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Volume 1: Zhao Shanhe Chapter 123 The Situation Reversal

"It seems that the matter over there has come to an end."

In a courtyard deep inside the county government office, Ji Yuan pointed his toes and took a look, but naturally he couldn't see anything through the many courtyard walls.

But although he couldn't see it, he could feel the four auras disappearing, while the auras of Qian Nishang and the old woman were still shining like the bright moon.

Obviously, the previous fighting ended with a complete victory between the two.

"Who are you exactly?"

Just as he was sighing, a voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Hearing this, Ji Yuan slowly turned around and looked at Li Wenqing in front of him and an old man beside him with a smile.

Even most of his mind was focused on this second-level monk. Hidden in the palm of his sleeve, he already held three copper coins, and could stimulate all the spiritual energy in them at any time.

"Ah, I'm just a Taoist priest from Taoist temple."

Ji Yuan smiled, then seemed to remember something, and immediately added: "He is still a Taoist priest registered in the Dayu Dynasty."

In the Dayu Dynasty, once a Taoist priest is registered, although he does not hold an official position, he can still receive a monthly salary. This is not much for practitioners, but for ordinary people, it is enough for more than half of the salary.

Month's expenses are spent.

Looking at the little Taoist priest blocking the road in front of him, Li Wenqing did not feel at all relaxed, not only because the other party appeared here, but also because he was holding a fruit as red as blood in his hand.

Although he has never seen it before, he can be sure that what the other party holds must be the red heart fruit that can increase the life span of a mortal by ten years!

"You have two choices now."

After noticing the other party's gaze, Ji Yuan said with a smile: "One of the things is, if you take the Red Heart Fruit now, as long as you hand it over to the county guard, you won't be blamed even if you return without success, and you can still get it.

A reward."

"As for the second one, I will be responsible for refining the red heart red fruit. Taking it can increase your life span by fifteen years. But we have to agree first that you have to provide the materials."

The first option is to ask him not to see anything tonight, take the things and set off back to the county. As long as he turns over this red heart fruit, even if he returns empty-handed, he will only have merit and not success.

Being questioned.

As for the various matters in Qianyu City, it will naturally be handled by his deputy. When the time comes, he only needs to sign the submitted document in the county city.

It's just that in this way, not to mention benefiting from the city, even the final disaster relief contribution will not fall on him, and he will only be rewarded by the county guard.

"If I choose the second one, what do I need to do?"

He asked immediately without even thinking about it.

Compared to the first choice, Li Wenqing naturally prefers the second choice. Not to mention the fifteen-year increase in life span, even if it is only five years, it is worth all his efforts.

For a person who has only a short lifespan, especially after he holds great power and enjoys all the glory and wealth, nothing is more important than surviving.

"Join forces."

But the answer to him was only two words.

There was no long speech, nor words like Qian Nishang's. There were only two words that came out of Ji Yuan's mouth.

He doesn't need to say anything more. For a smart person like Li Wenqing, he only needs to put the real interests in front of him and give him a general direction, and the rest will be taken care of on his own.

Sure enough, after pondering for a moment, Li Wenqing's eyes flashed: "Do you want to keep all the people from the thirteen families in this county?"

Even though he holds a high position in the county governor's palace, he can't help but be shocked at this moment. He didn't expect that the little Taoist priest in front of him would play so big!

But for some reason, he was not surprised at all, and even felt that it was natural.

After realizing this, Li Wenqing couldn't help but look at the other party with a more solemn and serious look.

"This is impossible. Do you know how serious the consequences will be if all the people from the thirteen families are left here?"

After looking at it for a while, he shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Ji Yuan still kept the smile on his face and said calmly: "Those are all things you need to worry about. I'm just telling you the conditions."

"Besides, even if there are any consequences, won't you blame them all on the Li family?"

Li Wenqing's pupils shrank, and after a moment he smiled. At this moment, he already understood the true purpose of the little Taoist priest in front of him.

Or...is this Qian Nishang's true purpose?

It turns out that the other party went to the banquet tonight not only to break the deadlock, but also to set up a big situation and make some people pay a heavy price.

But now it seems that, at least at this moment, the other party's plan is successful, and everything is going very smoothly at present.

Li Wenqing glanced in the direction of the lobby. If his predictions were correct, the conversation there should be very enjoyable at this time. I'm afraid it won't be long before everyone is happy with the result.

But if he was a step slower, let alone two choices, even if he ran away now, he probably wouldn't be able to escape from this county!

"If I guess correctly, the other side is probably talking about how to keep me here and blame everything on the other four forces. After stirring up the situation, the other nine forces can benefit from it.

A lot of benefits, right?”

