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Volume 1: Zhao Shanhe Chapter 90 Once a General in the Battlefield

In the City God's Temple, all the members of the Three Swordsmen Club had fallen down at this time, some of their bodies were already cold, and some were wrapped with strands of demonic energy.

Today, only two leaders and three hall masters are still trying to support themselves.

However, their situation is not optimistic either. There are scars almost everywhere on their bodies, their clothes have been stained red with blood, and even their faces are frighteningly pale.

It seemed that all it took was a breeze to blow them all to the ground.

Fortunately, Zhao Yuansong and others arrived here in time and blocked the City God and his five spiritual officials who had fallen into the evil way.

However, Zhao Yuansong was able to severely injure the City God with his own strength before, but now his strength seemed to have increased several times, and he was actually able to suppress everyone with one heavy spear.

The five spiritual officers who were originally only in the early stage of the first realm have now climbed to the late stage of the first realm, and the weapons in their hands have become more spiritual, and there are faint signs of being transformed into magical weapons.

As a result, everyone's pressure can be said to have increased suddenly, and they were already at a disadvantage in the initial confrontation.

"Those who offend the majesty of the gods...die!"

The city god suddenly let out a deep roar.

Its three-foot-long golden body stepped forward, with the rich power of incense and incense wrapped around it. Its eyes should have been dazzling with divine light, but now they were bursting with magic light.

Five tall spiritual officers took the order and immediately threw out the weapons in their hands, turning into streams of light and hitting them.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yuansong snorted coldly. With the sword skills in his hands, the long sword on his back was unsheathed. He turned in mid-air and divided into four sword shadows. Then they shot out of the air and joined the five sword figures.

The weapons of the spirit officers were fighting together.

Li Junxian, Xu Qiqi and Jiang He joined forces with more than ten members of the Three Swordsmen Association to kill the five spiritual officials respectively.

It's just that although they are distracted in manipulating weapons, their level of strength cannot be shaken by a group of people in a short time.

"Can a possessed spirit still be considered a spirit?"

Xu Liuqing muttered to himself, and then a strong fighting spirit burst out from his body.

Even though he was facing a god who was in the late second realm and a well-known city god, there was no trace of fear in his eyes.

The next moment, this body flew out like a roaring wind, and with a roar of swords, the two long swords were immediately unsheathed, blooming with dazzling sword light.

At the same time, a jade pendant on his body was flowing with brilliance, and streams of pure spiritual energy poured into his body, replacing the strong energy that only second-level warriors had, allowing him to do whatever he wanted.

As a result, in a short period of time, Xu Liuqing has become equivalent to a martial artist in the early stage of the second realm in terms of killing power. The only flaw is that his realm is insufficient, and he still belongs to the first realm in terms of physical fitness and other aspects.

But he didn't care. His body was like a strong wind. Although he looked very fierce, he was still flexible. No matter how the three-foot-long spear fell, it still couldn't touch his body.

It's just that although the movement is flexible, with the killing power of the early stage of the Muscle and Bone Realm, it can't even break the incense and wish power of that layer of body protection, let alone hurt the opponent's golden body.

On the contrary, the City God seemed to have gradually adapted to his own surge in power. He no longer just used heavy spears as an attack, but actually started to use his marksmanship!

Under the heavy gun shadows, Xu Liuqing even had the idea of ​​being unable to dodge. He tried his best to escape the fatal blow, but a deep blood mark was blown out of his chest by the strong wind.

He stretched out his hand and pressed heavily on the acupuncture points near the wound, which temporarily stopped the flow of blood, and then looked forward with a heavy expression.

In a daze, he seemed to remember the identity of this city god.

According to the record of the great achievements in the Chenghuang Temple, the Chenghuang of Qianyu City was a military general who galloped on the battlefield more than a hundred years ago. He fought for the Dayu Dynasty more than a hundred years ago and killed countless enemy soldiers.

In the end, if it hadn't been besieged by enemies several times its own, it wouldn't have ended up dying in battle. Most likely, it would have been promoted to a general commanding from behind based on its merits.

But even if it was besieged by many enemy troops, it still led hundreds of riders under its command to kill more than a thousand people among thousands of enemy troops!

Although the opponent is dead now, he has been reborn as a god. Naturally, he remembers all the memories of his life, including his combat experience on the battlefield, and his superb and lethal marksmanship!

Thoughts flashed through his mind. After Xu Liuqing recalled the other party's deeds during his lifetime, not only did he not feel any fear, but his fighting spirit became more and more tyrannical.

He smiled wantonly, and quickly moved his body to face the opponent directly, using the two swords in his hands to attack the heavy spear that seemed to be as heavy as a ton of stone!

"The fight was really intense!"

A sigh of emotion suddenly sounded in the field: "If we let him truly break into the realm of muscles and bones, maybe he can really defeat ordinary late-stage warriors with his early-stage realm."

