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Volume 1: Zhao Shanhe Chapter 29: What the Zhao Family Asked

During the conversation, Ji Yuan and Mr. Zhao had left the bed and sat at the tea table in the room.

A servant from his hometown brought an exquisitely carved wooden box and placed it in front of the young Taoist priest. He gently opened the lid, revealing neatly arranged gold ingots.

This is not because the Zhao family is vulgar, but for practitioners, everything is not as straightforward as money. If you cannot afford to give away magic weapons and spiritual objects, it is better to directly use yellow and white things as rewards.

"Please take care of me, the little Taoist priest."

Mr. Zhao said with a smile.

I glanced at the gold ingots in the wooden box. Each piece was as long as a young man's hand and three fingers wide. Just from the color, I could tell that it was of high quality.

Ji Yuan thought for a moment, then reached out and took away one of the gold ingots, but never looked at the others again.

Mr. Zhao asked someone to give him a box of gold ingots, and his intention was obviously obvious: he hoped that the little Taoist priest could get rid of the evil spirit in the body of the youngest son of the Zhao family.

He even hoped that Ji Yuan could clean up the evil things that were causing trouble.

He naturally knew what the other party meant, so he only took one of the gold ingots. Although he was interested in the others, he did not put them into his pocket.

"When the young master wakes up later, Pindao will remove the evil spirit from his body."

Ji Yuan muttered: "But the evil thing that sneaked into the Zhao family is beyond our control."

It was an evil creature that was at least in the late stage of enlightenment. It was not completely incapable of fighting, but it was too weak for him, and he couldn't do anything to the opponent with normal means.

Of course, it would be a different situation if the sword of Master Xuantian Guan was used, or the white jade flying sword in the Purple Mansion.

But in this way, he not only exposed his trump card, but may even cause some irreversible damage to himself. After all, he is only in the early stages of enlightenment.

With such a state, frequent use of powerful treasures will inevitably overdraw one's own foundation.

"But Pindao can sell me some talismans specifically designed to target ghosts and evil things, and let the masters of the Zhao family use them to kill the evil things that cause trouble."

Seeing the worried look on the old man's face, Ji Yuan took out several precious talismans from his arms.

The paper and ink used for these talismans are all of the highest quality, and they are only one step away from being finished. Even if they are held by warriors, they can cause great harm to ghosts and evil creatures.

When Mr. Zhao saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief. He naturally knew that the little Taoist priest in front of him was not only a rare alchemy master, but the talismans he drew were also precious things that were in short supply.

It is no exaggeration to say that most of the best talismans in Qianyu City were made by little Taoist priests.

Feeling the abundant spiritual energy contained in the talismans in his hand, Mr. Zhao felt much at ease. He took out two gold ingots from the wooden box with a smile and stuffed them into the opponent's hands.

Seeing the old man's irresistible expression, Ji Yuan calmly put the gold ingot into his sleeve without any embarrassment.

For more than a year, he has often dealt with various forces in the county, and he has become somewhat experienced at such a young age.

"To make money, take the little Taoist priest to Yayuan to rest."

When Mr. Zhao saw him accepting the gold ingot, he nodded secretly and then opened his mouth to give instructions.

On the side, the servant Zhao Shengcai who was going to Xuantian Temple came forward. He bowed first and then led the little Taoist priest outside the house.

As the closed door slowly opened, a bunch of eyes suddenly gathered in. Everyone in the hospital also wanted to know whether the symptoms that made them and others helpless could really be solved by that young man.

Not long after, they saw Ji Yuan walk out of the house with a calm face, and slowly came to the small courtyard under the guidance of the servants.


When everyone was doubtful, a young monk came to the little Taoist priest in a few steps.

Hearing this, Ji Yuan nodded: "What a wise heart, you asked the Zhao family to go to the Taoist temple to find me, right?"

After meeting the young monk when he arrived, he had already made a guess. It was probably this monk who was familiar with him who had noticed the symptoms of the young master of the Zhao family and asked the Zhao family to come find him.

