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Chapter 21 Disciples of Famous Disciples

Jiang Wang followed the carriage purchased by Bowang Houfu and escaped from Linzi City safely.

 In fact, there was no interrogation at all.

 It was the shadow guard assigned by Chong Xuan Sheng to lead the way. He was an acquaintance who impressed Jiang Wang deeply.

This is the one who shouted that he saw the true meaning of Tao when the Taixu Corner Tower in Tianfu City opened...

Judging from his appearance, he looks honest and honest, otherwise he would not have been selected by Chong Xuan Pang at that time.

 When he was really doing things, he was very taciturn and only led the way throughout the process without saying a word of nonsense.

Chongxuan Sheng mentioned that these shadow guards were trained with the help of his uncle Chongxuan Chu Liang. Jiang Wang also trusted their ability and loyalty.

 Biwu County is just east of Linzi, not far away. After driving quickly, we quickly arrived at our destination, a manor on the outskirts of Chifeng City, the capital of Biwu County.

It was a dark moonlit night, with a few scattered lights in the sky.

 The vast manor is like a giant beast lurking in the shadows.

"Gongsun Yu and Yang Jing were good friends. After leaving the Changsheng Palace, they lived here in seclusion." After the shadow guard explained this, seeing Jiang Wang's blank face, he added: "Yang Jing is the younger brother of Yang Luo, the governor of Biwu County.


What Jiang Wang didn't know was that this Yang Jing had also participated in the selection of places for the Yellow River Association. He had achieved great success at a young age and had extraordinary combat prowess. He was considered the number one genius in Biwu County. However, he was the only genius in the entire Qi State.

I can't get a place in the queue, and I don't even have the chance to participate in the Master's Ceremony.

Of course, he also understood the shadow guard's reminder and explained: "I'm just asking Gongsun Yu a few questions, there won't be any conflict."

The shadow guard said quietly: "I guess you won't be visiting with a name card during this trip."

 “Yes…I need to keep this trip confidential.”

"Then it will be difficult not to have conflicts." The shadow guard was obviously very experienced. He reached out and handed over a structural layout diagram of the manor: "Gongsun Yu has hardly left home since he came here. He has not seen any outsiders and has not seen many visitors.

I personally know that he is here. This manor is Yang Jing's property. I usually only come here to stay for a while during the hunting season. It is very quiet. The room where Gongsun Yu lives has been marked on the map. When you visit, there will be no movement

Just make it smaller.”

Jiang Wang took the picture and found that the information was indeed very informative. He had worked hard on the intelligence. While looking at it, he asked, "I don't know your name yet. How do you address it?"

"Qing Brick." The shadow guard did not explain the meaning of the name. He only said: "I will keep a lookout for you outside. Every quarter of an hour, there are two bird calls, which means everything is normal. Three bird calls in a row means an accident has occurred.

, need to leave. If there is no sound for more than two quarters of an hour, it means I am dead."

There is nothing wrong with this reminder, but the word "death" he said is too ordinary...

 It’s like saying, I’ll eat by myself when I’m hungry.

 It can only be said that the soldiers trained by Ji Tu are indeed extraordinary.

Jiang Wang wanted to say something, "I'll go and have a chat, don't be so nervous." But after thinking about it, he finally said nothing, took the layout of the manor, and walked into the garden.

 Such a lot of trouble and effort to quietly come to Biwu County.

 How can we say that there is no need to be nervous?


Yang Luo, the governor of Biwu County, is at the pinnacle of outer building cultivation. Being able to serve as a governor in a hegemonic country like Qi State is unmatched by ordinary monks in the same realm. With the seal of Biwu County, his combat power is even more incomparable.

Just wait and see.

Only places like the three counties of Yangdi, because they were newly attached, gave opportunities to people of Huang Yixing's strength. Of course, he had always been the governor of the town, and he would not be able to become the official governor in the future.

However, for Jiang Wang now, the county guard at the peak of Wailou means that there is no other official figure in Biwu County who can compete with him.

 So Jiang Wang sneaked into this manor with a very relaxed attitude.

It's not that no one in Biwu County is his opponent except Yang Luo. For example, there is the former prime minister in Bei County, the Li family in Shimen County, and the Tian family in Daze County... Of course, there are some reclusive characters in Biwu County, but those characters will not

Appear here.

 This manor, where Yang Jing used to live when he was hunting, was decorated with a lot of thought. The rockery corridors are very well-organized. The decorations are not extravagant, but they are just right.

Jiang Wang had no intention of admiring it, so he searched according to the picture and soon found the courtyard where Gongsun Yu lived.

This courtyard is small and has an old-fashioned layout. At first glance, it is simple and there is nothing superfluous.

 The manor was very quiet at night, with only the light on in Gongsun Yu's bedroom.

Jiang Wang thought about it for a while, and without doing anything to hide it, he just opened the door and walked in.

