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Chapter 47 The Rising Dragon Banquet, The Theory of Gentlemen

There are people who spend their entire lives unable to achieve anything they ask for or wish for, and it is impossible.

Some people move forward firmly and have already learned to walk calmly in the wind and rain.

 In a sense, Wang Changji and Jiang Wang have similar attitudes towards fate.

Wang Changji does not believe that there are miracles in the world, because the miracle he expected did not happen in Maplewood City.

And Jiang Wang believes that he can do everything he wants to do, no matter how impossible it seems.

 They will not place their hopes on others.

 Meet me in the building.

With just a "Jade Dragon" served, another waiter walked up to the second floor, holding a food plate in his hand. There were five wooden cylinders on the food plate, which seemed to be hidden in the clouds.

 Before he approached the round table, he assigned one piece to each of the five people sitting there.

After eating the "Jade Dragon", Lord Jiang already showed great respect to this banquet.

He looked carefully at the wooden cylinder in front of him and studied the beautiful carvings on the cylinder, which was a picture of a fish leaping over a dragon gate.

 “The second dish of this feast is called ‘Dragon Gate’.”

The maid of the hostess opened the entire cylinder, and Jiang Wang saw that on the wooden base carved into the shape of a lotus stood a small, gold and red gate tower with an ancient shape.

The hot air is curling up and floating like a fairy.

There is also a faint, refreshing fragrance that wraps around the nose playfully.

The serving maid introduced: "This pastry is made from Yulong's fish marrow and fish roe as the main ingredients."

 She handed over the ivory chopsticks: "Master, please use them."

Jiang Wang took the chopsticks, and with a hint of unbearable squandering, he took off the cover of this exquisite dragon gate and put it into his mouth.

It is obviously a pastry that can be carved into a dragon gate. It should be somewhat hard, but it melts the moment you enter it.

 In the cool, smooth taste like goat's milk, he tasted a kind of small, warm particles that exploded one by one on the tip of his tongue.

This explosion is extremely gentle, like massaging your tongue.

 The sweet fragrance overflows in an instant.

 The wonderful taste takes up all the feelings at this moment.

 Make people feel satisfied.

 It is a fish leaping over the dragon gate, which is famous all over the world.

 It takes ten years to sharpen the sword, and the frost shines everywhere.

After that moment of feeling disappeared, Jiang Wang actually had the urge to draw his sword and dance.

 What a dragon gate!

Jiang Wang knew the taste of the food and moved his chopsticks quickly, not restrained by the presence of so many people.

 Eat happily and feel comfortable.

Although he is not as elegant and calm as Zuo Guangshu, he has a casual and unrestrained style.

After he quickly finished his piece of cake, he gave Zuo Guangshu a kind look.

Zuo Guangshu used his left hand to eat. At this time, he was holding a jade spoon and eating Longmen cake slowly.

 Calmly, he raised his right hand and placed his arm across the table.

 In an instant, a high wall was built between myself and my good brother...

 Jiang Wang expressed regret for the trust between people.

Out of respect for this delicious meal, Jiang Wang remained silent.

 Silently waited for the other four people to finish eating, waited for the waiter to come and take away the five serving utensils, and then walked downstairs.

 New dishes are here.

This new waiter who came upstairs was holding a large golden tray, which was shining like water. There was a miniature palace sitting on the tray!

Jiang Wang thought, it might be another kind of pastry.

The waiter placed the large golden tray on the round table, and everyone present immediately saw the exquisiteness.

 This palace is complex and exquisite.

The pavilions and pavilions are all authentic.

 Gods, generals and fairies are all smart.

There is even more fairy spirit curling up and flowing around the hall.

Jiang Wang subconsciously thought of the Yunding Immortal Palace above his Wufu Sea, but secretly shook his head...

Where is the place for that ruin?

The host's maid introduced: "The third dish of this banquet is called 'Shenting'. It is said that the true dragon lives in the Shenting and controls all directions."

Jiang Wang looked carefully, and sure enough he saw that these gods, generals and fairies had dragon horns on their foreheads.

I thought to myself that I should go back and ask the old dragon of Senhai to see if the dragon clan really had such a grand scene before they retreated to the sea.

He then heard the maid smile and say: "Everyone, please smell this fragrance."

Jiang Wang took a gentle sniff and suddenly felt a sense of peace and tranquility.

The maid of the master's attendant said: "This is an incense to soothe the gods. It is used before dividing the divine court."

