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Chapter 6 Honorable Return

"Brother, brother, I heard that you are number one in the world, right? Why didn't you tell me first? Are you tired? Is it hard work? Do you miss me..."

After a series of questions

"Then I am the best sister in the world? Me! Jiang An'an! The best sister in the world!"

(Here is a little man with arms akimbo laughing.)

"They all said that you are so awesome. I told them that you have always been so awesome. You have already won the first place!"

The last sentence is

"Brother, when are you coming to see me?"

Jiang Wang received this letter from Yunhe on his way back to Qi State. From the moment he opened the letter, he couldn't wipe the smile off his face.

Speaking of which, Yunhe's secret technique of passing letters from Lingxiao Pavilion is indeed mysterious.

It is sent to the flowing clouds silently. When it is on the road, it is just an ordinary moving cloud. Information is only transmitted between clouds. Only when it reaches the target place, will it temporarily roll up a wisp of cloud energy and turn into a cloud.

The crane flew down.

Its biggest advantage is concealment. The reason why it can be transmitted thousands of miles is, firstly, the special nature of the cloud, and secondly, because there is a core formation in the secret land of Lingxiao, which provides support for Yunhe. Of course, limited by the level of the user,

The information security of Yunhe Chuanshu cannot be guaranteed.

However, what Jiang Wang and Jiang Anan talked about were usually trivial matters in life, and there were no secrets at all.

Although Yunhe's message was very small, it would definitely not be hidden from Cao Jie and others who were traveling with him, but Jiang Wang had no intention of hiding it.

Then he answered the letter openly in the carriage.

"Ah, do you already know? My brother didn't want to say it at first, because he was afraid that you would be proud.

In fact, this is nothing special. It means that the top geniuses of all countries in the world got together to compete for a while, and then my brother accidentally took the first place.

In other words, among the inner monks in the world, there has only been one leader like this in more than ten years. This is really nothing.

Of course, because this year there are both Tianfu monks and top monks, maybe in the previous ten or so, my brother was the most powerful one. But so what?

Little friend Jiang An'an, you have to stay humble and don't show off. Although my brother is already number one in the world at the inner level, but the world is so vast and there are so many geniuses, there will still be one or two inner prodigies who can live with him.

There are several moves. If you are full of moves, you will suffer losses, but if you are modest, you will benefit. Remember this.

When my brother returns to Qi to handle some matters, he will come to see you. There will be a surprise then!"

Jiang Wang wrote this, smiled with satisfaction, and then added

"Also, your handwriting is a bit crooked. Are you practicing too hard recently?"

He casually folded the letter and it turned into a crane and flew out of the car window.

A slight turn in the air, passing by a long line of cars and horses, gradually getting higher and higher, straight into the sky.

This was the mighty return procession of the Qi people. The elite soldiers of the Tianfu Army held up flags in front of them to clear the way. The carriage carrying the two prodigies of the country was behind Ji Zhaonan. At this time, he had already gone to the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons.

His horse, "Xiaobai", stayed in the team, and the Tianfu Army helped him bring it back to the military camp.

Unless necessary, war horses are rarely sent behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons.

The war horses mentioned here are powerful war horses mixed with the blood of monsters and beasts. It is difficult for ordinary horses to participate in extraordinary battlefields, so there is no need to mention them.

Ordinary soldiers can form military formations and develop extraordinary powers. Ordinary horses cannot do this.

The mounts of the world-famous cavalry are usually mixed with the blood of monsters, and some are even at the level of monsters themselves.

Those natural beast mounts are extremely rare in themselves, and it is even more difficult to form an army.

The reason is that except for cavalry, it is rare to take mounts to the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons.

Firstly, war horses mixed with the blood of monsters can easily cause violent reactions from the monster clan.

Secondly, entering and exiting the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons itself requires consuming the power of the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons. Although the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons separates two lives and is blessed by powerful men from all ages of the human race, these power losses can be said to be insignificant, but after all, in the long years,

, there are too many warriors entering and exiting the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons.

The human race has trudged through hard times, especially in a place like the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons soaked in the blood of countless martyrs. How can future generations have the right to be luxurious?

"Xiaobai" was walking with "Yanzhao" and "Xueye" at this time, and they were all showing off their three royally gifted BMWs.

