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Chapter 42: The Enemy Hidden in the Darkness

Seeing that someone was ahead of him, the Blazing Cavalry looked gloomy, and the blazing field around him opened up. The scorching heat caused the man in black who was fighting to distance himself from the two water-level ferocious beasts in an instant, and then looked at him warily.

Leaf-bearing dragon.

"Soul-worshiping bugs?"

Ye Long squinted his eyes and looked at the man in black, murderous intent pervading around him. The imperial court's disgust for Zoroastrian Cult was not much worse than that of the academy. It was only Ye Long's eagerness to get the Flower of Paradise that made Zhou Zheng deal with the Zoroastrian Cult thieves hiding in Qingtie Mansion alone.

, but he didn’t expect that the Zoroastrian Cult actually sent people to rush ahead of him, preparing to cut off the Flower of Paradise.

"I won't go looking for you, you will come to your door yourself, if it weren't for the fact that I, the Paradise Flower, would be the first to wipe out all the forces you run in Qingtie Mansion!"

Ye Long snorted coldly, and the airflow around his body exploded, and a lotus of fire blossomed.

"I won't be able to take care of you when the battle starts. I'll find a chance to pick flowers by myself."

In the melee between the three parties, even if Ye Long had the Death Dragon Stone, he didn't dare to say that he was completely sure that he could hold down the five soul worshipers and the two level beasts. He could only hope that Ye Long could find an opening by himself.


Yang Feng's eyes were solemn. Now that the battle situation is complicated, his opportunity has come, but the risk is even greater. Whether it is the five heavenly transformation realms of the Soul Worship Cult or two water-level ferocious beasts, they all have the ability to drive him to death.

This is the real extraction of teeth from the tiger's mouth.

On the battlefield, the three parties are divided, and no one dares to take the first move. If the leader is shot, whoever takes the first move will inevitably face a fierce counterattack from the other two sides.

"Giggle, the value of the head of the Blazing Cavalry will not be lower than that of the Paradise Flower. If we can take your head away, even if we give up the Paradise Flower, the leader will not blame us."

Suddenly, the five members of the Blazing Fire Sect rushed towards Ye Long. The Shadow Mirror Beast and the Colorful Python stayed in front of the crack, motionless and observing the battle situation.

Although the water-level ferocious beast does not have much intelligence, it does have the ability to think. The target of the Shadow Mirror Beast is only the Paradise Flower. Since the humans in front of it are willing to kill each other, it will naturally not intervene in the fight.

Ye Long snorted coldly, and the domain instantly shrank to cover more than ten meters around him. From a distance, he could see that the flames around Ye Long had changed from red to golden red. The shrinking domain brought all the power together, and the talent he was showing now

This is the true strength of the Blazing Cavalry.

The heat wave was rolling, Ye Long pulled out the sword in his hand, stepped forward, and dozens of sword lights shot out. The golden and red fire gathered into a flaming lion and collided with the five men in black.

"Keke, is this the only way?"

The man in black who took the lead laughed disdainfully. The flaming lion disappeared for no reason at the moment he threw himself in front of the five people, and then a dark blade appeared out of thin air in front of Ye Long.


The sword light hit Ye Long's sword and made a buzzing sound. Although the sword light was not very powerful, it still knocked Ye Long back several meters.

"What just happened?"

Yang Feng rolled his eyes and saw that the five of them were also in the Heavenly Transformation Realm, but so far they had not displayed their domain. The flaming lion suddenly disappeared, and the sword light appeared out of thin air. The methods of these five people were a bit strange.

Ye Long's expression remained unchanged as he waved his hand and slashed out several more sword beams, but this time the sword beams collided with each other and shot out hundreds of firelights.

However, these flames still disappeared out of thin air in front of the five people, as if they had never appeared.

"Has the field been opened long ago?"

Yang Feng frowned and muttered to himself. Ye Long is now at the peak of his combat power. It is absolutely impossible to say that he cannot support his sword light. The only explanation is that the domain of the five people has long been opened. Regardless of the previous fierce flames,

The lion, or the hundreds of flames behind, all disappeared because of the five people's domain.

While Yang Feng was still thinking about the abilities of the five people, Ye Long's figure had disappeared from the place. Only Ye Long's figure turned into a rainbow, and when he appeared again, he was standing behind the five people with a knife in hand, and he quickly

The sword slashed down horizontally, and even Yang Feng could hear the sound of the wind breaking through the air clearly.


The five people turned around at the same time, and the five short daggers collided with Ye Long's sword, causing sparks to appear.

"Clang clang clang!"

After several blows in a row, the five of them actually fought to a close with Ye Long. There were even times when the cold dagger almost penetrated Ye Long's chest.

"I see."

Seeing the fight between Ye Long and the five people, Yang Feng had a smile on his face. He had already seen through the five people's fields, or in other words, their tricks.


Ye Long shouted angrily, and the sword in his hand suddenly slashed down. The flames were like falling stars. The five of them flew out in tacit agreement. The sword fell down and a huge crater was created on the ground.

"General, over there!"

Yang Feng suddenly pointed at the steep cliff in the distance and shouted.

