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Volume 1: Zhao Shanhe Chapter 60 Involuntary

In mid-air, the white jade flying sword circled, then disappeared in a flash, penetrated into the purple palace between Ji Yuan's eyebrows, and continued to swim in the sword energy lake.

Xu Qiqi and Jiang He walked over quickly. They hesitated for a moment, and then at Ji Yuan's signal, they gently helped him up from the ground.

"In the wooden building..."

He looked up and swallowed back half of what he said.

At this time, outside the wooden building, a Nagoin warrior and a servant were standing. These people looked at the place where Zhao Wuhen stood with complicated eyes.

Seeing this scene, Ji Yuan and the other three looked at each other, secretly preparing to fight for their lives.

Although the three of them had previously joined forces and used the White Jade Flying Sword to cross the border and kill Zhao Wuhen, who was based in the second realm of martial arts, they had already exhausted all their strength.

Ji Yuan is now suffering from internal injuries and is temporarily unable to move for a short period of time. Although Xu Qiqi and Jiang He are not weak in combat, if they want to fight against more than 20 warriors who are the weakest in the early stage of the flesh realm, and many in the middle stage of the flesh realm.

, it is also difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, and you will eventually be defeated.

The most important point is that after he forced the use of 'Yuanbao' and 'Xiaobai' twice, he was no longer able to use them anymore.

However, there is nothing that can be done about it. After all, no matter which one it is, it is not a valuable treasure that a monk in the Enlightenment Realm can use at will. Otherwise, let alone twenty or so warriors in the Flesh Realm, even if they are in the Muscle and Bone Realm, what can they do?

"Jiang He, I have two high-quality talismans in my arms. You can take them later and kill the opponent as much as possible."

Ji Yuan smiled bitterly, and then warned in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Jiang He nodded, but for the time being he did not take out the talisman from his arms, but silently drew out the long sword from behind.

The young man naturally knew the preciousness and power of a high-quality talisman, but because of this, he would never take the high-quality talisman to deal with it before he was completely in dire straits.

Not long after, a group of warriors who had calmed down their thoughts looked at the three of them one after another, and slowly walked towards here in a solemn atmosphere.

When there was only about one and a half feet of distance left, the five leading servants stopped and stared at the three of them with anger in their eyes.

They are all warriors in the middle stage of the Flesh Realm, and they are also the confidants who have followed Zhao Wuhen throughout the world. Some have followed for more than thirty years, and some have followed for more than ten years. Each of them has received great favor from the old man.

Otherwise, they would not have followed each other and committed such a heavy murder.

"You...all deserve to die!"

One of them, a younger servant who was actually in his thirties, spoke through gritted teeth.

When Ji Yuan and others heard this, they immediately sneered in their hearts. Otherwise, they should be captured without mercy and wait to be killed by Zhao Wuhen alive and become a sacrifice for him to seize Zhao Yuebai's body?

How can there be such a truth in this world? It is only necessary for others to kill people, and there is no need for the person who was killed to fight back!

However, although their eyes were full of ridicule, none of them spoke, as if they didn't care what these people were arguing about.

As for Xu Qiqi and Jiang He, they silently mobilized their energy and were ready to fight each other at any time.

But at this moment, the five servants' eyes suddenly widened, and two of them couldn't help but spit out several mouthfuls of blood.

They either lowered their heads to look at the sharp blade that pierced their chests, or looked back in disbelief. The familiar faces in their eyes were now covered with frost and coldness.

As if they were worried that the death of these servants would not be complete enough, several warriors guarding the courtyard involuntarily applied a few palms, completely cutting off all life in these people's bodies.

But in the blink of an eye, the five corpses, which were gradually getting colder, fell straight into the blood and mud. They did not close their eyes until they died, as if they could not understand why they were stabbed in the back by their own people.


Ji Yuan's brows couldn't help but frown slightly after seeing these warriors who were guarding the courtyard killing several servants.

The scene in front of him was something he had never expected, and he didn't understand why the other party would do this. It would have been fine if it was just one or two people. The problem was that the choices made by the dozen or so warriors guarding the hospital were surprisingly consistent.

And after taking action, everyone showed a look of relief. There were even two or three young people in their early twenties who collapsed on the spot and sat in the bloody mud and cried in their arms.

"Zhao... what Zhao Wuhen said at the beginning was indeed not false at all, but he just didn't tell you what happened later."

A burly middle-aged man walked up to the three of them alone. Seeing the vigilance in their eyes, he stopped half a foot away.

Although this distance does not even require a complete snap of the fingers for a practitioner, it is enough to make people feel a little at ease, and it also shows one's sincerity.

After the middle-aged man stopped, he paused for a moment, and then said: "What happened next, whether it was sending a human blood sacrifice or deceiving you about the truth, has nothing to do with us."

With an expressionless face, he slowly told some things, and made it clear that these warriors who were guarding the courtyard were forced by force, and they had resisted. The reason why they were not directly beaten to death, or even only slightly injured, was entirely Zhao Wu's fault.

