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Chapter 121: Gods have their own gods, ghosts have their own ghosts

Chaos is dead.

He died in the river of time and space, and disappeared along with those colorful streams of light.

Zhu Jiuyin died and was crucified on the central mountain.

The remaining body disintegrated and the white tower collapsed.

Countless skulls of alien beasts rolled down.

Everyone on the mountain road flew to avoid it.

Only half of the central mountain is left, and the end of the mountain road is cut off there.

No one can know what kind of scene they will see when they take the jade to the end of the mountain road.

The divine light shield ironically still exists.

Rays of divine light flew back to those strange beasts in the Divine Mansion, which was regarded as untying the connection of life.

Corpse Phoenix Jiaxuan and Tianhuang Kongyuan are still facing each other.

It's just that the existence that controlled them has died, and they are fixed there, as silent as two sculptures.

The heavy rain fell on them, half flowing into the night, and half evaporating into clouds.

All the resentment, hatred, and unresolved emotions in this world all fell into the rain.

Ta-ta-ta-ta, tap-ta-ta-ta.

Hitting the divine light shield, dense small black water splashes splashed out one after another.

"It's blooming." Zuo Guangshu murmured as he looked at the scene on the divine light shield.

There is an unspeakable cruel romance.

Rumbling, rumbling, the mountain is still falling.

The world is still mourning.

All the rules are collapsing, and the mountain and sea realm is finally heading towards irreversible destruction.

"What should we do now?" Fang Heling asked in a trembling voice.

He was afraid of death. He was too afraid that he would die before Zhang Linchuan.

Wang Changji didn't say anything, he just reached out and grabbed a piece of jade with nine chapters from behind the stone tablet at the foot of the mountain. He rubbed his hands gently, then twisted it into a fishing line, wound it twice, and wrapped it around his index finger.

That's all the preparation.

And Moon Goddess put his palms together, the Buddha's light appeared, and his face was full of compassion. The power of the Pure Land was flowing through his body, and it was time to cross the sea of ​​suffering in a lonely boat.

Jiang Wang just said: "Guangshu, follow me."

Dou Zhao's body bloomed with golden light, dazzling. No matter when, where or what he was doing, he would fight for the first place...

At this time, the sky-blue phoenix turned back!

The rain stopped.

Kong Yuan looked back, showing an extremely graceful gesture.

Its blue eyes looked at the collapsing central mountain, revealing a stream of colorful light.

Countless pale skulls rolled down and stopped.

The collapse process of the mountain was also stopped.

The central mountain stopped shaking, and the shield of divine light silently retreated.

The river between reality and reality has disappeared. The other world on the other side of the river certainly does not exist.

The ancient stone tablet at the foot of the mountain, with the eight pieces of jade still embedded in its back, automatically broke away from the groove and flew into the hands of everyone who had previously pressed it into the groove.

Jiang Wang held two pieces of jade in his hands. Wang Changji had already taken the piece for himself, and the others each took one piece.

At this moment, everyone looked into Kong Yuan's eyes, and their figures were also imprinted into the sky-blue world.

The look in Kong Yuan's eyes was not as dull as people imagined, a person who had lost his control.

In other words, it was empty at the beginning, but now it is extremely dynamic.

This makes people realize that it also has its own life, giving birth to free will and a unique soul.

There is no longer snow in the sky, and the sky is clear after the black rain has fallen. The collapsing sky slowly rises, everything that is falling no longer falls, and the raging thunder and lightning hides in the clouds...

And Kong Yuan looked at the people participating in the mountain and sea realm trials. His eyes showed neither joy nor sadness, neither closeness nor disgust.

This glance.

Sky-blue divine light flowed around him, and everyone holding the jade disappeared.

Disappear into the central mountain.

Jiang Wang only felt a bright but temperatureless force, like a small boat carrying him across the sea. He held the Jade Bibi of Shejiang River in his left hand and the Jade Bid of Si Meiren in his right hand.

The left ear only hears singing:

"I am very fond of this strange dress, and I am not old even though I am old.

Lu Lixi wears a long hairpin, Cui Wei wears a crown and cuts the clouds..."

There is also a long song in the right ear

"...I am traveling south alone, thinking of Peng Xian!"

The glow of the jade gently enveloped him, allowing him to take a few last glances at the mountains and seas even as the light passed by.

In the ethereal singing, the sravaka's fairy state captured another phoenix cry.

Its sound spreads across the mountains and seas.

Jiang Wang vaguely saw

In front of the central mountain, witnessed by many strange beasts.

The black phoenix flapped its wings and flew away, as if covered with a layer of night, but it left the central mountain and flew towards the ocean.

The mandarin duck stayed on the central mountain and then flew up to the sky.

Jiaxuan left the central mountain and flew to the sea.

The empty mandarin ducks wash the sky, making it clear for thousands of miles.

And Jiaxuan took away the night, like a dream that has disappeared.

The beautiful black wings trace a graceful trajectory, the roaring hurricane gently blows away, and the violent tsunami slowly flows back.