As she spoke, she took a table knife, dropped it at the center of the divine court, moved her wrist lightly, and divided it into five equal parts.

 Then put one portion on the Ru kiln porcelain plate in front of Jiang Wang.

 Jiang Wangzheng was about to use his chopsticks.

 The master's maid holds her dining knife a little further away.

The "divine court" in front of Jiang Wang actually started to burn.

The golden flame leaped on the porcelain plate, not bringing much scorching temperature to people, but the entire "divine court" was melting, and the pavilions, towers, gods, generals and fairies disappeared one by one.

Jiang Wang felt as if his heart was melting.

Looking at the "divine court" in front of several other people, the golden flames were also ignited. Only then could he be sure that the maid who served him the dishes did not want to ruin his delicious food.

As the golden flames jumped, this "divine court" became smaller and smaller, and finally melted into a golden sauce, covering the porcelain plate.

 In the middle of the golden sauce, there is a bright red round fruit.

 The "Shenting" was torn apart by sharp blades and burned in flames.

 And in the fierce flames, red fruits were born!

The maid serving the dishes presented the jade spoon and said softly: "Master, please use it."

Jiang Wang scooped up the round red fruit with a jade spoon and couldn't help but asked: "What kind of fruit is this?"

The maid who served the dishes smiled and said, "I will explain it after the young master has finished eating."

Jiang Wang stopped talking and put the round fruit into his mouth.

 One bite, and my heart stopped.

What is the taste?

Jiang Wang can’t taste it at this moment.

He only felt that his soul was boiling, his brain was slightly drunk, and his eyes were filled with colorful lights.

 He couldn't help laughing, he couldn't stop being happy.

He wanted to sing a song, but he felt that it was really exciting. But if he didn't sing loudly, how could he relieve this happiness?

 The wonderful feeling wandered in my mind for a long time before slowly dissipating.

As Jiang Wang gradually became clearer, he finally understood why he had to smell the soothing aroma of food before dividing the divine court...otherwise the soul might jump out of the body!

At this time, the maid of the master's servant explained softly: "This is a fruit made from jade dragon bone powder. We use a whole portion of Shenting as nourishment to grow only these five fruits."

 No one at the table spoke, everyone was immersed in that wonderful feeling.

Although my heart has become clear, there is still an almost infinite aftertaste in my heart.

Jiang Wang had never thought that eating could give such a feeling, but it really happened.

The waiter who served the dishes took away the five porcelain plates covered with sauce, as well as the jade bowl and ivory chopsticks, leaving only the extremely exquisite phoenix-patterned luminous cup.

The maids serving the dishes opened the secret compartments in the pillars on the four sides.

 One made a pot of tea, the other lit a burner of incense, and placed them on the east and west windowsills.

Not long after, a waiter came up with a small stove in his left hand and a dragon-toning wine pot in his right hand.

 If you are close enough to come forward, please give a courtesy first.

 Place the small stove in the center of the round table, put the Tunlong wine pot on it, and light the small stove with a tap.

 Not long after, the wine in the pot started to ring.

 Gululu, Gurulu, very gentle, making the listener's heart become very peaceful.

 Then the aroma of the wine slowly soaked out.

The wind blew wisps of tea and stove incense, making the aroma of wine more transparent.

Everyone said nothing, still silently enjoying the aftertaste of the fruit of the divine court.

 Maybe it’s a quarter of an hour, maybe it’s two quarters of an hour.

  The maid of the head waiter lifted the Tunlong wine pot on the stove and poured a glass of wine for Jiang Wang.

 The other serving maids also did the same.

“Master, please take this cup. This is the end of today’s banquet.” She greeted.

Jiang Wang, in that leisurely happiness, raised his glass and drank it all.

This wine... doesn't seem to have much flavor.

As soon as this thought came to my mind, all the feelings I had during the banquet just now came flooding back.

 Satisfied, intoxicated, happy...

Jiang Wang felt in a trance that he was a dragon fish, swimming upstream and competing with the sky. After all the hardships, he finally found the dragon gate, jumped hard, and became a real dragon!

 Then he entered the divine court, enjoyed all the splendor, and was admired by all.

At last I suddenly woke up and it turned out to be a big dream.

 The smoke and clouds disappeared in an instant, and the mind became clear and clear.

I feel a little sad.

The main maid explained appropriately: "This glass of wine is called Xingmeng. It is brewed from chalcedony marrow. There are only two pots made this spring, and this is one of them."

“It’s true that I woke up from a dream!” Jiang Wang sighed.