He chuckled, his face already covered with frost.

After all, he has been involved in the officialdom for decades, and there are many more complicated schemes than this. Sometimes there are even no signs of it, but that night, a powerful man had his house ransacked and was destroyed.

There are many doors.

It's not that complicated, and the clues can be seen almost at a glance, so naturally it doesn't count here.

But it is right to see what is going on and whether you can keep yourself out of the game and avoid being robbed.

This is already half a conspiracy. It doesn't matter whether you can see it or not. The key is to avoid being involved.

It's just that neither he nor the many forces on the other side can refuse what is in front of them.

"But why do you think I would betray my family?"

Li Wenqing's face turned cold, and the old man beside him took half a step forward, and a burst of magic power surged out.

A fierce murderous intent suddenly filled the air between the two sides.

However, Ji Yuan's expression remained unchanged. It was not like he had never endured murderous intent that was even colder and biting than this, and he still managed to survive it.

And how could he not see that Li Wenqing was just pretending at this time, just to scare him, who was not from the county.

If we only look at the surface, Li Wenqing has nothing to do with the Li family of Ming Xinxuan, but in fact, the former is the illegitimate son of the head of the Li family. They secretly exchange information and have made a lot of benefits over the years.

But the really powerful forces in the county knew that there was actually a rift between Li Wenqing and his biological father, and the reason why the two sides cooperated so closely was just for profit.

If there is a chance, both sides will not hesitate to strike cruelly and will not stop until the other party is killed.

Although outsiders are not clear about the old events involved, they can use some means to confirm that the two parties are indeed not cheating and deliberately setting up a trap for the enemy.

But they really have irresolvable hatred towards each other!

According to the information given by Qian Nishang, if Li Wenqing hadn't been extremely lucky and had a successful career all the way to the position of serving as the head of the county magistrate's palace, and his true identity was discovered by the Li family, he would have been killed by the head of the Li family.


"Do you really want me to tell you about your relationship with the Li family?"

He whispered with a faint smile, and at the same time threw out the red heart fruit in his hand.

As soon as you hold this fruit, you can feel a warm and moist feel, like holding a piece of fine jade.

Even if Li Wenqing is just a mortal, he can still feel the rich vitality contained in it very clearly. He even couldn't help but want to take a bite immediately and eat the fruit into his stomach to feel at ease.

"The reason why you want to live a few more years is

Is it to be able to see the day when the Li family declines?"

However, at this moment, Ji Yuan's voice came faintly: "Others may not know about your arrangements in the county, but the county guard definitely knows, and the Qian family happened to get some news by chance."

Hearing this, Li Wenqing was stunned for a moment, but then he realized what was happening. Unexpectedly, the Qian family, which had already declined, actually had an informant next to the county governor.

It can be said that all major forces in the city have basically placed spies in the county governor's mansion, but it is unimaginably difficult to do the same with the county governor.

Even the other two owners of Ming Xinxuan have never been able to do this.

"When can the elixir be made?"

He thought for a moment, then let out a long breath and threw back the red heart fruit in his hand.

Although he had decided to join the game, he did not feel any pressure at all. He even felt relaxed at this moment, as if a big stone had fallen from his heart.

"How about we go together when we get back to the county after everything is over here?"

Ji Yuan put away the red heart fruit in his hand and said something that was not the question.

After the words fell, Li Wenqing nodded, turned around and left with the old man. His movements were crisp and clear, and he obviously had a plan in mind.

When the two figures disappeared from the courtyard, Ji Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was a little tired in his heart, he still maintained a calm face and slowly left.

A moment later, a dark shadow flashed away in the shadows in the courtyard, heading in the direction where Li Wenqing left.

On the other side, outside the ruins of the collapsed lobby, the representatives of the nine forces had gloomy faces, as if they had just experienced something unpleasant.

On the other hand, Qian Nishang felt as if the spring breeze was blowing on her face at this moment. Although the smile on her face was not heavy, it fully showed her current state of mind.

After some conversation, she successfully reversed the situation, pulling people from nine factions into the game she had set up, and the identities of both parties were immediately reversed.

Now it is not that she is worried about the other party launching an attack and ruining the current good situation, but that the people from these nine forces are worried about whether she will go back on her word.

"Now that I've said everything that needs to be said, it's up to you what to do."

Qian Nishang chuckled lightly, and walked swaggeringly outside the county government office with the old woman beside him.

In front of her, all the people blocking the way subconsciously stepped back to both sides, allowing her to leave like this.

The arrogance, publicity and other expressions on everyone's faces earlier have now turned into deep sadness, and they even looked a little absent-minded, obviously thinking about what Qian Nichang said just now.

This chapter has been completed!
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