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Chapter 146 A group of devils

On the blue sea, a container ship flying the Panamanian flag was traveling at a constant speed.

In the bottom of a container ship, there is a sealed space.

This space is not big, only about twenty square meters.

However, at this moment, there are nearly thirty people crowded in this more than twenty square meters of space.

Since the space is sealed and basically airtight, it is not only stuffy but also mixed with various smells.

The stench, sweat smell, fermentation smell produced by human excrement, etc., make people feel out of breath here.

Ye Yu was squeezed into this space.

He was sent to this ship two days ago. No one knew his identity. No one knew that he was the legendary great-grandson of Ye Liuyun.

No one even knows that he is a first-level master.

Naturally, he also had splints on his arms at this time and was smeared with something black.

He carried a travel bag, which contained some food and a fake passport.

He, who has always been pampered and carefree and accustomed to a high-grade life, miraculously endured it.

He sat calmly in the corner and didn't talk to anyone.

However, there would occasionally be a flash of sternness in his eyes.

He hates Zhou Wu, but he also hates the Ye family.

Yes, he even hated the Ye family, especially Ye Wenyu.

You know, he is a genius of the Ye family, but the Ye family actually chose to exile him.

And this kind of exile must be anonymous.

If he dares to reveal that he is from the Ye family, then his mother, who has no scheming intentions, his arrogant and domineering brother, and his honest father will all be punished.

Although he didn't know what kind of punishment it would be, he could only endure it.

A popping sound came from the space.

Someone has diarrhea again, and with the diarrhea, the smell in the space can almost make people faint.

Because both defecation and defecation have to be done here.

The people above only throw them into a toilet, so whether they are male or female, big or small, they all have to deal with it in this toilet.

Yes, there are men and women here.

But... they no longer care if others watch them go to the toilet.

In this environment, if you don't go to the toilet, you can only pee in your pants.

So... for the sake of their dreams and going abroad, they can only endure it.

"what are you doing?"

Just as he half-closed his eyes and was practicing his luck, a scream suddenly came out.

It was a woman. This woman was dressed very decently two days ago, but two days later, she was extremely dirty and her face was black and gray.

However, at this moment, a man hugged the woman.

"I can't hold it in any longer, what do you want me to do?"

The man fiercely grabbed the woman and rode on her!

"Young man, stop."

An old man in his fifties shouted loudly and told the young man to stop.

"Go away!"

The man jumped up and kicked the old man in the stomach.

"Who? Who else dares to ruin my good deeds? I'm a fucking murderer. I'll kill you."

After saying that, he continued to ride on the woman and tore her clothes hard.

"Please, don't..."

The woman was so frightened that she lost all her strength, and her waving arms looked weak.

An expert in the field of neuromedicine has said that when women are violated, it’s not that they don’t want to run away or fight back.

But at that time, after a woman was deeply frightened, her body would become mechanically heavy.

What should I say, some women are even so scared that they cannot move.

Their consciousness cannot control their bodies.

And this is also true.

But now, this woman was so frightened that she lost more and more strength, and her whole body was pitifully weak.

"Help, help..."

There were still a few good-hearted people in the cabin. They didn't dare to do anything to the man, but they still slapped the door of the secret room hard!


No one responded.

This is the sea, and the sound of the waves drowns everything.

And the people above will only come here once every night to deliver food and empty the toilet!

So the beatings from several people had no effect.

The young man jumped up again, and then suddenly pulled out a dagger: "Who dares to scream?"

I don’t know how he sneaked in with the dagger. You know, he was searched before he came in, and all dangerous items were handed over.

I'll return it to you when I get there.

And now, the young man actually pulled out the knife.

There was a moment of silence in the secret room.

And the young man finally tore all of the woman's clothes to pieces, and then...

There were more than thirty people in such a large and small space, and some women did not dare to look at this man.

Some men kept swallowing their saliva.

To be honest, when this happens at such a close distance, everyone has different thoughts. Some people are naturally disgusted, but others are confused, and others feel sad.

They are all stowaways. Not to mention their human rights, even their right to life is not guaranteed.

But... who made them choose to cross the border illegally?

Some people may dream of going abroad for their dreams. There will be money everywhere and they will make a lot of money abroad.

There are also people who have committed crimes and choose to flee abroad.

There are still some people who don’t know the reason.

But generally speaking, women smuggling here are purely out of vanity.

You know, China is full of opportunities now. As long as you have hands and feet, as long as you have brains and knowledge, you can also make a fortune at home.

However, some people have not yet changed their minds. They subconsciously believe that foreign countries are good and foreign monks can chant sutras.

Ye Yu watched this scene indifferently.

Because he is originally a cold and ruthless person, his heart is like a poisonous snake, and he has seen many such small scenes.

You know, his brother, who does all kinds of evil, has done this kind of thing many times, and he has seen it with his own eyes.

So... in his eyes, this is nothing!

The man finally finished venting and pulled up his pants comfortably. Then he suddenly pointed at a young man who looked strong and said, "Fuck her for me."


Everyone is confused, what is going on?

The young man glanced at this man: "I won't go!"

"No? If you don't, you'll die."

With that said, the man rushed towards the young man with a knife!

"Don't, don't, I'll go, I'll go..."

Seeing how vicious this man was, the young man finally gave in.

He was originally quite a strong young man, but he was too timid to resist.

So...he's on it too!

Men are establishing their authority.

Yes, on this occasion, he began to establish his status and authority.

"My surname is Xiong. You can call me Liu Ge or Liu Ye. My name is Xiong Laoliu. I killed a few people in the mainland before I smuggled across the border. From today on, you all should be honest with me. Here, I

It’s up to you.”

Under Xiong Laoliu's vicious shouting, the people in the secret room soon gave in.

Even after an hour, Xiong Laoliu had gained several members.

There was a wretched-looking middle-aged man who became Xiong Laoliu's younger brother.

There was also the strong man, and two other men who looked very fierce.

Together with Xiong Laoliu, the five of them became a vicious gang in this small secret room.

Then...then the five of them took a fancy to a young woman in her thirties, and smiled evilly.

This chapter has been completed!
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