 A man with a tall crown and elegant temperament was sitting cross-legged on a stone couch.

 Different from many places in Qidi, Biwu County has the custom of sleeping on stone couches, and I don’t know how it came into being.

 The State of Qi expanded all the way and became the hegemon of the Eastern Region. It annexed countless countries in the process. Therefore, the domestic folk customs are different, and many customs cannot find their origins.

 This stone couch is so large that it can be roughly divided into two halves.

Gongsun Yu sat with a pillow rolled up on his side, and a low table was placed in front of him. On the right side of the low table was a pile of books, all of which looked old. It was obvious that he had become a habit of reading at night, not just one night.

In the upper left corner of the low table stands a pine tree-shaped candlestick, which is of extraordinary quality. The candlelight is still, giving it a warm and calm feeling.

Jiang Wang didn’t hide it when he walked in, so of course he noticed the movement and looked up.

He was also holding a volume in his hand, the pages of which were open and slightly yellowed.

 He recognized Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang on Yunwu Mountain blasted away the sea of ​​clouds with an eight-tone flame bird, stunning everyone, and he cannot forget it.

 But he didn't seem surprised, he just looked at Jiang Wang quietly and cast a questioning look.

 Under the control of the sravaka's fairy state, the sound of the entire room will not leak out even a little.

“How long have you been here?” Jiang Wang asked.

Gongsun Yu just looked at him and said nothing.

Jiang Wang realized that he had asked a nonsense question. If he could find out where Gongsun Yu lived now, how could he not find out when he moved in?

“I came to you because I have some questions to ask you. I hope you can help me answer my questions.” Jiang Wang said directly.

Gongsun Yu still just looked at him.

  Not even the book in his hand moved, it was as silent as a sculpture.

 He is a disciple of a famous person.

 Among the hundreds of schools of thought, the one who dominates most is his eloquence, and is known as the "sword and sword".

It cannot be said that it is not a kind of irony for a taciturn famous disciple.

I still remember that when we were in Yunwu Mountain, this man was still eloquent and eloquent. How long had it passed before he became so silent?

In the end what happened?

Jiang Wang vaguely felt that the answer he was looking for might be in it. Would Gongsun Yu not know all the secrets that Feng Gu knew?

“Can you tell me why you left the Changsheng Palace?” Jiang Wang asked.

Gongsun Yu’s eyelids drooped slightly, but he still didn’t respond.

Jiang Wang didn't want to bring him any sense of oppression, so he sat on the tea stool, turned over the inverted tea cup, poured himself a cup of herbal tea, and said slowly: "I didn't see him at the funeral of His Highness Eleven.


Gongsun Yu’s face was expressionless.

Jiang Wang took a sip of tea and continued: "You are His Highness Eleven's confidant and the person he trusts most..."

 He put down the tea cup and looked at Gongsun Yu: "Do you think His Highness had any regrets when he left? Do you want to help him fill his regrets?"

Gongsun Yu suddenly smiled, with a bitter smile, and he shook his head with a smile.

Jiang Wang didn't know for a moment whether he was shaking his head for the former question or the latter question.

"Although His Highness Eleven is gone, I think maybe we can do something..." Jiang Wang said: "Are you willing to share with me what you know?"

Gongsun Yu looked at Jiang Wang quietly and suddenly opened his mouth. He opened his mouth so wide and so unseemly that people could see... only half of his tongue was cut off in his mouth!

 His tongue is broken!

 A famous disciple loses his tongue like a swordsman loses his sword.

 This is the part that we should be most proud of and the part we rely on the most.

Who cut out his tongue?

“Who did it?” Jiang Wang heard his voice was dry.

 But Gongsun Yu just looked at him.

 The mouth has been closed.

The scholar behind the candlestick seemed to have had all desire for communication taken away by the severed tongue.

 Jiang Wang asked: "Is it okay if we communicate by writing?"

Gongsun Yu shook his head.

“Or if I ask you a few questions, you just nod or shake your head.”

Gongsun Yu didn’t move his head and only looked at Jiang Wang.

 In his eyes, there was only a silence that was alienating people from thousands of miles away.

 He doesn’t want to say anything, he can’t say anything.

Jiang Wang sighed and said, "Do you know that Feng Gu is dead? He was hanged with three feet of white silk in the mourning hall of His Highness Eleventh Prince."

These words seemed to finally touch Gongsun Yu. He reached into his sleeves...

He took out a dagger, threw it lightly, and dropped it at Jiang Wang's feet.

He held up the sleeve corner of his right hand with his left hand and made a gesture of invitation.

 This is his last expression tonight.

 His meaning is obvious.

 He won’t say anything.

 Either leave or kill him.

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, picked up the dagger on the ground, stood up and walked forward.

This bedroom is no more than twelve steps long.

 The distance between him and Gongsun Yu was no more than six steps.

He wanted to kill Gongsun Yu, and it would not take more than one breath. Whether Gongsun Yu resisted or not, it would not affect this time.

