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Chapter 1235 An Eye in Amber

"Sir, there is a treasure wrapped in yellow silk on the beam!"

The Wenhua Palace was empty except for the King Talisman token that Heimao got, and there was not even a book.

However, this is Yunding Heavenly Palace, and there are so many mechanisms, so it is impossible to have only one King Talisman.

So Shangguan Qiushui has been observing everything carefully.

Until she saw something on the beam, which was a square object wrapped in yellow silk cloth.

But obviously, it must be extraordinary to be able to hide it on the beams of the roof.


At this time, others also heard what Shangguan Qiushui said, so they quickly looked up and saw the yellow silk cloth placed on the corner of the beam.

"Heimao, go and take it off." Zhou Wu ordered.


Heimao responded and jumped up. At the same time, he quickly grabbed the yellow silk cloth with his hand.

"It's very heavy. It's heavy on my hands."

When the black hair fell down, he was surprised because this thing was not light.

Zhou Wu smiled at this time and said: "Since Miss Shangguan saw it first, let's open it by Miss Shangguan."

"No, no, no, Brother Heimao can just open it."

Shangguan Qiushui is very humble and doesn't want to steal any treasures.

It stands to reason that although she is in the same team as Zhou Wu, she is an independent individual, so the treasure she sees should belong to her.

But now in such a large team, everyone else listens to Zhou Wu, and any treasures they get must be distributed by Zhou Wu.

For example, if Heimao gets the king talisman, then Heimao will give it to Zhou Wu, but Zhou Wu doesn't want it.

And now, this treasure wrapped in yellow silk can be regarded as obtained by Shangguan Qiu Shui, so Shangguan Qiu Shui has no problem in keeping it.

However, Shangguan Qiushui didn't want to do that.

Because she also regards herself as a member of such a small team.

He even vaguely regarded Zhou Wu as the leader.

Therefore, even if she discovered it first, she still had to let Zhou Wu make the final decision. Only in this way would she not be rejected by others and truly integrate into this small circle.

Zhou Wu smiled and guessed what Shangguan Qiu Shui meant, so he nodded to Heimao and said, "Open it and see what it is."


Heimao and Ao Qian'er are the kind of people who are extremely curious. They have already been scratching their heads to open the yellow silk, but because Zhou Wu didn't say anything, they didn't move.

Now, since Zhou Wu had given the order, Ao Qian'er also joined in. The two of them were fighting to open the yellow silk, revealing an exquisite wooden box.

I don’t know what kind of wood the wooden box is made of. The exquisite patterns on it are very beautiful. The box is also a plug-in type. You only need to pull out one side to open it.

Ao Qian'er carefully pulled out the plug, and then a crystal clear amber was revealed, which was oval in shape and very beautiful.

"Ah, what a big piece of amber, what a good thing."

Ao Qian'er likes jewelry the most, and she was naturally happy to see such a big piece of amber.

"There seems to be something in the amber."

At this time, she took the amber out of the box again, and then everyone discovered that there was an eye in the amber!

That's right, the eyes, just like human eyes, are not completely round, but eye-shaped. Even when people look at it, the eyes are still moving, as if they are looking at them!

Everyone gasped.

Ao Qian'er even threw the amber into the box: "I don't want it, these eyes are not good."

"How about I take out this eye and crush it?"

Heimao is eager to give it a try. Since the mistress doesn't like it, she will step on him.

Naturally, Heimao did not dare to take action directly, but waited for Zhou Wu's order.

Zhou Wu also felt that this eye was very evil. What's more, the eye was obviously sealed in amber, but it could still move.

This shows that this eye is definitely not simple.

However, Zhou Wu still did not handle it without authorization. Instead, he looked at Shangguan Qiushui and said, "You discovered this thing, so you handle it."

"No, no, no, I am the same as Madam. I feel butterflies in my heart when I see those eyes."

"I'm hairy too."

Heimao said Maomao while pulling the black hair on his body.

Everyone was speechless for a while, why are you everywhere?

"Young master, you should handle it. I don't have any objections." Shangguan Qiushui decided.

Zhou Wu thought for a while: "Since this thing can be placed in this Wenhua Palace, it must have special significance, and since we discovered it and obtained it, let's keep it."

"Don't open the amber yet, keep your eyes inside."

"Perhaps the amber or eyes can be used in the next levels, so we are not in a hurry to make any decisions."


Everyone nodded with sincerity, Zhou Wu was thoughtful.

Ao Qian'er was extremely proud. Zhou Wu was like this, he was too evil-minded, and she had said before that Zhou Wu was the worst one.

Whether it's bad or not is secondary. The most important thing is that Zhou Wu can take a longer-term view, has a plan for everything he does, and is not blind.

At this time, Shangguan Qiushui also glanced at Zhou Wu with admiration. The reason why Mr. Zhou could rise from a mortal to his current status and height was not due to simple luck, but because of his shining points.

"By the way, why hasn't Lingmu come yet?"

At this moment, Ao Qian'er suddenly realized that Ling Mu was not there.

Heimao and Shangguan Qiushui were also stunned, yes, why is Lingmu not there?

"Lingmu failed to pass the level and was teleported out." Zhou Wu shook his head and smiled bitterly.


After hearing Zhou Wu's words, everyone's expressions changed.

The importance of Ling Mou in this small team can be imagined. It can be said that she is more important than anyone else.

Because she can understand the text here.

So, if she is gone and they encounter a stone tablet or something, how should they solve it?

There are six halls here, and this is the first hall.

So how should we enter the next five palaces?

Shangguan Qiu Shui had a solemn look on his face, Ao Qianer's little eyes blinked and blinked, not knowing what they were thinking, while Heimao squatted down, thinking about nothing.

Because he doesn't know anything and can't think of any solutions, he just follows orders and does whatever he is told.

"Just take it one step at a time."

Zhou Wu smiled and said: "Maybe the next five halls are different from the Wenhua Palace, and even if we fail to go to the fifth hall, the worst result is just to be teleported out, so don't worry."

"All right."

Ao Qian'er nodded: "That's the only way. There is no other way."

Zhou Wu smiled, he thought of other methods, but he hasn't tried it yet, so he doesn't know if it is feasible!

Naturally, we don’t know what the hall below is like yet, so everything has to be done before reaching the second hall. It’s too early to say anything now!

"Let's go to the second hall!"

Zhou Wu took the lead and everyone walked towards the back of the palace.

This chapter has been completed!
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