And the reality was exactly as he expected. The young monk named Hui Xin nodded, recited the Buddha's name, and smiled without saying a word.

"You are also a monk practicing in Baiyun Temple after all, so you can't handle it yourself?"

Ji Yuan glanced at it and said angrily.

If this matter is handled well today, it will be a benefit, and you will get a favor and a lot of reward.

But if he is arrogant and arrogant, he may turn good things into bad things and suffer losses at the hands of that evil creature.

When the foundation is damaged, will he seek compensation for this loss from the Zhao family, or will he swallow it himself?

"The poor monk studied Buddhism and practiced Buddhism. Although he has the power to subjugate and eliminate demons, he has no experience in the way of being a healer."

Hui Xin clasped her hands together: "On the contrary, Fellow Daoist Ji is not only proficient in medicine and alchemy, but he is also good at catching ghosts and exorcising evil spirits."

Ji Yuan nodded. This is true. Although his cultivation level is not high, he is indeed the most suitable person in the city to handle similar matters.

But since he has been dragged into the water, he will naturally not let the other party go easily.

So the little Taoist smiled and grabbed the young monk's arm, pulling him with him to Zhao's Yayuan, saying that he would need the help of this eminent monk for the next thing.

Huixin smiled dumbly, naturally knowing what Ji Yuan had in mind, and after thinking for a while, she did not refuse. The two of them, led by the servant Zhao Shengcai, headed to Yayuan next door.

As for the courtyard here, the doctors and wandering doctors who had been invited one after another in the past two days gradually dispersed under the arrangement of some servants. After receiving their rewards, they were respectfully sent out of the Zhao family mansion.

For these people who almost destroyed the young master's life, the servants of the Zhao family did not express their anger, but were still very respectful, making it difficult for people to find fault.

On the other side, in an elegant garden.

While making tea skillfully, Huixin said calmly: "With Taoist Fellow Ji's ability, it shouldn't be difficult to get rid of an uncontrollable evil spirit."

Ji Yuan stood by the fence, admiring the koi swimming in the pond at his feet, and replied leisurely: "It is not difficult to get rid of evil spirits, but my cultivation is limited, so I have to use the power of talismans. It is inevitable that the methods are a bit rough, not as good as your Buddhists

gentle means."

The young master of the Zhao family is still too young. Although he has been soaked in medicine jars since he was a child, his foundation is much stronger than that of an ordinary young man.

However, after this accident, his body is inevitably a little weak. If he uses rough methods to get rid of the evil spirits, it will inevitably cause some diseases. If he wants to recover in the future, I am afraid it will not be an easy thing.

On the contrary, it is better to use gentle Buddhist methods to get rid of the evil spirit in the body from the beginning. In this way, not only will there be no future troubles, but bathing in Buddhism will also have unexpected benefits for the boy in the future.

I have to admit that Buddhist scriptures have a very unique spiritual influence, which is very different from the Taoist approach to indifference and the Confucian approach to self-cultivation.

"Actually, what Daoist Ji is worried about is the evil thing causing trouble."

Huixin got two cups of hot tea and said casually: "When expelling evil spirits, it will definitely make the evil spirit feel something. Taoist friends should be on guard against this."

Jianghu warriors have extremely high combat power, and with the talismans in hand that are specifically designed to target ghosts and evil creatures, there is no need to worry about killing power.

However, evil things in the world often have unpredictable methods, and most of them are inhuman things. It is not difficult to kill them, but the difficulty lies in how to prevent the other party from secretly using their methods.

With Huixin, a monk practicing in Baiyun Temple, you can greatly avoid the risk of being plotted by evil things.

Ji Yuan chuckled, not feeling the embarrassment of being exposed at all, he grabbed the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp.

After a few clicks, I realized that the Zhao family was really smart. The tea they were offered to them actually contained some spiritual energy. Such a pot of tea would probably cost at least dozens of taels of silver.
This chapter has been completed!
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