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Chapter 82: Wanli Shenzhen (Additional update for leader Bili Ba Yalu! 5/7)

The moon key in the palm of my hand can no longer be felt for the time being.

The connection with Taixu Illusion was thus cut off.

If Jiang Wang had quietly reported the message to someone through Taixu Illusion just now, then the person who received the message would have been misled.

Unfortunately, Jiang Wang did not make such an attempt.

A person of Zhao Xuanyang's level must have some understanding of Taixu Illusion. Even if he has not used it, he must have been exposed to it. Jiang Wang is one of Taixu's envoys, and the establishment of Taixu Corner Tower in Tianfu City, Qi State is not a big deal.


Objectively speaking, after Zhao Xuanyang captured him, he did not treat him too harshly and gave him the respect he deserved and a certain range of freedom.

If he acts rashly, he will break this tacit understanding. The only one who will suffer is himself as a prisoner.

Jiang Wang has always been a very sober person.

So he was really exploring the inner palace.

Only after the exploration of the fourth inner palace is complete can we look for opportunities to open the fifth inner palace. This is the right path in spiritual practice...

It is indeed the only thing he can do now.

He was led by Zhao Xuanyang and flew quickly at low altitude for a while.

In the ever-retrograde scenery, Jiang Wang still explained seriously: "That's what I think. No matter what happens next, whether there will be any changes, practice should always be done. If any changes happen, if I can

The more strength you have, the more calm you will have when dealing with it.”

"No more." Zhao Xuanyang shook his head: "It's very difficult to keep the victory while being chased by a real person in this world. I'm doing a great thing. Please respect me and put your mind on me. Okay.

? Even if you carry out a sneak attack, scold me a few words and express your attitude? "

Jiang Wang was helpless: "You are the winner, you have the final say."

Zhao Xuanyang put on a smile again and said to Jiang Wang with great satisfaction: "I already have a complete plan. Just enjoy it and see how I avoid the real person for thousands of miles!"

"what's the plan?"

"Of course I can't say that!"

"..." Jiang Wang silently analyzed everything he saw, and then asked: "Where are we now?"

"We just passed through the Fertile Kingdom." Zhao Xuanyang added: "It's the Fertile Kingdom where several of your countries have set up annexes."

"I know this place." Jiang Wang asked: "Then what? How do you plan to get to Yujing Mountain?"

Zhao Xuanyang seemed to have completely forgotten about the "plans cannot be revealed" and casually replied: "We pass between the spheres of influence of Heguo and Renshinkan, make a big circle from the Northern Territory, and then go to Yujing Mountain.

So, is it a good idea?"

"Not very good." Jiang Wang checked and filled up the gaps for him very seriously: "The longer the route is, the more opportunities are given to the tracker. After all, he is a real person in the world, and it is easy to see through your little tricks. Discovered

After leaving traces, we will catch up quickly. We should hurry up and take the shortest route to Yujing Mountain."

"It's because according to normal logic, I wouldn't take the route so far, that's why I made this choice." Zhao Xuanyang looked proud: "I learned from you!"

Jiang Wang said speechlessly: "Then you might as well run a little further, go around to the Northwest Five Nations Alliance, then go to Snow Country, and go to Yujing Mountain via Snow Country. No one can even think of it!"

"It's not impossible!" Zhao Xuanyang said with a smile: "I just happened to see the scenery of the Snow Country, so I thought it was just a side trip."

Jiang Wang was naturally very convinced, and he even took the initiative to mention the Snow Country, just to try to arouse Zhao Xuanyang's thoughts.

When we parted ways at Guanhe Terrace earlier, Xu Xiangqian said that he was traveling to the Snow Country with Zhao Wuyan.

Zhao Wuyan has been wandering at the top of the outer building for a long time. Now he sees the road ahead clearly, and plans to use the Snow Country as the end of the ten thousand-mile journey to achieve the arrival of God.

