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Chapter 1241 Shangguan Qiushui also has trump cards

Zhou Wu didn't want Ling Mou to do anything for him, because Ling Mou's personality and IQ were not the kind of person who could adapt to circumstances.

And the Earth Queen Mother Sanniang is obviously also recuperating in seclusion, so it is impossible to provide any help to Ling Mou in time.

Therefore, it would be quite dangerous for Ling Mou to explore the road privately.

Zhou Wu did not allow her to do that.

After sending Ling Mu away, Zhou Wu continued to wait silently for Shangguan Qiushui to complete the sacrifice.

The process of sacrificial refining is not long, but it is not short either. It actually took three hours to end.

Naturally, Ao Qian'er and Heimao never came back in the past three hours, and he also went to the back several times to look around, but it was foggy in the back house and he couldn't see anything.

Obviously, the fourth hall is extraordinary.

It was impossible for him to abandon Shangguan Qiushui and find Long and Heimao, so he could only wait silently.

Three hours later, Shangguan Qiushui suddenly let out a long roar, and then a flash of light flashed between his brows, and the sword escaped and turned into light, rushing out and spinning around her.

At this moment, the sword seemed to have become her pet.

"Let's go. Qian'er and Heimao haven't shown up for three hours. It's foggy in the back house."

Zhou Wu was not in the mood to congratulate Shangguan Qiushui at this time, and Long refused to let him worry.

However, the dragon may not be in danger. He may be trapped in the fog and unable to get out.

"Okay, thank you sir!"

Shangguan Qiushui glanced at Zhou Wu gratefully.

She and Zhou Wu came to Futu Mountain just for fun, and they never expected that there would be unexpected surprises.

So she remembered the favor.

Without saying much, Zhou Wu immediately strode out of the Third Hall and arrived at the misty entrance behind the Third Hall.

There is no passage like before here, there is just a fog, the fog blocks everything, and nothing can be seen in front.

Moreover, there are no stone monuments, guards, or barriers in front of the mist.

But obviously, this fog also represents the formation. Entering the fog means entering the formation.

"I walked around the outside before. If I want to break through this fog formation, I need to enter it. I can't see any way outside." Zhou Wu said.

Shangguan Qiushui nodded: "This Yunding Heavenly Palace was built in ancient times. The owner of the palace is probably a supreme figure, so how can the formation he created be easily broken?"

"Let's go in too." Shangguan Qiushui said.

Zhou Wu thought for a while: "If we separate after entering, then you should be careful."


Shangguan Qiushui obviously didn't consider this.

But this is just a fog, and they won’t be separated after entering, right?

She didn't believe it.

But he still nodded: "I will be careful, and so will you, Master."


After Zhou Wu smiled, he should step into it first!

As soon as he entered the mist, Zhou Wu suddenly had a feeling of transcending time and space. He also felt that his feet seemed to have stepped on cotton, as soft as cotton.

Also, I couldn't see my fingers in the mist. I couldn't tell the difference between south, east, north and west, nor could I tell where the sky and the earth were.

This place is more chaotic than chaos!

He stood quietly, waiting for Shangguan Qiushui to come over.

Naturally, when he turned around at this time, what he saw was also a vast mist. There was no boundary. It was as if he was transported to the depths of the mist in one step!

However, he waited for five full minutes, but Shangguan Qiushui did not appear beside him.

He guessed it right!

When you enter the fog, you will be teleported directly to the depths, or randomly teleported to various parts of the fog formation.

Therefore, it is impossible for Shangguan Qiushui to appear next to her!

At the same time, Shangguan Qiushui was also confused.

Zhou Wu really guessed it right. When she came in, she didn't see Zhou Wu. Moreover, Zhou Wu came in front and she followed behind.

But even so, they were still teleported apart.

However, Shangguan Qiu Shui is also an expert and bold person.

As the master of the Treasure Pavilion, he is not even afraid of the ancient gods.

Otherwise, how could her Treasure Pavilion be opened throughout the four realms?

This woman is deep in the city.

Naturally, Shangguan Qiushui also knew that he was trapped in a formation, so he had to find a way to break through the heavy fog in front of him.

Because this is also a level. If she cannot pass this level, she will fall behind.

And he will definitely be looked down upon.

So she doesn't want anyone to look down upon her.

Therefore, she began to think about how to break the formation.

The same was true for Zhou Wu at this time. He stood still and didn't move at all. Since it was a formation and it was a mist formation, there was no use in walking around on his own.

Only by breaking through the fog in front of us can we pass here.

After a moment, he took out the Human Emperor's pen and tapped into the mist with one stroke!

Buzz buzz~

With this stroke, the heavy fog in front of him spread to both sides. After a moment, all the fog disappeared, replaced by a long corridor!

Zhou Wu was speechless for a while.

The function of the Renhuang Pen is very powerful, and it is a piece of cake to break the formation.

Therefore, this formation was broken very easily.

However, just as he was about to move forward, he suddenly stopped again, retracted and raised his legs, and then squinted his eyes and looked around.

The surrounding area was not actually a courtyard. Except for the long corridor in front of him, the rest of the place looked extremely hazy, and it was difficult to see anything in the distance.

"Array within an array?"

He took a deep breath, and then used the human emperor pen to move forward again: "Open!"

With one stroke, the long corridor in front of him suddenly shattered like a mirror.

Yes, the channel is fake.

Although he dispersed the fog, the formation was not broken.

In other words, this is a continuous formation, a series of sets, one after another. If he really thinks that he can break the formation successfully and enter the passage, then he may be out of the game.

He secretly said that he was lucky. At the same time, he did not move forward rashly this time, but continued to observe his surroundings.

The long corridor in front disappeared, replaced by a moon arch, and the surrounding courtyard walls also appeared.

"It's not right yet, break it again!"

Zhou Wu still felt something was wrong because he did not feel the energy fluctuation after breaking the formation.

And everything in front of me is too real.

So he took up writing again.

But this time, the scene in front of me continued to shatter, and at the same time, huge energy in the sky was swallowed up!

Then, before everything in front of him was completely shattered, he heard the dragon's voice: "Zhou Wu, you are finally here..."


He felt a lightness under his feet, and then everything disappeared, replaced by the gate of the fourth hall, Ao Qian'er and Heimao.

"How did you break the formation?"

Zhou Wu was unbelievable. He was able to break through the formation because someone had a royal pen. Breaking the psychedelic formation with three strokes was nothing.

But Qian'er and Heimao don't have the Human Emperor's Pen, so how did they break through these layers of fog?

So he was shocked. Are Qian'er and Heimao strong, or just lucky?

"It was the formation where the black hair broke. I walked and walked in the fog, and I was almost exhausted, and then I met the black hair. Then the black hair broke the fog, and we came out."

Heimao smiled proudly: "What's so difficult about this little formation? Grandpa Mao, I kicked the formation open with just one kick."

"Speak nicely." Zhou Wu glared at him and said.

"Yes yes yes."

Heimao said yes again and again, and whispered: "As soon as I set off my fire, this mist formation couldn't stand it anymore, so I opened it myself."

"Your fire?"

Zhou Wu was surprised. Heimao got the flame in the second hall, and he didn't expect to be able to burn out the maze here. This was really unexpected.

And at this moment, suddenly, the three of them felt energy fluctuations coming from behind them. When the three of them turned around, Shangguan Qiushui with a cold face came holding a willow branch through the air!

Zhou Wu’s pupils shrank!

Sure enough, Shangguan Qiushui still had the magic weapon at the bottom of the box, and that willow branch was definitely not much weaker than any of the magic weapons in their hands.

This woman is so secretive!

This chapter has been completed!
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