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Chapter 1155 Rewards after ranking

This is the first battle between emperors in the Four Realms since this era, or even in several eras!

Feng Tianzhu, the Great Emperor!

Mr. Long, the Great Emperor

One of the two is ranked 98th, and the other is ranked 99th!

It can be said that the two of them are on par and between brothers.

Mr. Long has a rich heritage and a magical weapon, and he, Feng Tianzhu, also has a rich heritage and a magical weapon.

Therefore, after the two people rushed together again, the sky was filled with light, which was so dazzling that it hurt the eyes. Many immortals or ordinary immortal emperors who followed to watch the fun could not see clearly what was happening in the light!

The battle between emperors is like changing the stars and changing the sun, shaking the starry sky~!

So the huge storm formed a huge whirlpool, and cracks appeared across the sky.

Countless black holes are derived.

Because every time they attack, the space will be unstable and a black hole will be born.

Furthermore, both of them knew that if they hid their secrets today, they would die, so they tried their best, and the sound of the magic weapons hitting each other made everyone's eardrums hurt!

After the battle lasted for ten minutes, a ball of energy exploded, and then the two of them were thrown away at the same time!

Young Master Long was covered in blood, and one of his three heads and six arms was missing. It was so bloody that it was scary!

Three of the six arms were broken!

At this moment, he was short of breath and seriously injured!

The same is true for Feng Tianzhu. There are bullet holes on his stomach, chest, and thighs, and blood is pouring out!

What’s more, one of his eyes was blinded!

It didn't seem to penetrate very deeply, it just blinded him.

Moreover, his breath was unstable and he was panting!

For ten minutes, the high-intensity battle made both of them exhausted!

But the outcome remains undecided!

In the Void Fault, all the forces and all the big shots were praising at this time, this is the battle of the Great Emperor!

And just after Feng Tianzhu and Mr. Long paused for a moment, they rushed towards each other again.

Fight until death!

To compete in the Conferred Gods Ranking, you will not stop until you die. Only by killing the opponent can you complete the task of ranking or defending the ranking.

Therefore, the two of them fought really hard, and when they collided, they didn't even bother to defend themselves!

The second impact, Mr. Long exploded again!

Feng Tianzhu was pierced through the throat and almost hit his forehead!

However, the two of them were separated in one blow!

After they separated, they took a breath and then rushed towards each other in unison!

The third impact may determine the winner, because both of them are injured. This third time, one of them will be defeated!

And sure enough, after they collided again, Master Long's silver spear stabbed Feng Tianzhu in the face and passed through him!

Feng Tianzhu's sword struck the neck of Mr. Long's last head, and then the only remaining head of Mr. Long fell off!

And as soon as his head fell off, Master Long's body fell downwards!

Everyone sighed at this time!

After three attacks, Mr. Long was defeated, and Feng Tianzhu finally narrowly won with one move!

Seeing Mr. Long's physical body falling downwards, Feng Tianzhu in the sky also shook several times, but he still stopped!

But at this time, he was already so weak that he had lost half of his strength!

However, at this moment, just when everyone thought that Young Master Long was dead and defeated, suddenly, Young Master Long's silver spear turned into a ray of light, and at the speed of lightning, it pierced Feng Tianzhu's chest with a pop.

Back of the head!

Feng Tianzhu thought that Mr. Long was dead, so his anger had long been exhausted and he had relaxed his vigilance!


Feng Tianzhu turned around hard, and then he saw a new head growing out from the neck of Mr. Long who was falling downwards!

Yes, this guy has four heads and six arms, but he just hid one before!


In an instant, Young Master Long came to Feng Tianzhu, and then he roared!



As he roared, Feng Tianzhu's head exploded to pieces!

Feng Tianzhu didn't have three heads and six arms, so when his head exploded, a torrent of blood suddenly fell from the sky and the four realms, and the world was filled with endless blood.

The earth and sky are shaking!

However, this time of excitement did not last long, and the blood rain did not last long. In less than ten breaths, the sky became clear and cloudless again!

However, just after the sky cleared up, beautiful fairy music played, and then several rainbows appeared, crossing Mr. Long's body!

What's more, a supreme power, a power that makes everyone want to kneel down, was born from between heaven and earth, and then turned into brilliance and poured into Mr. Long's body.

Then, a golden square crystal appeared out of thin air in front of Mr. Long, and the crystal seemed to be made of gold because of its shining golden light.

"What is that?"

"Why are there golden crystals?"

"What happened to the crystal?"

"The award from heaven and earth just now is a kind of power between heaven and earth. When that kind of power appears, I actually feel like surrendering. What kind of power is that? Why is it injected into Mr. Long's body?"

"What the hell is going on?"

"Is this the reward for those who succeed in the rankings?"

Countless people, whether on the list or not, were shocked at this time, because this was the first battle, so it was the first time for them to see these strange phenomena and these rewards!

So, what are those rewards, that crystal stone?

"Everyone, have you seen it?"

At this time, in the void gap of Chunqiu in the Immortal Realm Valley, Lu Haoyu, who was ranked sixth, laughed!

"I dare to ask Mr. Lu, what was the power between heaven and earth just now? It turned into brilliance and poured into Gong Longzi's body. Is this a reward? What is the crystal stone?"

"The crystal stone represents the recognition of the list of gods, and the crystal stone is called...godhead!"

"Only those who obtain the godhead can become gods!"

"So, although we are all on the list, we are at most reserve personnel and at most false gods. We can only become gods when we obtain godhood and the final list is finalized!"

"So that's it!"

"Does that mean that although we are on the list, if we wait silently with the mentality of not taking the list, there will be no godhead given to us in the end, and we will not be able to become gods?"


Lu Haoyu nodded: "Being on the list just means that you have been shortlisted, but whether you can become a god or not, you have to beat the list or stay on the list!"

"Only after beating the rankings and defending the rankings, will the godhead appear. Whoever wins will have the godhead."

"As for the power of heaven and earth that turned into light just now, it is the legendary power of Tao, the power of heaven, the supreme power!"

"The power of heaven, the power of Tao?"

The four of them took a breath of air.

However, at this moment, Gu Chunqiu suddenly asked: "Then what is the loophole that the young master pointed out before?"

"We'll talk about what the loophole is later. I'm here to cooperate with you this time. If the cooperation is achieved, not only will you get the godhead, but you will also take a step forward and your strength will rise to the next level."

"So, are you interested in cooperating?"

This chapter has been completed!
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