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Chapter 125: Never leave your appearance in life

After Jiang Wang left the Xuankong Temple, he suddenly felt confused that the world was so vast and he didn't know where to go.

The Central Region, the Eastern Region, the Northern Region... and even the entire world were clearly in turmoil due to the actions of the three major overlords. Heroes from all sides were involved, but everything seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Speaking of which, the current chaotic situation seems to have started when he was convicted of "trouble with demons." He could probably be regarded as the source of the disaster. But he, who needed to hide his identity for the time being, became a bystander at this time.

The waves were surging, covering everything, but he walked on the far shore in the name of missing.

However, the confusion here in Jiang Wang will always be short-lived. The most important thing to him is to find a peaceful place to practice.

In the end he chose Zhaoguo.

The State of Zhao is located to the east of the Xuankong Temple and to the southwest of the State of Qi. It is one of the Nine Kingdoms of the Rising Sun that was once famous, and it is a country that has inherited the legacy of the old Yang.

Of course, by now, the so-called "Nine Kingdoms of the Rising Sun" is already a joke.

Since last year, the Yang Kingdom, which inherited the most inheritance from the old Yang and was also the most powerful, has been declining all the way. After it was finally destroyed in World War I, only the three kingdoms of Zhao, Chang and Xu were left in the "Nine Kingdoms of the Rising Sun".

The countries in the entire eastern region used to fight for the name of "Guyang Zhengshuo", and now they are just as active in severing their relationship with "Guyang".

Without him, time has changed and the current overlord of the Eastern Region is named "Qi".

If we look back at the history of the province, it is not difficult to find that among the Nine Kingdoms of the Rising Sun, two were destroyed by the Qi State themselves. One of them was called "Yang", and the other was called "Ming".

Not to mention the Yang Kingdom, the famous "Zhu He Alliance" originated from the Ming Kingdom and finally expanded to the entire region. The Qing Pai of the Qi Kingdom had the right to fly across the Eastern Region.

Now that there are only three small countries left in the "Nine Kingdoms of the Rising Sun", it is inevitable that the Qi Kingdom will be wary.

Not to mention anything else, the Xu State among the Three Kingdoms is still full of soldiers. Because of the will of the Qi State, it confronts the Xiang State and is about to start a country-breaking war at any time. It can be said that "throwing heads, spilling blood, and devoting one's heart to


Therefore, when Jiang Wang came to Zhao Kingdom, it was not surprising that his ears were filled with voices and his clothes were uniform everywhere.

Jiang Wang, whose face was covered by a cloak and who was covered by sackcloth, actually received a half-price discount when paying for the room at the inn simply because of his authentic Linzi accent. The shopkeeper smiled broadly and treated him as an honored guest.

Jiang Wang no longer cared about worldly gold and silver. What he saw from this incident was the complete obedience of Zhao State to Qi State.

Thinking back to the beginning, no matter how much Yang Guo admired Qi, he would not be soft on the money he should earn. Hu You, a mere pavilion chief, dared to steal the resources of the Chongxuan family. Later Shi Jing, the lord of Jiacheng City, was even more blinded by the benefits.

, brazenly raised troops to conquer Qingyang Town.

And what he is showing in Zhao State now is such an ordinary identity, and the person he meets is just an ordinary Zhao State person... This is exactly the most convincing.

There was nothing to feel emotional about, so Jiang Wang locked the door and started the evening practice for the day.

Transport Tao Yuan, sort out the isolated islands of heaven and earth, explore the inner palace, and become familiar with Taoism...

Complete all steps in an orderly manner.

Surprises come unexpectedly

While exploring the Fifth Inner Palace, he encountered an unusually useful secret treasure.

It's called "God of Death", and its effect is to increase the soul's attack power by 10%.

There is no need to wait any longer. For Jiang Wang, this is the best secret.

He took it off decisively.

This is the fastest time to determine the secrets since Dao Mai Tenglong swam into the Five Palaces Sea and explored the five inner palaces. It can probably be regarded as a turn of events.

Jiang Wang, who took off the fifth secret treasure, did not stop there, but continued the evening class calmly.

