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Chapter 66 General Military Mansion

The sun was blazing in the sky, and the scorching heat made the horizon in the distance look distorted. On the official road from Qingtie Mansion to the General Military Mansion, Ye Long, with a look of enthusiasm on his face, dragged Yang Feng to discuss the matter of cultivation.

Ever since Yang Feng accidentally reminded Ye Long of a misunderstanding about spiritual practice on the road, Ye Long went crazy dragging him to discuss this and that, wanting to spit out all the problems he encountered in practice to Yang Feng.

"General Ye, I am just a member of a small family, and the questions you raised are too profound."

Yang Feng really couldn't stand Ye Long's enthusiasm, so it was okay to make a casual comment, but seeing Ye Long like this really made him get entangled, and he couldn't even think about peace of mind this way.

"The senior I met last time was your teacher?"

Ye Long hesitated for a long time before asking. Ye Long had already reported the matter about the old man to the General Military Mansion, but the military order he received was to keep the matter confidential and not to mention it to anyone. An unknown Tongxu realm would be dangerous to anyone.

There is a fatal temptation for all forces. As for why it is not the Dongming Realm, the entire Daxu Dynasty is only a master, which shows how rare the Dongming Realm is.

This is also one of the reasons why Murong Fu was able to persuade Liu Xun to protect Yang Feng. Jinhuang Road is located on the border, and wars may break out at any time. Liu Xun would be much more relaxed if there was a Tongxu Realm stationed in charge.

Ye Long blamed all of Yang Feng's knowledge on the practice on the old man. After all, no one would believe it even if a person in the Total Body Realm guided the practice of the Heavenly Transformation Realm.

"That person did teach me the art of swordsmanship."

Yang Feng's truth sounded to Ye Long as an admission of the old man's identity, and Yang Feng didn't bother to explain this misunderstanding.

Without Ye Long's entanglement, Yang Feng's ears were finally a little clearer along the way.

The two hurriedly and slowly hurried along, and after three days they finally saw a majestic city. Military flags were flying in the wind around the city. Even though they were far away, Yang Feng could still feel the chilling air coming towards his face. The Daxu Dynasty could

Being dominant in one area makes the four sides afraid to invade. This is inseparable from the fierce power of the border army.

"What do you think of our Jinhuangdao army?"

Ye Long's face was filled with pride and he looked at Yang Feng with a smile and asked.

Jinhuangdao is divided into five armies and one guard, with a total of 700,000 troops. The five armies are Chihuo, Fuhai, Benlei, Cangfeng, and Garrison. They are commanded by five hussar generals. Ye Long is one of them. One guard

It refers to Liu Xun's bodyguard, who is said to be as capable as ten.

Over the years, the stability of the northern border of Daxu Dynasty has been maintained by this 700,000-strong army. Liu Xunxiu is at the peak of Tianbian. This is because he has worked hard for border security for many years and has no time to practice. Otherwise, with his talent, he would have set foot in Tongxu.

Even in the face of Liu Xun's 700,000-strong army, no one from the Tongxu Realm dared to come looking for trouble without having the foresight.

The General Military Mansion is not a city like Qingtie Mansion. It can be regarded as the logistics area for the 700,000-strong army. Military pay, food and grass, and soldiers and civilians all live here. It is rare for civilians to come and go here, and even less for wealthy merchants.

I told you, you can't get in at all.

"Ye Long, who is this?"

Seeing Ye Long coming back with a strange face, a white-haired city guard who looked to be in his sixties frowned slightly. Outsiders were not allowed to enter the General Military Mansion casually. This was a rule set by Liu Xun. Without a warrant,

Breaking into the General Military Mansion is a capital offense.

"Old Yangtou, this is the person the Commander-in-Chief wants to see."

After hearing Ye Long's explanation, Lao Yangtou's eyes lit up, he waved his hands with a smile and said: "Then go quickly."

Seeing Lao Yangtou waving, the soldiers behind did not block the passage.

Walking on the broad street, Yang Feng approached Ye Long and asked in a low voice: "Where did that old man come from just now? Why did you dismount when you saw him?"

You must know that Ye Long has a temper that he dares to be tough even with the second gentleman in the college. At this moment, he is actually respectful to a sixty-year-old man. The identity of this old man is definitely not simple.

In the previous life, due to the beast tide, Qingtie Mansion was in ruins. When Yang Feng was rescued, he was no longer in Jinhuang Dao. Even Ye Long had only heard about it, so it was normal not to know the people here.

"Old Yangtou is amazing. Even though he is over sixty, he is proficient in warfare and is the brains behind our Jinhuangdao General Military Office."

Ye Long introduced with great joy. Looking at his expression, you can tell that this old man is definitely very capable.

"The wise man guards the city gate?"

Yang Feng was stunned for a moment, but Ye Long replied indifferently: "There is no war in the border area now. The General Soldier arranged for Old Yangtou to live in the General Soldier Yamen, but Old Yangtou thought it was too boring, so he ran to defend the city.

The door was closed, and he got angry and the commander-in-chief had to retreat. How could we dare to stop him? There are people taking care of him at the city gate anyway, so we simply ignored him."

"In front of you is the Chief Soldier's Office. When you see Mr. Chief Soldier, don't talk nonsense. Mr. Chief Soldier looks kind, but his stomach is full of bad things. If you leave a bad impression on him, be careful of him wearing small shoes for you."

Standing in front of the General Military Office, Yang Feng raised his eyebrows. A breathtaking and oppressive aura was continuously released in the office, and the two swords in his body subconsciously began to operate to resist this pressure.

"General Ye, did you just say that the Commander-in-Chief would wear small shoes?"

