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Chapter 146 'Sincerity'

Speaking of which, Yu Beidou has been famous for a long time and is known as "Half-life hexagram performer". He is undoubtedly the top fortune teller in the world.

Even if Jiang Wang didn't care, he had already heard about it.

I know that Xie Huai'an, the official of the Qi Dynasty, once denounced him as "pretending to be a ghost."

Knowing that he "destroyed all his peers in elegance" made Chongxuan famous throughout Linzi.

But when it comes to Yu Beidou, Jiang Wang actually doesn't know much about him. He doesn't know his story, his origins, or what he has experienced.

He and the fortune-teller were uncle and nephew, and they only found out after arriving at Duanhun Gorge.

Hearing this burst of laughter at this moment, I don't know why, but I feel a sense of sadness in my heart.

As the world's first person in the art of fortune-telling, after all the gods and ghosts have been reckoned with, are there so many moments of powerlessness when he ascends to the cave?

Jiang Wang glanced at Yu Beidou sympathetically, then turned to look at the divination master: "The conditions you mentioned are very good, so how can you give them to me?"

Yu Beidou's laughter froze, where was the promised empathy?

I am miserable here, and you feel compassion there. Then heroes cherish heroes and work together as one. This is a wonderful script!

As a result, this kid turned his head and the atmosphere was completely gone!

The hexagram master was a bit unresponsive and immediately said: "After the matter is completed..."

"How dare I hang around in front of you after it's done?" Jiang Wang interrupted: "Your Excellency, you should let others see your sincerity."

"What do you mean by sincerity?" the divination master asked.

"Give me the money first, then do the work. I'll leave immediately after finishing the work," Jiang Wang said.

The divination master looked at him quietly for a while, then laughed dumbly: "Why, you want to scrape some oil and water from me before you kill me? Do young people nowadays have such dark hearts?"

Jiang Wang said angrily: "If you just say it without sincerity, how can you taint someone's innocence?"

"You are still too young!" The divination master seemed to be sure that Jiang Wang would help Yu Beidou, and shook his head: "Do you know why he asked you to do it?"

Jiang Wang said casually: "Because he suppressed the blood demon and couldn't use his hands."

"I didn't expect that the peerless talent that Qi State took so much effort to protect would turn out to be such an honest, foolish and taken advantage of. Hehehehe." The Gua Master laughed a few times, then suddenly his smile faded and he said harshly: "Because he is still in my hands.

I have a trump card and I know whoever kills me will die!"

"You seem to be threatening me." Jiang Wang said.

"You can choose not to believe it," the divination master said.

Jiang Wang leaned on a crutch with one hand and drew his sword with the other.

"Have you ever thought about it?" the hexagram master said again: "I clearly set up this blood-sacrifice and life-locking formation, but now it is controlled by Yu Beidou. He can do so much, but he really can't spare his hand to kill me?


Jiang Wang waited for a moment, but Yu Beidou did not speak.

So he turned around and asked Yu Beidou: "Should I believe it?"

Yu Beidou, whose face was stained with blood, sighed: "You were fooled! He just used you to test me to see if I had figured out his trump card. But at this moment, as long as you open your mouth, I can't not give you one.

Answer. Of course, I can’t blame you. We haven’t built enough trust between you and I. It’s only human nature to have doubts.”

Having said this, he turned to the divination master and said: "Since I can calculate it, if you want to kill Zheng Fei and Li Shou, of course I can also calculate your so-called trump card. Is this the answer you want? Good nephew, you

Just go with peace of mind, I already have a way to deal with it."

"You can calculate so much, but you can't calculate that Jiang Wang will narrowly escape death in the Xiantian Li Chaos Formation?" Gua Master brought up the old story again.

"I have already said what needs to be said." Yu Beidou simply said: "Then let Jiang Wang make his own decision. Jiang Wang, follow your heart."

Jiang Wang's condition at the moment is not very good. His heart is still in a state of being forcibly pieced together, and he also has broken limbs and ears, all of which are in urgent need of treatment. He has always said that he is anxious to go back for treatment, which is not false.

But as he was weak, standing in the formation at this moment, he seemed to be the last weight on the scale.

It actually determines the life and death of two masters of fortune-telling and fortune-telling.

He held his sword silently.

Yu Beidou did know him very well.

From the beginning, he would have had no other choice.

Of course it's a murderer, a blood-slaying demon.

That bargaining was not so much an attempt to gain fortune before Gua Master's death, but rather an expression of dissatisfaction with Yu Beidou.

So Yu Beidou sincerely admitted his mistake.

He also made a choice.

It was precisely because the divination master understood this that he gave up soliciting bribes and instead resorted to threats of life and death on a realistic level.

The fight between the uncle and the nephew never stopped for a moment.

Regarding the struggle for dominance of the Blood Sacrifice and Life-Locking Formation, the collision of fortune-telling, the verbal confrontation, the fight for Jiang Wang...

Jiang Wang could see some things clearly, but could not detect others.

All he knows is that the problem is getting serious now

When it is clear that the Gua Master still has a trump card, should he trust Yu Beidou again and wield his sword?

Will Yu Beidou use him as a substitute for death, just like the divination master planned to use Zheng Fei and Li Shou for death?

The Gua Master took the initiative to reveal that he still had a trump card to kill two birds with one stone. One was to test Yu Beidou's answer, and the other was to make Jiang Wang's choice extremely difficult at this moment.

Both of these objectives have been achieved.

As Yu Beidou said, in fact, he and Jiang Wang have not established enough trust. But now this choice is related to life and death.

Who can take life and death lightly?

Under this situation, nothing Yu Beidou said was appropriate. So he could only wait, waiting for Jiang Wang's choice with the Gua Master.

After Jiang Wang was silent for a while, he smiled: "This situation reminds me of Zheng Fei and the magical power of retribution for evil."

He looked at the divination master: "Do you know how Zheng Fei died?"

The divination master had a smile on his face: "Are you planning to share at this time?"

"You said that your trump card is related to your life. I don't know how it was triggered. Anyway, I plan to cut you into a stick first."

Jiang Wang said: "If your trump card is passively triggered, I will save your life and leave the last blow to Yu Zhenren. If your trump card is actively triggered, then no matter what I do to you, I'm afraid it won't affect you.


"What do you think of this idea?" he asked.

"What a genius idea!" Yu Beidou praised.

"So this is how Zheng Laosan died..." The divination master had a look of surprise on his face, and then said in an admiring tone: "Then what are you waiting for?"

He actually urged Jiang Wang to take action!

Is it a bluff, or is it confident?

This is definitely the most confusing situation Jiang Wang has fallen into so far. No matter Yu Beidou, Gua Master, or even the Blood Demon, they are all a bit baffled.

Not quite normal.

The confrontation between the top divination skills made him, a layman who knows divination, confused...

But he doesn't need to understand either.

There are thousands of different roads ahead, and his choice is free of his own heart!

Immortal red gold flashed in his eyes. Jiang Wangdun turned around and twisted his body. With one sharp sword strike, it penetrated the abdomen of Yu Beidou who was hanging in the air!

This chapter has been completed!
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