The team going to the river viewing platform is in the front, and the team participating in the ceremony is behind.

Cao Ji's carriage sat at the back of the team.

If something happened to such a team that gathered too many talented people and domestic nobles, the whole Linzi would be in chaos. So he couldn't escape.

His trip will only be considered a success if he can send the person all the way back to Linzi.

The people of Qi have walked this route to and from Guanhetai, passing through Wo and Ji, and through Zheng and Yang. Of course, the current Yangdi is Qidi.

"What did you say to An An?" Zhong Xuansheng, who was sitting opposite, asked with a smile.

No one else should be allowed to get on this carriage carrying the proud man of the country.

But Zhongxuan Sheng insisted on coming over to sit, and no one else could stop him.

And if Chongxuan Sheng comes up, Fourteen will certainly not fall behind.

So it was a spacious carriage, and the dignified inner palace of the world was squeezed into a corner, and the replies were all written on the wall of the carriage.

Chong Xuan Sheng was polite and didn't peek, but he couldn't help but be a little curious.

If Jiang Wang hadn't had to return as soon as possible after the Yellow River Meeting to accept the reward, he would have wanted to follow Jiang Wang to Yunxiao Pavilion to see Jiang An'an.

I don’t know what the sister of a young and mature guy like Jiang Wang is like.

"I didn't say anything. I just asked her to study hard and practice hard." Jiang Wang was in a good mood and smiled brightly: "How can I show off in front of her, a child?"

"Oh, that's right." Zhong Xuansheng responded dubiously, then smiled and said: "This time I saw your Qiao Yanjun. Although she was wearing a veil, she couldn't see clearly. But Xu Gao'e said she must be a peerless beauty.

, maybe not as good as Yelan'er!"

"Of course she is not inferior to Ye Lan'er..." Jiang Wang replied subconsciously, but immediately became alert and said with righteous contempt: "Why are you so idle? You talk about this and that behind your back every day!

Can we get down to business?"

He and Ye Qingyu had a few words in person after winning the championship that day. Then Ye Lingxiao showed up with a straight face and took her away, saying that he had something urgent to do at home...

For a moment, he thought that Li Longchuan, Xu Xiangqian and the others might not even notice. He didn't expect that they even discussed it in private!

Chong Xuan Sheng smiled and said: "Just a casual chat. Not much!"

In fact, a few of them have even figured out the history of Lingxiao Pavilion. It is "not much to talk about" rather than "not much to talk about". It is mainly because he and Xu Xiangqian, Li Longchuan and Yan Fu were busy stealing from Wen Tinglan. Whispering, there was no time to chat with them. Zishu and Zhao Wuyan went to express condolences to fellow student Yin Wenhua. Of course, Fourteenth listened to the whole process.

Jiang Wang scorned and said: "Vulgar, superficial, vulgar and intolerable!"

Chong Xuan Sheng laughed.

Fourteenth tilted his head, and his voice came out from under his helmet: "That's not what you said when we talked about Yan Fu's marriage before."

Jiang Wang:……

"Hey, where are we?" To avoid further embarrassment, he opened the curtains and asked.

Chong Xuan Sheng looked out with a smile on his face and said, "Ji Guo."

Judging from the map, there is a country in the northeast of Ji State, which is a place where Jiang Wang has an old acquaintance, named "You". The giant turtle walking behind the city left a deep impression on Jiang Wang.

Not far to the southeast of Ji State is the famous Qingya Academy, where Xu Xiangqian studied.

During this trip, both Yan Fu and Li Longchuan followed the team back to Qi.

Xu Xiangqian, on the other hand, followed Zhao Wuyan and Zishu to the west after leaving Wo Country. He was said to be going to the Snow Country to see the snow.

Zhao Wuyan originally traveled around because of his spiritual practice. This time he was very confident, and he must have determined his own path, saying that he would achieve the presence of God in the land of the West.

He is another spiritual monk who was born before the age of thirty, and his future is limitless.

When Xu Xiangqian came to Guanhe Terrace, he passed by the academy without entering. He also walked out in a carefree manner without even looking back... He was really a good Confucian scholar from Qingya Academy.

