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Chapter 3 A Journey of Ten Thousand Miles

At the beginning of the new year, a piece of news shocked the world.

The evil cult White Bone Way, which had been dormant for hundreds of years, has resurrected. It has opened the gate of ghosts in Fenglin City, Qinghe County, Zhuang State, urging hundreds of ghosts to walk daytime. They sacrificed the whole city with the Formation of No Life and No Destruction, and refined the True White Bone Pill.

This elixir is said to be a rebirth from the underworld, and can accelerate the formation of the White Bone Daozi, achieve peak combat power, and thus lead the White Bone Evil God to the world.

Dong A, the dean of the Maple Forest City Taoist Academy, had an insight into this matter and thwarted the White Bone Taoist conspiracy. He teamed up with Du Ruhui, Prime Minister of the Zhuang Kingdom, to seize the food from the tiger's mouth and steal the True Bone Pill in front of the White Bone Evil God and offer it to Emperor Zhuang!

Only then did the world know that Emperor Zhuang had been sitting in a deep palace for many years, in the name of practicing cultivation, but in reality it was to recuperate from his injuries.

At that time, a new king of Zhuang State came to the throne, and the new emperor Zhuang Gaoxian worked hard to govern, and the country gradually became more powerful.

Yong Guo repeatedly provoked and violated borders.

Originally, this was an old thing. Since the founding of the Zhuang State, the disputes with the Yong State have never stopped. Even the people on the border between Zhuang and Yong are used to this kind of thing. Of course, the Zhuang State always suffers.

But what people didn't expect was that Zhuang Gaoxian was very brave. He smashed the dragon chair in the main hall and led the army to conquer it himself. With the power of a small country, he raised an army to conquer Yong! And he won a great victory! He personally killed the general of Yong's border town.


This battle became famous all over the world.

This battle brought peace to the Zhuang-Yong border for more than ten years.

After the war, Zhuang Gaoxian directly announced his retreat, and everyone thought he was going to achieve a realm above the presence of God.

Everyone in the court kept secrets so well that no one knew that he had been recuperating in the palace for so many years.

The reason why this news is known to the world now is, of course, that it is no longer enough to be a problem.

Zhuang Gaoxian swallowed the White Bone True Pill and not only recovered from his injuries, but also achieved the Cave Realm in one fell swoop! From now on, he can be called a real person in this world!

At that time, the state of Zhuang was at war with the state of Mo in the south. Because the general Huangfu Duanming was not around, the state of Zhuang was defeated by three cities in a row.

After the breakthrough, Zhuang Gaoxian came in person and easily killed the leading general of the Mo Kingdom. Using Dongzhen's power, he forced the Mo Kingdom to cede ten cities.

For a time, the country's prestige was greatly enhanced.

In that year, Zhuang Gaoxian changed his name to Dading. All the surrounding countries began to reorganize their armaments, just because of the ambition shown by this new name.

Dong A, the former dean of the Maple City Taoist Academy, had made such a great contribution that he had been promoted to Deputy Prime Minister of Zhuang State and became the right-hand man of the Prime Minister Du Ruhui. He also had great power and was in charge of criminal matters.

His status is not even below the head of the Criminal Investigation Department.

From being in the cold in the court, he was once pushed out of the political center. Now he has risen rapidly and is considered the most popular official in the court. Dong A's deeds have also inspired many people.

When Jiang Wang learned the news, he had already left Yun State and walked a long, long way.

At that time, he was drinking quietly in a restaurant in a foreign country. Although he was drinking, he was mainly listening to the conversations of people coming and going in the restaurant to have a general understanding of the current situation in the world.

I heard people discussing Zhuang Guo happily, and some people expressed on the spot that they wanted to find a way out of Zhuang Guo.

Jiang Wang didn't feel any sense of pride, but felt cold all over.

These messages are half true and half false, such as opening the gate of hell and allowing a hundred ghosts to roam during the day, which happened before Xiaolin Town.

Another example is Dong A's attempt to thwart the White Bone Road conspiracy... It was clearly Jiang Wang who had insight into the White Bone Road conspiracy, reported to Dong A, and risked his life to protect his homeland. However, Dong A took advantage of the situation and sacrificed countless lives in the entire city to

Plan to seize the True Bone Pill as a way to advance into the world.

Prime Minister Du Ruhui, General Huangfu Duanming, and even Emperor Zhuang Gaoxian were all complicit.

Now that they have gained fame and admiration from the world, who still remembers those countless innocent souls in Maplewood City?

At first, one city was destroyed and three cities were defeated.

