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Chapter 6 Xiaocao lowered his head as if in remembrance

Right in front of Jiang Wang, the white-haired old woman was burned by black fire.

He didn't even have time to ask for information, let alone understand the truth.

At the same time, with the appearance of the black fire, Jiang Wang clearly felt an evil force "seeping" into Tongtian Palace.

It was something black, like flowing water. It was a power rooted in a curse.

The white-haired old woman may regard him as a group of enemies, and he is also part of the sad curse of sacrificing her life and soul.

Jiang Wang controlled the star-wrapped spirit snake and was about to control Dao Yuan to expel it, when the black candle in Tongtian Palace suddenly moved, and the evil power disappeared without a trace.

It must have been swallowed up by the underworld candle.

Jiang Wang's feelings for Mingzhu are very complicated. On the one hand, he hates its association with the Bone Path, and on the other hand, he did feel Mingzhu's warning before the disaster in Maplewood City. And it was Mingzhu.

Only by using the Bone Escape Technique transmitted by Zhu, he was able to save Jiang Anan. Even though the price was his longevity.

This is not the time to think about this matter. Just because the white-haired old woman dies does not mean that the matter has ended there.

Jiang Wang took out the cursed paper figurine and pinched it, and a small piece of green grass sprouted from his palm.

This is a C-level medium-grade tracing Taoist memory grass, which can trace traces of existing things based on their scent.

Xiaocao lowered his head, as if thinking about it.

The direction in which it lowers its head is the direction in which it is tracking and searching.

But since the birth of this memorial grass, it has been spinning in Jiang Wang's hand, refusing to lower his head no matter what.

Jiang Wang understood that the level of this Taoist technique was too low, and there was no obvious smell or other residue on the cursed paper figurine, so it could not produce any effect.

Thinking of this, Jiang Wang casually made a wooden box to temporarily seal the cursed paper man. A few of them jumped away and randomly selected an unoccupied house to climb inside.

Separate part of your mind and sink into the illusion of Taixu.

Another round of blessed land challenges has passed, and he has now fallen to Taoshan blessed land, which ranks twenty-eighth.

Of course, along the way, he once again reached the top 100 in the Zhou Tian Realm match in the Taixu Illusion Realm.

This was due to Xiao Zhoutian's perfect construction, which enabled him to complete the breakthrough in the optimal state without being left too far behind by the first echelon in Taixu Fantasy Realm.

Taoshan Blessed Land produces 1,350 merit points every month. Before he reached the top 100 in Zhou Tian Realm, he had more wins than losses, so he earned some merit. Now he has accumulated 4,310 merit points.

Jiang Wang summoned the stage, and his stage still only has one floor.

I have already learned from Zhen Wudi that the upgrade of the performance stage needs to be achieved through "performance", that is, the deduction of techniques.

The more powerful and mysterious the technique is, the more it can promote the advancement of the Taoist stage.

Jiang Wang has so far deduced the Ziqi Donglai Sword Jue and the Four Spirits Body Refining Jue, but he probably hasn't reached the advanced level yet.

Putting the Mu Xing Taoist Memorial Grass on the performance stage, Jiang Wang poured all his energy into it and started to deduce it.

Now that he is traveling alone in the world, an excellent trace-finding technique is a must, and the Remembrance Grass can obviously no longer meet his requirements.

When the power drops to 3100 points, it stops.

Jiang Wang understood that this was roughly the limit of the first-level stage, or the limit of the Memorial Grass.

A total of 1210 power points were consumed to achieve a second-level Taoist skill. In memory.

Jiang Wang withdrew from the Taixu Illusion Realm, because it was an upgraded Taoist technique of Memorial Grass, and it did not need to be familiar with again like a new Taoist technique. After carefully studying it for a while, he had mastered it eight or nine times.

Jiang Wang took out the cursed paper figurine again and used the Dao Jue.

I saw a line of black smoke slowly drawing away from the cursed paper man, which was the power of the curse on the paper man.

