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Chapter 475 The voice of the ancestor of Beiqi

"It's been twenty breaths, and he hasn't come out yet, and he hasn't succeeded yet. He has been fighting two spiritual beasts!"

The lobby of the Celebrity Tower was already overcrowded at this moment.

Because no one from the Beiqi faction has successfully broken into the tower for several months.

But now, a third-generation disciple Meng Ao has appeared. He passed thirty-three levels in a row, but got stuck when he reached the thirty-third level.

He didn't break through, but he didn't withdraw either. He kept fighting the two spiritual beasts.

And being able to reach all the way to the thirty-third level and fighting two spiritual beasts for such a long time, what does this mean?

It shows that this person has a long breath and long-lasting endurance.

This kind of person, even if he fails to break through, is still an outstanding genius. Maybe he will succeed next time and become a disciple of the Hall of Fame?

At the same time, Wu Cuifen and Han Xiuzi also arrived.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, so Wu Cuifen planned to squeeze Han Xiuzi dry and have a full meal at once.

But someone called them, so they came here in a hurry.

Wu Cuifen was very nervous because she knew that Meng Ao was fake. If the sect wanted to investigate this person's life experience, then Meng Ao would never be able to withstand the investigation.

And sure enough, she came to whatever she wanted, because Hall of Famer Li Zhengyi waved to her.

Wu Cuifen immediately walked over and cupped her hands: "Senior Brother Li, how is my disciple?"

She also pretended to be happy.

"Yes, yes, but I just took a look at this man's origin. It seems that he just joined Beiqi a few months ago, right?" Li Zhengyi had already checked Meng Ao's case file, and when he took a look, he suddenly discovered that this Meng Ao joined Beiqi.

Oddly, it’s not even half a year old yet.

But he did two missions, one of which was a prefecture-level mission, so this Meng Ao is really not easy.

However, there is no specific identity information. Wu Cuifen is the introducer, guarantor, and master, so it is natural to ask Wu Cuifen.

"Well, Meng Ao just joined not long ago, but I have watched this kid grow up." Wu Cuifen pulled her hair and said: "He is my cousin's nephew. The young man had great potential when he was a child. He has been practicing hard at home.

Come, I saw that he had reached the Dan realm, so I brought him here with one of my nieces."

"Xiaoyou, come here and see Master Li." Wu Cuifen waved to Meng Xiaoyou.

Meng Xiaoyou's face turned a little pale, because she was afraid of cheating, and she also knew that Zhou Wu was fake.

But she still walked over bravely.

"Xiao You is currently practicing under Senior Sister Sun Xuejiao. She is Meng Ao's cousin."

"Oh, if you guarantee it, then there will be no problem." Li Zheng nodded. The second generation Wu Cuifen is also a senior Beiqi disciple, so it is not a big problem.

However, at this moment, someone from behind the crowd suddenly said: "Hall Master, I have other information about Meng Ao."


As soon as this person finished speaking, everyone looked at him.

Li Zheng raised his eyebrows: "Tao Pingan, come here and talk."

"Yes." The man named Tao Pingan limped in. His face was very pale, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness.

"Is your injury getting better?" Li Zhengyi asked.

"Back to the hall master, my disciple's injury is much better." Tao Ping'an replied respectfully.

"Well, you just said there was other news about Meng Ao? What news?" Li Zhengyi asked curiously.

"Hall Master, this Meng Ao should be the Beiqi disciple who suddenly appeared in Buzhou Mountain a few days ago."

"Huh?" Li Zhengyi was shocked.

The human and demon clans jointly organized an adventure conference, and the participants were all elite disciples from various major and small forces, and they were all Dan Realm disciples.

And his Beiqi sect had three places, so he sent Tao Ping'an and three others.

But of the three people sent, only Tao Ping'an came back on his own, and the other two died in Buzhou Mountain.

I heard that Buzhou Mountain suffered extremely heavy losses this time. Not even a single elite disciple from the major forces was left, and some even disciples from the entire tribe were wiped out.

It was Tao Ping'an's luck that Beiqi came back with one.

After Tao Ping'an returned, he truthfully informed the hall master Li Zhengyi and the headmaster Beiqi about everything that happened in Buzhou Mountain.

So recently, Li Zhengyi has been really curious about who the fourth Beiqi disciple is.

"How do you confirm that he is the fourth person?" Li Zhengyi asked anxiously.

Tao Ping'an scratched his head: "At that time, I knew that there was a Beiqi disciple on the mountain, but because something happened on the top of the mountain, I didn't have time to ask who this Beiqi disciple was."

"Just now, the disciple was curious and contacted a disciple of the Duan family. He told me that the Beiqi disciple seemed to be called Meng Ao because she heard others call him that."

"It turned out to be him! We reached the top of Buzhou Mountain in four hours!" Li Zhengyi took a breath of air.

To be honest, when Tao Pingan came back to retell the story, he and the headmaster did not believe that Beiqi had such a disciple. In addition, Tao Pingan did not know the name of this disciple at the time, so they did not pursue it.

But he remembered it in his heart.

After all, such talented disciples are so rare. It would be even better if they were from his Beiqi sect.

"It's a good thing. We climbed to the top of Buzhou Mountain in four hours. This has brought glory to me, Beiqi. Cuifen, it's good for you to accept this disciple, haha."

Wu Cuifen felt relieved.

At this moment, the grid lights on the thirty-fourth floor suddenly lit up.



"The breakthrough was successful."

"Oh my god, it actually happened."

"In the early stage of Dan Realm, it is not easy for Meng Ao to pass through thirty-three levels and become a disciple of the Hall of Fame!"

"Hahaha, Junior Sister Wu, congratulations!" Li Zhengyi smiled while stroking his beard.

Meng Ao is his disciple of Beiqi, so the more brilliant Meng Ao is, the happier he will naturally be.

This is the case in every sect. Since you are a disciple of your own sect, when the elders see the disciples excelling, how can they doubt this or that?

Even if Meng Ao has a problem, we have to make him okay at this moment and tie him firmly to Beiqi.

This kind of talent will definitely shine in the future, and it will definitely make Beiqi's reputation even more famous in the future.

Therefore, Li Zhengyi had already begun to plan to meet this Meng Ao, hold a celebration party for him, and give him some rewards or something.

"Senior Brother Li, we are all happy together. Ao'er will need more care and attention from Senior Brother Li in the future."

"This is natural. At the same time, I, Beiqi's disciple, naturally have to focus on training."

"Look, everyone, the lights on the 35th floor are on."


At this time, everyone was surprised.

It's not finished if you pass the thirty-three levels, but you also pass the thirty-four levels?

According to rumors, the thirty-fourth level is the level of asking the heart, which is a question posed by the ancestor of Beiqi.

There is no danger in this level, and there is no battle, because after you pass the thirty-third level, you will consume a lot of physical strength, so Beiqi Ancestor set up an easy question of heart level in this thirty-fourth level.

It allows you to answer questions while you sit down and rest.

If you can answer it correctly, you will successfully pass the level, and you will still have time to rest.

But now, Meng Ao did not rest. After passing the thirty-fourth chapter of Wenxin, he went directly to the thirty-fifth maze.

The thirty-fifth level is a maze, and it is very difficult to pass this level if you are not proficient in the formation.

However, just when everyone was surprised, a voice suddenly appeared: "Zhengyi, after this kid breaks through the barrier, bring him to the back mountain to see me!"


Just hearing this voice made everyone kneel down.

Because this is the voice of Beiqi Ancestor.

This chapter has been completed!
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