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Chapter 101 White Tower

The Withering Tower breathed thousands of feet, growing almost infinitely in front of Jiang Wang and the others.

The color is pale and the shape is triangular.

It becomes increasingly abrupt and stiff.

The white tower standing on the boundless blue sea is completely incompatible with the sky and the sea.

The cold breath fell like a waterfall.

The seawater seemed to have lost its vitality. Starting near the White Tower, it became turbid inch by inch.

Jiang Wang's face turned very ugly in an instant: "I've still been tricked!"

"What's going on?" Zuo Guangshu was shocked and confused.

Even Yue Tiannu's eyes looked solemn as he looked at the rising withering tower.

"Let's go!" Jiang Wang turned around immediately: "Get out of here first! Talk while walking!"

Neither Zuo Guangshu nor Yue Tiannu had any objections.

Because while they were talking, the boundary between the Nanyuan Yuan and the rest of the mountain and sea realm was already clearly visible.

Countless souls, strange insects, and beasts from the Withered South Abyss came in like a tide and rushed outside.

The impact made the invisible barrier bang.

The black tide piled higher and higher, almost like the withering tower, heading straight to the sky!

At this time, you can clearly see that a "black wall" suddenly grew between heaven and earth.

It connects to the sea of ​​darkness below and the sky above.

The invisible boundary becomes tangible, the formless becomes the form, and the insubstantial becomes the quality.

However, the details in the black wall, those wriggling monsters, the ferocious mouthparts, the bloody bones, the painful souls... are really shocking!

The three men started running away again.

Jiang Wang stepped on the blue clouds and said urgently: "This Withering Tower has been suppressing the evil thoughts in the Withered South Abyss all the way. It made me understand that if I throw it away, a big disaster will happen in an instant. And the chaotic thoughts are swimming in it, and I can't do it at all.

I expressed doubts in the Withered South Abyss...but in fact, I shouldn’t have taken over the Withered Tower at all!”

"But..." Zuo Guangshu said, "If we didn't answer it at that time, it might have killed us directly, right?"

Jiang Wang shook his head: "I guess it can't directly kill us."

"In the mountain god wall, there is the will left by Huang Weizhen, the exact will. I got his divine seal to teach. This incident proves that the mountain and sea realm does have the significance of a place of trial, at least for those who come in with the Nine Chapter Jade Bi

People are like this. No matter how strong Chaos is, it can't compete with Huang Weizhen's will, even if Huang Weizhen is dead!

Therefore, in addition to the basic world structure, there must be some other rules in the mountain and sea realm. Those are the rules left by Huang Weizhen, which can ensure the continuation and fairness of the trial and maintain his inheritance. Of course, it can also

Bind these mountain gods and sea gods in the mountains and seas.

I saw a saying on Zhang'e Mountain: 'Stay here forever, God's name is given by God.'

God's name in the mountains and seas is not only a conferment of power, but also a responsibility. It is the integration of power and responsibility.

As the saying goes, 'Gods have their own gods, and ghosts have their own ghosts.'

They all have their own powers and of course have their own responsibilities.

So what about Chaos in Withernan Abyss? I think it must maintain the order of Withernanyuan, and at the same time, because the Withernanyuan it is stationed in involves the inheritance of the Chapter of Nine Phoenixes. It will provide Nine Phoenixes to those who find Withernanyuan.

The clues of the chapter should also be one of its responsibilities, otherwise there would be no need for it to explain to us the Nine Phoenixes superfluously.

Of course, these are just guesses, but Chaos must be bound by some kind of rules. Otherwise, with its power, it would be impossible to sit in front of the Poseidon Wall all the time, with stones covering its body. There is no need to put in so much effort, let us help

Take the Wither Tower away.

Think about it carefully, what have we done? We just walked around the Wither South Abyss and brought out the Wither Tower. Why didn't it do this by itself? Because it simply couldn't do it!

The "Wei Nan Bu Chen", the "corruption of divine discipline", the "Zhangwei Mountain", and the "confused thoughts" are all just a pretense. It is very clear-headed at all, and I was deceived by it!"

Yuetiannu felt that there was something wrong with Chaos very early on, but she also had her doubts: "But its chaotic will, violent aura, and uncontrollable killing intent are all real. When I used the Buddha's Heart Mantra to appease it,

, I feel deeply about this.”

"Yes, those are real. But instead it turns those... those places that should make people wary, into places where it is reliable." Jiang Wang murmured: "This is what makes it scary.


"The Zen master said that the Sui Nanyuan is similar to the disasters in the world. The disasters are controlled by the Sanxing Palace and the Blood River Sect. As the god of the Sui Nanyuan, Chaos must have been given the priesthood to govern this place... and what does the Sui Nanyuan look like?

, we all saw it.”

