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Chapter 162: Rule the Sky

On September 27, 3919 in the Dao calendar, in the southeastern region, Tianxing Cliff.

This cliff overlooks Qiangqi to the north, Daxia to the west, Huoshui to the south, and the vast sea to the east.

On its high shore, few outsiders come to this world.

Three majestic Dharma palaces stand on this cliff.

It was the same day as usual, with "waves hitting the cliffs and mountain winds hitting the rocks."

The so-called "yi stone" is a kind of stone unique to Tianxing Cliff. It can be seen everywhere scattered on the cliff. It has various appearances, but the base must be square. The biggest difference between it and ordinary stones is that whenever there is

When the wind hits, this kind of stone will make a neat sound, like a person shouting "power".

People thought it maintained the majesty of Tianxing Cliff, so they named it Yishi.

Also known as "prestige stone".

A white-haired old man wearing a one-eyed patch fell from a high altitude and walked along the mountain road.

I gave up flying and climbed up the steps on the wide and strict mountain road.

As soon as I looked up, I saw a towering Dharma monument that no cloud dared to circle around.

The words on the Dharma stele are like iron paintings and silver hooks. Each stroke is clear and deep, and it is as if the traces are not on the stele, but in the heaven and earth.

The word says

"Heaven can punish you, the earth can punish you, and people must stay within the rules!"

These thirteen words stand from top to bottom between heaven and earth, like a golden seal and jade seal, possessing majesty that cannot be touched.

It represents the spirit of the law and is the will that Sanxing Palace has implemented throughout the ages.

Just when the one-eyed old man raised his head to look at the stele, one word after another, like the sound of knives carving and axes chiseling, seemed to fall from the sky.

"Master Yu! Why are you here?"

Yu Beidou, the top fortune teller in the world, the highest achiever in the art of fortune-telling, and the most powerful person in the world at the time... still maintained the attitude of looking up at the monument, and asked aloud: "Dare I ask Master Jugui, what is Dharma?"


In the turbulent mountain wind, the steady voice replied: "Justice."

Yu Beidou asked: "There are injustices, injustices, and those who violate the rules in the world. Who should I ask?"

The voice asked: "Involving one person? One place? One sect? One country?"

Yu Beidou grinned: "The most powerful country in the world, the first imperial palace in ancient and modern times!"

The voice was silent for a while and said: "Please go to Gui Tian Palace."

He added: "Master Yu should know the rules."

"Master Ju Gui, you don't seem like someone who likes to talk nonsense..." Yu Beidou shook his head, suppressed his smile, and said seriously: "If you tell lies, heaven and earth will punish you!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

On the high cliff, there was lightning and thunder.

On the side of the eternal Dharma monument, a door suddenly opened.

It was an ancient and heavy cast-iron door. There were regular horizontal and vertical lines on the door, which divided the door into countless equal-sized squares...

The mottled patterns of time are reflected on it, and the brilliance of the sun and moon flows through it.

The moment it was opened, even though it was as strong as Yu Beidou, it stooped three points in an instant.

When the door appeared, he seemed to be rejected by the whole world.

When the door opened, he was accommodated into heaven and earth again.

It's just that this "heaven and earth" is stricter and more disciplined.

Yu Beidou only glanced at it and walked inside.

Chong Xuansheng soon found out what Jiang Wang had done.

Wen Lianmu was finally able to understand why Lin Xian could say such words as to look up to the top.

Including Li Longchuan, including Yan Fu, including Gao Zhe.

Including the entire Xingyue Original battlefield...

No, the entire Eastern Region, the entire world, and all places where human monks existed were shaken by the name of a young prodigy!

His name is Jiang Wang!

Because on September 27, 3919 in the Taoist calendar, Yu Beidou, the top fortune teller in the world, left the Duanhun Gorge and went to the Sanxing Palace, the Holy Land of Legalism, and announced to the whole world in front of the Guitian Palace that Jiang Wangfeitong

People who are demons are not guilty of communicating with demons!

He produced ironclad evidence and told the truth to the world

Jiang Wang fought one against four in the Duanhun Gorge, fought with the inner palace to kill the outer building, killed the three demons, cut the flesh, and beheaded the three human demons, and forced them to escape the unmasked human demon. He broke the legendary record of the Tianfu Old Man and became the best in history.

Inner palace!

Later, he fought bravely even though he was injured, assisted Yu Beidou, and killed the second-ranked fortune-telling demon among the nine demons.

The most important thing is that Jiang Wang also helped him suppress the ancient blood demon and prevent the inheritance of the "Blood Demon Art of Extinguishing Love and Desire"!

No demon clan would treat the "Blood Demon Art of Killing Passion and Desire" like this.

No demon spy can treat the "Blood Demon Art of Killing Passion and Desire" like this!

Because this level of grimoire is a true sacred object of the demon clan, it has been used throughout the ancient history, and everything serves the continuation of inheritance.

Any demon will die if he goes against it, no matter what the reason.

All of the above statements have been recognized by the Sanxing Palace!

Yu Beidou, a real person in the world, came forward, was witnessed by the Legalist Holy Land Sanxing Palace, and the top-level magic book "The Blood Demon Art of Killing Love and Desire" was a footnote. Jiang Wang's reputation was cleared from then on.

Jingguo Jing Shitai secretly sent four powerful military men from the Outer Realm to arrest Jiang Wang, hoping to quietly solve the iron case in Yujing Mountain. After being killed by Jiang Wang, he directly declared him guilty.

Demon, a pursuit order was issued, and the divine genius Zhao Xuanyang was dispatched...

Such various behaviors have become the biggest scandal in Jingguojingshitai in the past thousand years.

This caused controversy all over the world!

People are discussing an issue, either actively or passively.

Is Jing Guo qualified to convict the geniuses of other countries?

With the support of Qi State and Mu State, influential people from all over the world continued to raise questions.

Even Jiang Wang, a world-famous leader of the Yellow River, who came from a hegemonic country like Qi, could be innocent and receive notoriety, and be arrested and tried at will. Isn't the era of the Jingguo family's dominance not over yet?

In the 3919 years of modern history, is the fairness and justice pursued by all countries in the world just a joke?

The justice pursued by the Yellow River Prodigy Association, the fair distribution advocated by the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons... All the countries in the world, the sages have made countless efforts for this...

When we come to Jingguo, the most powerful country in the world, we can arrest whoever we want, and whoever we say is guilty is guilty?

Can the sacred ancient demon-slaying covenant be used as a weapon to suppress the genius of other countries?

The world was abuzz with controversy, but Jingguo rarely remained silent and did not say a word about it.

For those who hold power and focus on the world, it is of course the most important to take this opportunity to weaken the influence of Jingshitai and Yujingshan and re-consider Jingguo's temporal power.

But to more people in the world, what is even more shocking is that Jiang Wang broke the record of Tianfu Old Man, created a new legend, redefined the limits of Tianfu, and left his name in the history of practice...

Jing Guo's arrogance didn't last for a day or two, there was nothing surprising at all.

The young peerless prodigy trudged through the mud, bravely moved forward at a moment when everything was wrong, and finally challenged history, becoming the number one inner palace in Qing history, killing murderers, and suppressing demonic powers... This is a heroic epic that makes people scream.


This is a living legend.

It was sung all over the world for a while!

This chapter has been completed!
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