Ye Long didn't hesitate at all, he exerted force under his feet, and his body was wrapped in heat waves, like an arrow that escaped from the string, and he appeared on the edge of the cliff in an instant. Heat waves rolled out from around him, and the entire space was locked, and the sword rolled with a layer of golden-red flames.

Split out.

"This is impossible!"

A scream came out of the air, and a figure was reflected in front of the fierce flames. Five men in black from the Soul Worship Cult rushed directly behind him. The black light expanded instantly in front of the sword. The next moment, a man in black appeared out of thin air.

In front of Ye Long, the sword was directly engulfed in flames. The other four people were also behind Ye Long, and the cold dagger struck directly at the back of the head.


With a muffled sound, Ye Long lowered his body and swept the four people away with a sweeping kick. When the sword was about to kill another person, the four people appeared out of thin air a few meters away.

"It's just a piece of cake that doesn't make sense!"

Ye Long sneered, jumped up, and returned to Yang Feng in a few steps.

"How did you figure it out?"

Ye Long looked at Yang Feng curiously and asked.

"Do you believe my intuition?"

At this time, a hundred meters away from Ye Long, four men in black climbed up in despair and stood in front of a boulder. A man wearing a purple cloak with black and white patterns on his face appeared.


"Why, why do you know my location!"

The man looked at Yang Feng with vicious eyes and a ferocious expression. He was almost cut in two by Ye Long just now. The burnt clothes in front of him recorded the danger just now.

"I didn't expect that there are people in the Soul Worship Cult who are proficient in the art of puppetry."

In Yang Feng's memory, it has been a long time since he saw the unpopular school of puppetry. In fact, there was only one person who went up the mountain to snatch the Paradise Flower. The five people he saw before were all puppets.

The puppet technique is really suitable for this kind of sneaky thing. You can grab something without taking risks. Why not? Pay five puppets in exchange for a bliss flower and you will definitely make a profit.

Moreover, the furious Shadow Mirror Beast cannot find a target to vent its anger and will definitely spread all its anger on the Qingtie Mansion in the distance. It will take away the Paradise Flower and bring trouble to the Daxu Dynasty at the same time, killing two birds with one stone.

"It seems that Murong Fu's rating of you is still low."

Ye Long glanced at Yang Feng strangely. There were only a few people in the entire Daxu Dynasty who could see the puppetry technique at a glance, let alone discern the position of the person behind it before him. This kind of vision, throughout the entire Daxu Dynasty, was unparalleled.

Can't find a few.

"General, this puppet technique is a bit weird, so you should be careful."

Yang Feng kindly reminded that although the person controlling the puppet has been found now, it does not mean that Ye Long's battle will be easy.

In fact, the opponent's domain has long been opened, and controlling the five puppets is his domain. The sudden disappearance of the flaming lion, the sword light that appeared out of thin air, and the means of escaping from Ye Long just now are all the power of the domain.

Replacement and control are the essence of the puppet style. Four puppets mean that the opponent has four lives. Just now, Ye Long failed to kill him with a sudden attack, but it will be difficult to kill him later.

"You just need to do your job well, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

As if he felt that Yang Feng was looking down on him, Ye Long's tone seemed a little cold.

Yang Feng simply retreated to the side without saying much. Ye Long tried his best to ensure that Chi Yu would not be harmed, so he had to keep a safe distance, not to mention that he had to fish in troubled waters to pick the Paradise Flowers. It was not his intention to get involved in the battle.


The fire burned again, and this time Ye Long did not try to test, but stepped forward and rushed directly in front of the opponent, activating the state of hand-to-hand combat.


The man in purple cloak sneered, and retreated back lightly. The three puppets directly entangled Ye Long in place.

Another puppet went straight towards Yang Feng and killed him.

"If you can see through my puppetry, you will die!"

The art of puppetry is called a magic trick, so naturally he will not let others know his secret. The fewer people in the world who know him, the safer he will be.

Yang Feng chuckled: "You're the one I've been waiting for!"

Facing the puppet that was rushing towards him, Yang Feng slashed out the broken sword in his hand, and the dense sword light directly overwhelmed the puppet, but how could the sword light from the Total Body Realm pose a threat to the Heavenly Transformation Realm.

But when the sword light disappeared, the purple cloaked man's expression suddenly changed.

Yang Feng actually took advantage of the sword light to block his sight and rushed in front of the two water-level ferocious beasts. These puppets all had a certain degree of autonomy. The moment Yang Feng ran over, he followed them and chased after them.

The Shadow Mirror Beast judged which one was more threatening to the Paradise Flower, the Total Body Realm or the Heavenly Transformation Realm.


A huge beast roar sounded, and the Shadow Mirror Beast and the Colorful Giant Python pounced directly on the puppet in front of them, while Yang Feng held his breath and concentrated, and immediately lay on the spot motionless.

Play dead!

The man in purple cloak looked at Yang Feng pretending to be dead, his mouth twitching. If he didn't want to maintain the realm, he would really move up to Yang Feng and turn him into a real dead person.

Ye Long laughed while being entangled. Yang Feng's trick of pretending to be dead was really good. He deceived two water-level ferocious beasts with no IQ and even caused trouble for the man in purple cloak.

The Shadow Mirror Beast has already killed the man in the purple cloak. This time everyone is entangled, and Yang Feng has a chance!

This chapter has been completed!
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