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Chapter 82 Preparation

"Fugui, the escort team has been training for a long time. Now it's time to test them." Zhang San said to Zhang Fugui who was sitting aside.

"Okay, Sir, if you have any instructions, just tell me." Zhang Fugui clenched his fist and replied.

This time the caravan was robbed and the goods were destroyed, which made Zhang Fugui feel angry and felt that he had betrayed Zhang San's trust.

"Dazhuang, how many sets of equipment have I asked you and Lin Zi to make together?" Zhang San asked.

"Sir, I will make fifteen sets for the time being." Zhang Dazhuang replied.

Some time ago, Zhang San asked Zhang Dazhuang and Zhang Lin to be responsible for making a batch of hand crossbows and armors. Since Zhang San ordered not to let too many people know about it, they were all processed by Zhang Dazhuang, his father and his son, and his nephew Zhang Sheng.

"Not bad, more than I expected." Zhang San said with satisfaction.

"Zhang Jin, how many crossbows have you and Tiedan made?"

"Sir, we have made more than five hundred branches, and they can be used with arrows attached." Zhang Jin replied.

"Okay, Fugui, you come back and go to Zhang Jin and Zhang Dazhuang's house to take all these with you, and then give you two days to let all the uninjured members of the escort team become familiar with these tools." Zhang San told Fugui.

"No problem." Zhang Fugui replied.

"Zhang Jin, many of the goods this time are furniture items that your team is responsible for, right?"

"Yes, sir."

Zhang Jin was very distressed by this loss. All the furniture that he had worked hard to build for half a month was completely destroyed. The carpentry team suffered heavy losses this time.

"Don't be sad. When you go back, let the workers continue to make furniture, and then talk to the customer and try to win their understanding first." Zhang San saw the pain on Zhang Jin's face and comforted him.

"Okay Sir, fortunately there is still a lot of wood left this time. Let's work as soon as possible after we get back." Zhang Jin replied.

"Auntie, the toffee shop also needs to work hard. You will supervise and get the goods together as soon as possible." Zhang San said to Zhang Sun.

"Okay Sir, these are damn thieves..." Mrs. Zhang Sun was about to shed tears as she spoke. She had finally opened up the business in Lantian County, so why did she encounter this?

"Er Gou, Zhang Xin, you should also take more precautions and pay attention to safety." Zhang San told the two of them.

"Okay Sir, we will ask workers to strengthen patrols after we return."

"Okay, everyone, don't be sad. As long as we are fine, we will be blessed. You all go back and replenish the goods as soon as possible. Fugui, you stay here, I have something else to tell you."

Zhang San asked everyone to go back first, leaving Zhang Fugui to prepare to talk to him about the subsequent plans.

"Fugui, you should send someone to Yezhu Ridge today to check the topography, and then ask the locals to find out if there are any suspicious people there recently, especially people in groups. Also, go to Lantian County

I walked through all the major and minor roads to get familiar with the road conditions." After Zhang San and others were gone, he said to Zhang Fugui.

"Okay, Sir, I will make arrangements when I get back."

"When you go back, say hello to the escort first. There may be casualties in this mission. If anyone doesn't want to participate, don't force it. Just receive a pension and quit the escort. But those who remain will go on mission when the time comes.

You can't be a deserter, otherwise I will never give you mercy." Zhang San warned.

"Okay!" Zhang Fugui nodded and replied.

"You go back and prepare first. I will notify you of the action in advance." Zhang San said.

"Your Majesty, a secret letter from a bad person."

Li Shimin took the secret letter from Xu Huang, read it for a while and asked: "Lantian is so close to the capital, how dare they attack?"

"The bad commander said he didn't dare to act rashly for fear of alarming others, so he has sent extra manpower to closely observe the group's whereabouts." Xu Huang saw the anger in Li Shimin's eyes and replied fearfully.

"What's the news from Baiqisi?" Li Shimin asked again.

"There is news from Baiqisi that most of the bookshops controlled by the Zheng and Cui families in Chang'an City are in a difficult situation. Most of the other small bookshops and private schools have switched to Sanwei Bookshop." Xu Huang replied.


"In addition, Zhang County Man's status among students from poor families has been rising steadily. Especially after Zhang County Man's four mottos came out, Zhang County Man's status has increased even more, and he has become the leader of students from poor families."

"What motto?" Li Shimin asked.

"Establish a mind for the heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the living and the people, carry forward the unique knowledge for the past saints, and create peace for all generations." Xu Huang relayed Zhang San's words.

"Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a life for the people..." Li Shimin recited these four sentences repeatedly, and felt his heart agitated, as if a flame was burning.

"If you can say such things, can Zhang San be an ordinary person?" Li Shimin sighed.

"You let the bad guys continue to secretly investigate the Zheng family and the Cui family. Zhang San asked Baiqisi to pay more attention to it, but don't keep an eye on him so closely this time. No matter what secrets this person has, I believe him.

He will not do anything bad to me, Datang."

Li Shimin admired Zhang San's talents and abilities, but was very confused about his background. No matter how he investigated, there seemed to be nothing wrong with Zhang San.

Li Shimin took pen and ink, spread out the paper, and wrote the four sentences Zhang San said on the paper.

"Sister-in-law Li, come here and prepare eight gifts for me and put them on the carriage. I will go back to the village."

Zhang San asked Zhang Fu to drive and rushed to the village to visit the injured one by one. Fortunately, they were all minor injuries, and the most serious one was Zhang Lin.

Xiaoyu had already treated the wounded in advance, and sent people to the medicine shop to grab some medicine for injuries.

"Sir, when are we going to find those thieves to avenge our brothers?" Zhang Fu said angrily on the way back.

"Don't worry, these people will definitely take action again. Then we will settle our old and new grudges together." Zhang San was also holding back his anger.

"What if they don't take action?" Zhang Fu asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, they will take action again; even if they don't, I will force them to do it." Zhang San said with a cold light in his eyes.

Zhang San didn't believe that any thieves would dare to show up in the counties near the capital. Isn't it too late to make trouble?

I believe that Li Shimin must have known about this matter at this time, and he can just wait patiently for the news. If Li Shimin doesn't reveal some information to him, he can only count on Zhang Fugui.

Anyway, Zhang San is going to use this incident to give those people a warning that he is not a soft persimmon and can be bullied at will.

Back at home, Zhang San called Xiaoyu and Xiaomei and told them not to go out alone in the near future, and even if they went out, they should take a few more people with them.

"Xiaoyu, I have already told Muramasa that we will work at home from now on, so you don't need to go back to the village. I will ask Muramasa and others to move the billing information to my house." Zhang San said to Xiaoyu.

"Okay, young master, you should be careful lately." Xiaoyu replied.

"Yes, third brother, why don't you just stay at home recently." The younger sister took Zhang San's arm and said with worry.

"It's okay. Fortunately, I have a title, so they don't dare to blatantly come to trouble me." Zhang San comforted.

After finishing the day's work, Zhang San lay on the bed, took out the sachet given to him by Fang Keying, put it on the tip of his nose, and Fang Keying's figure appeared in his mind again.

"I wonder what you are doing now?" Zhang San murmured to himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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