Jiaxuan's beautiful figure gradually faded away...

The sea is flat wherever you go.

Jiang Wang suddenly skipped a sentence in his mind: "Stay in this house forever, God has given me the name of God."

Zhu Jiuyin stole the world power of the Mountain and Sea Realm and created Kong Yuan, but was it really the creation of Kong Yuan?

Chaos has accumulated evil thoughts for hundreds of years, struggled to gain strength in endless pain, and used Jiaxuan as his trump card. But where did the legend of the nine types of Phoenix come from?

To this world, what is the difference between Zhu Jiuyin, Chaos, Kong Yuan, and Jiaxuan?

Zhu Jiuyin and Chaos are dead.

Kong Yuan and Jiaxuan are naturally reborn.

Jiang Wang had a clear understanding in his heart

Kong Yuan and Jiaxuan have stabilized the world order.

Kong Yuan, who is now in charge of the central mountain, is sending them away.

Next it should be time to harvest.

Because giving fairness to the testers is one of the fundamental rules of the world of mountains and seas.

And this exactly reflects the stability of this world...

That kind of brokenness, that kind of collapse, seems to be just an illusion.

It's nothing more than Tianqing's history repeating itself again.

The plot may be more exciting or less exciting, there is no essential difference.

But...is this the end?

In the sky-blue divine light, in the rapidly changing colors.

Jiang Wang felt a sense of loss.

And it's not just because of the three forks.

But this feeling did not last long. Under the sky-blue divine light, a huge flow of information soon poured into his mind. After all, he was familiar with this feeling. He had already experienced it once in Zhang'e Mountain.

He is receiving some kind of inheritance.

"Wait a minute!" Jiang Wang suddenly felt a sense of hope: "I don't want this, I don't want any inheritance! Resurrect me the Trident! It's the Dou King Beast that was killed by Chaos!"

But the inheritance did not stop.

There is no temperature in the rules themselves. Just like the sun falling on you, it actually doesn't care whether you need warmth.

Jiang Wang spread his right hand and shouted again: "I can return the essence and blood, erase the memory of the seal, and use this jade biscuit to exchange for a three-pronged jade! It doesn't have any power! It's all virtual reality, Kong Yuan, you

It can save more power for the mountains and seas!"

The sky-blue divine light showed no response.

Jiang Wang's eyes dropped slightly: "Then, I request that the power of this jade be given to Zuo Guangshu to help him obtain the Chapter of Nine Phoenixes."

Maybe some rules have been violated.

With a flash of sky-blue divine light, the beautiful woman's jade has disappeared.

Techniques, illustrations, dense annotations... all poured in at once, giving Jiang Wang a feeling of swelling as if his head had grown countless times bigger.

It's also over.

The sky-blue divine light has begun to flash.

Gu/span> Jiang Wang didn't know where the courage came from. He suddenly pressed out with a finger, and on the tip of his index finger, a wisp of beating Samadhi True Fire penetrated the sky-blue Phoenix Divine Light.

He felt a destructive force.

But the jade jade with nine chapters on his body protected him.

The sky-blue divine light flashed violently, and everything within the scope of the five senses disappeared.

In the last moments of leaving the mountain and sea realm, Jiang Wang captured a tiny piece of information

Kong Yuan and Jiaxuan worked together to stabilize the order of the mountains and seas, and have completed the distribution of authority.

The empty mandarin takes over the sky and floating mountains.

Jiaxuan controls the Nanyuan and the sea.

The empty mandarin governs the day

Jiaxuan rules the night.

They each perform their duties and each keep the name of God.

The mountain god is headed by Kong Yuan, and the sea god is vassal to Jiaxuan.

In a completely new order.

The mountains and seas are reborn.

But he didn't see the three crosses.

We didn't even find...the body that was photographed like a meatloaf.

"Gods have their own gods, and ghosts have their own ghosts."

“It’s hard to find understanding again when you come to enlightenment.”

"This life is like mountains and seas, and death is like sand."

Jiang Wang thought again of the passage he saw on the sacred wall of Zhang'e Mountain...

The last sentence is "Nine chapters appear together to pass on this seal method."

But when all nine chapters appear...are they just the sealing method?

As the saying goes, "Gods have their own gods, and ghosts have their own ghosts."

Isn’t it the embodiment of order?

Everything has its order, and everything develops according to its order.

The vast expanse of mountains and seas.

Do not exist for chaos.

Don’t die because of Zhu Jiuyin.

Don't care about a trident.

This goes on for hundreds of years, until...

The great being who created all of this has returned from his fantasy.

Of course there is the spark of revolution.

Of course there is the power not to give in.

But these are also part of the reality.

This is more true.

The meaning of life lies in not surrendering, and the reality of the world lies in resistance.

The rebellion of Chaos and the ambition of Zhu Jiuyin, the confrontation and layout between them that lasted for more than 900 years... are all their contributions to the reality of this world.

