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Chapter 151 Yan Chun Hui

Jiang Wang felt like he had walked a long way.

Walking alone in a dark night, I have traveled countless miles and cannot count.

There is no end of the road ahead, no way back.

Outside I don’t know this world, and inside I don’t know the grudges and grudges that come and go.

There are no fellow travelers on the left, and no people going against the current on the right.

This feeling……

Like a feather floating in the sea, like a scale exposed to the sun on the shore.

Ignorant and helpless, unable to distinguish between east and west, north and south unclear.

Jiang Wang has always been a very determined person, knowing what he wants to do and how to move forward. No matter what kind of difficulties he faces, he overcomes obstacles and moves forward bravely.

But now, he doesn't even know if he is "moving forward".

He just kept walking and kept walking.

But I don’t know how long I have been walking or how far I have gone.

He couldn't reach out to hold the sword, and he couldn't even feel his own hand.

When he realized that he couldn't feel his own hands, he also discovered that he was no longer sure whether he was walking. He didn't even know when this feeling occurred.

He just had this idea

Keep walking.

With just this thought, I completely lost my perception of "myself".

It is not the kind of confusion in which all five senses are lost, but all perceptions, including the five senses, seem to no longer exist.

The hopeless trek is the most difficult, and the greatest fear comes from the unknown.

And this kind of loneliness, where everything is dark and the world is lightless, is like a tide like the sea, almost drowning people.

The thought of collapse is born in every breath, so the soul gradually dissipates. Like a high mountain, rocks and soil are constantly falling, so it gradually "wastes away".

The declining grass kills the autumn scenery, and the tiny ants destroy the long embankment.

"Little friend Jiang?"

In a trance, I seemed to hear a voice that lingered in the long night.

It was a very weak but very long voice, which was hard to find in the dark night.

But what’s not about the speaker is…

The sound itself moved forward very stubbornly, like a devout worshiper worshiping the gods, knocking three steps toward the holy mountain, so it was finally "heard".

Although it is an empty world, once sounds appear, they come and go.

This is called "thousands of voices coming to court".

This sound awakens the ears, or reminds the existence of hearing in a state of unconsciousness.

In short, hearing appears first, and the world of sound takes shape...

The information and feedback brought by the sound itself enrich the knowledge.

As a result, one's perception gradually recovered.

The tide of loneliness has receded.

Jiang Wang opened his eyes and saw a familiar old face...

He reached out and touched the sword.

"are you feeling better?"

Yu Beidou looked over with concern, naturally pressed his hand and helped him feel his pulse.

"Your injuries are serious."

At this time, Yu Beidou had silver hair and a jade-like face. His previous embarrassed posture was gone, but his brows were furrowed: "My heart is broken, why are you so careless?"

There is a bit of kindness in the stern tone, and there is a bit of caring in the blame.

Jiang Wang had the urge to suck at him, but it was hard to remember where his "unpleasant" feeling came from.

The body has just woken up from that state of emptiness, and it is not that timely to sort out the information.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that there were wisps of warm power falling into his body through Yu Beidou's hands, like rain falling.

He looked inside, and of course he saw a bunch of heart fragments that were about to collapse. Then he remembered his injuries.

Like a fish returning to the sea.

All memories came back quickly.

He observed his heart and saw threads of starlight floating like rain, shuttling back and forth among the fragments of his heart... and actually slowly "weaving" them!

This is a very mysterious process. The starlight thread shuttles from one heart fragment to the other heart fragment. The two heart fragments actually merge into one place, and the starlight thread disappears...

Weaving the heart is like weaving clothes.

The rain-like threads of starlight disappeared one by one, and the broken heart slowly recovered until it started to beat powerfully.

Boom, boom.

It integrates the flow of blood and provides strength to the already stiff limbs.

Once the source of the heart is restored, all things will be reborn.

Jiang Wang felt the power surge in his body again, and felt the world again.

"Let me help you reattach the leg." Yu Beidou said with great concern: "Did you save your broken leg?"