At this moment, Jiang Wang made more connections: "No, it was a mistake for me to come to Nanyuan."

"It doesn't care what we do, it doesn't care what we get."

"It doesn't require us to go to Zhongshan or Zhangwei Mountain at all."

"It only requires us to take this white tower out of the Abyss... That's enough!"

"How did it know we were coming to Nanyuan?" Zuo Guangshu asked in the biting wind.

Jiang Wang asked back: "How did you know that you were going to the Tiangui Mountain in the North Pole to look for the Nine Phoenixes? You had to rely on the feathers of the Nine Phoenixes to find clues to the Chapter of the Nine Phoenixes, and you had to rush to the Withered South Abyss?"

"This method of finding the Nine Phoenix Seal is a rule in itself. Since Huang Weizhen left the Nine Phoenix Seal, she must still be willing to have someone pass it on, and she has also set up a test."

He said with lingering fear: "When we appear in the North Pole Tiangui Mountain, Chaos will certainly know where we are going next. Because as the god of the Withered South Abyss, it is part of the inheritance rules of the Nine Phoenix Chapter. But... it

Maybe it doesn't fully follow the rules of this world and has the ability to challenge a little, so it sits in the South Abyss but makes the South Abyss so desperate, so that's what we have experienced."

Zuo Guangshu was a little stunned: "Brother Jiang, when you say that, it's a bit too scary..."

"When I was in Tiangui Mountain in the Arctic, a mysterious will sneaked into my Wufuhai. I thought I had understood its plot. But in fact, I was still affected by it... I felt the danger and wanted to see

The truth, so I made the decision to rush to the South Abyss!"

The more Jiang Wang said, the more frightened he became.

If Baiyun Boy was bewitched by him, then he would have to wait for Yunding Immortal Palace to rebel in Wufuhai, and the consequences would be unimaginable. Baiyun Boy was not bewitched and told him everything. He sensed the danger and must take action.

.But at that time, if we wanted to get closer to the truth, was there any other choice?

No matter what choice you make, it's wrong.

Everything is under the control of Chaos!

"Sneak into your Wufu Sea?" Zuo Guangshu looked shocked.

Yuetian Nu also listened with rapt attention.

"I have been thinking whether that will is Zhu Jiuyin or Chaos. Now it is certain. And the disappearance of Jiufeng and Qiang Liang must be related to it." Jiang Wang said slowly: "The changes in the mountain and sea realm,

That's what it set off. Maybe it's not just it..."

"Why us?" Zuo Guangshu asked: "If it just wants to send the Withering Tower out of the Withering Abyss... As you said, it is a very simple thing. Is there no other way?"

"It doesn't have to be us, it can also be someone else. But it must be someone who comes to the mountain and sea realm for a trial." Jiang Wang shook his head and asked, "Do you remember how Chaos described Zhu Jiuyin's crimes?"

Zuo Guangshu was still a little confused, but he quickly replied: "It is said that it deceives the will of heaven and the gods below."

"God's will...this is the reason." Jiang Wang said more and more confidently: "Because we hold the nine-piece jade into the mountain and sea realm to experience, which is recognized by Huang Weizhen. We represent Huang Weizhen's will, and we represent the will of God in this world! So we

The Wither Tower can be brought out of the Wither South Abyss. Chaos itself cannot do it, nor can the other subordinates it controls, because they are all bound by 'God's Will'."

"That's it!" Yue Tiannu suddenly realized: "I still felt very confused at the time. Zhu Jiuyin controls day and night, and it remains constant. Since we entered the mountain and sea realm, there has not been a deviation. How can we say that it defies God's will? It

It is obviously the embodiment of God’s will and the defender of order!”

"I still don't understand." Zuo Guangshu said: "If the will left by Huang Weizhen is the will of this world, then what does Chaos want to do by doing so much?"

Jiang Wang looked at him: "Look, you have excellent talents, a top family background, relatives, friends, stories, and dreams. If one day, you find that you have been living in a cage all this time,

, you can never get out. Your words and deeds will always be bound by a certain will. What do you want to do?"

Zuo Guangshu's fists suddenly clenched and he didn't say anything, but he had already said everything.

Jiang Wangdao: "Whatever you want, Chaos will do."

When Jiang Wang said these words, what he thought of was the bewitching Baiyun boy's voice in the Wufu Sea.


Maybe it’s not just pranking?

A being who could speak the Word actually sat in front of the Poseidon Wall for nine hundred years.

There is such a powerful power, but it is hidden in a place like Nanyuan...

There must be something supporting it.

A being living in a world shrouded by Huang Weizhen's will wants to rebel against this world. The name of God is given by God, but he fights back against God's will.

There must be something supporting it.

"Wei Nan Bu Chen" may be the words left by Huang Weizhen, expressing his feelings for Chu State.