"Is the State of Ji a vassal state of the State of Jing?" Now that the conversation has ended, Jiang Wang couldn't help but ask a few questions.

"Ji State is not a Taoist state. Neither is Wo State nor You State." Of course Chongxuan Sheng knew this very well and said casually: "With the Sheng State in the north, it is difficult for the influence of the Mu State to extend to these small countries. Although they are not Taoists, it is difficult for them to refuse Jingguo's will."

"It's difficult to get ahead if a strong neighbor suppresses the country." After personally experiencing the annexation of Yang State and the struggles of Rong State, Jiang Wang had a deeper understanding of the situation of these small countries.

"In a country like Youguo, if something happens, will Jingguo intervene?" he asked.

What kind of person is Chong Xuan Sheng? He immediately reacted: "Are you asking Yin Guan? What specific actions does he take now?"

"I don't know." Jiang Wang shook his head: "I just thought of it and asked by the way. After all, I happened to be present when Yin Guan fought with Zheng Chaoyang, the commander of Youguo's monument-bearing army. That giant turtle... also impressed me deeply. .Xu Xiangqian also wrote a poem..."

Chongxuansheng had no interest in Xu Xiangqian's poems and only said: "The geographical location of Youguo determines that it cannot escape the influence of Jingguo, but from a geographical point of view, it is closer to Shengguo. There is a Taoist sect in the south. There is a first vassal state in the east, but it is not a vassal state, which itself can explain the problem."

Jiang Wang thought for a while and asked, "What's the problem?"

"Of course Sheng Guo wants to exert influence on a country like You Guo. This is its will as a big country rather than a sword, but of course Jing Guo cannot agree..." Chong Xuan Sheng said this and shook his head: " Forget it. All you need to know is that as long as You Guo doesn't cause wrath and resentment, Jing Guo won't even bother to look at it for at least ten years."

"Oh, so." Jiang Wang nodded and said, "The road is long, and if you don't advance, you will retreat. Don't waste time on the road. Let's learn from each other in Taixu Illusion?"

Although I trust your judgment, you don't seem to have enough respect for the No. 1 internal government in the world.

"Hey fourteen." Zhong Xuansheng tilted his head and held his eyes with his fat fingers: "Look here, is there any sand?"

Fourteen moved slightly closer.

"Hey, look closer. What can you see from this far away..."

Jiang Wang:……

Jiang Wang silently closed his eyes and continued to explore the inner palace.

It has to be said that after mastering the half-volume map of riding alone into the formation, exploring the inner palace becomes more efficient.

The joy of spiritual practice is so much fun!

With Cao Cao in charge and the chariot of the great Qi Dynasty, the journey was smooth and calm. Especially after entering the Eastern Territory, the countries we passed along the way were not to mention "the king's division was greeted diligently with food and drink". Sweep the streets and clear the way in advance.

There were also local court officials who came to welcome him with constant attentiveness and warm congratulations.

In fact, it is unclear whether they are happy to welcome Qi to the Yellow River Conference to win the first prize. At least they are cheerful on the surface.

Qi Guo probably only needs to see the excitement on his face now. Cao Jie didn't even show his face and asked a lieutenant to come forward to deal with it.

This enthusiasm reached its peak after the reunion.

Before entering Yangdi, and before the boundary markers of the country were established, I saw a large number of flowers blooming on both sides of the road. In such a season, they bloomed so brilliantly, which was obviously caused by Taoism.

A large group of children came from unknown schools, maybe from several schools. They were all dressed in bright clothes, holding flowers in their hands, and stood neatly on the road.

Behind this group of children are officials at all levels in Hengyang County and some gray-haired old people. These are the "fathers and fellow villagers."

Of course, there are also the beating of gongs and drums, as well as fireworks and firecrackers.

There were also two generals, each erecting a flag and flag.

Zuo Shu

Da Qi was victorious and ranked first in the inner palace.

right book

Glory of Yangdi, Qingyang Town Male.

It flutters in the wind and is very flamboyant.

To enter Qi from the east is to enter from Hengyang County.

Huang Yixing, the governor of Hengyang County, stood at the front with a bright smile.

At this moment, of course Jiang Wang could no longer hide in the carriage. As a returning hero, he had to "ceremoniously thank his parents."

