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Volume 1: Zhao Shanhe Chapter 110 Secret Wrestling

"After all, Mingjian Si is also the sharpest sword in the imperial court. How can he be so short of money?"

Ji Yuan frowned slightly, becoming more and more confused.

According to this, it is difficult for Mingjian Division to even maintain its operation, and its life is weeping more than Qingshui Yamen.

At least they won’t be so poor that they can’t even afford their salary!

Xu Lin smiled bitterly, his face full of melancholy. He was really speechless and didn't even know how to speak.

Seeing this, Qian Nishang on the side turned to wink at the two people not far away and asked them to wait outside the small courtyard.

After there was really no one else in the courtyard, this genius, whom the head of the Mingjian Department valued, spoke helplessly and told some little-known things.

The Mingjian Division is indeed very powerful, but precisely because of this, it has encountered countless constraints.

In the early days of its establishment, and even in the past hundreds of years, although the Mingjian Department was always short of money, as long as it was requested from the court, it would be approved as quickly as possible.

However, it is now Tianwu 794, and the founding emperor on the dragon throne is already over 800 years old.

Although he had taken countless treasures from heaven and earth to extend his life span for two to three hundred years, the emperor's wars in his youth had damaged a lot of his vitality. Now, his life span of more than eight hundred years is already the limit.

Perhaps he was worried that the world would be in chaos after his death, or that someone with evil intentions wanted to usurp the throne, so the emperor continued to reduce the expenditures of various departments of the imperial court and even the army in the past ten years.

"Actually, most Mingjian Division branches are doing relatively well."

Xu Lin stopped there and did not continue to discuss the important affairs of the court. The conversation turned to other colleagues.

According to what he knew, many of his colleagues were actually living quite well, and they really didn't lack money at all.

The main reason is that people make money in a wise way. Although they need to abide by the laws of the court, they can always think of ways to make money.

It's not like the Mingjian Division of Luoxia County. In order to make some money, they even put their ideas on all the forces. They said bad words to each other when they disagreed. I wish these guys with unclean hands and feet would get mad and attack the court.

middle man.

"Do you know that there is a method in officialdom called voluntary donation?"

Ji Yuan pondered for a while and then asked with some hesitation.

Xu Lin was naturally aware of this kind of dirty trick, and even the Mingjian Department of Luoxia County had made plans in this regard.

It's just that for this group of knife-wielders, it's okay if they rush up and scream and cut the monsters and murderers into thousands of pieces, but it's a bit impossible to do this kind of thing.

After several attempts, I almost made a lot of jokes, and I had no choice but to give it up.

After hearing this, Ji Yuan didn't know how to comment. Should he praise them for their strong force, or despise them for being naive?

However, he also kept this matter in mind, always feeling that if he used it properly, he might be able to recruit a Mingjian Division to help him.

After exchanging a few words, he and Qian Nichang said goodbye and hurried back to Mingxinxuan.

Although he successfully attracted Xu Lin and used his identity to frighten the group of people in the county government, everything was not all right.

The preparations that need to be made still have to be made, and the things that need to be continued must not be left behind. They even have to try their best to guard against some damaging moves from the secret.

These people can be sent by the forces behind them. None of them are mediocre people. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are a group of old foxes.

On the surface, they are indeed afraid of Xu Lin and the Mingjian Division behind him, but they don't have the slightest fear in their hearts, and they will do whatever they should do.

At best, it's just turning from light to dark. As long as there is no real evidence, even the Mingjian Division can't do anything to them.

But for Qian Nishang now, as long as this group of people can't take action, it's already the best situation.

Otherwise, I have worked so hard for so long and spent countless

In the end, the people in the county governor's office, representing the court, only need to issue an announcement to transfer all their efforts into their own hands.

Compared with the wealthy gentry, the people are still more willing to trust the imperial court.

Now that Xu Lin has expressed his stance, at least the people in the county governor's office do not dare to act like this, and everything has room for maneuver.

Qian Nishang is not afraid of any secret hands. After all, he has been in charge of the county for twenty or thirty years and is in charge of the huge Qian family and one-third of Ming Xinxuan. How could he not have some strong means!

So as soon as she returned to Mingxinxuan, she began to arrange various matters. She swept away the previous boredom and showed a high-spirited look on her body.

While everyone was busy up and down, Ji Yuan had already returned to his hut and was quietly refining the elixir.

He had actually wasted several days refining the elixir that he urgently needed. Now that not only was the elixir completed, but most of his injuries had also recovered, it was time to pick up the tasks he had put aside.

Nowadays, the three elixirs used by Ming Xinxuan are all made by him, so there is no difficulty in refining them.

Even with Ji Yuan's alchemy attainments and the use of a brass alchemy furnace, he could make one almost every half an hour. The efficiency was far beyond that of ordinary alchemists.

It’s just that even if he and the other three alchemists go all out to refine the elixirs, they will never be able to meet the needs of hundreds of thousands of people in a city. The elixirs refined in these days can only be supplied to the people on a priority basis.

The people are in urgent need, but even so, there is still a huge gap.

However, Ming Xinxuan never thought that this could solve the current situation in the city. These pills were just to buy more time.

Disaster relief is not a simple matter. There is no saying that throwing out a lot of money can quell the disaster.