These people are likely to be used later.

After thinking about it, the middle-aged man looked back at his companions behind him, then turned to Ji Yuan and said solemnly: "If you still have resentment in your heart and come after me alone, please let the others go!"

Hearing this, Ji Yuan slowly shook his head and had no intention of pursuing anything. He said that apart from Zhao Wuhen and his confidants, every one of them here was an innocent victim.

At the same time, he also learned from this middle-aged man what happened after Zhao Wuhen led people into the wooden building.

In fact, the matter is not complicated. It's just that Zhao Wuhen will throw someone out of the wooden building every hour and let the evil things entrenched in the mansion take him away as a so-called sacrifice.

Most of these people who were used as sacrifices were the female family members of the Zhao family who would rather die than surrender, or were from the second floor of the wooden building.

After a while, Ji Yuan, with the support of Xu Qiqi and Jiang He, returned to the wooden building and found a clean place to sit cross-legged.

At this time, the condition of his body was indeed a bit bad. Not only his internal organs were being impacted, but also the blood and energy were rushing through his body, and he had to endure severe pain almost every moment.

As soon as he sat down, Ji Yuan took out several pills from his sleeve robe, took out one or two pills one after another, swallowed them all into his stomach, and then breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Then he closed his eyes, mobilized the essence in his body with the core mental formulas of the Xuantian Dao Sutra, and began to refine the few pills he swallowed.

Within a few breaths, when the medicine slowly dissipated, began to heal the injuries in the body, and moisturize the injured areas, he felt that the pain all over his body had been relieved a lot.

It wasn't until an hour later that Ji Yuan stopped the mental formula and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. Then he opened his eyes and waved his sleeves to disperse the turbid air in front of him.

"how's it going?"

Xu Qiqi and Jiang He turned around together. For more than an hour before, they had been standing in front of Ji Yuan, not allowing anyone to get even one step closer.

Hearing this, Ji Yuan nodded slightly: "Most of the internal injuries have not yet healed, but fortunately they have been suppressed for the time being, and there will be no sequelae if we rest for a while in the future."

As for the injuries on the body, they have basically healed completely, leaving only a shallow mark. Only the cut on the right calf only temporarily stopped the bleeding and formed a layer of blood scab.

Although I can move without hindering my movements, I don’t want to do any strenuous exercise for the time being. A little carelessness may cause the wound to open.

"During this period, nothing happened, right?"

Ji Yuan first looked around the wooden building, and then asked the two people around him.

When he was recovering from his injuries, he was so focused that he was almost completely unaware of the movement around him. Only when the movement was extremely large or something life-threatening could he wake up from that state.

The two of them looked at each other and then shook their heads. During the more than an hour he was recovering from his injuries, the place was surprisingly peaceful and nothing happened.

Logically speaking, after killing the middle-aged man transformed by the evil wind, the evil thing causing trouble in the Zhao family should be considered dead.

But Ji Yuan and others knew that it was just a puppet, and the real evil was still hidden deep in the mansion. At this moment, the long black sword beside him was temporarily suppressed by the sword energy contained in Zi Mansion.

, is the best proof.

It was this long black knife that flew from the depths of the mansion that caused the middle-aged man transformed from evil wind to bring life and death crises to Ji Yuan many times, and almost died here several times.


"What should I do next? Should I wait for my senior brother and the others here, or go deep into the mansion to look for the evil thing?"

Jiang He asked in a low voice.

Just looking at the faint expectation in his eyes, it seemed that he didn't really want to wait for his senior brother, but rather wanted a few people to go deep into the mansion and kill the evil creature with the sword.

However, as soon as these words came out, Xu Qiqi immediately rolled his eyes, and the other party slapped him angrily to make this troublesome junior brother feel at ease.

However, Ji Yuan seemed to have really listened to Jiang He's words and looked like he was thinking seriously.

Seeing this scene, Xu Qiqi almost jumped up, and quickly spoke out to persuade: "Don't listen to my junior brother's nonsense, he just doesn't know the importance, and he doesn't have any brains when he speaks!"

She was really afraid that Ji Yuan would listen to Jiang He's words, and then just a few people would go deep into the mansion to find the evil creature and fight to the death.

It's not that she's afraid of that evil thing, it's that if they go to this level of cultivation, they're going to die!

Ji Yuan has as many means as Ji Yuan. Not only does he have a large number of talismans, but he also has a magic weapon in his hand, not to mention that he is suspected of possessing something similar to his natal flying sword.

But just like this, after dealing with a middle-aged man who was just a puppet, Ji Yuan had almost tried his best, and finally gave Zhao Wuhen an opportunity to take advantage of him, and a sneak attack caused him to be seriously injured on the spot.

But Ji Yuan shook his head and thought seriously: "On the contrary, if we want to survive, maybe we really have to fight hard first."
This chapter has been completed!
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