Yang Feng looked at Ye Long with a strange expression.

"Don't say I told you, otherwise he will punish me to go to school again, saying it is to temper my temper. We rough guys fighting on the battlefield look so elegant and weak, isn't that making people laugh?"

Ye Long whispered in Yang Feng's ear.

A cold snort suddenly erupted in the yamen: "Ye Long, starting from today, you will go to the academy to stay for three days. You will not be allowed to leave until you copy the Sage's Scripture ten times!"

Ye Long's face turned pale, and his expression felt as if he had eaten shit. Then he looked at Yang Feng with a complaining look. He seriously suspected that this boy was deliberately trying to trick him.

In fact, Yang Feng did not intend to cheat Ye Long. He just wanted to take this opportunity to verify his suspicion. This Lord Commander was not just the peak of the Heaven Transformation as rumored by the outside world. He had the means to spread his spiritual consciousness to cover the whole house.

At least it is the level of cultivation in the middle stage of Tongxu.

"I've already asked someone to arrange an errand for you. Go directly to the navy report."

The second half of the sentence was naturally addressed to Yang Feng. When he heard that Yang Feng was not in his Blazing Fire Army, Ye Long pouted and said with a slumped face: "Sir, Yang Feng is the person I dug back, how can I hand it over to Fu Fu?"


"If you talk back again, you will be punished for three days."

Ye Long lost his temper in an instant. It was torture for him to go to the academy to study. Three days was enough for him to go crazy. Three more days would have made him die.

"Yang Feng, there is a treacherous villain in Fu Haijun. You must be on guard against him and don't let his side thoughts delay your cultivation."

Although Ye Long didn't name him by name, it was definitely someone of the same level as him who was criticized in this way, the Cavalry General of the Fu Navy.

"General Ye, can you give me some directions before going to the academy? I'm a newbie here and I don't know where Fei Haijun is."

Being praised like this by Ye Long, Yang Feng became interested in this hussar general who overturned the navy. It seemed that he did not follow traditional martial arts, but he could become a hussar general and command a hundred thousand troops. This man must have a bit of a talent.


Even though Ye Long was not happy that Yang Feng was assigned to Fu Haijun, he did not dare to disobey Liu Xun's order, so he could only mutter and lead Yang Feng towards the outside of the city.

There are one army guarding the four directions of the General Military Mansion, Liu Xun's personal guards patrol the city, and another army is responsible for garrisoning at the border. It lasts for one month, and when the time is up, another army will be on top.

"Ahead is Fu Haijun. I have no interest in that hermaphrodite. You can report there yourself. If you don't do well, apply to be transferred to the Blazing Army."

Before Ye Long left, he also told Yang Feng the location of the Blazing Fire Army.

"Who dares to break into the naval camp?"

As soon as he reached the entrance of the military camp, Yang Feng was stopped by two fierce-looking soldiers.

"I'm a new recruit here to report on the Navy."


The two soldiers looked Yang Feng up and down, then sneered: "Another spy."

Just as Yang Feng was about to explain, he suddenly felt that his eyes were blurry and white, and his ears were ringing.

"Sneak attack?"

Yang Feng finally understood why Ye Long was so dissatisfied with Fu Haijun. The gatekeeper of the camp used sneak attacks, which showed the quality of his entire army. Ye Long himself liked strong tactics, so he naturally looked down on Fu Haijun's small tricks.

On the contrary, Yang Feng has no prejudice against this. No matter what method can kill the enemy, it is a good method.


The white mist dissipated and the buzzing gradually disappeared. The two fierce-looking soldiers in front of Yang Feng were trembling and their faces were ashen. The weapons in their hands were suspended in mid-air and could not fall down.

On their chests, two solid sword energies tore apart their armor like skewers of tofu. If they took another step forward, their lives would be killed. How could they dare to do it?

Insidious methods such as sneak attacks may be effective against other people, but in Yang Feng's eyes it is really naive. Sword energy is his eyes, which can help him perceive everything around him. All deceivers and sideways methods cannot deceive his eyes.

"Is this how Fu Haijun welcomes newcomers?"

Yang Feng chuckled, pointed his finger, and the sword energy directly pierced the chests of the two of them, and a line of blood gushes out from the wound.

"Good skills. It seems that the Commander-in-Chief did not lie to me this time."

There was a chuckle in the camp, and a middle-aged man wearing a purple silk robe, with fine features, a bit of feminine beauty, and a well-proportioned figure walked out, clapping his hands.

"The Commander-in-Chief said that he sent me a monster genius. I didn't believe it at first, but you have proven your talent. Welcome to Fuhai Navy. I am Fuhai Cavalry Commander Zhou Qing."

Yang Feng's eyes turned cold, and he suddenly slashed out the sword with a broken hand, and a sword energy directly cut off the lazy waist of Fu Hai Huqi in front of him.


Zhou Qing gave Yang Feng a very strange feeling, which seemed fake and real. The sword embryo was also affected by Zhou Qing and lost the ability to see through illusions. The reason why Yang Feng dared to use the sword resolutely was purely based on his rich combat experience.

Zhou Qing's body was distorted by Yang Feng's lazy waist, and finally turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared. Also disappearing was the guard armor that he had just pressed against with his sword energy.

"Young people are a bit angry."

When the illusion dissipated, Yang Feng saw two soldiers kneeling in front of Zhou Qing to apologize.

"You two have done a great job, go and recuperate."

After Zhou Qing dealt with the two guard soldiers, he stretched out his hand to open the tent behind him and motioned for Yang Feng to follow.

This chapter has been completed!
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