This jade dragon, dragon gate, divine court, and waking dream are really wonderful and tasteful in the world.

Jiang Wang is not a person who has not experienced enjoyment. With his current status, the food, clothing, housing and transportation in Linzi are not much different.

We had dinner in Changle Palace, and Master Yan invited us to a banquet. We have been to almost all of the four famous restaurants, which offer the most exquisite delicacies. We should go there and try everything.

 But today in Huangliang Terrace, just three dishes and a glass of wine were already the most delicious food Jiang Wang had ever enjoyed in his life, surpassing all others.

 It is really a dream, a dream that lasts for thousands of years!

There was only one glass of wine. After everyone drank, the waiter removed the small stove and the wine pot.

 The five maids also took away the empty cups, bowed slightly, and went downstairs.

Only the five people who had already eaten at the banquet were left, still enjoying the breeze blowing from all directions.

  Although I wake up from the big dream, the aftertaste is endless.

“Brother Jiang, how are you?” Qu Shunhua asked the host and guest.

“It’s really the best thing in the world!” Jiang Wang was full of praise: “Apart from meeting Guangshu, this is the happiest thing that made me feel the most when I came to Chu country this time.”

He was indeed telling the truth. Today, he felt a real sense of "happiness" because of this delicious meal.

He even got some Taoist inspiration from this, about the Hell of Five Senses and the Tongue Hell...

 How can you create a truly convincing tongue hell if you have never tasted the best taste in the world?

Qu Shunhua smiled and said: "If you can get Brother Jiang's words, this seat will be in vain!"

 This banquet of rising dragons is actually a dream of rising dragons. After waking up from the dream, everyone is different.

Jiang Wang has already become famous all over the world, but he woke up earlier than others.

Ye Lan'er said angrily from the side: "All the banquets I had in the past were all in vain?"

Qu Shunhua smiled and said: "Is it all in vain? You have to ask yourself. If you just eat and don't work, how can you do it?"

"Yes, I knew you had bad intentions. Why do you have to pay back your debt even if you just have a dinner party with us?" Ye Lan'er's beautiful eyes turned slightly, and she looked at her and said, "Tell me, Miss Qu, what are your orders?"

Qu Shunhua looked at her and smiled softly: "I will tell you later."

Zuo Guangshu was silent, while Chu Yuzhi said with emotion: "Today's meal seems to be more delicious than before, but I can't tell in a daze. I feel like I have benefited from Brother Jiang!"

Jiang Wang said quickly: "I'm embarrassed to hear this. It's all Miss Qu's intention, it's just my name."

“Brother Jiang, I sincerely entertain you, and you are the host and guest!” Qu Shunhua said angrily, “How can you say it’s just your name?”

  She turned around and asked Zuo Guangshu: "Do you think so?"

 “You are right.” Zuo Guangshu responded.

“Okay, I made a mistake, and I apologize to you two.” Jiang Wang took the initiative to apologize, and then said: “This banquet is not something that ordinary chefs can make...”

 He thought about it carefully and asked: "Who is it?"

“The Confucian sages once said that a gentleman should stay away from the kitchen. This saying has been widely circulated because it is compassionate.”

Qu Shunhua smiled, looked at Jiang Wang and said: "Speaking of which, there are many people who have eaten at Huangliangtai, and there are also many people who are curious about the chef, but few people think about any big shot. Brother Jiang, how did you guess?


Jiang Wang thought for a while and said very seriously: "When you are hungry, you need food, and when you are cold, you need clothes. This is the law of nature. Food should be fine, clothing should be beautiful. This is the original desire. The heart of compassion is what people should have. The love of beauty.

, everyone has it. Everyone must have a full heart.

The heart of compassion is truly the heart of a benevolent person, but how can it be compared with the original desire of heaven?

The ancient sages said that a gentleman should be far away from the kitchen, but it was just for a moment, and it was only for one person to listen. It is not a law for all generations.

 I think there are many gentlemen among the chefs!"

Although he doesn't have much time to devote to cooking, his love for cooking has not diminished...at least not yet.

 So we are very serious about maintaining the cooking itself.

  It means “there are many gentlemen among the chefs”.

 What I’m thinking is, “I am Jiang Qingyang too!”

Hearing these words, Ye Lan'er finally regained some of his feelings.

Cooking cattle and slaughtering sheep is unbearable and is a sign of compassion. But cooking cattle and slaughtering sheep itself is done to fill the stomach, which is natural.

