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Volume 5 Summary and Remarks

 When I typed the words "This volume is over".

 I feel a vast peace.

 After experiencing a huge climax like Sword Immortal, how to make this plot land smoothly is actually more difficult than writing the climax.

 I wrote it down slowly, and my extremely excited mood during this period also slowly and slowly subsided.

 The world and my heart have gained peace.

 So you can continue to move forward.

Now I am sitting at my desk. I have just finished lunch, poured a glass of warm water, and started writing the summary at the end of the paper slowly.

 What I write is what I write, and don’t be offended if my words are unclear. After all, my heart... is already on vacation.

This volume begins with the interception of the Changhe River and ends with the fame of Guanhetai. There is a sense of fate like reincarnation.

 I still think about it in a daze now.

Jiang Wang on this side of the river, what kind of mood would he feel when he looked back at Jiang Wang on the other side of the river?

 At the beginning of May, when I looked back at the person who wrote the first sentence about the difficulty of traveling, my mood was inevitably complicated...

The structure of Difficulty on the Road is very large, one is the Battlefield of the Lost Realm, and the other is the Meeting of the Yellow River.

 It was a very risky decision for me to place the core climax on the Yellow River.

 Because it’s too difficult.

The first difficulty with The Meeting of the Yellow River is that all readers have huge expectations for it. After all, it is a world-wide event that started from the first chapter.

This expectation requires an experience beyond the peak in order to be satisfied.

 Under this expectation, a problem of one point will be magnified to ten points.

 The second difficulty with the Yellow River Meeting is that most readers know its outcome, or in other words, have their own firm perceptions.

How can I write suspense without suspense? How can I raise my expectations even though I know the outcome?

The third difficulty in the Yellow River Meeting is that the geniuses of various countries compete with each other, and each one of them needs to be worthy of the name of genius.

Otherwise, the so-called "battle of the geniuses of the nations" can easily turn into a "rookie jumping contest" in which the protagonists chop vegetables and cut melons.

Except for the protagonist, everyone is just a passerby.

Then the meeting of the Yellow River is a joke.

How do I create talented characters with different personalities one after another instead of just lining up to sign up for their names? Especially, many characters have just appeared, and I don’t have enough time and space to lay the groundwork.

In addition to this, I will try my best to outline the situation in various countries and show readers what I see, such a world of great contention!

Every country in    is not a simple symbol, it has its own glory and history. And I must quickly establish the readers' understanding in a very short space of time.

 If these countries have come to power and readers still give them a black eye, that will be my failure.

 And I only have time for one meeting on the Yellow River.

How can I write about the glorious feeling when the stars are shining while ensuring these?

How can I stick to the word "Tianjiao" and truly let readers feel that this is a great era in which geniuses coexist!

 This is difficult.

 Very difficult.

 But I think that only with this level of difficulty can readers be worthy of their support for this book.

Only this kind of challenge is worthy of the demands I place on myself and the hard work I have put into this world.

 I don’t want to repeat myself, I have to do my best in every volume.

 So I take the hardest road.

 I want to write about a real gathering of geniuses!

Only when the real geniuses gather together and the stars shine, can the brilliance of Jiang Wang's summit be truly revealed.

The crane standing among the chickens is nothing more than a mediocre person.

The world of    is not the kind of world that constantly upgrades and changes maps (I don’t mean to say bad, it’s a different type).

 Every character participating in the Yellow River Meeting is the number one genius in each country.

 They will inevitably affect the situation of various countries in the next ten years, a hundred years or even more years, and then affect the entire world. There is no doubt about their importance.

 The Meeting of the Yellow River itself is also the first time to show readers the pattern of the countries in the world. It is the first time that the fog of the world has been blown away so much...

Dear gentlemen, this world has opened its arms to you.

 Please come and experience it, please come and feel it!

 At the same time, I am also adding history and filling in details.

For example, I wrote a stroke of Xia, a stroke of Liang, and a stroke of Wei. It described the geniuses and entanglements of these countries. At the same time, in the process, it enriched the details of the battle between Qi and Xia. Let everyone

You can feel the cruelty and grandeur of that battle for hegemony.