To be honest, Qingyang Town in Yangdi is his foundation in Qi. So it is natural to have a good relationship with the "parent officials" in Yangdi.

Jiang Wang lifted the curtain and got out of the carriage, walked forward under the guard of Tianfu's soldiers, and walked up to Huang Yixing.

He is no longer dressed as a scholar, and he no longer looks down and out. Now he is wearing the official uniform of the Qi Dynasty, and he looks very dignified.

It is quite meaningful for two people, an old man and a young man, to meet under such circumstances.

Huang Yixing "knelt down for the common people" on the battlefield of Chiwei County and "stopped" Chu Liang's butcher knife of Chongxuan. He is still praised by the people of Yangdi and won him the position of the envoy of Hengyang County.

Now it seems that he wants to complete the transition from the envoy of Hengyang County to the governor of Hengyang County as soon as possible.

It was during his performance on the battlefield in Chiwei County that Jiang Wang entered the Qi officialdom for the first time and was awarded the title of Qingyang Zhennan. He maintained peace during the plague caused by the White Bone Road, which is also talked about.

Huang Yixing and Jiang Wang, these two names are always discussed together in Yangdi.

As the younger one, Jiang Wang first raised his hands and said, "I'm ashamed. I was just doing my duty on the river viewing platform, so why should I bother you so kindly?"

Huang Yixing took a step forward and held Jiang Wang's hand: "I'm afraid it's too simple to express everyone's feelings. You are the pride of my Yangdi! There are countless geniuses in all the countries in the world, but you are the only one who has won this title.

!We are so excited!”

He let go of Jiang Wang's hand, stepped aside, and a delicate-looking little girl came holding flowers and said crisply: "Thank you to our great hero of Qi! Congratulations on winning the championship in the Yellow River Club!"

Jiang Wang took the bouquet and smiled gently: "Thank you too for giving me such beautiful flowers."

He looked up at the sky and said with a smile: "Go back quickly, or you won't be able to catch up with dinner at home."

Then he looked behind the group of children.

The Hengyang County officials all had bright smiles on their faces, and all kinds of flattery came to them.

Those gray-haired old men also smiled tremblingly and said things like "great potential" and "the light of the sun".

"Everyone, please go back." Jiang Wang bowed deeply to these old people: "Jiang Wang really can't bear it."

Let alone children, how long have these old men been Qi people? Most of their lives, they have been Yang people. How can they really be happy for him, Jiang Wang?

Pulling these old people to congratulate a talented person like him who became famous on the Qiyang battlefield, although it may not be to the extent of persecution, it is really cruel...

"Commander Cao!"

Huang Yixing missed Jiang Wang and took two steps forward to meet him.

If Jiang Wang has a future, it will be in the future. There is no reason for Huang Yixing to welcome him like this.

Today's gesture is obviously for Qi Ting. This courtesy is also for Cao Ji.

At first he didn't dare to interrupt rashly, but now the "rightful owner" got off the carriage, so there was no reason for him not to greet him.

"Congratulations, Marshal! Congratulations, Marshal! You led the team to the Yellow River Meeting this time and won the first place after our Daqi hegemony was consolidated. It is a great achievement!"

Cao Jie smiled warmly and glanced behind him: "Tell these children to go back. It's getting late, and we have to rush back to Linzi."

"Of course, of course, I don't dare to miss an important event." Huang Yixing waved his hand and motioned to his officials to divide the people on both sides to clear the way.

At the same time, he added eagerly: "These children heard that we won the championship, and they were all so happy that they all volunteered to welcome the heroes!"

A prettier little girl came over with flowers in her hands, and she seemed to want to give a handful to Cao Ji.

Cao Jie was about to turn around, but now he stopped and looked at Huang Yixing.

He said softly: "I told them to go back first because I want you to send these children home quickly instead of letting them wait here. The boys and girls of my Qi country need to study and practice to support this world in the future.

You are not just learning to applaud and give flowers at a young age."

Cao Jie rarely loses his temper, so when he loses his temper, he is particularly scary.

Although the voice is not heavy, every word is so heavy that it hits the heart, making each word tremble.

"The land of Yang has become the land of Qi, and the people of Yang have become the people of Qi. You old Yang bureaucrats...you also need to change your habits!"

This chapter has been completed!
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