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Chapter 119: Pressing the sword and looking around, feeling confused

"You have been sleeping at home tonight and haven't gone anywhere. You decided to monitor Fang Heling tomorrow night to see if there is anything unusual about him..."

Jiang Wang felt like he was soaking in warm water waves, and the water was covered with white petals.

The gentle voice seemed to float in the horizon. He felt very comfortable and wanted to sleep forever.

In this infinitely warm world, he let go of all defenses, all responsibilities, confusion, and everything that made him uneasy.

"I should have listened to this voice," he thought.

Just when everything was about to end, a lotus bud poked out from among the petals on the boundless water.

It grew taller and taller until it was parallel to Jiang Wang's line of sight.

The lotus flower bloomed, and a black candle stood in the center.


The black flame ignited instantly, igniting the entire sea of ​​petals in an instant!

The boundless flame wave swept everything.


Jiang Wang woke up.

He found himself lying in his home on Pegasus Lane, and felt Jiang Anan's steady breathing.

He realized that the memory seal had been completed and he was sent back to his residence by Bai Lian.

Yet he remembered everything, he forgot nothing.

No, not only have I not forgotten what happened on Niutou Mountain, but I also have a little more memory in my mind.

That is a secret technique, the White Bone Escape Technique.

The principle is to use your lifespan to please the underworld and temporarily gain the ability to travel between the yin and yang realms.

Similar to the situation when he obtained the Soul Resurrection Technique before, the black candle in Tongtian Palace has also been significantly shortened.

"I am Baigu Daozi? I am Baigu Daozi?"

Jiang Wang looked at his hands, a little stunned.

However, the evil escape technique just harvested undoubtedly once again corroborated Bai Lian's words.

"My memory has not been sealed. Judging from Bai Lian's words, does it mean... that I have begun to 'awaken'?"

"Fang Heling has undoubtedly hooked up with the White Bone Dao. The White Bone Dao probably has some plot against Maplewood City. Maybe it's to avenge Wei Quji's previous killings, or maybe he has other motives. But even if I confess this matter to the officials now,

It's hard to have any effect. Bai Lian said that they will move tonight. The most they can do is capture a Fang Heling. And if they find out that I am Bai Gu Daozi...I will definitely die."

Jiang Wang tried to comfort himself.

"The current situation is that neither the Taoist Academy nor the Criminal Investigation Department suspects me. Bai Lian thinks that my memory has been sealed, and is very relieved about me. But I have not lost my memory. So my best choice should be to immediately

Grab the boss, Xiaowu and the others, and run away with An An, wait until the matter in Maplewood City is settled, and then decide whether to come back depending on the situation..."

"No, if the boss knows the truth, he will definitely refuse to leave. Xiao Wu should be fine. An An... An An, are you willing to leave your hometown? Can you bear the pain of being displaced?"

"Maplewood City...Fengxi Town...Xiaolin Town..."

Jiang Wang's usually calm Taoist heart was completely confused. The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became, and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

Simply lie down and sink into the illusion of Taixu.

[The eighth-level sword discussion platform has been unsealed.]

[Dugu Wudi is currently not in the top 100 of Zhou Tian Realm, and the ranking is not displayed. 】

[Zhou Tianjing is matching...]

【Matching successful!】




After losing three games in a row, Jiang Wang calmed down a little.

Fighting is something that requires full concentration. In this concentration, you can ignore other things and temporarily put aside those worries.

But when everything is over, you still have to face what you have to face.

Each activation of the Eighth-Level Sword Discussing Platform consumes twenty power points. If you lose in battle, you will lose another twenty points.

Jiang Wang looked at the 2680 points of gong he had left, and was in a daze for a while, before he wanted to leave.

Plop, plop.

A fat paper crane fluttered over.

Naturally, it was a letter from Zhen Wudi: Brother Dugu, I have also reached consummation. I have officially entered the Zhoutian realm and am about to complete the Great Zhoutian! What do you think, let’s practice my skills?

For a monk with a profound background like Zhen Wudi, the reason why he was wandering in the Youmai Realm before was naturally not because of insufficient accumulation. Instead, he had been waiting for the most perfect Zhoutian structure that belonged to him.

Those families often have experts who specialize in formulating the most appropriate advancement route for them based on their accumulated experience and instant feedback.

Therefore, as soon as the Little Heavenly Heaven was completed, he said that the Great Heavenly Heaven would soon be completed. This was not entirely a lie, because his road must have been paved, and it would be a smooth road to the sky.

Jiang Wang had no intention of replying to the letter, and he had no intention of fighting again.

But after thinking about it, I chose to spend ten points of effort and enter the galaxy space.

It is still a pavilion in the galaxy.

As soon as Jiang Wang arrived, Zhen Wudi's chubby figure had already appeared on the opposite side.

"What's the matter? It's rare that you take the initiative to chat with me, and you still have such a luxury?" Zhen Wudi looked around for a while and was amazed.

Now the two of them are very familiar with each other, mainly due to Zhen Wudi's "talkative" nature. Whenever he has something to do, he will fly a paper crane over and chat with Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang only needs to reply to one letter, and there will be twenty replies without stopping.

He is also Jiang Wang's only acquaintance in Taixu Illusion, or he can be considered a friend.

Because it was in a place like Taixu Illusion, and Jiang Wang had never exposed his real identity. In fact, he suspected that Zhen Wudi didn't know where Maplewood City was even if he told him.

Because it's here, Jiang Wang doesn't have to be so nervous.

He considered his words and asked, "Do you know the Bone God?"

"What god?"

"It is, probably... a sect called the White Bone Way, a god they believe in."

"What nonsense?" Zhen Wudi shook his head and said disdainfully: "A cult?"


"Let me tell you, brother Dugu, don't get involved in those messy cults. As spiritual practice has developed in this world, the reason why those heresies are heresies is because they have been eliminated. There are so many orthodox schools, what is not good to learn?" Zhen

Wudi advised with some seriousness: "If you encounter something and want to improve your strength quickly, you might as well participate in the Tianfu Secret Realm! I have two teammates' quotas and I am looking for someone. What do you think? Do you want to give it a try? Although there are

There is a certain danger, but it is more reliable than the evil god."

Things that can be mentioned seriously by Zhen Wudi must be no small matter. The so-called quota in the Tianfu Secret Realm must also be very precious.

The reason why he didn't give a specific explanation was probably because the Tianfu Secret Realm itself was very famous. He thought Jiang Wang knew about it.

Although this fat man is a little exaggerated and talkative, his character is not bad. This is why Jiang Wang keeps in touch with him.

But now, Jiang Wang really can't be distracted by anything else.

"Let's talk about it next time."

He forced a smile and said, "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Without waiting for Zhen Wudi to persuade him to stay, he withdrew from Taixu Illusion Realm.

Jiang Wang sometimes feels that Taixu Illusion is like a dream.

After waking up from the dream, everything may become empty.

He may have been buried in the loess just like those beggars who were really watching.

He may have sunk in the small river in Fengxi Town and was not rescued.

What is the purpose of spiritual practice?

Is it to live longer, or to live more meaningfully?

The room was very quiet, and Jiang Anan's thin, even breathing could be heard.

The sound comforted him.

Jiang Wang knew that he had to make a decision before dawn.


This chapter has been completed!
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