The same is true for the Battle of the Vale.

I have done a lot of detailed work in this area, lurking in the climaxes of the plot one after another. At first glance, it is easy for everyone to skip it. But if you touch it carefully, they are the reality of this world.

 The entire Yellow River Party has dozens of new characters appearing before and after you sing and I will appear.

 Many people are here just to create a general image, and at the same time to bring out part of the situation in their country, so that they can be filled in later. Wherever the plot goes in the future, you can easily pick up this thread.

 In such a short time and in such a narrow space.

If two or three new characters can stick around, the writing goal will be achieved.

 It can be considered a success if it allows readers to remember four or five characters.

 If more than five characters can be remembered, it is beyond my imagination!

At this moment, please don’t turn the pages of the book. Please think back. How many have you remembered?

 Your answer at this moment.

 Perhaps this is the most appropriate evaluation of this Yellow River meeting.

 After talking about the difficulties of The Meeting of the Yellow River, let’s go back and talk about it. Since it is two volumes, why didn’t I finish it at Tianya Terrace?

 There are also five or six alliance leaders emerging in Tianyatai, which probably represents the recognition of many readers (although five or six alliance leaders did not speed up Ji Shaoqing's death... don't fight, I will review myself.)

 Challenging higher writing difficulty is one of the reasons.

 Another important reason lies in overseas limitations.

 The Mysterious Realm is the main battlefield of the human race and the sea race. The situation in the offshore islands can only be affected by the real people and even the powerful real kings.

 Jiang Wang is indeed like a floating wave among them. Not to mention insignificant, it is difficult to create a huge impact.

 Just killing one Ji Shaoqing is certainly a huge emotional catharsis. But for me, there is always some regret.

 I wrote several times, deduced it carefully, and then overturned it. At that time, I told Manxi that this place could not support the climax I wanted, and the conclusion would be at the Yellow River meeting.

 So I collected a lot from Tianya Terrace.

 Writing is sometimes a kind of deduction, a logical evolution after the occurrence of characters and events. As an author, what you do is actually the work of filling in the details and grasping the general direction.

 It is not impossible to forcefully change direction, but it is easy to capsize.

 In terms of the plot of Zhu Biqiong, I seem to have made a huge mistake of "serializing the article on the Internet".

 I first wrote about a character who was very beloved by readers and made some readers abandon the book in anger.

 Later I wrote her "alive" again, and some readers who felt that tragedy is what makes real readers left in anger.

 Then I wrote about her as a "change", and the readers who liked her but didn't give up the book were also angry...

 This is undoubtedly very harmful to performance.

 No matter how some readers attacked me during this period, I never explained a word.

 I have always believed that the communication between the author and the reader should be completed as much as possible.

 All I can say now is that I haven’t filled this hole yet, so I’ll leave it to another day.

  But the reason why I added the prefix "serialized online article" before "huge mistake" is because I personally feel that regardless of this prefix, this plot is not wrong in terms of the writing itself.

I have been burying the foreshadowing of the secret realm of Tianfu for too long. Even the sisters Zhu Suyao and Zhu Biqiong were born for this foreshadowing. However, in the subsequent contact with the characters, Zhu Biqiong gradually developed more

Character arc, this is the natural evolution of the story.

 Now that I have written this, it is impossible to give up the foreshadowing that has been buried for so long.

 That’s it for the explanation.

 At the end of this volume, I felt an unprecedented resistance. This kind of resistance often happened in the past, but now the reader base is larger, and its power is greater.

 There are many readers who are trying to influence me, using what they consider to be reasonable methods, including but not limited to, making fierce remarks in the book review section, finding my various social platform accounts and sending private messages to attack me.

They kept asking me to write faster, to skip the supporting characters, not to make the supporting characters too powerful, to let the protagonist take action earlier, to let the protagonist finish fighting earlier...

 I said on Weibo that it is getting harder and harder to stick to yourself.

 At the end of the first volume of the Mingyue Volume, there were always voices asking why so many supporting characters were written? Why were so many supporting characters written off? Where is the protagonist?

