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Chapter 468 Groups of Black Fish Monsters

Although there were many rats, there were also many people entering the passage on the right this time, and the people in front were experts, so after a few balls of fire, the rats were basically burned out.

Everyone traveled smoothly and finally arrived at the iron gate.

However, there are obvious signs of collapse on the wall opposite the iron gate.

Also, there were a lot of dead rat carcasses here, and someone had obviously burned the rats here.

At this time, Shang Kedao and Jin Wuzu walked to the iron gate at the same time. Shang Kedao pushed the iron gate gently, then frowned and said: "It can be confirmed that Xue'er has indeed been here before, but


Jin Wuzu answered: "But she didn't enter this door."

Shang Kedao nodded. This door has never been opened, at least not in a short period of time.

"Then Xue'er..." The two of them turned around at the same time and looked at the collapse of the opposite wall.

"Come here with a few people and dig out this landslide." Jin Wuzu turned around and said to the few demon cultivators behind him: "Jia Xingfeng, just you guys, come and dig here."

"Yes, yes, it's coming, it's coming."

Three small demon cultivators with sinister eyebrows and rat eyes ran over quickly, and these three people belonged to the pangolin clan. This clan had very few people, with the entire clan numbering less than sixty.

Moreover, their status among the demon clan is not high.

One is that there are few people, and the other is that there are no overly tyrannical characters. Those with the highest cultivation level are the only ones who fit together.

Therefore, the pangolin tribe is a vassal race that depends on the larger race for its existence.

However, it is rumored that a long time ago, the pangolin tribe was a vassal of the dragon tribe.

It’s just that the pangolin clan in ancient times also disappeared along with the dragon clan, and now all that are left behind are the orphans from those days.

The figures of three Dangolin-level little demons from the pangolin tribe flashed directly into the collapsed wall, and no one even saw how they got in.

Just two or three minutes later, the soil in the collapse area began to separate to both sides, and then the separation became larger and larger.

After only about five minutes, a passable archway appeared. Although you had to bend down to enter this arch, at least you didn't have to crawl.

These three little pangolin monsters have no other abilities than digging holes and doors.

"Thank you for your hard work." When he saw the three little demons standing at the door and bowing and nodding after digging the hole, Shang Kedao nodded to the three of them with a smile.

And Jin Wuzu just nodded lightly.

Because he is from the Golden Eagle Clan and is a descendant of the leader of the Demon Clan, he doesn't need to thank anyone.

The two of them entered the rat hole together, and the inside of the rat hole has been enlarged. It is no problem for two people to walk side by side.

After turning a few corners, the two arrived at the underground river where Zhou Wu and Bai Xue had dived, and heard the sound of rushing water.

"It should go down from here. The sewers of the Dragon Clan are interesting. After so many years, no one thought that the Dragon Clan has sewers." Shang Kedao shook his head with a wry smile. Who would have thought that there are sewers in the ruins of the Dragon Clan?

But Xueer went down early.

"Everyone, please follow us. Maybe this time we can really enter the legendary dragon cave." Shang Kedao was the first to jump in after saying this.

Immediately afterwards, more than 600 people jumped into the sewer.

This sewer is completely different from human sewers. Human sewers are narrow and low.

But this sewer is actually a very wide underground river, so even after more than 600 people jumped in, it didn't seem crowded.

The depth of the water was about 1.23 meters, and it was even up to the waist.

The current is not fast, but the water is very cold.

When they stood inside, it was as if they were standing in the middle of the river.

"I feel something is wrong." At this time, Jin Wuzu frowned and said, "There is a fishy smell in this underground river, and there is also the breath of spiritual beasts, so everyone should be careful."

Shang Kedao also nodded, but then became a little anxious. If there was danger in this dark underground river, would Bai Xue encounter it?

"Go, go against the current."

Shang Kedao walked quickly upstream.

The others also followed suit.

However, before a minute was up, a scream suddenly came from behind.



Along with this scream, a person suddenly jumped into the water, and then as the water surged, streams of blood poured out.

"No, there's something in the river."

"Whoa, whoa, whoosh!" Everyone fired out the real fire, lighting up half of the river in an instant.

But as the river became brighter, everyone took a breath of air.

Because there were waves all around the river, they seemed to be surrounded by something.

Shang Kedao's expression changed drastically: "It's the spiritual beast piranha... Wow~"

Before he could finish his words, water spray appeared all around him. A dozen people on the periphery were bitten by a huge black fish and dragged into the water. After a few tossings, they became silent.

But at this time, someone stabbed a black fish with a sword, and when he raised it with force, a big black fish with a big head, three feet long, densely packed teeth, and mucus flowing all over his body jumped out.


This sword did not kill the big fish. Instead, the big fish broke away from the sword while struggling, and then fell into the river and quickly disappeared.

Everyone was extremely nervous, because as we all know, fish are very powerful in the water, not to mention that these fish have become fine black fish. Not to mention their huge size, all of them have the power of Dan Realm.

Most importantly, there is no way to judge their number.

An atmosphere of tension and fear permeated the air. Although they were all top leaders from various sects and families, they were still Xiaoxiu and had never experienced anything like this.

So none of them knew what to do.

Shang Kedao shouted loudly at this time: "Those who are in the Dan realm should go to the middle, and those who are above fetal breath should go to the outside..."

"Why?" Several Feixi and Yuanying suddenly sneered: "We have no obligation to protect them. Since we are participating in this event, we must be prepared to die."

"I'm sorry, let's go first."

After several human beings finished talking to Nascent Soul, they jumped out of the water and ran upstream on the water.

At the same time, huge waves appeared again on the nearby water, and this time more snakehead fish came.

It may be that people died and too much blood flowed, which stimulated the sense of smell of these black fish spirits, so... dense waves surged.


At this moment, no one is listening to the command. If you follow the command, you will die faster. It all depends on your own ability.

Some ran towards the entrance, while others continued to run against the current.

Even Shang Kedao, Jin Wuzu and others had no choice but to run forward.

However, while they were running, some people were dragged into the water by the black fish, and after a few splashes, a large area of ​​blood surged up.

Some people disappeared one after another, and everyone continued to run.

A black fish beast with a cultivation level equivalent to that of the Dan Realm cannot be defeated by any of them in the Dan Realm alone, let alone a large and densely packed group here?

There is no way to kill them all, so we can only escape from the area.

But... what they don't know is that this underground river is actually a river of bones. There is a huge spring pit downstream of the river, and there are countless bones in the spring pit.

This chapter has been completed!
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