 Both actually make sense.

When Jiang Wang objected, he only put forward his own opinions rationally and calmly, and did not disparage the words of the sages in order to win people's attention. This kind of restraint is quite rare for a person like him who became famous at a young age.

“Brother Jiang’s words are very kind. If our ancestors heard this, they might be able to gain knowledge!” Qu Shunhua said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present except Zuo Guangshu was shocked.

 Qu Shunhua’s grandfather……

  Qu Jinkui, Duke of Yu State!

 Is the dignified Duke Yu actually the chef behind Huangliangtai?

"You..." Ye Lan'er looked at Qu Shunhua with feigned anger: "You've been hiding this from me for a long time!"

Of course she knew that the chef at Huangliangtai must be an extraordinary person, but she never thought that Yu Guogong would be blamed.

 After all, it is difficult to connect the dignified Duke of a country with the identity of the chef of Huangliangtai.

Chu Yuzhi said repeatedly: "No wonder, no wonder! If we compare the way of cooking to spiritual practice, today's banquet is the pinnacle. How could anyone but the Duke of Yu do it! I never thought that I would be so lucky!"

Qu Shunhua handed over his hand and apologized: "My ancestors don't want people to know about it, so as not to be disturbed by too many people. So I ask you to just listen and don't spread it outside. This is the secret of our Huangliangtai. If Brother Jiang hadn't pointed it out here,

I really don’t know how to speak.”

“I didn’t expect that Duke Yu was so elegant in managing everything.” Jiang Wang was filled with emotion.

Especially when I think that I am actually very interested in cooking, but I am just busy practicing and have no time to think about it in detail, which is quite sad and really regrettable!

 Otherwise, it may not be impossible to discuss and discuss with Duke Yu.

Qu Shunhua said: "The old man actually only cooks one table a month with his own hands, and this table usually does not entertain outsiders. The rest of the time, dozens of chefs from Huangliangtai cook according to the recipes he left. Every step must be done to perfection.

If you make mistakes, you can eat three meals a day and get five points of the charm."

She smiled generously: "I specially chose to entertain Brother Jiang today because my ancestor was free today and took charge of the meal himself!

 I also know that a seat made by Duke Yu himself will make many princes and nobles of Chu who know about it flock to it.

 The value is simply immeasurable.

 The reason why Qu Shunhua treated him like this was of course because of Zuo Guangshu.

 Jiang Wang was very moved: "Miss Qu is interested!"

"Sister Qu's family said that Grandpa Qu might be able to become a confidant with Brother Jiang. I think it's very possible!" Zuo Guangshu said at this time: "My grandfather and Brother Jiang had a very happy conversation. We talked about it yesterday.

I don’t know what to talk about for a few hours. Maybe Brother Jiang just wants to attract the attention of the elderly. If Grandpa Qu is free, my sister might as well introduce him."

The time of the Duke of Guo is so precious. He can chat for several hours. This cannot be explained by politeness. This makes Chu Yuzhi's eyes even more respectful.

What surprised him even more was that a person with Zuo Guangshu's character would take the initiative to help others pave the way, thinking of letting Duke Yu Guo meet Jiang Wang.

 In other words, this Jiang Wang is the Duke of Qi. If he were from Chu, his career would have started from this point on.

 How did Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu manage their friendship?

 I heard that I met him in Taixu Illusion Realm.

In addition to martial arts competitions, is Taixu Illusion a place to expand your network?

Chu Yuzhi, who was originally indifferent to the illusory realm of Taixu and felt that it was not a matter of real life and death, became somewhat interested at this time.

"Okay." Qu Shunhua responded to Zuo Guangshu with a smile, and then said to Jiang Wang, "I think Brother Jiang is also a gentleman in cooking."

Jiang Wang smiled reservedly: "There are many cooking gentlemen in the world! As far as I know, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Qi is also good at cooking."

But after saying these words, something suddenly moved in his heart

 Should we re-examine the strength of Da Qi Prince Jiang Wuhua?

Those who are obsessed with cooking can have such outstanding figures as Yu Guogong.

So Jiang Wuhua, who is also obsessed with cooking, is it more than that?

Qu Shunhua smiled and said: "If you have the chance, you must try Brother Jiang's craftsmanship."

Jiang Wang smiled confidently: "You and Guangshu are a family, and there will be many opportunities in the future."

"Governing a big country is like cooking small delicacies." Ye Laner said in a manly voice: "If you use the Tao to come to the world, the ghosts will not be the gods; if it is not the ghosts, it will not be the gods, and the gods will not hurt people; if it is not the gods, it will not hurt the people, and the saints will not be hurt either.