The few survivors of the Three Blades Society nodded subconsciously. This was not the first time they had seen Xu Liuqing's bravery, but they still couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

But very quickly, several people looked stern and turned around to look behind them.

There was a young man standing there at some point, wearing a gray-blue robe, and his skin gave people a dark and smooth look.

The most important thing is that this person actually exudes a strong demonic aura. Judging from the aura alone, he is not even weaker than the City God who has been promoted to the late second realm!


The first person to speak at the meeting of the Three Swordsmen Association was to ask about this person's origins.

But he only had time to say one word, and then a dark shadow flashed before his eyes, and the young man appeared in front of him, almost face to face with him!


He slowly lowered his head, and then he saw the young man's palm, which had been inserted into his chest at some point, holding the living heart at that moment.

Before this, the leader of the Three Swordsmen Association, a master who had been in the arena for thirty or forty years spanning hundreds of miles, was not even aware of it at all.


As the heart in his chest was crushed, his body fell heavily to the ground, lifeless.

Until the moment of his death, he could not figure out what happened and why a young man exuding a demonic aura appeared behind him silently and ended his life in an understatement.

"How brave!"

The second leader of the Three Swordsmen Association shouted angrily, and with only half of the spear left in his hand, he smashed it towards the young man's head.

However, the next moment, he felt that the world was spinning in front of him, and his figure immediately flew out.

While he was in mid-air, he could still see that the young man's hand was holding a beating heart.

"Death to the monster!"

The three hall masters stood up with difficulty and joined forces to attack without any explanation.

Naturally, they could see clearly that the heart held in the opponent's hand was dug out from the chest of Erhui Shou!

However, although those in the middle stage of Skin and Flesh Realm can indeed be called a master in Qianyu City, they are nothing in front of young people with the cultivation in the late stage of Dianling Realm.

What's more, after a big battle, they were already exhausted and seriously injured, how much fighting power could they still have?

Even the first and second leaders of the Three Swordsmen Association were powerless to fight back in front of this person, let alone them.

In just a few blinks, the three of them fell to the ground with no life left, their eyes widened and they looked to the sky full of unwillingness.

"Tsk, with this little strength, you still want to slay demons?"

The young man sneered, then seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but glance at Zhao Yuansong, who was no longer guarding him.

He still clearly remembered that it was this person who discovered his traces two days ago, and then brought a group of people to surround and kill him.

Not only did he lose the spiritual object that was regarded as the foundation of the Dao, but he also lost 70% of the incense power he had accumulated over the past century. In the end, his golden body and temple were also destroyed!

If it hadn't been for the help of someone with a magical elixir, he would have died on the spot, let alone his rapid progress at this moment.

Thinking of this, the young man who was born in Xiyuhe and whose feet were made from catfish, couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

It's just that smile, no matter how you look at it, it's a bit ferocious and terrifying.

He crushed the heart in his hand, and then walked towards Zhao Yuansong step by step, his eyes rolling behind him, as if he was thinking about where to start.

At the same time, Zhao Yuansong had already felt something strange behind him, but he was currently concentrating on manipulating the long sword and four sword shadows to fight with the five Spirit Officer weapons, and he really couldn't be distracted.

Although he himself is also a second-level cultivator and is stronger than the five late-stage first-level spiritual officials, his strength is limited after all. After all, he has just broken through recently and has not yet accumulated enough mana, and he has not even fully reached the level yet.


At this moment, feeling the killing intent coming from behind, Zhao Yuansong could not even withdraw the mana to control the long sword and sword shadow for a moment.

If he were to withdraw forcefully, not to mention that Jiang He and others would be in danger, even he would have to bear the backlash and would no longer be able to deal with the crisis behind him.

Life and death are coming quietly, but no matter how hard you rack your brains, you can't think of a way to deal with it.

"Isn't this a hard feeling?"

The young man seemed to feel his emotions, so he sneered and said 'comfort': "Don't worry, you won't feel uncomfortable soon!"

With a knife in his hand, he slashed hard at Zhao Yuansong's back...

"How dare you be so cruel?!"

A loud shout filled with shock and anger suddenly sounded, but it did not make the young man's movements stop at all. Instead, it made him increase the strength in his hands.

But as soon as his fingertips touched Zhao Yuansong's back, a cold light came over him!

In an instant, the mana in the young man's body vibrated, and his body suddenly trembled. It was an instinct similar to encountering a natural enemy.

He hurriedly retracted his knife and turned to look to the right. Immediately he saw a stream of light exuding an astonishing cold air, which appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.

The chill emanating from the stream of light seemed to freeze him instantly.

But the young man has no doubt about this instinctive feeling, because he himself is a monster in the water, and his Taoism is classified as water attribute, even the foundation of Taoism is the same.

And in the world, apart from the power of fire, the power of frost has the greatest restraint on him!
This chapter has been completed!
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