Even if the imperial court takes action, it will still take a long time, let alone a chamber of commerce that does not have much financial resources?

After more than twenty days of planning, Qian Nishang had already deployed all the manpower in his hands, set up multiple disaster relief points in the county, and transported a large amount of supplies from all directions.

Each disaster relief point here has a different focus. Some have more food reserves, some specialize in treating diseases and injuries of the people, etc.

Ever since the disaster relief site was opened, there have been Ming Xinxuan's workers, as well as doctors and laborers hired at high prices, working almost day and night.

With the arrival of a large amount of supplies transported from all directions, these disaster relief points have truly begun to operate.

That night, countless people lined up in a long queue, waiting for their turn in an orderly manner.

After a month of suffering, they no longer had any extra energy to struggle. Even if thousands of people gathered in one place, they could hardly hear any conversation.

For several days, Qian Nishang's body was filled with a faint golden light, and a fresh air quietly gathered around her.

She is not the only one, as long as she participates in disaster relief, even if she is a paid laborer, she can also get some merit.

Heaven and earth often judge merits and sins not based on your intentions, but on what you actually did.

The reason why Qian Nishang came here to provide disaster relief, even at the expense of most of his net worth, was to obtain merit, so as to satisfy his own cultivation skills and successfully enter the three realms.

But no matter what her purpose was, she always eliminated the resentment between heaven and earth, prevented further disasters from happening, and prevented the place from turning into purgatory, with death and desolation everywhere.

In this way, you will naturally be recognized by heaven and earth, and gain huge merits and virtues.

But this situation only lasted for a few days, and the city suddenly fell into chaos again.

Some people who had their injuries healed and had food to eat began to ask Mingxinxuan's disaster relief site for more aid under the encouragement of caring people!

They are no longer satisfied with one white flour steamed bun and one or two potatoes every day, nor are they satisfied with several bowls of porridge and pickles. They want to be able to eat fragrant white rice and have a piece of meat every meal.

However, this kind of

How can a request be satisfied?

Qian Nichang and the men from Ming Xinxuan came here to provide disaster relief rather than simply doing charity. The supplies they prepared were indeed huge, but it was impossible to supply meat.

Just white flour and white rice have already cost countless money. If we also prepare meat, let’s not talk about the storage problem. How to satisfy hundreds of thousands of people in a city is the key!

"My boss, it has been spread among the people that the money we used for disaster relief was actually given by the imperial court."

In Mingxinxuan, Liu Ruyan said with an angry look: "There are even rumors that the imperial court gave enough money for everyone to eat, but we all squandered it!"

As for why there are such rumors, it is almost unnecessary to think about it. It must be the good deeds of those people in the county government.

They did not dare to disobey Xu Lin's statement, but only on the surface. There were endless methods behind the scenes, and some scandalous things were invented at will.

Now, under the operation of these people, the rumor has spread to the ears of more than half of the people in just two or three hours.

Some people are dubious, or think that being able to eat white flour steamed buns and gruel is already very good, but more people are convinced of this and feel that what originally belongs to them has been stolen.

As a result, a large number of trouble-making people had gathered outside Ming Xinxuan's disaster relief sites. They surrounded each disaster relief site, shouting at Ming Xinxuan to spit out the things they had stolen.

Those who took the lead among them had basically been bewitched and bribed by various forces from the county and city, and they tried their best to incite the people who were already on the verge of collapse.

This plot was not clever, but it was practical and labor-saving. With just a slight instigation, the people who had been in despair for a month immediately broke out and vented all their emotions on Ming Xinxuan.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Liu Ruyan asked, and the waiters around him also looked anxious.

Because of what those people did, the disaster relief work could no longer continue. The materials they prepared could not even be sent out, and the people outside were all screaming.

The whole county is already filled with public dissatisfaction, and all kinds of negative emotions are about to reach the sky. The situation may change from shouting to storming the disaster relief site at any time, killing everything in sight.

Under such circumstances, the accumulation of merits on Qian Nishang's body has stopped, and even the merits that have been obtained are slowly disappearing and returning to the world of heaven and earth.

"Notify Boss Xu that we can take action."

Qian Nichang was sitting in the lobby of Mingxinxuan, tapping her fingers on the table, and suddenly said in a deep voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, some guys ran out of the door and flew into the distance.

In less than half an hour, a large number of gang members emerged on the streets of the city. Led by the Three Blades Society, twenty or thirty gangs of various sizes gathered together and gathered outside all disaster relief points from various places.

Each of these gang members had a fierce look, and just by standing there, they scared away many people who were making trouble, and the remaining people were heartbroken.

Even if someone does not believe in evil and is still unwilling to retreat, he will be severely beaten by gang members on the spot. After the beating, he will be sent directly to a disaster relief site to be treated by doctors who have already been prepared.

As a result, the chaos that had just appeared for a short time was quickly calmed down, and order was restored at various disaster relief points.

Many people dare not speak out about this, and if they murmur a few words, they will be heard by gang members, and they will be stared at at least, or they will be dragged out and beaten up.

Although the method is simple and crude, it works surprisingly well, and no one dares to cause trouble anymore.

"Be prepared, those people will not only have this means."

After listening to the waiter's report, Qian Nishang gave instructions with a solemn expression.

The real struggle between her and that group of people has just begun.
This chapter has been completed!
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