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Chapter 15: Appearances of All Living Beings

Dormitories, study rooms, martial arts arenas, mourning halls, gardens, quiet rooms, and even some hidden rooms with secret doors...

The soul is like water, flowing back and forth.

The so-called "residence transfers Qi and nourishes transfer body", conversely, people will also affect the environment in which they live.

Observing this palace in such detail is also a way to understand Jiang Wuqi from another angle.

The brightness of the past and the sadness of today are all tied to one person.

One person, one life, one ray of spirit.

Jiang Wang observed very carefully. A peerless person like Jiang Wuqi, who aims at understanding the truth in one step, must have his own unique understanding of the world. These perceptions may not be unified, but they are definitely worth understanding and learning.

As the saying goes, "When you see good people, think about them all; when you see bad people, think about yourself."

The process of learning more about Jiang Wuqi is also a process of self-enlightenment.

With the help of the red makeup mirror, Jiang Wang hardly missed any details.

I saw a lot of valuable information, but I couldn't find any information that might be related to the assassination of Concubine Lei.

Looking at the two green brand bosses who were still busy in front of him, Jiang Wang swallowed a sigh deep in his heart.

He understood that there was another possibility: maybe he had seen the corresponding clues, but he didn't know that it was related to the assassination of Concubine Lei.

After all, he only knew a few words about the major case in Yuanfeng's thirty-eighth year.

I don’t know who was involved, who was the most suspected at the time, and why it became an unsolved case in the end.

Maybe you didn’t recognize the clues before you, and what you thought before was a bit naive.

After all, there are specialties in the art industry, so maybe we can only wait for the search results of Lin Youxie or Zheng Shangming...

Jiang Wang glanced around aimlessly with the help of the red mirror, and his attention suddenly turned and fell on the screen wall in the front hall.

When Feng Gu saw him off that day, he stopped in front of the screen wall and said a few words. That was also the last exchange between Feng Gu and him.

At that time, Advisor Feng's first words were, "Sir, do you believe His Highness the Eleventh?"

Now that I think about it, does that question have any profound meaning?

Could there be any hidden information in the place where he stopped on purpose?

Since Feng Gu hoped that he would supervise the progress of the case in his suicide note, according to common sense, he should have left some clues for himself... just like the knife that Lin Youxie received.

But Jiang Wang recalled it carefully many times and found nothing special.

Feng Gu did reveal what he wanted to do, but the more specific details were not mentioned at all.

Jiang Wang has seen this screen wall several times in and out of the Changsheng Palace. On the back of the screen wall is a very exquisite painting, with the title "Appearances of All Living Beings" on the right side.

The signature is "Master of Changsheng Palace".

Jiang Wuqi himself was proficient in calligraphy, painting, poetry and calligraphy, and left a lot of calligraphy treasures in the palace. Jiang Wang had seen a lot of them. Although he knew very well, to be honest, his ability to appreciate these things was still limited to

It’s applauding. It’s hard to say what’s good about it...

So when I first looked at the painting on the wall, I just glanced at it casually and didn't pay much attention to it. Now I cheered up and observed it carefully, and I couldn't help but be amazed by it.

In this picture, traders, soldiers, princes, generals, and thousands of faces are all lifelike.

It also has carved railings and painted buildings, and there is a lot of traffic. There are dark shadows of distant mountains, deep still water, flowers, birds, green trees, old people and naughty children.

Upon closer inspection, it is true that "one painting captures all living beings".

It’s not just people performing their duties, there are also stories happening in some places.

Those who play and fight, those who hug each other's backs, those who welcome and send off...

For example, in the lower left corner of this mural, there is a clean and well-dressed man. His left index finger taps his ear lightly, and his right hand points to the paper on the table in front of him... It is obvious that he has hearing loss and is asking to communicate with people through text.

The man opposite him, who was talking with his head raised and talking, was wearing patched clothes, his eyes were dull, and he was holding a blind stick in one hand. He was obviously visually impaired...

It is really strange and strange for the deaf and the blind to communicate, with the former gesticulating and the latter talking endlessly.

For example, a farmer was walking on the riverbank carrying manure, and people passing by covered their noses.

Only one fisherman held his rod motionless and looked calm...it was obvious that his nose was broken.

Because of this lost sense of smell, he lost some excitement and avoided some troubles.

There are many kinds of them.

The more you look at such a mural, the more wonderful it becomes.

It is really wonderful everywhere, as if it describes all "people" and "life".

Along the way, Jiang Wang has seen magnificent waves and ripples in the breeze. He has watched many people and known many people. He created the original herringbone sword to see and evolve all living beings.

In just a few short years after becoming extraordinary, I have seen many wonderful things that many people have never seen in their lives.