Huang Wei really died, leaving no puppet, no remaining consciousness, and no interference in the mountain and sea realm more than nine hundred years later.

Everything that happens in the mountain and sea realm is a choice of free will.

But such an earth-shaking turmoil has passed, and the mountain and sea realm has just moved forward one step further.

No one can really stop it, no one can really influence it.

Huang Weizhen no longer exists, but he is everywhere.

The legend left more than 900 years ago is still continuing more than 900 years later.

Everything, no matter how it evolves, is his world.

This is the great being who stands at the end of the extraordinary and takes a crucial step towards the top...

Looking at such a majestic figure, who can not feel the insignificance of himself?

Jiang Wang remembered what Wang Changji said, "I'm just a passing thief, taking a sip of water while the owner is away."

At that time, I just thought it was Wang Changji's modesty, but now I know that he just recognized the truth early.

At the end of the burning life, Chaos shouted Huang Weizhen before crossing over with his body.

Maybe it also saw something.

But maybe... its last cry at the end of its life is just to accumulate resources for the next evolution of the mountain and sea realm.

Even though his hatred for Chaos is still there, thinking about this makes him feel despair for Chaos.

But from this, we can better understand the cry of chaos for freedom.

It didn't want to live under some kind of control all its life, although until the end, it never crossed the palm...

Zhu Jiuyin, and even the newly born Kong Yuan and Jiaxuan... how can they be exceptions?

Jiang Wang opened his eyes and found that he was still in Zuo Guangshu's room.

The two people sat opposite each other, with the same posture as before they left.

The two pieces of jade in my hand have disappeared.

There was only a piece of jade called Orange Song suspended between him and Zuo Guangshu.

Zuo Guangshu also happened to open his eyes.

With a bright smile on Mingxiu's handsome face, he immediately shared his joy with Jiang Wang: "Brother! I got the Chapter of Nine Phoenixes!"

Jiang Wang was naturally delighted.

But after being happy, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

The last thing that came to his mind from the Mountain and Sea Realm was the secret of Huang Weizhen's divine presence. There were secret methods for condensing spiritual consciousness, and Huang Weizhen's experience in achieving divine presence... it was quite rich.

His harvest and Zuo Guangshu's harvest were all so impressive. Thinking about Wang Changji Douzhao's harvest, they wouldn't be any worse.

The reason why the Mountain and Sea Realm is so "generous" is naturally because there are enough rewards.

He is not jealous of Huang Weizhen's achievements, and it is difficult for him to have any emotions towards Huang Weizhen, who has been dead for many years.

This trip to the mountains and seas, from two drops of blood essence of alien beasts, two seals, to the secret of the arrival of gods, it can be said that he made a lot of money.


Something is lost, lost forever.

Once some existence is erased, it can never come back.

In the past thousand years, ten thousand years, and even more years, there is only one Huang Weizhen who has the chance to return from the fantasy.

Who is the leader of the troubled volcanic island in the mountains and seas?

It was swatted to death by Chaos.

And Chaos itself was just struggling feebly.

That world has a new order, a new beginning. There will be a new Dou King Beast on the volcanic island, but it will never be the Trident again.

Jiang Wang held the Feudou essence and blood in his hand and felt that it was hotter and hotter than Bifang's essence and blood.

When he was in Tiangui Mountain in the North Pole, Chaos secretly settled in his Immortal Palace and regarded his Yunding Immortal Palace as one of his escape routes.

He never mentioned this, and after Sancha's death, he was already ready to fight the remnant souls of Chaos.

As long as the chaos battle fails, try to activate the backup plan.

He must let Chaos know how heavy his anger is.

But in the end... Chaos dug its own seven orifices to open up the five consciousnesses for the beings in the mountains and seas, allowing them to see the world, but it did not use this ambush.

The revenge plan he prepared for Sancha came to nothing.

The most disappointing thing is not that things are irreversible or that there is no way back.

But after things became irreversible and there was no turning back, he could no longer do anything for Sancha.

"Brother Jiang?" Zuo Guangshu stopped smiling and looked at him worriedly: "Are you unhappy?"

"How is that possible?" Jiang Wang smiled warmly: "Hurry up and complete the Nine Phoenix Chapter and let me see what kind of magical power it is!"

He had long been accustomed to gathering his emotions in front of Jiang Anan and fighting against the wind and rain alone. He also had similar emotions towards Zuo Guangshu.

Zuo Guangshu was doubtful: "I think you seem to have something on your mind..."

Jiang Wang was very pretentious and said with a proud smile: "I was just thinking that there are so many talented people fighting to cross the mountains and seas. There are nine pieces of jade in total, and we only took three! What does it mean to be the best! What does it mean to be skilled?

Overwhelming the crowd? Hahahahaha, I really don’t know how those who have been eliminated must feel!”

"Ah!" Zuo Guangshu suddenly screamed strangely and his expression changed.

Without saying anything, he rushed out of the room, turned around, and was gone.

Only Brother Jiang, who had just led him across the mountains and seas, was left alone in the room...



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