At the end of the Heroes volume, there were always voices saying, "Why haven't I finished it yet? I'm so tired of reversing and reversing."

 In this volume, these two voices come together.

 And because there are so many more readers, it becomes more powerful.

 I was once vulnerable.

 I control my rhythm firmly, but it’s hard not to be emotionally affected.

 While I was writing, I was fully immersed in that splendid world. When I returned to reality after writing, I was unhappy.

 Here I really want to thank the readers who have been with me firmly and given me strength.

  Thanks to my operating officer, Man Xi, for growing up with this book.

  Thanks to Brother Dick for helping me calculate extra updates every day... 555 is a good accountant! Forget it, let’s thank Brother Brother for taking care of me, and always say no to the evil forces in the group!

Thanks to Chen Zeqing for accumulating the first Silver Alliance, which gave me the confidence to tell those black men to get lost. Because no one will buy the accumulated Silver Alliance and there are no full-screen ads, so Chen’s Alliance must be real! (Of course, Ashu also accumulated it later.

It’s silver, we have no doubt about it!)

 Thanks to Mr. Yan for sending nine silver alliances one after another, this book once dominated the screen. It can be said that it took off in this move.

 Thanks to the two heroes of Ashu and Lulu. They chat with me in the group, the fan list is at the front, and the book review area is full of fierce battles, which is a waste of love, time and money.

Thanks to Tangyuan Angel in White, who works so hard every day and is responsible for so many operational activities of Chixin.

 Thank you to Braised Egg, thank you to Ah Gan, thank you to Xiaoba, thank you to all the operation team... thank you for your hard work.

I plunged into the starting point with a black eye and didn’t understand any rules at all. It was you who allowed me to focus on writing and not be distracted by trivial matters.

  Thanks to all the brothers and sisters in the alliance, including Xiaju, Jiujiu, Saosao, Langlang, Luofu, Soy Sauce, Life Again, Human World, Weeding, Lulv...

 Thank you for your company and support.

 When I am angry, when I feel wronged, when I feel uncomfortable, enlighten me, give me strength, and accompany me to make jokes.

Of course, you will also applaud and cheer for me when I am satisfied.

 Thanks to all genuine readers.

 Thanks to those genuine readers who put this book into the top ten in one fell swoop when I couldn’t stand it anymore and asked for votes to reach the top 100 in the monthly voting list!

It is you who have made this book known to more people, made this book recommended, and given this sincere world a broader future.

I would also like to thank those readers who are strapped for money and who, despite reading pirated copies, are actively promoting this book. You have expanded the popularity of this book.

 From the beginning of the new year to now, I have not stopped updating for a day. Almost every day is at high load. Everyone has come with me and can see how I am writing.

 Take the meeting of the Yellow River as an example.

 I can responsibly say that a huge amount of thought has gone into the design of every battle.

Every battle scene has been sketched in my mind many times.

 All magical powers, exercises, and secret techniques are original designs.

 For example, in Samadhi True Fire, which uses traditional mythology, I try to write it differently to make it more consistent with the world.

 Each person, his fighting style, his martial arts and magical powers are all based on the character's personality. It can even be said that they, together with the character's behavior, jointly establish the personality.

Even the description of a weapon or a piece of clothing has its details.

 Relationships, games, history between countries...

 The competition between talented people, their respective ideals, the collision of their own wills...

 You can see your hard work everywhere.

 I think readers can really feel these things.

 I tensed myself up and kept burning.

If you can peel off the anxiety.

 You must be able to feel the vitality between the lines.

  We can complete the communication in , rather than needing a lengthy explanation like now.



 Finally, I would like to report the results to all readers who care about this book.

 After finishing the volume "The Journey Is Difficult", our average number increased from 1,700 to 6,800, and we were firmly moving towards the goal of 10,000.

 Our monthly vote list has gone from more than 200 to stable in the top 20, and occasionally hits the top 10.

 Our reward list has won the first place many times.

 It has entered the second place on the best-seller list.

   Our Sword Immortal has one chapter, this chapter breaks through two thousand, there are two silver alliances and seven ordinary alliances in a single chapter. The reader's stickiness is very few at the beginning.