"In the storage box." Jiang Wang replied.

"Give it to me." Yu Beidou said warmly.

Jiang Wang took out the broken leg from the storage box, and Yu Beidou reached out to take it. Without saying a word, he pressed it directly on the wound of his broken leg.

Hitting the wound with a severed limb gives you an intense feeling of clashing with swords and guns.

The sudden pain made Jiang Wang's brow twitch, but in the next moment, a warm feeling had replaced the pain. The scene of heart repair reappeared again, and not long after, the broken leg was intact as before.

"Come on, give me your ears, and I'll help you treat them." Yu Beidou said again.

Jiang Wang gave it as promised and subconsciously said: "Thank you."

As soon as the words came out, I felt something was wrong...

Why is my leg broken?

"You don't have to be so polite. We have been friends for many years, and friends help each other." Yu Beidou said casually. He continued to do the same thing, reconnecting his broken ears.

The heart, broken legs, and broken ears were recovered one after another, and other hidden injuries accumulated in the body were gradually eliminated. Jiang Wang's five senses became clearer and clearer.

The feeling of "wholeness" is so good.

It almost made him want to get up immediately and perform a swordsmanship.

So his eyes couldn't help but focus on Yu Beidou's throat.

"Are you feeling better?" Yu Beidou said with a friendly smile: "Young people should pay attention to their health and not be too impulsive. Impulsiveness can easily lead to accidents. Do you understand?"

Jiang Wang thought silently for a while, then looked away and began to observe the environment.

He found that he was probably still in the previous cave, but the cave at this time was completely different.

The stone pillars, the blood demon, and the blood stream all disappeared. There was a hole on the top of the cave, which penetrated the cliff of incalculable height and revealed the distant skylight.

The entire Duanhun Gorge was penetrated by some kind of force!

Jiang Wang sat up from the ground, while Yu Beidou was squatting next to him, with the hem of his clothes dragged to the ground.

He didn't look at Yu Beidou, but stared blankly at the hole.

This hole is only the size of a baby's fist, and the walls are so smooth that there is no undulation.

There is no sword energy and no sword marks.

But Jiang Wang still had a very strong feeling that this was the result of a sword piercing the cliff!

"Isn't it scary?" Yu Beidou, who was squatting next to him, also raised his head to look at the hole and asked suddenly.

He seemed to have completely guessed what Jiang Wang was thinking, and confirmed Jiang Wang's idea.

This cave was created by a sword.

"Who stayed?"

Jiang Wang realized that after Yu Beidou's palm pressed down and he fell into that state of emptiness, something shocking happened in the cave.

But when the question came out, he immediately added cautiously: "Is it convenient for me to know?"

Yu Beidou did not respond to this question, but looked at the hole with the skylight shining through, and sighed to himself: "I have forgotten both things, and nature and man are one... How could the flying swords that dominated the era reach the top of the three peaks?

Wouldn’t it be scary?”

The top of the three flying swords!?

Jiang Wang was shocked and lost consciousness for a moment.

Yu Beidou turned to him and asked: "Do you know?"

"I've heard something." Jiang Wang quickly calmed down and said, "I heard that it is the three strongest swordsmanships in the Feijian era. They are collectively called the Three Ultimate Swordsmanships. I just don't know which three ultimate swordsmanships they are."

Yu Beidou sighed with emotion, seeming to be nostalgic and sad: "One person said, I am the only way of swordsmanship. I am the only one in heaven and earth. One person said, there is no self-made swordsmanship. I am invincible because I have no self. The other person said, I am the only way of swordsmanship. I am the only one who forgets myself.

Forget the two, heaven and man become one!"

He looked at the small hole at the top of the cave again, with lingering fear.

"What you see now is the result of the selfless demon Yan Chunhui, the leader of the nine great human demons, flying in with his sword!"

(Updates resumed normally today and I am writing the next chapter. I feel pretty good now.)

This chapter has been completed!
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