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Chapter 790 Weird Town

"Old Shi, you..."

At the end of the bridge, Pan Yunsong was so anxious that his eyes were red.

Because no matter how much he yelled just now, Lao Shi didn't react at all.

The most terrifying thing is that Lao Shi is swinging and seems to be about to fall down at any time.

Fortunately, it only took a dozen breaths for Lao Shi to finally stabilize his body.

However, when Lao Shi turned around, he was shocked to see that Lao Shi... was no longer a teenager, but had become middle-aged.

At this moment, Lao Shi seemed more mature and stable.

Zhou Wu also looked at himself in the mirror at this time.

There is a big difference between middle age and teenage years.

Even though he was the leader of Jiuyang Sect in the past, he was still a young boy. He looked like a young man at first glance, with a hairless mouth.

But now he looks stable and mature.

Zhou Wu smiled bitterly. In the eyes of practitioners, the intrusion of time cannot be changed.

This is also a problem that many female cultivators also face.

Let me ask you, who among the women in the world doesn’t want to be eighteen forever?

What's more, those loose immortals who have reached the twelfth level of cultivation want to go back to being eighteen years old.

Of course, they can also return to the disguised state of eighteen years old, but that is not their true state.

Therefore, time makes people grow older. Time changes not only the appearance, but also a person's mental journey.

Zhou Wu is now speeding up to look like a young and middle-aged man.

He is not completely middle-aged yet, at least he has no sense of vicissitudes of life. To outsiders, he seems to be in his thirties but not yet forty years old.

But this is not what he wants. He is only in his twenties, okay? Why did he suddenly become a middle-aged uncle?

How come he is more than ten years older? He is a handsome young man, okay?

Now like this, others will only call him Master, not Young Master!

So after Zhou Wu thought about it, he rubbed his face a few times and changed him back to his original appearance.

Naturally, he knew that this was a disguise and it had a time limit, but he just disguised himself because he really didn't want to get older.

At this moment, he could also understand why those powerful practitioners wanted to live forever.

He himself is afraid of old age, not to mention the fear of death.

So in order to avoid death, who doesn’t want to live forever?

Perhaps one day in the future, he, Zhou Wu, will join the ranks of those who want to live forever, and he will also dig holes and find various ways to prevent himself from growing old and dying.

This is human nature, the simplest human weakness.

He stood in the middle of the arch bridge and was silent for half an hour before sighing solemnly and striding forward.

No longer asking questions, he successfully walked across the arch bridge and entered the mist on the other side of the bridge.

Ahead, Bai Yuchan is also there, but I don’t know how many levels there are in this secret realm?

He should be considered to have passed two levels now, right?

The third level is in the fog.

The fog here is thicker than in the first level, and it even carries strong moisture. Within a few minutes, your whole body will be soaked, just like washing with water.

Fortunately, there was a blazing sun in Zhou Wu, so when his body felt wet and uncomfortable, he would use some heat to warm it up.

But he also knew that this was not a long-term solution. He couldn't keep baking all the time. Moisture was everywhere, and neither the cloth barrier nor the Gang Qi shield could block the weird moisture here.

Moreover, spiritual thoughts cannot be used here, thoughts cannot be detected, and thoughts can no longer fly.

Zhou Wu tried to release the space gate, trying to sense the location of the third fragment to see if he could be sucked in, but there was no reaction.

He even got into the door of space, but after getting in, it was still this boundless fog when he came out.

That's right, at this level, the space gate doesn't seem to work. It also seems that this is not a level or a formation.

Therefore, if his space gate cannot break through this barrier or this formation, he can only rely on himself.

Fortunately, there was no danger in the fog, and there were no ghosts to fight against the wall, so he kept walking in a straight line.

After walking for a full day, night fell.

However, when night comes, the fog suddenly disappears.

As soon as the fog disappeared, Zhou Wu saw the sky full of stars, the night sky was very bright, and the ground under his feet was still a plain, with short green grass on the ground as far as the eye could see.

And I have been walking forward in this grassland!

"Then leave quickly!"

Without the fog, Zhou Wu regained his energy, and then shot forward like a rabbit at an extremely fast speed.

Although it cannot fly, it can run like the wind.

There was a grassy slope ahead, and he could not see behind the grassy slope, so he speeded up, thinking that his way out was behind the grassy slope.

And sure enough, when he ran to the grassy slope, he saw a city on the horizon in the distance.

That's right, a city like a small town, a very quiet and strange city!

Zhou Wu rubbed his eyes, wasn't he in a dream? Or was he in an illusion again?

Why is there still a small town here?

What exactly is this secret place?

He is extremely weird. Could Bai Yuchan be in front?

He took a deep breath and continued to move forward faster.

Soon, he arrived outside the town. The town was eerily quiet, with no smoke and no one.

Some doors are open and some are closed. It's obvious that no one has lived here for a long time.

Zhou Wu did not enter the town because he instinctively felt something was wrong and there was a hint of danger waiting for him.

However, he couldn't see clearly what was wrong.

He stopped outside the town for a long time and didn't find any abnormalities, but he also saw some traces!

Those are the footprints!

That's right, a person's footprints are in front, then pass through the center of the town, move forward, and finally disappear!

The footprints are new, and the reason why there are footprints is because there is a layer of dust in the town, so the footprints are visible.

"Bai Yuchan, he passed the town."

Zhou Wu snorted coldly: "If he can pass it, then I can pass it, so why not even if there is danger?"

Zhou Wu knew that this small town must be the key to this level, so he had to pass it. Even if there was danger inside, he had to get past it.

He followed Bai Yuchan's footsteps and walked step by step towards the town!

However, the moment he crossed the perimeter and entered the town, a chill hit his heart. In an instant, all the hairs on his body stood up.

A gust of cold wind blew by, blowing his hair too!

Even at this moment, Zhou Wu thought of ghosts.

"Ghost? Spiritual energy body?"

Zhou Wu's eyes lit up: "Maybe there are innocent souls here? My sixth sense is that I feel the invisible and intangible ghosts?"

When he thought of this, Zhou Wu's eyes lit up. The thing he was least afraid of was ghosts.

Although he can't release his spiritual thoughts now, his spiritual power is so great? So if any ghost or evil spirit really doesn't know what to do and offends him, it's really looking for death.

Moreover, Zhengchou cannot manifest at the sixth level, and Zhengchou does not have the mental strength to replenish it, so this is what he needs.

This chapter has been completed!
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