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Chapter 979 The Tribulation of Nine Kills [2]

Zhou Wu was in a very embarrassed state at this time. In fact, it was not just his legs that were cut off, because he also had multiple fractures all over his body, internal organs were ruptured and bleeding, the bottom of his ears were bleeding, etc.

It can be said that he was seriously injured at this time.

But he still stood firm, still maintaining the calmness and alertness he should have.

Because he knows that greater crises will continue to come.

And sure enough, just as he stood in the void and slowly moved around the sky, warming his meridians and qi and blood, another breeze blew.

And this breeze is a cold wind, a very cold wind.

Also, in his sight, in the distance on the horizon, a black tornado formed.

It was as if the tornado was sucking the heaven and the earth into it, and it was very scary when viewed from a distance.

What's more, wherever the tornado passed, there was a burst of ice, and the ground was frozen.

This is a supernatural phenomenon.

But Zhou Wu knew that this was a wind disaster.

Before there were fire tribulations, ice tribulations, and earth tribulations, but now it is wind tribulations.

"Huh? No, the calamity of life has actually appeared."

At this moment, Zhou Wu suddenly thought that he was actually suffering from a calamity of vitality, that is, a calamity of life attributes.

The attribute of life is wood.

He was seriously injured and his vitality was also passing away. Isn't this a calamity of vitality?

The calamity of vitality will last throughout the calamity.

So the current situation is: Fire Tribulation, Ice Tribulation, Earth Tribulation, Wind Tribulation and Wood Tribulation!

Five calamities have come, and four calamities are yet to come.

"Hmph, can a mere wind calamity hurt me?"

Zhou Wu suddenly snorted coldly at this time, he now has the Feng brothers in the Zifu space.

Therefore, when it comes to understanding the wind, the Feng brothers are undoubtedly number one.

And he is the master of the Feng brothers, so Feng Jie cannot harm him.

On the contrary, the ice in the wind disaster will make his body hypothermic.

But it doesn't matter, he has the blazing sun of heavenly fire.

With a sound of "Teng", before the wind arrived, every pore in his body was already spitting out flames. At the same time, he stepped into the huge tornado.

It is always easier to go with the wind than against the wind, so he did not resist at all during the tornado and allowed himself to be blown by the strong wind.

Naturally, he also used his true energy to protect his vitals to prevent himself from being cut to death by the wind knife.

However, this wind disaster didn't seem to be that powerful, and it seemed that he knew that he was related to the Wind Clan, so he was thrown out only three to five minutes after the tornado struck, and the tornado also moved away.

After being thrown out, his body fell uncontrollably downwards, and suddenly a golden light appeared.

The golden light seemed to be emitted from the mountains below. It arrived in a flash and swept Zhou Wu into the golden light and disappeared in an instant.

In an instant, Zhou Wu's hair stood on end.

Because disasters were coming one after another, he had no time to react.

However, although he saw the golden light, he was not sure what the golden light was.

What's more, his body was restrained, as if he was tied up, and he couldn't break free.

You know, he has stepped on this place before. It is inaccessible and there is no life here.

So, now that there is golden light involved in me, this is definitely not a natural phenomenon.

And just when he was doubting, a sour smell hit him, and at the same time, he was thrown into the dark, rotten-smelling cave by the golden light!

"No, this is..."

He realized something was wrong in an instant.

Then his spiritual thoughts came out of his body, and he instantly saw a large golden toad!

The golden toad is in the shape of a mountain, and its body is covered with thick golden horn.

And the reason why it is said to be a large golden toad is because it is a demon toad, the largest toad in the world, a demon toad as big as a mountain.

It was the golden toad that stuck out his tongue, rolled him into his mouth, and swallowed it again.

So he followed the golden toad's throat, smelled the nauseating smell, and was delivered to the golden toad's stomach.

And his stomach is not the stomach of an ordinary animal. This is the No. 1 Golden Toad. I am afraid that it swallows gold, stone, jewelry and the like all year round, so even gold and stone can melt, let alone a mere physical body?

And his stomach is a small independent space world. It is claustrophobic inside, full of polyps, and huge amounts of mucus flowing on it. When the mucus touches his body, his body will smoke.

Moreover, the rapidly corrosive liquid also made him roar in pain.

After all, he was still injured. How could he withstand it after the wound came into contact with these corrosive liquids?

"The golden toad is metallic, right? I didn't expect that there would be monsters in this polar region that I didn't see. I will kill you today."

Zhou Wu roared wildly, and then the flames instantly rose.

The fire of the blazing sun is heavenly fire. The high temperature of heavenly fire can even burn the planet to slag, let alone the stomach of a monster?

Furthermore, he has countless supernatural powers, so even if he doesn't use the space gate, he won't be trapped in the stomach of this mere monster.

Therefore, the heavenly fire comes out, the divine fist comes out, and the embodied clone comes out.

As soon as the clone came out, it grew bigger, bigger, and bigger again, quickly supporting Jin Toad's stomach, and then under the double blow of the flames and the Divine Fist of Creation, he punched a big hole in Jin Toad's back.


Zhou Wu broke out of his body.

However, he was as embarrassed as he wanted at this time. He was really in a state of desperation due to the series of disasters he suffered.

But the golden toad was not dead, but was trembling with fear.

It is true that he is a demon, but he is only a demon in the mortal world. The reason why Zhou Wu was swallowed up by it is because Zhou Wu was in trouble.

And it was also Zhou Wu's calamity.

Because he had been corroded for such a long time, his whole body turned black.

This toad is highly poisonous.

Even if he had a body of creation, this poison would still corrode him.

Zhou Wu also found that his fingers, thighs, skin, and lips were all black and purple.

No matter how hard you try to control your body and eliminate poison, the poison just won't come out.

Because the poison merged with him.

Zhou Wu shouted: "Where is the antidote!"

That golden toad was so scared that it was so sacred. How could it be so powerful?

So it hurriedly said: "I...you...don't have an antidote."

"Divine Fist, Collapse Mountain!"

When he heard that there was no antidote, Zhou Wu punched Jin Chan on the head, and then Jin Chan's skull exploded.

Zhou Wu also guessed that this was his own calamity, the calamity of Jin. Even if Jin Chan was weak, his poison should not be weak, otherwise such a calamity would not have happened.

This calamity happened just to poison him.

And his body continued to turn black. Within a few breaths, his entire body looked like black coal. Except for the white kernels in his two eyes, his whole body was covered with black coal.

Similarly, Zhou Wu's soul was being corroded and his body began to fester.

Zhou Wu was so angry that he cursed, but there was nothing he could do. This kind of poison was arranged for you by heaven and earth.

Unless you survive the calamity, heaven and earth may reward you with a large amount of the power of creation. Just use the power of creation to drive away the poison.

Otherwise, even if this poison cannot kill you, it will accompany you throughout your life and make you a black man.

Even if you become a true immortal, I'm afraid you will still be a black immortal.

So Zhou Wu was so angry that his lips trembled.

But at this moment, it was getting dark and night was coming!

Zhou Wu took a deep breath.

Sure enough, the calamity of nine killings is coming. Black represents Yin, and the calamity of Yin killings is coming.

This chapter has been completed!
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