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Chapter 577: The Genius King Luo Wei

Kou Changan's face turned green with fright.

When he faced the murderous god Zhou Wu before, although he was also afraid, his face turned green without fear.

Because he knows in his heart that as long as he takes refuge in this God of Death, the God of Death may not be able to kill him, because he has value.

And now?

After his rebellion, he was captured again.

He knew that the conversation he had just had with the God of Death must have been listened to by that person, so as soon as he returned to Sword Valley, he would not only step down as the dean, but would most likely be deposed or killed.

On the contrary, Keya'er's eyes widened at this time. She knew the person in the sky, not an elder or a real immortal inspector, but Luo Wei.

And who is Luo Wei? He was a genius in Sword Valley many years ago.

According to rumors, he also went from the Yellow Dao Academy, to the Xuandao Academy, to the Earthly Dao Academy, and finally to the Tiandao Academy.

After entering Tiandaoyuan, he practiced in the Tianxuan class of Tiandaoyuan for three years, and disappeared after three years.

At least many ordinary disciples and even some elders and deans don't know where this person has gone.

But as the great elder's granddaughter, Keyar knew that Luo Wei went to the Sword Tomb in the back mountain.

The Sword Tomb in the back mountain is the core significance of Sword Valley, and it is the real place of inheritance!

Yang Qingfeng, the founder of Sword Valley and the genius swordsman, attained enlightenment in the Sword Tomb.

There are also rumors that those who can enter the Sword Tomb to practice will become Yang Qingfeng's disciples and the true successors of the sword after ascending.

Keyar has been working hard, actually just to enter the Sword Tomb.

However, the final assessment is very strict, and it doesn't matter who you are, or you who have connections or a backdoor can get in.

There are also rumors that there is a sword clone of the sword immortal Yang Qingfeng left in the sword tomb. If you enter the sword tomb, Yang Qingfeng will teach you personally.

And now, Luo Wei has come out. As soon as he comes out, he is crushing him. Although the killing god is powerful, isn't he still trapped?

"Senior Brother Luo, Senior Brother Luo, do you still remember me?"

Claire raised her head excitedly at this time and said.

Luo Wei, who was flying in the sky, smiled: "Junior Sister Keya, please be at ease. Let's catch up on old times when I get back!"

Keyal was very excited, Luo Wei still remembered her.

"Luo Wei? Are you Luo Wei?"

Kou Changan was inexplicably frightened.

Sword Valley has been passed down for ten generations now, and Luo Wei is the ninth generation disciple like Keyar.

The tenth generation is an ordinary disciple of the Zodiac Academy.

Among these nine generations, Sword Valley also produced some outstanding characters.

But only Luo Wei is the most evil one.

This man's sword skills are so perfect that he is rumored to be able to cut down stars with one sword.

And Luo Wei is already an eleventh-level Sanxian.

Sanxian, there is no age difference before the eleventh level. You can achieve the eleventh level at the age of one thousand.

But if you want to achieve the twelfth level, you must reach 120,000 years.

So Luo Wei is not young enough, but he is also the top 11th rank loose immortal.

If there are truly geniuses in this world, then this Luo Wei is the king among geniuses.

Kou Changan was trembling all over.

However, at this moment, Zhou Wu sent a message to him: "Don't be nervous, who is this person?"

Kou Changan was stunned. It was time like this. This god of death didn't seem to be afraid at all.

But he also knew that there would be no good outcome if he went back, so he thought for a while and said: "If you have a way now, then take me and run away."

"I asked you who this person is."

Zhou Wu snorted.

"He is Luo Wei, the genius disciple of the ninth generation. This person disappeared a few years ago and no one knows where he went. But now that I think about it, he must be in the Sword Tomb."

"Being able to enter the sword tomb also means that you have been recognized by the sword ancestor Yang Qingfeng and become Yang Qingfeng's introductory disciple."

"There is even a clone of Yang Qingfeng in the sword tomb, so he was personally instructed by Yang Qingfeng. This kind of person will become Yang Qingfeng's right-hand man in the fairy world."

"An ordinary disciple?"

Zhou Wu nodded, this person is indeed very awesome.

Just the magical power of the Golden Light Network he had just used was definitely in everyone's style.

Sword Valley has been able to stand for so long and develop into a large sect with hundreds of thousands of people, which naturally has its own uniqueness.

Therefore, it is normal to cultivate one or two true swordsman successors.

"Hero, please take me to run away. I can't go back. I'm afraid I'll die if I go back." Kou Changan continued to transmit the message.

"No rush, we'll wait until we get to Sword Valley. I happen to be going to Sword Valley, so I don't have to fight all the way there now."


Kou Changan was stunned again and again. What is going on?

What he means is that he can escape, but doesn't he?

Kou Changan rolled his eyes. If he could really do it, he would be truly invincible.

"By the way, you can attend the cabinet meeting, but do you know that Sword Valley is going to the Origin Star?"

"I know, we had a meeting to discuss it before. This time we are going secretly. Only those who are qualified will go there, and I am one of them."

"Then how can we stop them from going to the Origin Star?"

"Why do you want to stop it? Let me tell you, there is treasure on the Origin Star."

"I'm asking you how to stop it!" Zhou Wu Chuanyin shouted.

"Wouldn't it stop just killing everyone..."

When Kou Changan said this, he paused and then said: "It's okay to kill the great elder and the Valley Master, but there is no need to kill the others."

"Because only the two of them have the power to decide to go to the Origin Star."

"Does the upper world know about the Origin Star?" Zhou Wu asked again.

"I know, so this time the real immortal will also pass by."

"Do other sects in Juling Continent also know about the Origin Star?"

"You really asked the right person about this."

Kou Changan said in a message: "Those sects with long heritage know it because they are also closely connected with the immortal world. However, only we in Sword Valley know the location of the Origin Star."

"Everyone in the world knows that there is a planet like Origin Star, but no one knows where it is, how to get there, etc."

"And the discovery of the Origin Star is actually the result of my Xuandao Academy. Wang Zhong was the first to discover it, and then informed me, and I informed the Valley Master and the others."

"So only a few of us know the route there and so on."


Zhou Wu nodded and stopped talking.

Kou Changan asked anxiously: "Then what are you going to do?"

"How long will it take for you to become a twelfth-grade Earth Immortal?" Zhou Wu suddenly asked.


Kou Changan was stunned: "There are still more than three hundred years, and I am also an old eleventh grade."

"That's not even close."

Zhou Wu shook his head. He was now considering replacing everyone in Sword Valley with a new owner.

"What's the difference?" Kou Changan asked confused.

"If I kill all your elders and cabinet, do you have a suitable candidate for the Valley Master?"


Kou Changan almost vomited blood.

Is this god of murder really going to kill all the cabinet members?

But can he do it?

Zhou Wu gave him a cold look.

And Kou Changan trembled violently: "Yes, yes, I have someone to choose. Let my brother-in-law, the second elder, be the master of the valley. I promise to listen to your words."

Zhou Wu stopped talking and closed his eyes to rest.

This chapter has been completed!
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