But it may not be the voice of Chaos.

Chaos used these words to arouse the emotions of Chu people like Zuo Guangshu, and it was not without some sincerity of his own.

While the three of them were talking, they kept flying rapidly, with Jiang Wang always leading the way.

"What are you going to do now?" Yue Tiannu asked.

"Now it is no longer a problem that we can solve." Jiang Wang said: "I plan to find a mountain god wall or a sea god wall nearby and tell Zhu Jiuyin about this matter. It should already know that something happened in Wither Nanyuan, but it may not be able to

Know all the details.”

"Yes." Zuo Guangshu said: "Chaos wants to fight against God's will and challenge the rules of this world. And Zhu Jiuyin wants to maintain the rules of this world. Since we represent God's will in this world, Zhu Jiuyin is our friend, Chaos

They are our enemies."

"Guangshu." Jiang Wang asked: "Who do you think the mind-eating beast was driven by in the Withered South Abyss just now?"

"Isn't it chaos?"

"We are following Chaos' plan, so why does it need to stop us? Will assimilating us in the Wither South Abyss do it any good?"

"You mean...Zhu Jiuyin?"

"That Wither Tower is really protecting us, at least in the Wither South Abyss. And who else in the mountain and sea realm can mobilize the mind-eating beasts to break through the Wither Tower's protection?" Jiang Wangyu said earnestly:

"Zhu Jiuyin is the defender of order in the mountains and seas, but he may not be our friend. Under the premise that we are being used by Chaos, it obviously has its own choice whether to win over us or to strangle us."

Yue Tiannu could tell that Jiang Wang was teaching Zuo Guangshu to understand the world clearly. Although this noble son raised in the Duke's mansion was full of knowledge and well-versed in hundreds of schools of thought, he was often too naive.

That was the innocence that was once allowed.

Xiyue'an actually did not force others to stay awake, but she thought about it and added: "This is a land of mountains and seas, but there is no doubt that it is also a very real world."

After all, I already have the fate of traveling together.

Based on the story of Wei Nan Buchen, it resonates with the situation of Chaos.

But for Jiang Wang's analysis, Zuo Guangshu undoubtedly trusted him more. After hearing this, he said: "Although we are not friends, at least at this time, our demands are consistent with Zhu Jiuyin's. So we should inform him as soon as possible. Tell him.

It withers all the details in the abyss."

"Our demands are not exactly the same." Jiang Wang said: "Zhu Jiuyin must maintain the order of this world, and we only need to get the Chapter of Nine Phoenixes. Although it is difficult to distinguish between true and false in this world, and there is no distinction between false and false.

.But for the mountains and seas, to a greater extent, we are just passers-by."

He seemed to be persuading Zuo Guangshu, and also seemed to be persuading himself.

"Since Zhu Jiuyin can mobilize the mind-eating beast, I think I already know what happened." Yue Tiannu said: "Do we still need to inform it?"

Jiang Wangdao: "Zhu Jiuyin must not be omniscient and omnipotent, even in the mountains and seas, otherwise chaos will not have any chance. And the speed of the food-eating beast can also roughly explain Zhu Jiuyin's understanding of Wither Nanyuan

.So I think it is still necessary to pass on information.”

"Can you contact Zhu Jiuyin through the mountain god wall?" Zuo Guangshu asked again.

Jiang Wangdao: "It should be possible. If it is really paying attention to us..."

Just at this time……

Rumble, rumble, rumble!

A terrifying sound suddenly exploded behind him.

Even Jiang Wang became deaf for a moment!

The three people looked back while flying quickly, only to see

The withering tower that has been expanding seems to be able to expand infinitely. Just in front of the "Black Tide Wall", it keeps getting higher and higher...

The clouds and smoke are stirred up, and they are still rising.

It seems that it has reached the end of the sky and is still rising!

That terrifying sound was the sound caused by the impact of the spire of the Withered Tower at the end of the sky that was out of sight!

The river of time seems to have stopped at a certain moment.

Then it continued to flow.

The world that was bright and magnificent just a moment ago suddenly became dark and gloomy.

The boundless sky seems to have collapsed in this corner!

Thunder and lightning streaked across the sky and earth, with the power of annihilation.

The sea suddenly became violent, and the waves kept coming and going, like a demon probing its claws.


Amidst such strange noises, a terrifying hurricane formed, sweeping everything, one after another, from heaven to earth.

A certain boundary between heaven and earth was broken, and the terrifying "Black Tide Wall" "collapsed" in an instant. The malice belonging to the Withered Nanyuan rushed towards the entire mountain and sea realm without reservation.

"No need to go..." Jiang Wang said.

Zuo Guangshu looked at his face.

His expression at that moment was one of defeat.

This chapter has been completed!
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