This black smoke twisted, and under the influence of Taoist power, it gradually formed a small black smoke grass.

The grass bows its head, as if in reminiscence.


Jiang Wang looked in the right direction and strode away.

Turn left, jump over the wall, and swim through the crowd like a fish.

Just at this moment, he suddenly heard a terrifying roar.

The sound was dull, huge, and violent!

Jiang Wang looked back and saw the huge turtle beast outside the city suddenly going crazy, clawing at the ground with all four limbs, and roaring.

It probably does have the blood of Ba Xia, because just like the mythical beast, it has sharp teeth in its mouth and fangs sticking out of its lips.

Jiang Wang noticed from a distance that its eyes were surrounded by a layer of black smoke and gradually became blood red.

That is the power of the curse.

how come?

That level of curse power can affect a giant beast with Baxia's bloodline?

Something's wrong...

Jiang Wang's footsteps stopped. No matter which cult it is, if the other party can have the power to shake this giant beast, it will definitely be unbeatable by him.

He has his own things to do. His sister is still waiting for him in Yuncheng.

He can't take risks. He can't sacrifice himself because of disasters that happen in a foreign country.

When the giant turtle beast went crazy, the upper city on the back of the turtle shell reacted instantly. The entire city suddenly shone brightly, and the thick earth-yellow walls flowed around.

Blessed by great strength.


The huge turtle beast lay on the ground with all four limbs, unable to move for a while, and kept roaring to itself.

A figure flew over the city and shouted throughout the city: "Don't stop the formation, try to delay the sacred beast that protects the country! Others block the city gate and search all locations in the twenty-seven cities. Don't let any suspicious person go!"

From the upper city, the densely packed monks were shaken off like lice from a giant beast and fell into the twenty-seven cities of the lower city.

The Monument-bearing Army, the strongest monk corps in the entire country, is stationed in the upper city all year round. Following the footsteps of the sacred beast that protects the country, it patrols the entire territory.

Jiang Wang dispersed the Tao Jue and stopped thinking about the Tao Technique. The lingering smoke dissipated and he easily crushed the paper man into ashes.

Then he put his cloak back and walked calmly into the crowd.

These elite monks dispatched hundreds of people at a time, enough to plow the entire twenty-seven cities in the shortest time.

At this time, he is still conspicuous by wearing a cloak.

At this moment, another voice suddenly sounded out of control in the upper city: "Yin Guan! You are so brave!"

Then came another young voice: "You all dare to deceive the world and steal your reputation! What do I have..."

The sound after that was not heard and must have been annihilated.

But at the same time, the crowd screamed.

Because the huge turtle beast outside the city suddenly stood up!

The city on the turtle shell is still stable, and the earth-yellow light of the formation has not dimmed, but it only blocked it for a moment, and the giant beast with Baxia's bloodline has already stood up!

Ba Xia is extremely powerful and likes to bear heavy loads. This giant turtle beast also inherited his habits.

If Youguo builds a city on it, it needs to keep adding weight. Otherwise, it will leave and carry the mountains on its own.

The formation blessing of Youguo Shangcheng was already one of the trump cards prepared for him, which was enough to increase his power instantly. However, he was still carried by the crazy giant beast.

The ground rumbled again.

The giant turtle beast's huge body slowly turned around, as if it was about to face the twenty-seventh city directly.

Once it turns around and steps on it, I can't imagine what kind of disaster it will be.

It is impossible for most ordinary people in the entire city to escape!

This scene instantly reminded Jiang Wang of the day Maplewood City fell.

It is also so powerless.

At this moment, a tall figure fell like a meteorite and landed in front of the giant turtle beast.

He stretched out his hand and held the legs of the huge turtle beast that were like towers.


The man roared like an ancient beast, and the armor on his entire upper body collapsed in an instant, revealing his muscular upper body.

A person as small as an ant actually held a stalemate in the air for a moment with a giant beast as high as a mountain!

Such great power!

Then the giant turtle beast stepped down!

There was a faint cry from the whole earth.


This chapter has been completed!
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