 Our traditional Chinese publishing and simplified publishing have all been signed, and the physical books have entered the publishing process.

 Since writing "The Road Is Difficult", it is really difficult to travel, the road is difficult, and the road is going to the end of the world!

 The inside and outside of the book are wonderfully intertwined.

Like Jiang Wang, we also rely on our own efforts and determination to go through those difficult moments, step by step, and reach the heights.

Of course, Jiang Wang is already number one in the world. We are still on the way to consolidate the top ten in the monthly vote list.

 There is a long way to go, and we will continue to move forward.

 Perhaps... we can also see the end of the sky?



 Finally, let me tell you something interesting.

 Due to some communication glitches, I previewed today's two-act extra story about Zuo Guanglie several days in advance. All Qidian readers can find it at the bottom of the catalog, titled "Red Flirting".

Many readers were waiting at 12 o'clock last night, but they didn't wait until one o'clock.

I asked early in the morning today and found out that our extra episode will not be released until the summer vacation. But we cannot change our minds about what we have already promised.

 So I urged the editor furiously, just like he urged me to write my manuscript. (Isn’t this revenge?)

 He ​​also communicated urgently and asked the product side to send out the extra episode in advance today. Of course, since the event had already started for half a day, we lost some exposure.

 But it’s not important. Keeping your word is the most important thing!

 On the last day of writing, it is still "difficult to travel".

 Haha, this is life!!!

 At the end, I attach a list of all the alliance leaders that I want to thank.

  1Free your surname Yan Baiyinmeng

  2 forcing li eight teeth showing silver alliance

  3 Youxian dreamed of Luofu Silver League

 4Ashkagen Creditors Organizing Committee Silver League

 5Yan Shaofei Baiyinmeng

 6 trees are like these 12 silver leagues

 7Empire丨Qin Shang Baiyin League

 8Purely for entertainment Linbaiyinmeng

  9Chen Zeqing Baiyinmeng

  10 Yansan fat brother is here Baiyinmeng

  11 Yandeyi Baiyinmeng

  12 leaders who can make up the number in the world

  13 Yang Saosao loves to read books.

  14White Ray Leader

  15 Night with Fireworks Leader

  16 is the leader of Mengluoya League


  18Manximankanshu leader

  19The leader of the Langlang Alliance who has taken over all his peers

  20 Guagu Alliance Leader

  21ADEM leader

  22 Di D leader


   24 Riding the bull southward, leader of the alliance

    25zj1998 leader

  26Shao Wuyuan Leader

  27Return to the leader only for common people


   29 Zhijiu o leader

  30Ashi’s little cotton-padded jacket leader

   31 Do bad things without being punished by heaven. Leader

  32Zhongyong dual-purpose leader

  33Brilliant Star Alliance Leader

  34 The annoying soymilk machine leader

  35hello must build an alliance leader

  36Eternal Silence Leader

  37 Dog Jiangben Wang League Leader

  38Leader Li Dushan

  39 Crow Tuanzi leader

  40Lin Youxue Alliance Leader

  41 Big Red Orange Peel Leader

  42Passengers flow to the leader

  43Huamu leader

  44Mr. Mangmang leader

  45Xia Weiyu Alliance Leader

   46 Weeding Leader

  47Ertu Tu Momada Leader

  48 Asao trumpet leader


 50 Does super sleeping count as a super power? Alliance leader

  51 I am your best ally

  52 Tyrant Sword Demon VAE leader

   53 The leader of the alliance is not bad

 54 Braised Eggs 1.9 meters tall

  55 I am the leader of the alliance with trees on the mountain and branches on the trees.

  56The person who logged out is no longer the leader of the alliance.