 One is a world-famous young genius, and the other is a famous disciple, who was once a rising figure in Linzi City.

 Before today, they had only met once.

 There is almost no other intersection with each other.

 After we parted ways in Yunwu Mountain, we each had too many differences.

 In this world, everyone is experiencing their own life.

 It’s just Jiang Wang’s magnificent story that has been sung throughout the world.

And his Gongsun Yu's turbulent waves were all swallowed into the belly in that half-cut tongue.

 Over and over again, chewing alone.

Gongsun Yu gently closed his eyes and felt very calm.

 No regrets or resentment.

But he only heard a soft sound, which was the sound of the dagger gently hitting the low table.

 He opened his eyes, and there was no one in front of him.

Only the dagger placed on the low table showed that the man had indeed been here.



 Leaving the courtyard where Gongsun Yu lived, he casually lifted the sound blockade.

Jiang Wang had no expression on his face. He just returned along the original path, jumped out of the manor, and went to meet the shadow guard named Qingzhuan.

The birds chirped every moment without stopping, indicating that under Qing Zhuan’s surveillance, nothing unusual happened outside the manor.

Not far from the south side of the manor, there is a mountain forest. The green bricks are hidden in it, and the manipulation of birdsong is not obtrusive.

Jiang Wang's body was as fast as the wind, blowing through the night, but he suddenly stopped in front of the mountain forest.

 Hand is on the sword.

"I came here with no ill intentions, just to reconnect with old acquaintances. I have never hurt anyone, and I have never damaged the manor. If you don't believe me, you can go back to the manor now to check." He said in as gentle a tone as possible: "Please don't hurt the people I brought here.


“My ability to control birds is good, but my calls are too regular.”

From the shadow of the mountain forest, a young man of medium height walked out, carrying a bow and carrying a sword. His sharp eyes looked at Jiang Wang: "Introduce me, I am Yang Jing."

The bird's chirping naturally stopped.

 The moonlight is shallow and the night is windless.

“I’m Jiang Wang.” Jiang Wang kept his distance and took the initiative to say: “I took the liberty of coming here uninvited tonight. Please forgive me, Mr. Yang. If there is anything I can do to make up for it, please let me know.”

Yang Jing looked at him and said: "I have long admired your great name!"

Two monks in powerful attire came out of the forest, carrying the blue bricks tied with five-flowered flowers.

 Looking at Qing Zhuang's bruised nose and swollen face, it was obvious that he had suffered a bit. But fortunately, he was not disabled and had no problems with his cultivation.

“A small name is not worth mentioning.” Jiang Wang said: “There are still twenty-eight friends in the forest. You might as well come out together so that I can get to know them all.”

 So one black shadow after another came out of the forest.

  They all have swords on their waists, and have a cold temperament, forming a faint military formation.

The Yang family has been able to take root in Biwu County for so long. Although it is not a famous family, it does have something that should not be underestimated.

Yang Jing smiled nonchalantly: "How did you guess that it was me and not you who caused other troubles?"

"If it was me who caused other troubles, there should be no chance of me noticing." Jiang Wang explained quietly, and then said: "Please give me a chance to make up for the offense."

"No need." Yang Jing raised his chin, and his men untied Qing Bian.

He looked at Jiang Wang and said, "My friends are fine, and so are your people."

Jiang Wang said sincerely: "Thank you Mr. Yang for your generosity."

 “My friend doesn’t want to see guests, I hope there won’t be a next time.”

"If there is a next time, I will hand over the name card first." Jiang Wang said.


“Then we won’t disturb you.” Jiang Wang cupped his hands and left with the shadow guard named Qing Zhuan.

“Are you just going to let them go?” Looking at the backs of the two men, one of the men approached and asked.

 “What if?” Yang Jing sighed: “That’s Jiang Qingyang!”

 “But this is Biwu County.” The subordinate said.

“Biwu County is small, but the world is huge!” Yang Jing shook his head: “It seems it’s time to give Brother Gongsun another place to live...”



“Does it still hurt?” Jiang Wang asked as he walked on the road.

Qing Bian grinned: "It's nothing. It's just because of me... your whereabouts were still exposed."

"He won't tell anyone." Jiang Wang said firmly: "Judging from Yang Jing's posture tonight, it is really not easy for you to find this place."

Qingzhuan said calmly: "We will do whatever Mr. Sheng tells us well."

Jiang Wang recalled the true meaning of his exaggerated shouting...

I couldn’t help but ask: “Are you all from the military?”

“Ah, yes.” Qing Zhuan said: “Training under... Master Ji Tu.”

“It’s true that a famous general has no weak soldiers!” Jiang Wang praised.

Qing Zhuan was probably not used to being praised, so he asked, "Shall we go back to Linzi now?"

Jiang Wang took a look at the sky.

He sighed: "I can only go back to Linzi."

This chapter has been completed!
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