Judging from the time, he should be a Shenlin monk now.

With Zhao Wuyan's qualifications and background, it is still possible to stop him even if he cannot catch up with Zhao Xuanyang's strength immediately after becoming a god.

Plus a Xu Xiangqian...

That was Jiang Wang's opportunity to escape from the predicament.

Of course, he wouldn't show even a hint of his words on his face.

"Actually, it would be a joy in life if we could put aside our disputes and travel together to see the beauty of the world." Jiang Wang said in a casual tone: "Why don't we go to the Snow Country and then go east to the grassland of the Mu Country? Take a look and go around for a year and a half before going to Yujing Mountain. In this way, senior Kujue will be even more unexpected!"

Zhao Xuanyang glanced at him: "You have an old friend in Mu Country. I heard about the Yellow River Meeting. We cried at each other! What, are you planning to surround me in Mu Country?"

Jiang Wang pouted: "I just suddenly became interested. If you don't believe it, forget it."

"Let's talk about it when we have a chance." Zhao Xuanyang chuckled, controlled his speed, and continued flying at low altitude.

Although he was flying extremely low and often encountered obstructions, Zhao Xuanyang's speed was still astonishing.

Along the way, we walked through forests and mountains, keeping a low profile and keeping our breath, without disturbing any forces.

Jiang Wang kept talking, one after another, but they always didn't understand each other.

Zhao Xuanyang's goal seemed very clear and he never stopped on the way. But it was also obvious that he was not following the route he and Jiang Wang had "planned".

After discovering this, Jiang Wangli criticized righteously: "You seem to be deceiving me!"

Zhao Xuanyang was not embarrassed at all, and said with a smile: "I'm not afraid that you, a peerless genius, have some tricks that I don't know about, so you can pass the word on to others. I appreciate you so much, so I must be careful about you."

With him being so frank, Jiang Wang had nothing to say and could only curl his lips.

After flying for a few more hours, Zhao Xuanyang suddenly stopped: "We can't leave anymore. The old monk should have noticed something is wrong and will catch up soon."

Jiang Wang frowned: "Where is this?"

At this moment, they stopped in front of an extinguished volcano. There was only gravel on the bare mountain. Looking around, there were no traces of human activity.

Zhao Xuanyang smiled mysteriously: "It's a very interesting place!"

After laughing, he took Jiang Wang and flew towards the crater.


come down!

Two people jumped into the crater, w. kept falling.

The surging magma is in front of you, and amazing heat is radiating out.

All that blows in the face is the scorching wind.

Jiang Wang frowned and said, "You're not going to use this method to deal with me, are you?"

Zhao Xuanyang didn't say a word and pulled him down to accelerate his fall!

Jiang Wang, who possesses the true fire of Samadhi, is not afraid of magma. But at this moment, his magical power is also blocked.

The true essence is forbidden, and even the Taoist arts cannot be used.

The power of the soul is still slowly recovering, and it is not suitable to deal with magma.

It can be said that if Zhao Xuanyang is not protected, he will definitely die.

But until the moment before the magma approached, Jiang Wang's expression was calm.


The two fell into the lava.

A faint golden glow surrounded the two of them.

Push away all the pressing magma, leaving a space, and even the heat is isolated.

The two of them seemed to be swimming in the water, feeling at ease and relaxed.

Jiang Wang didn't say anything.

Zhao Xuanyang seemed to be searching for something seriously and did not speak.

I swam like this for about a cup of tea in the turbulent, red-red magma lake.

The two of them dived deeper and deeper, and then suddenly everything was empty in front of them, and they suddenly became enlightened!

The two fell into a dark space, and when they turned around, they saw that the red magma was still swimming above, and it was so brilliant!

"Where is this?" Jiang Wang couldn't help but ask again.

Zhao Xuanyang smiled with satisfaction: "Do you know a place that even a real person's spiritual consciousness cannot scan, and even divination cannot determine?"

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