Afterwards, while retaking three cities, they also cut off ten cities. It seemed that they were making a lot of money. Emperor Zhuang was wise and powerful, and Johnson was resourceful and decisive.

Can gaining and losing be just simple addition and subtraction of numbers?

Those people who died innocently, those citizens who trusted the country, the court, and the monarch, how innocent are they?

Does anyone remember their so-called "sacrifice"?

"Teacher, do you really want to go back to Xin'an City?"

Jiang Wang got up and returned to the guest room.

After a while, the waiter came to clear the table, but he only saw a pile of fine porcelain powder on the table.

The illusion of Taixu, the blessed land of Donggong Mountain.

Jiang Wangjing waited for a while before receiving Zhen Wudi's slightly fat paper crane.

Unfolding the letter paper, it read: The seventh day of March. Linhai County, Qi State.

The information was rare to be concise and clear, because during this period, Zhen Wudi had been forced by his family to practice crazily. He had to set a time limit to drink a glass of water, and it was really difficult to squeeze out any free time.

For Jiang Wang now, he has things he must do, and he also has firm goals and plans.

He wants those who should be responsible for the collapse of Maplewood City to pay the price!

But the premise of all this lies in strength.

The first thing Jiang Wang thought of was the secret realm of Tianfu that Zhen Wudi had mentioned.

After leaving Maple Grove City, he wrote a letter to Zhen Wudi, saying that he wanted to participate in the exploration of the Tianfu secret realm he mentioned, and asked if there were still places.

Zhen Wudi readily agreed. Today, he received a letter informing him that the opening time of this Tianfu Secret Realm has been determined. He must arrive at Linhai County of Qi State before the seventh day of March.

He still doesn't know the specific situation of Tianfu Secret Realm, but if someone from a family like Zhen Wudi takes it seriously, he will definitely gain more than he imagined. Of course, the danger will not be less.

This is also the reason why Jiang Wang sent Jiang Anan to Lingxiao Pavilion first.

The State of Qi is one of the most powerful states in the world, located close to the East China Sea. From the State of Yun to the State of Qi, one has to pass through seventeen countries and three sect territories.

In this great age, all the heroes in the world have risen together. The composition of political power is not all the same.

There are Taoist countries like the Zhuang Kingdom that respect Taoism as the state religion, and there are also neutral countries like the Yun Kingdom that are dependent on the existence of Lingxiao Pavilion. Some countries are inclusive, and the major sects in the country compete with each other. Some countries have strong political power, and all domestic sects are controlled.

, orders and prohibitions. Some places do not have a country, and those powerful sects are like a country...

Traveling thousands of miles from Yun State to Qi State, the scenery in each place is completely different.

Ye Qingyu gave him a Yunhe, because his address is not fixed. Yunhe can find the owner based on his innate connection with the owner, but he does not have the ability to find others all over the world. So he can only take the initiative to write a letter to An An, and An An

Reply after receiving the letter.

Everywhere Jiang Wang went, he recorded the local scenery and shared them with An An and Ye Qingyu.

An An will also talk about his life in Lingxiao Pavilion.

However, as the journey got further, Yunhe's reply speed became slower and slower.

Jiang Wang did not immerse himself in the journey, but practiced and experienced the world along the way.

At this time, he has been tempered enough and no longer needs to suppress his cultivation realm.

The first small circle he established was the sun, moon and stars, his love and ideals.

Now that we have reached this point, a second small Zhoutian has been established. It is the mountains and rivers, the road under our feet, the changes of the years, and the scenery along the way.

On the third Sunday, he began to think about himself. He thought about the road he had traveled, the people he had met, and the things he had experienced. He wanted to ask why he came and where he was going.

For Jiang Wang, this is his journey, and more importantly, his practice.

He must participate in the secret realm of Tianfu in the most perfect state.

Not long after exiting the Taixu illusion, Jiang Wang suddenly felt that the whole room seemed to shake.

And then heard, bang! bang! bang!

A low and distant muffled sound.

He finally confirmed that it was not an illusion.

Because with this sound, the whole room, no, the whole ground was shaking faintly.

Jiang Wang rushed out of the window, jumped to the rooftop of the restaurant, and then saw:

A gigantic turtle-like beast was walking forward step by step with its head held high. Every step made the whole earth tremble.

How big is this giant beast?

Just its thick and short legs were taller than the towers of Jiang Wang's city.

And on its tortoise shell, Jiang Wang saw...

Pavilions and pavilions, people coming and going...a huge city!


This chapter has been completed!
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