  57Today’s White Night Alliance Leader

leader of alliance

  59Jinzhe Forty-Nine Alliance Leader

  60 Yunshang Qingbo Alliance Leader

   61 Shu Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuanzhu

   62 When I saw the big devil shouting, I was afraid of the leader.

 63Living in a Fantasy World Leader

  64The sun and moon in the pot warmed the turbid wine to the leader

  65ad fan n leader

  66 Ah Shi, I came to chase the leader of the alliance

  67 Camus Leader of Feileng Cui

  68Bingke Sword Leader

  69Sister Miaoyu, love me again, leader

leader of the alliance

 71 Life is over, leader

  72 Lu Dabai leader

 73 The leader of the Miaoyu League who is heavily stocked and bargain-hunting

  74After Tomorrow Leader

  75 Champollion b leader

  76 Time flies __The fleeting time is like water, leader

  77 Liangyue Thirty Alliance Leader

  78 Leader of Liuyuanbo Alliance

  79 Leader of Priapus

  80Cui Chenzhou, leader of the alliance

  81ZEROKNIGHT leader

  82newpaker leader

  83 I lost 7 alliance leaders

  84 The cunning and cunning leader of Xiaoba

  85 An'an's husband and leader

  86Guarding the Red Heart Alliance Leader

   87 I am the leader of the disciple alliance

  88 Different kind of heart clear leader

  89 Xiao Huang’s athlete’s foot leader

  90ilove lures the leader

  91 Mao Niu’s Night Leader

  92Only waiting for the leader of the alliance

  93 Han Ruijia, leader

  94Yangeun leader

  95 Tan Shanchang leader

  96 The Leader of the Tianya Alliance Fighting the Sword in the Dream

  97Polar Bear 2018 Leader

  98Call me Master Hu Lai, leader of the alliance

   99 The leader of the paper-man alliance under the Gou Sheng sect

  100Kaifengqing leader

  102 Leader Gu Yuan

   103 Early morning overlord leader

   104 The Soy Sauce Lord who beats passers-by

  105 Moxu people leader

  106 Lao Yan Fen Fei Ma Alliance Leader

  107 The leader of the nine alliances who moved the bricks and beams

  108 Very Short True Short Leader

  109Leader Ye Songsong


  111Ashi’s Little Midi D Leader

leader of the alliance

  113 Zishu Little Cute Leader

  114 Dugu Jianxue leader

   115 Lord Tianshi is here, the leader of the alliance

  116 The leader of Ye Qingyu in the clouds and the sky

  117Pheda leader

   anter leader

   119Neo Jun Alliance Leader

   120 The Leader of the Heartless Alliance

  121 private kxjskk leader

  122 Taiwan Junior Brother Leader

  123 Kill all the peach blossom leaders in the world

  How can 124 people be worthy of 12 leaders?

  125 Leader of the Supreme Immortal Qitian Alliance

   126 Six Sons Are Afraid of Water Alliance Leader

  127Zhongyong Trumpet Leader

  128 Let’s start life again. Leader of Unit 1

  129 Panda Bamboo Planting Leader

  130 From now on, I will turn back to the leader

  131 Guang Shuzhen, the heroine of the alliance

  132 Mo Mo Mo Mo Oh leader

  133 Horseworm Horseworm 111 leader

  134 Big Red Orange Peel Leader

  135adminnest leader

  136 Kuaixi Kuai League Leader




Oh, right.

 There is also a little easter egg.

 The next volume is called

 《Keep it a secret first》




By the way, I would like to ask everyone for a day off. (This is the real easter egg!)

 Let me rest for three days, recuperate my spirit, sort out the plot, and then start the sixth volume.

 (What? Today is also a day off? I wrote more than 5,000 words of summary at the end of the volume, okay? There are also more than 7,000 words of extras!)


 Let’s see you at 12 noon on May 12th!

I love you all.

 I sincerely thank you for supporting me so much.

Jiang Wang is not a perfect person. As Zhu Biqiong said, he is still young and he will make mistakes.

 Me neither.

 I am a human being. I will be sad, sad, and collapsed. I will not be able to bear so much pressure, and I will quarrel with others.

 There are times when I can’t write, or when I want to be lazy.

 Thank you for being willing to tolerate Jiang Wang’s shortcomings.

 Thank you for your willingness to understand my imperfection.

 Originally I only planned to write "I love you"...

 Forget it, it’s just a matter of faith.

 Let it go wherever you write it.

Farewell for three days.

 Let's see you again.

How can love be so great, on May 8th

This chapter has been completed!
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