Husbands and wives do not hurt each other, so their virtues return to each other."

Jiang Wang’s eyes moved, and what he was reciting in Ye Lan’er was the original sentence from the Tao Te Ching, the Daluo Mountain preaching classic.

Although Maplewood City Taoist Temple belongs to the Yujing Mountain lineage, he had read it when he was in the Taoist Temple in his early years. He knew that this passage talked about governing by doing nothing, and the world would be peaceful.

But he didn't talk to me.

It was Chu Yuzhi who spoke up and said, "Does Miss Ye really admire Taoism?"

Even though we are in Chu territory, this is not a heart-breaking argument.

 All the schools of spiritual practice in the world all started from the Taoist sect.

Catechumenates don’t know who they are, and there is no need to involve political stance.

“Who wouldn’t want to take a look at the place where the Tao begins?” Yelan’er changed the topic back: “I just want to say that as long as you have the Tao in your heart, everything is a matter of practice. The same goes for governing a country, and so does cooking.”

 She smiled softly: "Where is the way of a gentleman? But I don't have the ears of a gentleman!"

Ye Lan'er's words seem to have a hidden meaning.

Jiang Wang smiled and said, "In Miss Ye's eyes, how many gentlemen are there among these young people in Chu?"

 The word "junzi" in Confucianism refers to a person who has achieved moral cultivation and a certain spiritual state.

 But when they talked about it during the dinner today, they were referring to otherworldly people.

Qu Shunhua and Chu Yuzhi may have felt that Jiang Wang was deliberately looking for a conversation with the most beautiful woman in Da Chu.

Only Zuo Guangshu glanced at Jiang Wang and knew that Brother Jiang had entered a "combat readiness state" and began to inspect his opponent.

 A gentleman among the young people of Chu State...

Aren’t they all competitors in the mountain and sea realm?

 Ye Lan'er's smile is very charming, and she is also very good at smiling.

Hearing this, he just smiled: "Every flower goes into his own eye, it's hard to say."

Turning his eyes to look at Chu Yuzhi: "What do you think Mr. Chu?"

 As the most beautiful woman in Dachu, it is not easy for her to criticize young heroes, otherwise she will inevitably become jealous.

Chu Yuzhi, however, had no scruples. After hearing the words, he pondered for a moment and said, "Xiang has great pupils and is brave and strong. Can he be called a gentleman?"

These words express praise for Xiang Bei and praise Jiang Wang secretly.

 Who here doesn’t know about the fight just now in front of the Huangliang Platform?

Ye Lan'er nodded and said, "Yes."

Chu Yuzhi said again: "The Wu family and Wu Ling merged with soldiers and scholars and formed their own family. Can they be called gentlemen?"

Yelan'er smiled: "Yes."

Chu Yuzhi continued: "Xiangu Zhongliyan was defeated by Douzhao in his early years. He abandoned his skills in anger and practiced martial arts on his own. Now his spine is twenty-fold. Can he be called a gentleman?"

This is the first time Jiang Wang has heard of the name Zhong Liyan. The martial arts backbone has opened to the twenty-first level, which can be compared to the presence of gods. Chu's magic is the best in the world. Zhong Liyan abandoned his skills to practice martial arts. He is really courageous. Especially...

He was able to reach the 20th heaven so quickly, and his cultivation level was on par with that of Dou Zhao. Of course, he was a genius.

Ye Lan'er smiled and said, "Zhong Liyan is a gentleman."

Chu Yuzhi paused, then suddenly spread his hands and said with a smile, "Can Dou Zhao be called a gentleman?"

 For each person he mentioned before, he would give a brief introduction to them.

 Only when talking about Douzhao, he only mentioned one name.

 But everyone present clasped their hands and sighed: "What a true gentleman!"

 Dou Zhao, Zhong Liyan, Wu Ling……

 It seems that these three are the biggest competitors in the mountain and sea realm.

 As for the others...

It may be disrespectful to say this, but it is true

  Xiang Bei is the most powerful person in Chu's country. Naturally, people below Xiang Bei do not need to take him too seriously.

 Including Chu Yuzhi who is speaking now.

 As for Qu Shunhua, she is now Lord Jiang’s recognized sister-in-law and is not on the list of opponents.

 I just don’t know who these people invited to help me.

 Is there anyone familiar?

This chapter has been completed!
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