldn't refuse to answer, so he stood up and replied: "Master, I think learning is to 'set up a heart for the world and make a living.

The people have established a mandate to carry forward the unique knowledge for the saints and create peace for all generations.'

Zhang San borrowed the famous saying of Zhang Zai, a great scholar from the Northern Song Dynasty, and replied. After finishing speaking, Sun Xin looked at Zhang San in silence, and everyone was even more stunned.

The short four sentences were so shocking that everyone felt like there was a blockage in their hearts, making them want to shout to the sky.

Zhang San just thought that this sentence was very good, and it was very appropriate to use it here. However, seeing everyone's reaction, Zhang San touched his nose and felt that he was a bit pretentious again, always using other people's knowledge in vain.

"Master, Master?" Zhang San saw Sun Xin staring at him with gleaming eyes. He felt a little scared and shouted.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm such a talented man. These four sentences have made me addicted and I can't extricate myself. Please accept my bow." Sun Xin bowed to Zhang San as a disciple.

"I don't dare to be a master, you are trying to discredit me." Zhang San quickly grabbed Sun Xin and said.

"I dare not interpret these four sentences, but you should keep them in mind. I think everyone has different understandings. Let me encourage you all." Sun Xin said excitedly.

"Yes, Master; you are a great talent!"

Everyone first answered Sun Xin, and then bowed to Zhang Sanyi.

"I don't dare to take it, I don't dare to take it!" Zhang San quickly waved his hand and replied.

"Okay, gentlemen, later on you can bring up the confusions you encountered in your studies, and we will answer them together." Sun Xin returned to the desk and said to everyone.

The latter part of the time is mostly for students to ask questions, and Sun Xin gives his answers, or allows everyone to participate in discussions.

Zhang San admired Sun Xin's teaching methods very much. He did not just teach students to "study to death, study to death", but also allowed students to apply what they learned, diversify their thinking, and inspire students to think. He is indeed a rare and good teacher. No wonder

There will be so many students coming to listen to the lecture today.

"Okay, let's end it today. My husband from far away will also go back early. Don't let your family worry." Sun Xin closed the book and said.

"Thank you Master for teaching me today." Everyone stood up and saluted Sun Xin and replied.

"This gentleman, what is your name? Is this your first time here?" Sun Xin stopped Zhang San and asked.

"Master, my name is Zhang San. It is indeed my first time to attend a class today." Zhang San replied.

"Zhang San?" Sun Xin knew that the owner of this bookshop was a lord named Zhang San, but looking at Zhang San's conversation and behavior today, he didn't behave like a lord, so he thought it was just the same name.

In this era, when there are many children in the family, most of them are arranged in order. There are many names like Zhang San.

"Master, Brother Zhang, I will leave first. What I heard from Brother Zhang today made me suddenly enlightened!" Ma Zhou saluted Sun Xin and Zhang San and prepared to say goodbye.

"My husband, you should also be diligent in your studies, and come here to read more when you have nothing to do." Sun Xin encouraged.

"Brother Ma, you are too flattering. If you encounter anything, you can come here to find me. I..." Zhang Sangang wanted to identify himself to the two of them, but suddenly Zhang Fugui rushed in.

Seeing Zhang San talking to the two of them, he didn't care so much and said quickly: "Your Majesty, something is wrong. Our caravan has been robbed."

This chapter has been completed!
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