But after all, it’s only “a few years.”

I never dare to say that this Herringbone Sword has been perfected, let alone say that I have seen all the people in the world.

Looking closely at this painting at this time, it is like going through the painter's experience, watching thousands of lives in the world constructed by the painter... It is very rewarding.

Zheng Shangming, who was searching the secret notes in every book with secret methods, suddenly turned around in surprise and realized that the terrifying sword intent in Jiang Wang's body was hidden but not revealed, and it had the power to destroy mountains.

He had known for a long time how powerful Jiang Wang was, and firmly believed that Jiang Qingyang was the number one genius in Qi.

After all, the lessons learned from that match in Chamashan were profound enough. Since then, Jiang Wang has made rapid progress. Every time his achievements are reported, he is almost speechless, breaking legends and creating history step by step.

But those achievements are far away after all.

Right in front of him, this man hit the door with a pestle and stood there for a long time. Has his swordsmanship improved?

Is this the ultimate genius?

In the past, there was Jiang Wuqi who suppressed his cultivation progress by drinking medicine, and later there was Jiang Qingyang who realized the sword after standing on guard for a while.

Zheng Shangming looked at the military classic "Nine Essays on Pointing Generals and Eight Methods for Selecting Soldiers" in his hand, and suddenly felt that life was boring.

If one compares talents to soldiers and generals, I am afraid that Jiang Wang, Jiang Wuqi and others are the generals of one theory, and I may be in the fifth theory and sixth theory...

The weight of his gaze instantly touched Jiang Wang. He calmly restrained his sword intent, temporarily let go of his observation of the "Phases of All Living Beings", looked at Zheng Shangming and Lin Youxie, who also looked surprised, and asked softly: "

Found a clue?"

He almost sent a separate message to ask, but fortunately he was still sober and it didn't lead to an embarrassing situation.

Zheng Shangming shook his head: "There are many doubts about Feng Gu's death, and the clues are scattered. Although we have collected some information, we are not sure whether it is useful. We still need to go back and compare the confessions to confirm... Where is Deputy Ambassador Lin?"

"Absolutely the same as you." Lin Youxie said softly.

Zheng Shangming asked after deliberation: "Then should we go back first or continue?"

Lin Youxie said: "Go back first, I will test the bowl of medicinal soup."

The inspection of the medicinal decoction must only be carried out in the inspection office. Lin Youxie said that he did the inspection by himself, and it was impossible without the supervision of others. Therefore, Zheng Shangming didn't care much and just carefully put the military classics in his hand back far away.

"Then let's go back first and come back tomorrow." He looked at Jiang Wang: "Master Jiang, should you go back first or follow us back to the inspection office? You now have the right to inspect Feng Gu's body, investigate relevant files, and interrogate relevant personnel.


Jiang Wang looked at these two people, completely unable to tell whether they had gotten the clues they wanted...

That's good, to avoid any worries.

"Go to the inspector's office," he said.

The carriage has already moved, and the palace door behind it is locked again.

The Changsheng Palace fell into silence.

Jiang Wang was still thinking about the screen wall.

The location of this screen wall is not far from the gate of Changsheng Palace, and the mural was painted by Jiang Wuqi himself. It can certainly represent some of Jiang Wuqi's ideas or tendencies.

To wipe out all sentient beings in one stroke is of course very pattern-like.

But does this "picture of all living beings" mean "seeing all living beings and tolerating all living beings"?

Or should we say "To rule all living beings, first know all living beings"?

Do what the princes, generals, ministers, slaves, and lackeys are going through represent Jiang Wuqi’s view of the current situation?

Is there any mystery behind why Feng Gu stopped here?

In such a picture of thousands of people and faces, Jiang Wang silently recalled the stopped figures and observed what they were doing in order to find possible connections.

This is meticulous and long work, and it is difficult to be distracted.

The carriage stopped.

"We're here." Zheng Shangming got out of the car first.

Lin Youxie followed closely behind.

The three of them had their own thoughts and had no communication.

Jiang Wang followed them and walked into Beiya again.

Such a yamen with huge power occupies an extremely large area. Jiang Wang has been here several times, but what he has seen is still very little, and he has not yet grasped the full picture of Beiya.

Today is the first time I saw Beiya Prison.

An iron house stands on bare flat land, with no other buildings around it, and the stone slabs are unobstructed. The iron house itself is only a place where guards verify identities, and the real prison is underground.

Zheng Shangming went to interrogate the maids and eunuchs in the Changsheng Palace, while Lin Youxie went to check the bowl of medicinal soup first.

Jiang Wang didn't follow either of them and went straight to the morgue.

