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Chapter Thirteen Fear of Anger

 When Liu Xiao pressed down with his palm, he was destroying Tian Anping's physical body and "Four Seas" at the same time.

  Not only will your life span be cut off, but your path will also be cut off.

 But the disappearing inner palace was so frightening that he almost ignored it. Why was Tian Anping's head still there when he pressed it down with his palm?

Until Tian Anping's voice leaked out from between his fingers.

He could even feel Tian Anping's cold breath passing through his fingertips as he spoke.

He suddenly realized that the person in front of him was not Tian Anping!

 This is a cold body, not Tian Anping himself.

 In other words, it is doubtful whether this is a body!

Within the scope covered by spiritual consciousness, the presence of gods is like the presence of gods in the world. But today, he actually had doubts about the power of his spiritual consciousness!

 Am I really in control of this?

 What I know is true or false?

So where is the real Tian Anping?


 What does "in my house" mean?

 Thousands of thoughts change in a blink of an eye.

 Suddenly a hand reached out and grabbed his wrist!

Whether this body is the real Tian Anping or not, this body now reached out and grabbed his wrist.

 Like an iron hoop!

  Describing a cold and hard feeling.

 Powerful force surged, pulling his hand down and away from his face.

Liu Xiao could feel it. This was pure, terrifying physical power.

 So he met Tian Anping's eyes.

That is a pair of eyes with a little confusion.

 It seems that I have a lot of confusion about this world and everything in front of me.

Tian Anping's voice said: "Are you going crazy today to protect the Liu family, or to eliminate the fear in your heart?"

He looked at Liu Xiao, his voice was not high, but every word seemed to be declaring the truth of the world.

 That is extremely cold, extremely cruel..."reality".

“After so many years, you haven’t made any progress.”

Tian Anping said this.

"Liu Xiao, you tore up the Old Testament and broke into private homes..."

The long hair danced suddenly, and in his eyes, after the confusion was brushed away, there was a mixture of indifference and madness!

 “I should kill you!”

 “What a joke! Go to hell!”

Liu Xiao was furious.

 Tongtian Palace, the inner palace, the outer buildings, and the Yun Temple in the Sea of ​​Hidden Stars! All erupt!

 Daoyuan, the light of supernatural power, star power, the power of the road, the power of the soul...

 The great power belonging to the Divine Advent monks explodes without reservation!

His palm that was pulled away was easily retracted, and he pressed it on the face again, and the terrifying power exploded.


 There was a terrifying explosion in the air.

 The body of Tian Anping, who was held down by him, disappeared.

 Disappeared completely, leaving nothing behind.

 Liu Xiao knew that he had killed nothing.

He looked around again, and saw that this strange two-story building was empty.

This is a room that is so monotonous and without any decoration. There are no other colors or decorations, just the four walls are visible. It is so monotonous and boring that it is maddening. Ordinary people may not be able to stay there for a day. What kind of crazy person does it take to be able to stay in this room?

Have you been sitting in a place like this for nearly ten years?

 With no time to think too much, Liu Xiao only had one thought in his mind at the moment

 Can't let Tian Anping run away!

He was willing to take the risk, tear up the original resolution in Changming County, and brazenly come to the city to attack and kill Tian Anping. It was easy to say that he succeeded, but if he failed, he could not imagine how Tian Anping would treat the Fufeng Liu family in the future!

No matter how much the Tian family takes revenge, it is still within the rules of the family's game. However, Tian Anping cannot be limited to the rules!

Then even if he died, he would not be ashamed to see the man who picked him up from the roadside and was like a teacher and a father.

Liu Xiao jumped out of the "well mouth".

What you see before your eyes

 It is a monotonous and boring scene.

It has four empty walls and an unobstructed view of the skylight.

There are no other colors and no decorations.

It is still an auxiliary building!

How is this going?

 Liu Xiao felt a huge sense of confusion.

He was absolutely unwilling to admit that Tian Anping spoke to his mind.

Back then, when Tian Anping was still in the realm of Shenlin, he was much stronger than Tian Anping. Later, when Tian Anping's golden body and chalcedony were broken, and the four holy towers were destroyed, he was even more powerful than Tian Anping.

 But deep down in his heart, he has been afraid of this person for so many years!

 The most genius person he has ever seen in his life is Liu Shentong.

 He believed that if he was in the Wailou realm, he was not the enemy of Liu Shentong Sanhe.

 And it was Liu Shentong who was killed by Tian Anping in the same realm.

 He ​​went there in person with the power of God's presence and wanted to kill the person by force, but Tian Anping achieved God's presence in front of him!

That feeling...

  Just like when you step on an ant, you should be able to get rid of it with one kick. But no matter how hard you step on it, you can't kill it. Moreover, the ant, right in front of you, suddenly grows as tall as you.

 It was an indescribable despair.

The talent gap between people is wider than the gap between people and ants.

 Unfortunately, in the direction of "talent", he is the ant who needs to look up to humans!

He is indeed afraid!

Failing to kill Tian Anping with his own hands in Changming County has become a nightmare for him.

He was thinking about killing Tian Anping every day, every night, and every moment!

 So what Tian Anping said is right.

 He came to the city for the sake of the Liu family and for himself.

 He did it to repay the Liu family's kindness, and also to eliminate the fear in his heart.

If he can't kill this inner nightmare, Liu Xiao will also be a useless person!

In the past ten years, he has indeed made no progress in his cultivation!

 With the self-esteem of a spiritual monk, he remained strong in front of Tian Anping. Although those eyes with probing and confusion seemed to see through his heart.

But outside the Fubi Building, why is it still the Fubi Building?

 Shrouded in spiritual consciousness, I can’t even notice anything strange!

 Where is this place?

Liu Xiao pulled it casually and combined it with the power of Dao Yuan's star power and soul to create a curved-edged sword. He slashed with his backhand, cutting through the gap between reality and reality, splitting the wall of the building, and people jumped out of it!

 Look around.

 There are only four walls, except for the skylight.

It is still an auxiliary building!

 The Auxiliary Building is always monotonous, always boring, and never changes!



 In the city of Linzi.

 The grand ceremony has come to an end.

Jiang Wang picked up the title of Kui to report to the Imperial Ancestral Temple.

 In a sense, this grand ceremony was Emperor Qi's way of boasting to his ancestors. It was of course solemn and solemn.

The edict was announced, the rewards were received, and the memorial inscriptions were burned. Just as the officiating officer was about to announce the end of the ceremony, suddenly there was a commotion on the high platform where the distinguished officials were standing.

Gaochang Hou Tian Xili was like a mad lion, roaring angrily: "Liu Yingqi! Do you want to lose your surname?!"

He actually squeezed away the Xunchen next to him and pushed towards Xuanhuai Bo Liu Yingqi menacingly.

 “No, Marquis Gaochang! We’ll talk about anything later.”

The officials and nobles nearby tried to persuade him, but Tian Xili ignored them all.

 “Don’t stop him!”

Liu Yingqi directly spread out his hands, pushed them to both sides, and rushed forward: "Look at how he will kill my surname Liu!"

A hereditary prince and a hereditary uncle are about to perform a full martial arts performance on this grand ceremony!

This chapter has been completed!
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