Although this secret treasure is good, in the final analysis, all secret treasures are based on the cultivator's own strength, so that he can achieve more dazzling performance. If it were an ordinary inner cultivator, he would not even be able to touch the door of the soul attack. "Death God"

"The effect is almost nothing.

He is very satisfied with "God of Death", but the difference between one or two secrets will not have much impact on his current overall combat power.

Now that the five palaces have acquired the five magical powers, the five secret treasures have appeared, and the five instant Taoist techniques have been engraved, the realm of the inner palace has almost reached its end.

The reason why I use the word "almost" is just because there is still some room for inward exploration, and there is still room for improvement in combat power at this level.

But not much anymore.

Jiang Wang can fully feel his own strength and has the confidence to face any opponent. Of course, he cannot go beyond the outer building.

After familiarizing himself with the newly acquired "Five Senses Hell" and "Wrath" twenty times, Jiang Wang adjusted himself, restored his Dao Yuan, relaxed his muscles, and returned himself to his peak state, and then entered the Taixu Illusion Realm

Today is September 15th, Taixu Illusion Realm Blessed Land Challenge Day.

As the master of the 47th Huxi Mountain in the blessed land, he will face the challenge of the 48th master of the Zhanglong Mountain in the blessed land.

Jiang Wang has always refused to miss the opportunity to compete with strong men such as the Blessed Land Challenge. However, the year is unlucky, and he always encounters something that interrupts it. Just like the last Blessed Land Challenge on August 15th, he

After spending time in the ancient devil's cave, I couldn't even contact the illusory realm of Taixu.

In the blessed land, a line of Tao characters appeared on the shadow of the sundial.

[The Lord of Forty-eight Zhanglong Mountain in the Blessed Land issues a challenge, will you accept the challenge? 】

Come all come...

Jiang Wang responded decisively.

The sword discussion platform roared into the galaxy, collided with another sword discussion platform, and merged together.

Having long been accustomed to this scene, Jiang Wang only focused on sizing up his opponent, only to find that... he was an acquaintance.

To be precise, he knows the other person, and he believes that the other person also knows him in reality, but after all, the two parties have never communicated.

This man has a high crown and a high degree, and is quite like an ancient Confucian scholar.

He has deep eyes, a straight expression, and a big bow on his shoulders.

Surprisingly, it was Chen Siwu who had represented the Song Dynasty in the Yellow River Tournament!

It's really strange that this person appears in this illusory world with his real name and appearance.

Jiang Wang always didn't speak during the blessed land challenge, or in other words, he didn't have many opportunities to speak.

Today I couldn't help but say: "I didn't expect that Mr. Chen here would be the same as in this world without any cover-up."

Chen Siwu didn't seem surprised that he was recognized. In other words, he was already confident that "no one in the world would recognize me."

At this moment, he took off the big bow with his backhand and said in a low voice: "A man does not change his name in work, his surname in sitting, his appearance in life, and his color in death. He is who he is, so why hide it?"

Jiang, who had changed his name and surname, laughed dryly: "Mr. Chen, please."

Chen Siwu had been to Guanhe Terrace, which meant that he must have seen the battle in which he won the championship.

Jiang Wang didn't want to reveal his identity in front of Chen Siwu, so he stopped all his efforts and decided to attack only at the soul level this time.

The newly acquired anger, the hell of five consciousnesses and the hidden secrets of death are not afraid of being recognized by others.

The word "please" just fell, and the big bow string was moved.

Jiang Wang's soul also moved.

Moreover, the mysterious treasure of death is opened immediately, and then the hell of five consciousnesses is summoned.

The five consciousness hells are the hell of the eyes, the hell of the ears, the hell of the nose, the hell of the tongue, and the hell of the body.

The eyes are closed, and the eyes cannot be seen.

The ears are in prison, and the ears are deaf.

The nose has fallen and the sense of smell has been lost.

The tongue is in jail, and food does not taste.

I am in prison, I don’t know where I am, I don’t know who this person is!

You should just let yourself be slaughtered!

This chapter has been completed!
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