Beiya has a special morgue, not far from Beiya Prison...

Of course, it will inevitably give people a sense of intimidation, as if someone who has been tortured in prison will be sent directly to the morgue.

But in fact, this kind of thing is relatively rare.

Bei Ya has strict review procedures for killing people. Anyone who kills indiscriminately today will be a prisoner in Bei Ya prison tomorrow. Anyone who kills without order will be held accountable.

Compared with the Tianlao under the jurisdiction of the watchmen, the prison in Beiya is much gentler.

The maids and eunuchs like the Changsheng Palace were temporarily detained here just to keep the case secret. Once the case was concluded, they could go out, so basically they would not be harmed.

Of course, there are also different levels within Beiya Prison, corresponding to different prisoners. The so-called "moderate" is only a relative term.

A deceased person with Feng Gu's status is considered to be of high rank in the Beiya morgue and has the exclusive use of a quiet room.

There is a special guard at the door, and no one is allowed to go in or out without the seal of the Bei Yamen.

Even when Jiang Wang went in, he was accompanied by a police officer from Beiya, silently standing in the room, conducting routine supervision.

With all the measures taken, it was very difficult to tamper with Feng Gu's body. It was almost impossible to finish the tampering without being discovered by those senior green cards.

A solitary sarcophagus stood in the center of the room.

This type of sarcophagus is very precious and not suitable for everyone. The sarcophagus itself is engraved with patterns to prevent the corpse from decaying and preserve the state of death to the greatest extent.

So when Jiang Wang saw Feng Gu, the body had not had time to change.

His body was naked, and there were some very fine knife marks on it. He had been inspected countless times by the green cards.

Jiang Wang recognized that several of them were left by Lin Youxie. He had seen Lin Youxie dissect corpses with his own eyes and knew her unique technique.

I closed my eyes gently, and when I opened them again, my left eye had turned red.

In the state of Qianyang Eyes, examine the corpse and capture the details...

The result, of course, was nothing.

No injuries other than neck strangulation marks were found, and no traces of anyone having moved their hands or feet were found.

Jiang Wang originally didn't expect to find anything. After the inspection, he secretly used the memorial technique to see if he could recreate a little bit of Feng Gu's spiritual aura...

But he died completely, his soul was completely dispersed, and no trace was left.

Looking at Feng Gu's still wide-open eyes after his death, Jiang Wang asked in his heart: "Do you know that what you want may never come true?"

There is certainly no answer to this question.

Jiang Wang put away his Qianyang Eyes and turned around to leave.

The green agent who accompanied Lord Jiang for the autopsy was a middle-aged man in his forties.

It seems very restrained and reliable.

From beginning to end, he was silent.

He waited until Jiang Wang went out, then followed him and walked out quickly.

When passing the sarcophagus, he stretched out his flat palm and quickly passed over Feng Gu's body. He clenched his hand into a fist as if he had grabbed something. Following Jiang Wang, he stepped out of the morgue, closed the door and hung up


There was no fireworks in the whole process, it was as natural as flowing clouds...

It should not be discovered by anyone.

He has such confidence. He lowers his eyes in a low-key manner and doesn't say a word.

But what he failed to see was...

Jiang Wang, who was walking out in the corridor, turned his left hand and saw that a small dressing mirror had been quietly put away.

Jiang Wang covered the morgue with a red mirror to help him find possible clues. He looked at it once for himself and then looked through the red mirror again.

Unexpectedly, I "saw" this interesting scene.

Who is this green-branded police officer who is accompanying him to supervise?

What does the person want to do and what has been done?

Jiang Wang didn't think it was a routine examination of the corpse in Beiya. If it was just an examination, there was no need to be so secretive, and it shouldn't even be hidden from Jiang Wang, the person who went to do the autopsy.

Inspection without supervision is itself unfair.

Jiang Wang walked out calmly.

There is no need to expose it now. Firstly, if someone like this is exposed, it is easy to cut off the follow-up clues. Secondly, even if he observed it with a red makeup mirror, he did not find out what this person did to Feng Gu's body. Even now

If a quarrel breaks out and this person is caught, he may not be able to seize the "stolen", but will only frighten the enemy.

It's better to wait for the follow-up.

Following the rules, he signed and stamped with the person in charge of the morgue to confirm that he had been to the morgue and completed the inspection of Feng Gu's body.

Then he left.

From beginning to end, Jiang Wang didn't take a second look at the policeman who followed him into the morgue, but he had already firmly remembered the man's face in his mind.

Thick eyebrows, deep eyes, and a big nose.

The eyes look gentle, but that right hand has definitely torn into pieces many people's hands.

It's too stretchy and too stable.

This chapter has been completed!
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