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Chapter 941: The Era of Three Emperors

With Zhou Wu's departure, the first day of the meeting ended, and everyone returned to their respective houses, including the six leaders of the Six Paths Alliance, who also returned to the guest rooms.

What is very interesting is that no one from the Six Paths Alliance visits each other. After each sect leader returns, they all lock their doors and refuse visitors.

On the other hand, Zhou Wu and his group were all gathered in Jiuyang Villa. There were seventeen or eight people in total, noisily drinking tea, eating snacks, and talking about today's situation.

Zhou Wu also sat together with Zhao Xueshan, Yu Wushuang, Jian Qi, Mu Nantian and several elders from the Snow Mountain Sect, Tianjian Sect and Wangqing Sect, and analyzed today's situation together.

"If they have no ill intentions, if what they say is the truth, and if our disciples can really survive the tide of the era, then what if we join his Six Paths Alliance?"

Zhou Wu was talking and analyzing at this time: "But I'm afraid that the other party is just a false shot. After we actually join, the organization will be broken up, and it will be too late to realize that we have been deceived."

Zhao Xueshan thought for a while and said: "What I am most worried about is that the system will be broken up. The Snow Mountain Sect was built by me, and then it is inexplicably defeated by me. This feels like giving up halfway in my cultivation, and it will not benefit me at all."

"The same goes for our Wangqing Sect. Our Wangqing Sect is a complete inheritance sect with huge influence. How can we join other sects?"

Jian Qi shook his head: "If I, the Tianjian Sect, are no longer around, I, Jian Qi, would rather die."

have to……

These three people expressed their intentions categorically, that is, they would not join the Six Paths Alliance, because if they joined, their sect would have to be disbanded, which is what they least want to see.

Zhou Wu thought for a moment and said, "Then, can we talk to them? Our organization will not be broken up, and my sect will not be relocated. Our sect's name and inheritance will remain."

"We can join the Six Paths Alliance and have a name, but we can't ban it."

"They won't agree to this, right?"

Zhao Xueshan and the other three smacked their lips, they want to complete the unification, but you have to leave everything behind, how can they achieve unification?

"So, if we want to talk, everything can be discussed."

"Why don't you, Master Zhou, take a look at that ancient book first? See if the ancient book is true or false." Yu Wushuang suggested.


Zhou Wu immediately took out the ancient book with the ban and blessing, and after using his spiritual sense to sense that there was no danger, he immediately broke the ban on the ancient book and opened the ancient book.

The ancient book is a biography. The person who wrote the book is called "Lianshan Enlightenment", which has four characters, and his surname is Lianshan.

This is an extremely rare surname, and I am afraid there are only a few people in the clan from ancient times to the present.

The biography of Lianshan Enlightenment records the desolation of ancient times, the geography of mountains and rivers, the monsters and monsters, and the heroes of that era!

At that time, there were three people, one was 'Wanghuo', the second was 'Yuejian', and the third was 'Kaihu Tao'.

These three people are the three most powerful heroes in ancient times, heroes who are commemorated and missed by people.

However, there are not many records about 'Wanghuo' and 'Yuejian' in the ancient books. It only records that Wanghuo is aloof and has been leading a group of the proud men of the ancient times outside, seeming to be looking for someone who can make them immortal.

Pure Land, eventually this group of people completely disappeared and no one came back.

And 'Yue Jian' also led a group of loyal subordinates, and discovered a higher level space plane, and led that group of people to consolidate and build that plane day and night, and even Shan Enlightenment had not seen it a few times.

Emperor of Earth.

Only ‘Kaihu Tao’ writes the history of mankind, records human civilization, and spreads the fire of mankind. He leads people to cultivate the fields, and he integrates the chaotic ancient tribes.

In the end, he was called the emperor by everyone in ancient times, and he was later called the 'Human Emperor'.

Human Emperor!

When Zhou Wu saw this, his eyes widened. His Human Emperor Brush was left behind by the Human Emperor, right?

Zhou Wu's heart was pounding, and he continued to look down.

Not long after Kaihu Tao was regarded as the Human Emperor, he established the true first dynasty in ancient times, unified all states and tribes, unified writing, currency, etc.

Then the emperor's fortune appeared. Not only did Kaihu Tao receive the blessing of the emperor's fortune, becoming the first emperor in the world, but also all the people under his rule received the blessing of the emperor's fortune. Everyone was like a dragon and granted immortality.

Yes, this is what is recorded in ancient books. After a dynasty is established, all the people of the dynasty can live forever.

Finally, the entire ancient era lasted for countless epochs. Later, after the six realms were formed, the ancient era ended, but everyone in the ancient era, including ordinary farmers, were named immortal gods and ancient immortal gods.

Then, these ancient immortals and gods disappeared into the mortal world together. According to legend, it was Wanghuo who opened up the space plane of the divine world and was named emperor, while the ancient immortals and gods all went to the divine realm.

As for another hero, Yue Jian, he also led a group of people to open up the four major planes of immortals, demons, spirits, and underworld, and was later named the Emperor of the Earth by the demon, underworld, spiritual, and immortal tribes.

This is the story of the Three Emperors.

Zhou Wu fell into deep thought after reading it. The ancient book indeed records the birth of the Human Emperor after unifying the ancient times.

But what kind of existence was it in ancient times?

Does it have countless continents, or countless space planes? Or countless big worlds?

Did the Human Emperor back then only integrate one continent, or did he integrate the entire three thousand mortal worlds?

So, there is some ambiguity.

Naturally, at this time he also pushed the ancient book to Zhao Xueshan, and Zhao Xueshan also started to look at it.

Zhou Wu continued to think, and what Ji Zhen said was correct, because as long as the unification is completed and a new emperor appears, it will be possible for all the people under the emperor's rule to be like dragons and like ancient immortal gods.

You can live forever, because this is the royal destiny blessed by heaven.

However, the feasibility is too slim, and the operation is more difficult than becoming a god.

However, it was difficult for him to express his opinion at this time. He had to wait until the other three people finished reading.

Soon, the other three people also had photographic memory, and in less than an hour, all three of them finished reading the book.

After reading it, the three of them also fell into deep thought.

The content in the book is very shocking. It is a secret from ancient times, and they only know this secret today.

Those three heroes turned out to be the Three Emperors of ancient times.

Zhou Wu didn't hurry and waited for the three of them to calm down.

However, after a while, Yu Wushuang, the leader of Wangqing Sect, suddenly brightened his eyes and said: "If the records in the book are true, we can consider joining."

"Why do you say that?" Jian Qi asked puzzled.

"Oh, if it is true, then Zhenren Zhou should be the successor of the Human Emperor, so he is the most qualified person to become the new Human Emperor!"

"So, let's just join the Six Paths Alliance, and then elect Master Zhou as the leader of the alliance. In the end, we will become the new Human Emperor, and it will be our Master Zhou. Wouldn't it be better?"


Zhao Xueshan slapped his thigh: "You are a little clever woman, very wonderful!"

Yu Wushuang gave him a big eye roll.

Jian Qi's eyes were also bright. He was a person who didn't know how to use his brain, but at this time he also understood what Yu Wushuang meant.

The magic pen owned by Zhou Wu is probably the magic pen for writing history and human civilization - the Human Emperor's Pen, so there is no doubt that it is feasible to recommend him as the new emperor!

This chapter has been completed!
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